Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, October 4, 2024

WHY HELENE WAS WEAPONIZED: Asheville NC mines have the “riches deposits of lithium IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!


Frankenstorms Become New Normal As Disaster Capitalists Rape, Pillage And Plunder USA

Where UN Agendas 21 and 2030
Facilitate Disaster Capitalism
Land Grabs

Path of geoengineered Superstorm Helene showing how it was parked right over western North Carolina and east Tennessee to produce 1000 year floods.

“They’re stealing North Carolina land so they can mine the lithium and quartz.”

State of the Nation

Asheville NC mines have the “riches deposits

Not only that, but there’s another highly coveted mineral by Big Tech and the IT Industry which also happens to be profoundly impacted by the geoengineered frankenstorm Helene.

How convenient for the predatory disaster capitalists who want the land that sits on top of ‘80% of world’s high-purity quartz’

Now here’s a an excellent video presentation that wraps it all up whereby the viewer will feel like they’re watching “MAUI 2.0”—the most naked land grab in U.S. history.

How to Steer Hurricanes,
Flood Homes, and
Steal Lithium

For the uninitiated, the entire planetary civilization is, and has been, ruled by extremely wealthy and powerful oligarchs who rule the realm from behind the curtain.

You will NEVER know their names or see them mentioned in the mainstream media because absolute secrecy is the very basis of their ascendancy in the affairs of men.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Musk and Bezos, Gates and Buffett, Huang and Zuckerberg are really quite poor compared to the trillionaires.


The world is one giant chessboard upon which they move their pieces in order to rape, pillage and plunder every square inch of planet Earth much as the Roman Empire did.

You see, they no longer seek money or power, fame or influence; they have it all as their Illuminati bloodlines have enjoyed for millennia.

What they really want is total command and control over all the land, water, air and space—EVERYWHERE. And there’s much — MUCH — more to this mundane goal than explained here.

Toward that end, because they are the self-anointed “Masters of the Universe”, they feel they can do anything, anywhere, anytime to advance their mulitfarious agendas.

These nameless and faceless oligarchs set up the UN for that exact purpose: to create the precursor to a One World Government which would administer their worldwide empire. (There are other reasons for their all-consuming greedy pursuit of EVERYTHING which are beyond the scope of this article.)

Both Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are the product of their long range plan to own and operate on every square mile of the planet. Which is why they want you to “own nothing and be happy”.

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion
Over The Earth’s Weather And
Natural Resources

State of the Nation
October 3, 2024


GEOENGINEERED SUPERSTORM HELENE: Brought to you by the world’s premier sponsors of disaster capitalism—BlackRock & Vanguard

“Modern Economy Rests On Single Road” In North Carolina Where Hurricane Collapsed Bridges

HURRICANE HELENE UPDATE: Lithium Deposits SIT under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina

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