To Give You All a Cat-Bird's Seat
By Anna Von Reitz
Here, to give you an example, is one of the arguments I
have been subjected to this week: it is
immoral to use crude oil as an asset-backing for a
currency (USD) because crude oil is very useful
and is needed to make many commodity items that people
need, above and beyond its use as a
lubricant and fuel and source of electricity.
I tend to agree. It is immoral to use food as the asset
backing a currency for the same reason. People
actually need oil and actually need food, so no such
commodity should be used as "money". This is
precisely what argues in favor of using relatively
useless substances like gold and silver as assets
backing currencies: they aren't really needed for any
other reason or purpose and nobody (in theory)
has to starve or freeze for lack of direct possession of
a lump of gold or silver.
On the other hand, the use of these otherwise
comparatively useless metals as money results in a
totally lunatic situation of a different sort--- we are
treated to the spectacle of people valuing things
that are essentially value-less in the first place,
which is why everyone is arguing in favor of using
gold and silver as a "moral alternative" to
using crude oil or coconuts.
Well, if uselessness is our primary consideration in
developing a moral alternative to oil assets
backing our currency, why use gold or silver, either?
Why not condone what the bankers have already done, and
just arbitrarily assign "value" to numbers
in a ledger? What's more useless and harmless than that?
And if our entire world economy is essentially nothing
but a matter of giving each other credit and
passing numbers back and forth---which is what it all
cranks down to in the end---- why not admit
that we have a bookkeeping problem and deal with that?
Think of it as a simple math problem, in fact, the
simplest kind of math problem: an equation. (In this
case, thanks to embezzlement and counterfeiting and
dishonest bookkeeping, it is an equation that
has gotten wildly out of balance.)
A + a = C + c
"A" stands for "Actual Money" --
meaning things like Silver Certificates that are used to represent
actual commodities, or Birth Certificates that are used
to represent the value of labor.
"a" stands for "Actual Assets" --
meaning actual commodities: wood, paper, pork bellies, soybeans,
corn, etc., etc.,
"C" stands for "Credit" -- meaning
things like bank loans and Credit Cards.
"c" stands for "collateral" ---
meaning things that are locked down as collateral backing "Credit"
held as "securities" guaranteeing that Credit
will get paid back.
In their lust for growth and greed, the bankers and
corporate governments have allowed "C" -- credit
extended -- to vastly outgrow the value of the Actual
Assets and Actual Money, which in the end have
to counter-balance and equal out the whole equation.
This whole movement to arbitrarily define the value of
gold at $10,000 an ounce is an attempt to
balance the equation by greatly increasing the value of
"a" and "A", which can then counter-balance
the weight of Credit extended.
This is all the predictable result of a fatal flaw in
the monetary model of John Maynard Keynes, which
was adopted at Bretton Woods. Those who put it in place
knew that it would inevitably result in this
situation, but they also knew the consequences would hit
long after they were dead--- so they flat out
didn't care about the Fatal Flaw, which was simply
this--- it required endless expansion of the
economy to work, and the only thing driving this
expansion was population growth which also
inevitably meant increased demand upon resources, which
then also was supposed to drive the value
of those resources up according to supply and demand.
But the alternative to this rosy, ever-growing,
ever-expanding model is the reality we now face. With
the foxes left guarding the hen house and "endless
credit" to be plundered and a real world in which
economies expand and contract like breathing organisms,
increasing populations and increasing
demand on resources can also result in "implosion"---
a stalled world economy, too many people left
unemployed and therefore unable to pay for what they
need, much less able to pay more for what
they need.
We are at a crossroads where greed meets necessity, and
some of the best minds on the planet are
left spinning in mid-air, contemplating the absolutely
insurmountable pile of debt which has been
accrued and dumped on present and future generations.
The present bankruptcy of all the world's corporations,
including the Territorial and Municipal
governments worldwide, is not a bankruptcy in the same
sense that we think of normal bankruptcy
and it isn't taking place in a bankruptcy court per se.
It is taking place via international treaty. This is
the same bit of collusion that took place among the G-5
nations in May of 1930 at the Geneva
The government corporations simply agree to go bankrupt
en masse via treaty, discharging their
debts against the living people and natural resources of
the planet and unleashing ruthless "US
Trustees" appointed by the Secondary Creditors
(international banks) to do the collecting of all this
odious debt from people who have no idea that their
land, their businesses, their names, their labor,
and all else that they naturally possess has be been "pledged"
as surety for this debt without their
knowledge or consent.
This is why your objections and claims need to be
addressed to the General Secretary of the United
Nations, the Pope, the President of the UNITED STATES,
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Minister
May, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the SEC, the FBI, and
others who are directly responsible for this Mess.
As always, keep your mailing receipts and your green Return
Receipt Requested cards as proof that
you objected and claimed your exemption from any such
presumption of surety-ship.
Otherwise, you wake up one morning as home owners in
Ohio and Pennsylvania and Arkansas did
this past summer with a "tax bill" and an
unsigned Demand Letter addressed to FIRST MIDDLE LAST,
claiming that out of the blue, an insurmountably huge
bill is owed and due at the end of the month,
and if you don't pay, your home will be sold at public
auction to the highest bidder.
At a less obvious level, this is also what is behind all
the mortgage foreclosures. There isn't a living
American who owes a single mortgage in this entire
country, apart from private deals and trades
between people who are almost universally presumed to be
tenants instead of landlords. This legal
presumption arises because you are a victim of identity
theft and have been misidentified in the
public record as a "U.S. Citizen". U.S.
Citizens can't own land in the states. They can only "reside" as
tenants here on a temporary basis.
It comes as a great surprise to many average Americans
to learn that they have been "voluntarily
donating" forty or more percent of their gross
earnings to a foreign, for-profit corporation, and that
they have been paying off mortgages owed by the foreign
Territorial States of States franchises
which have been surreptitiously operating on our soil---
such as the State of Ohio, or State of Oregon,
and that when they are done paying off those mortgages,
their land and homes and businesses will
still belong to the State of Ohio or State of Minnesota,
etc., and not to them.
And all of this --- absolutely all of it --- has been
done to obtain "unlimited credit" using the assets of
others as collateral under color of law and conditions of
deceit. So it is all bogus and always has
been, but the debt can't just be written off, because
that leaves all the pension funds and innocent
investors hanging.
What to do?
Obviously, crafting an answer that is fair to all
parties has been beyond the ability of those who have
been tasked to find a solution. Tinkering with the
assigned value of currency commodities isn't going
to do it, changing the "standard commodity" to
gold instead of oil isn't going to do it, and trying to
continue kicking the can down the road and raising the
debt ceiling and voting ourselves more
endless credit on the backs of the unborn isn't going to
do it, either.
The gross imbalance of credit versus actual assets has
to be incrementally unwound just as it was
accrued, one by one, and step by step.
We know how to slice through this Gordian Knot and
answer the Fatal Flaw in the Keynesian model.
The question is--- will anyone listen?
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