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An American Affidavit

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Ultimate Con of a Government “Rules-Based System”


The Ultimate Con of a Government “Rules-Based System”




The US puppet in Ukraine is feeling hot and sweaty.  Europe has lost interest, his UkroNats have lost patience, and Russia is plodding steadily to Kiev and Odessa.  The solution?  Zelensky wants “his” nukes back from Russia, and if he keeps this up, perhaps he will get them, pointy end first.

Meanwhile, the moral high ground always claimed by US government – whether in Ukraine or the Middle East or Taiwan or Central America or the flyover states – has collapsed like the I-40 in North Carolina.

The scam kings and consorts in Washington, DC have created a royal world of manners in which they live and function.  The presidency is Potemkin, and in our elections, as Jame Bovard explains, “voters merely have a cameo role to sanctify the nearly boundless power of officialdom.”

This world of manners is what we are all told is the “rule-based system” whereby the US serves as kindly globocop, who only occasionally takes a little kickback from the “protected” souls.  Like with the US soldiers in northern Syria, guarding Conoco oil extraction.  This is why when a US president ordered troops withdrawn from Syria, the permanent bureaucrats just patted him on the head. They always know better than the people.  They prefer a brain dead president, like Biden, and if not that, one with a head filled with a fluffy self righteousness and just a touch of fascism will do just fine.

As Americans, we have two problems.  First, we the people didn’t design these rules, didn’t agree to them, and frankly would never consent to them, if we knew how they worked.  That’s kind of a big problem.  Second, the power exerted by government “embeds” – the media kind, the business kind, the protective racket kind – is for lack of a better word, octopussified.  But unlike the James Bond thriller, the thieves and racketeers Mischka and Grischka operate out of DC.

I won’t blink if anyone notices who these criminals literally resemble in Washington, DC.  Our own Mischka and Grischka have been hard at work, and like the twin criminals in the employ of a global syndicate, they are part of a crime army with big desires.

Actual rules exist in all armies, including criminal armies.  These rules are Machiavellian, but the leaders we have in DC today are not Machiavellis.  While no doubt immoral, they distinctly lack the objectivity, mental discipline and ability to actually manage a tabletop army, sacrificing where needed and advancing conservatively.

The US-based international order, a “ruled-based” system, is nothing more than a simple and straightforward con.  The rest of the world, perhaps five billion people, understand and accept this Washington vanity for what it is.  They see it, on a good day, as a shroud covering the raw greed and the strange and wondrous insecurity of the Washington political machine.

These rules honestly don’t matter to Washington and its permanent staff, the MICIMATT.  Examples of this are legion, and as unique as each American’s own perspective.  Ask people in Tennessee and North Carolina, or those in Lahaina, who understand the federal government is a liar, and less than useless. RFK, Jr has a lifetime of legal experience trying to force governments simply follow their own rules in terms of environment and food safety.  Three generations of soldiers in America have come home wondering what it was they were fighting for, and why their friends died, and why the VA is not fighting for them now.  People around the country, from the rural and urban working poor and even some of the elites, wonder why our borders are apparently wide open to people who, as JD Vance explained, are brought in work for poverty wages, against the personal and economic interests of actual Americans.   I thought we had rules?

Those who are concerned about war and unhinged, unaffordable Pentagon and CIA spending can point to blatant government lies about the US “purpose” in destroying Ukraine for US exploitation, first as an experimental battering ram and now as an erstwhile stalking horse vis a vis Russia, and work their way backward to Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, the former Yugoslavia.  It never ends.  Then there are those who care about morality, safely estimated at about 80% of Americans.  They are uniformly appalled that without any Congressional discussion, Biden and the permanent state has illegally and repeatedly deployed US soldiers on the ground to defend Israel, a country with which we have no mutual defense treaty at all.  Rules? Washington don’t need no stinkin’ rules!

Beyond that, Americans have been made even more complicit than ever before in the direct military shooting fish in a barrel genocide of hundreds of thousands of Gazans and other Palestinians by the Israeli ruling coalition. Babies, journalists and medical workers have been from Day One targeted by snipers, and every UN code and phrase defining genocide has been explicitly met and satisfied by the US/Israel coalition, as the US government cheerleads the slaughter, and overwhelmingly funds it. In my lifetime, we have gone from wondering if the Israel lobby has too much influence over our elected leadership, to quietly acknowledging the permanent leadership and staff of the MICIMATT is “Israel uber alles” to publicly admitting to ourselves that isn’t a case of tail wagging dog or dog wagging tail, but that the dog is itself a Zionist believer, and is working actively to expand Israel deep into the existing borders of her current neighbors.

Who voted for any of this?  And as the iconic Hillary Clinton once said, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

Voting is one way we sanctify boundless state power, but not the only way.  Every day we we fail to challenge and disobey its endless bunk, we sanctify Washington.  When, like Hillary Clinton, we sanctify the murderous state, we enable it to murder, rob, and con another day, and another.  Fearing our disobedience and our challenge, as it fears everything, that sanctified state has quietly leveraged our ambivalence to build its own army, and developed its own comprehensive plan for war against us all.

A starting point for all Americans is to give weight and value to our own emerging doubts about the purpose and honesty of the “rule-based” system promoted by Washington.  It has been from the beginning a tool for war, and that war is increasingly coming home to us.

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