Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 23, 2024




Well, before we get to today's story and blog about a video (yes, a video) shared by S.S., a little update is in order:

As you know during last Friday's vidchat I complained of a leak problem in my master bathroom. The leak, which I originally thought was a bad floor gasket for the toilet, turned out to be an old hot water heater on its last legs, which required two trips from the plumber, one to turn off the leak in an emergency patch, and another to replace and install a new heater, and then an electrician to instill some sort of gizmo for the new heater.  All of this necessitated that I move a bunch of stuff from the storage area where the heater is in order to allow the one to be removed, and the other to be installed. This took forever (much of the day Saturday which left me very tired most of Sunday.)  I'm now waiting for an inspector to come and certify all the work done... (insert heavy sigh here), then it's moving a bunch of stuff back into the storage area, and sorting through a bunch of other stuff to figure out what to throw out.  In the process I found several old family pictures, including of my father during WW2 in his army uniform.

Anyway, I am still not done, but I wanted to give an update, and to do a very quick blog about a video that S.S. sent, which I actually watched (and NO this does NOT   mean that it's suddenly ok to send videos. Remember, if you send a video, at least let me know in the subject header that the contents of the email is a video and what the video is about, so that I can immediately delete it.  I simply do not

have the time to watch videos. I make exceptions, and in this case, S.S. prior to sending the video, let me know about the subject before sending the video.) Articles only please, and if there were good articles about this story rather than a video, I'd be blogging about them and not the video. While there may be articles, I've not had the time the past few days to look for them. Anyway, there is still no vidchat scheduled for this Friday night, but I MAY change my mind at the last minute, and hold one anyway, but just one that is a spontaneous chat-room-only sort of thing with no presubmitted questions but questions taken directly from the chatroom. A bit of a one-off, I know, but better than nothing. We'll see, but stay tuned to the forum for updates.

But as I'm sitting here waiting for the inspector to show up, I thought I'd at least try to knock out a few blogs, and this one definitely deserves to be at the top of the list.  It is about twenty minutes long, but well worth seeing if you have the time.  I'll offer a few comments and a bit of high octane speculation afterwards:

Now if you watched all that as I did, you'll have been fascinated by it all, and will have drawn a few conclusions:

(1) Whoever built the structure - we'll call it a "channel" or "shaft" just for convenience, because we really don't know what it is nor what it's for - had construction and stone-fashioning skills similar in skill to whomever built the two giant pyramids and some of the valley temples at Giza.  The massive stone blocks are dressed and faced with similar skill.

(2) This in turn suggests something: since the stones of the Great Pyramid in particular seem to have been dressed and faced with an almost optical precision, this suggests that a similar machine-like purpose may have been behind the care exhibited during the construction of the "channel".

(3) In my own "weapon hypothesis" of the Great Pyramid, as well as Chris Dunn's "machine hypothesis", it has been suggested that the Great Pyramid was a resonator of some sort. In my opinion, a resonator of local celestial space and the objects in it, including, of course, the Earth, Moon, and Sun. In Dunn's thinking (and I agree here with him completely), the resonator was designed to manipulate longitudinal waves, primarily in the Earth itself. Accordingly it was necessary (to use Tesla's words) to "get a grip on the Earth" and this explained the underground features of the pyramid. In the case of the Khara Hora channel, the channel itself goes beneath the surface for some distance, only to emerge in a high and narrow chamber, which even the video speculates might have served the function of a resonator. It should be noted that the video also mentions the steady flow of air from below that chamber up into the chamber, and thence up through the channel to the surface.  Now, most of you will know immediately what I was thinking at that point; being an organist who grew up playing pipe organs, I immediately thought of an organ pipe, and I've advanced the notion that there are features of the Grand Gallery in the Great Pyramid that resemble a capped organ pipe (which serves to double the fundamental of the resonator length, see my Giza Death Star or the more recent The Giza Death Star Revisited). In short, the Khara Hora channel or shaft, with its large narrow chamber, has characteristics very much in line with features of a large pipe in a pipe organ. If so, in this case the resonator would produce very low frequency "tones", perhaps as harmonics of the Schumann resonance. In short, it would produce infrasound, and as I pointed out in the original Giza Death Star, infrasound can easily be weaponized.

(4) At the minimum, then, it appears we're looking at the parts of a machine, and this would explain why the structure does not appear to be constructed with a view of "easy human access" in mind. It serves some other, probably resonator, purpose.

So herewith my final bit of speculation. In my book The Grid of the Gods I offered the highly speculative hypothesis that not only were many of these megalithic sites actually constructed as machines of some sort (and very sophisticated ones, in my opinion, at that), but that it also appears, given their unusual and careful placement on the Earth's surface (and beneath it) that they may also have been components in a much larger "mega-machine" consisting of the planet itself. In short, it is not difficult to construct hypotheses were the Khara Hora shaft or channel is a component of a machine that also includes the Great Pyramid.

See you on the flip side...

(If you enjoyed today's blog, please share it with your friends.)


Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science".

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