Joachim Hagopian, Surging Stress, Anxiety and Polarization are Driving America’s Mental Health Crisis – By Design

Joachim Hagopian

As a licensed mental health clinician for over a quarter century, and author-journalist for more than a decade, I can honestly say that the fragile state of Americans’ mental health today is plummeting at an unforeseen rate, the likes of which virtually all Americans alive today have never experienced before. With the economic forecast looking ever-gloomier throughout Western economies, financial stress and job anxiety are running rampant in both America and UK/Europe, causing a mental health crisis. In America, anxiety ranks as the #1 mental health issue in the workplace. This presentation analyzes the multiple layered factors and patterns driving this runaway train wreck of our tenuous mental and emotional well-being.

This out-of-control roller coaster ride was jumpstarted by the criminal elites’ Covid bioweapon pandemic in early 2020, and its devastation has only gained more momentum every year since, partially due to the premeditated killing fields caused by the untested experimental poison non-vaccines that were both promoted and mandated for over three years as “safe and effective.” Actual science has only proven the fake science to be just the opposite. On March 2nd, 2022, the unelected UN co-conspirator the World Health Organization (WHO) ran the headline:

COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide

The genocidal conspirators’ scheme to catastrophically depopulate the human species off our planet of 8 billion people failed to fulfill their high expectations, but exceeded their expectation as a centralized power grab marking the largest redistribution of wealth in human history. The planetary rulers’ pandemic hoax and subsequent death jab holocaust still sterilizing, maiming and killing victims has proven that they can run a lethal mass psyops to deceive unsuspecting earth inhabitants manipulating and frightening our human species majority into falsely trusting lying murderers into taking their poison.