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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Please Help Prevent a Medical Miscarriage of Justice. Is “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS) linked to Excessive Vaccination of Infants?


Please Help Prevent a Medical Miscarriage of Justice. Is “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” (SIDS) linked to Excessive Vaccination of Infants?

The reprehensible story behind Shaken Baby Syndrome covering up vaccine induced infant deaths.

In this publication, I have made the case that there is over a century of evidence that sudden infant death syndrome (all of which is comprehensively detailed here) is linked to excessive vaccination of infants.

In that article, I provided extensive references for the following points:

  • SIDS “mysteriously” clusters at 2 to 4 months of age—which is also when children happen to receive the vaccines most strongly associated with causing SIDS (e.g., the TDwP pertussis vaccine). Many doctors and patients noticed this, but it has been relentlessly dismissed by the medical industrial complex.
  • As far back as 1933, case reports were produced of children experiencing brain damage and then infant death shortly after the TDwP shot. (e.g., a 1978 report that studied 15 million TDwP injections linked numerous cases of the vaccine to brain damage and death).
  • In 1979, the CDC also completed its own analysis 1980 of 23 deaths within 28 days of DTwP vaccination, 12 (52.2 %) occurred within 24 hours, and 18 (78.3 %) occurred within one week. In 16 of the 23 deaths, autopsy findings were consistent with SIDS. Of the 16 SIDS deaths, 6 (37.5 %) occurred within 24 hours, and 12 (75 %) occurred within one week.
  • A 1982 study that was inspired by observing 4 cases of SIDS within 19 hours of the TDwP vaccine that then studied 200 randomly selected SIDS cases. They found most of infants had been vaccinated prior to death (6.5% within 12 hours of vaccination, 26% within 3 days, 37% within a week, 61% within two weeks, and 70% within 3 weeks), with death typically following brief periods of irritability, crying, lethargy, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and sleep disturbance. Additionally, their autopsy findings were relatively consistent (e.g. petechiae of lung, pleura, pericardium, and thymus; vascular congestion; pulmonary edema; pneumonitis; and brain edema).
  • In 2014, mass graves were unearthed for Irish orphans who coincidentally had been test subjects for the early diphtheria vaccine in the 1930s.
  • In addition to there being countless cases of children receiving those vaccines and dying suddenly later in the night, many cases also exist of two twins both dying within 24 hours of the vaccine (e.g., the earliest was in 1946, while this article reviews 13 cases of simultaneous twin SIDS deaths)—something which is almost impossible to have occurred by chance. Additionally, in many cases (e.g., this 1987 one, this 2007 one, this 2010 one, and this 2013 one) of twins who died after vaccination and were found dead lying on their backs.

Note: I believe the immediate twin deaths were likely due to them both receiving a hot vaccine lot (which as I show here, was a longstanding problem with the TDwP vaccine—for example, in 1978-1978, 11 babies in Tennessee were found to have died within 8 days of a TDwP vaccine, 9 of whom received the same lot—leading the US government to privately acknowledge the deaths may have been due to the vaccine and the manufacturer issuing a memo to spread future lots throughout the country so hot lots would no longer cluster in an area and cause identifiable SIDS outbreaks). One of the truly remarkable things about these events was that the FDA rejected the manufacturer’s proposal to put SIDS on the warning label for the vaccine (although since that time it has been implemented).

  • In 1957, an Australian MD (Archie Kalokerinos) worked with the Aboriginal community (who were poorly treated in Australia and had abysmal living conditions resulting in a 10% infant mortality rate—compared to 2% in the neighboring regions). He realized this death was largely due to widespread vitamin C deficiencies (as their native diets had been destroyed by colonialism). In many cases, he was able to rescue infants on the verge of death in minutes by giving them vitamin C. Likewise, he showed that vitamin C deficiency also explained the children’s widespread epidemic of pneumonia, severe ear infections, severe infant irritability, and a frequent inability to feed. He eventually ignited national controversy by successfully defending an Aboriginal woman accused of killing her child by proving the bruising on the child’s body was due to scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) rather than child abuse, and when he at last convinced the authorities to start giving vitamin C to Aboriginal children, all of these conditions dropped dramatically. Most importantly, he found that much in the same way an illness (e.g., pneumonia or sepsis) rapidly depleted vitamin C levels (which is essentially why IV vitamin C is so helpful for treating sepsis), vaccination would severely exacerbate an existing vitamin C deficiency. This was best shown by a vaccination campaign killing 50% of the children in one Aboriginal community (you read that correctly 50%), and that giving vitamin C to animals before vaccinating them prevented them from dying.

Note: in addition to this, a large body of evidence links TDwP vaccination to childhood ear infections (e.g., numerous studies have found that vaccinated children are 3-50 times more likely to get them).

  • Japan’s decision to delay the scheduled DTwP vaccination by 20 months resulted in an 85-90% reduction in the instances of SIDS.
  • When SIDS cases at morgues are examined, they cluster at precisely 2, 4, or 6 months of age (rather than spread throughout the 2 to 6 month period).
  • Prior to the mass vaccination programs in America, SIDS was very rare (to the point few were even aware crib death occurred), but rapidly spiked (to the point a new diagnosis category had to be made) after national mass vaccination and before long became the leading cause of death in the first 12 months of life. For instance, between 1953 to 1992 in Olmstead County, Minnesota, the rate of SIDS went from 0.55% to 12.8% of live births (going from 2.5% to 17.9% of total infant deaths), with 85% occurring within the first 6 months of infancy. In contrast, during that same time, almost every other childhood disease was continually decreasing.
  • A 2011 study showed there is a direct correlation between how many vaccines a country gives their children and their infant mortality rate.
  • While the rates of SIDS steadily increased, once the TDwP vaccine was replaced with the safer TDaP vaccine between 1991-1996, it began to decrease. This reduction is commonly attributed to the Back to Sleep campaign, but this ignores the fact that the decline began before the campaign. That many infants (e.g., the twins) have been found dead lying on their backs, and that prior to the TDwP vaccine, sleeping on the back wasn’t an issue.
  • When cases of SIDS are analyzed in VAERS, they cluster next to vaccination (e.g., 75% occur within 1 week of vaccination and comprise almost all infant deaths associated with vaccination).
  • The National Vaccine Injury Act was passed in response to growing public outrage over DTwP deaths due to NBC airing a national story on the dangers of this vaccine (something which would never air in the more corrupt media of today):


Click here to watch the video


  • That documentary and the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act resulted in a safer DTwP vaccine (DTaP) being made (which still causes SIDS but not as frequently). Unfortunately, the DTwP vaccine is still used in Africa. When extensively studied, it was found to make children 5 times as likely to die (3.93 for boys and 9.98 for girls).
    Note: while some died shortly after vaccination, the primary cause of their deaths was chronic immune suppression which made them more vulnerable to the numerous deadly infections existing in that region.
  • When COVID happened, many in the vaccine safety community predicted the lockdowns would lead to a massive drop in SIDS cases (since children were skipping their non-essential vaccine appointments). As I show here, this indeed was what happened (and likewise happened shortly after in Florida once large numbers of parents opted out of routine vaccination). To this day, no explanation has ever been provided for this mysterious decline in SIDS.

How Vaccines Cause SIDS

Presently, the following is known about vaccines and SIDS:

  • The more vaccines are given concurrently, and the more premature an infant is, the more likely they are to die after vaccination (e.g., I summarized 4 studies showing the former and 14 showing the latter here).
  • In many cases, this death can be observed to be preceded by intermittent cessations of breathing and a slowed heart rate. In many cases, when children are in the NICU (which is often the case for premature infants), their breathing can be observed to become interrupted following vaccination (e.g., I summarized 12 studies that observed this here).
  • Those results inspired investigators to begin testing respiration function in infants at home with home monitoring systems, and from that, it was observed that TDaP frequently led to intermittent interruptions of breathing.

All of this, in short, suggests that vaccination can interrupt the automatic breathing mechanism and that when this happens at home (rather than in a hospital where it can be flagged by the monitors and the infant saved with CPR), those babies die.

Presently, I believe this occurs because vaccines, due to their impairment of the physiologic zeta potential, often cause microstrokes in the brain that can be easily detected by basic neurologic evaluations (discussed further here). These microstrokes result from a critical threshold being passed, which helps to explain why premature infants (who are smaller) are less able to tolerate standard vaccine doses, and why more vaccines being given concurrently are more likely to cause this to happen.

As it happens, the most vulnerable area of the brain to these microstrokes is the region that allows the eyes to move outwards. In turn, a loss of smooth outwards tracking of the eyes is one of the most common vaccine injuries (e.g., this happened to many people I know following COVID vaccination).

As it so happens, the region of the brain that controls respiration is very close to the part of the brain that controls outward eye tracking movements (marked as a 6 for CN-VI in the below image):



In turn, there have been many cases of inward deviated eyes proceeding respiratory interruptions, including one documented one where both eyes turn inwards (indicating a more severe compromise of the blood supply) which was then followed by SIDS.

In addition to these findings, numerous autopsies in SIDS cases have been conducted which have found the following:

Abnormal neuropathologic findings were acute congestion, defective blood–brain barrier, slight infiltration of the leptomeninx by macrophages and lymphocytes, perivascular lymphocytic infiltration, diffuse infiltration of the pons, mesencephalon and cortex by T-lymphocytes, microglia in the hippocampus and pons, and in one case of necrosis in the cerebellum.

Histological examination revealed polivisceral stasis, and mild cerebral edema. Acute pulmonary edema mixed with areas of acute pulmonary emphysema were recorded. Myocardial interstitial oedema was also detected. Histological examination of the cardiac conduction system was unremarkable. Small intraparenchymal hemorrhages on the spleen and adrenal glands were observed. Pulmonary mast cells were identified and quantified, and a great number of degranulating mast cells with tryptase-positive material outside were observed (Fig. 2). Data resulting from quantitative analysis recorded a numerical increase in pulmonary mast cells in fatal anaphylactic shock (average mast-cell count 12471/100 mm2 ) compared with that of the traumatic control group (traumatic death) whose average mast-cell count was 3657/100 mm2.

These findings are consistent with a heightened inflammatory response, microstrokes occurring, and leaky blood vessels (a characteristic result of scurvy and, thus the vitamin C deficiency described by Archie Kalokerinos MD).

Furthermore, many also associated SIDS with the brain inflammation vaccines (particularly DTwP) that would frequently cause (e.g., there is a characteristic piercing cry infants with brain inflammation will frequently utter). One of the particularly interesting aspects of this was that once the DTwP vaccine entered the market, a variety of behavioral changes were observed in the generations that followed (e.g., autism, flat affects, being more disconnected ADHD, sociopathic behavior). I can personally attest to having witnessed many of those cases myself. Remarkably, many of these personality changes are identical to what had previously been observed in patients who had encephalitis.

Note: the damage the vaccines (particularly DTwP) have done to the collective consciousness of American society are profound, and one of the most widely read articles I wrote here was an attempt to clearly synopsize the data for what happened.

Shaken Baby Syndrome 

In 1971, the diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome was created, which essentially argued that abusive parents/caretakers who violently shook their babies would cause diffuse bleeding and swelling in their brains. This diagnosis has been incredibly controversial because the evidence linking it is weak and inconsistent (e.g., the symptoms are non-specific), and in recent years, the medical consensus has gradually turned against the diagnosis (e.g., see this 2016 article and this 2017 review showing there is a severe lack of evidence substantiating this condition), resulting in more and more courts dropping convictions for shaken baby syndrome.

If we look at the Wikipedia article on it (which represents the generally recognized consensus on the topic), there are a few passages that need to be highlighted:

Episodes of colic are greatest at 6 to 8 weeks of age, and studies have shown a peak in SBS incidence during this time as parents may perceive these episodes as excessive crying.

There is a strong association between crying and SBS, where studies indicate 1-6% of parents have shaken their babies to stop crying.

Effects of SBS are thought to be diffuse axonal injury, oxygen deprivation and swelling of the brain] which can raise pressure inside the skull and damage delicate brain tissue, although witnessed shaking events have not led to such injuries.

Diagnosis can be difficult as symptoms may be nonspecific. Symptoms may include altered mental status, trouble breathing, and vomiting. As a result, about 31% of true SBS cases may go unnoticed initially. However, imaging can provide valuable information about a potential SBS diagnosis. Imaging must be performed within at least 24 hours of the suspected injury to detect brain edema characteristic of SBS

While the findings of SBS are complex and many, they are often incorrectly referred to as a “triad” for legal proceedings; distilled down to retinal hemorrhages, subdural hematomas, and encephalopathy.

SBS may be misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, and overdiagnosed and caregivers may lie or be unaware of the mechanism of injury. Commonly, there are no externally visible signs of the condition. Examination by an experienced ophthalmologist is critical in diagnosing shaken baby syndrome, as particular forms of ocular bleeding are strongly associated with AHT.

In 2012, Norman Guthkelch, the neurosurgeon often credited with “discovering” the diagnosis of SBS, published an article “after 40 years of consideration,” which is harshly critical of shaken baby prosecutions based solely on the triad of injuries. Again, in 2012, Guthkelch stated in an interview, “I think we need to go back to the drawing board and make a more thorough assessment of these fatal cases, and I am going to bet … that we are going to find in every – or at least the large majority of cases, the child had another severe illness of some sort which was missed until too late. Furthermore, in 2015, Guthkelch went so far as to say, “I was against defining this thing as a syndrome in the first instance. To go on and say every time you see it, it’s a crime… It became an easy way to go into jail.’’

Note: the unrelating encephalitis cry (which many parents of vaccine injured children notice begins after vaccination) was one of the first things that made me aware of the fact vaccines weren’t safe, as if you feel into it, you can tell rather than being unhappy, something is wrong with the infant. Remarkably, in the book Peter Hotez (one of the world’s leading proponents of vaccination) wrote to debunk the link between vaccination and autism, he stated that prior to his daughter becoming autistic, she had a piercing cry that could be heard throughout the neighborhood—which again illustrates how blind the medical things are to obvious things right in front of them (e.g., the association between shaken baby syndrome and infants crying is widely assumed to be due to the crying provoking the parents into shaking them to death in an attempt to quiet them).

In turn, over the years, many physicians (besides just Archie Kalokerinos) have argued that shaken baby syndrome was a misdiagnosis for SIDS. For example:

This 2004 rapid response published in the BMJ which noted:

  • A review where 9 children with the classic signs of shaken baby syndrome (subdural hemorrhages and retinal petechiae) had no suspicion by their doctors of having been abused that in the past.
  • The symptoms attributed to shaken baby syndrome were previously diagnosed as Barlow’s disease and attributed to a lack of vitamin C.
  • In the past, these signs of a clinical vitamin C deficiency in the mother were cited as a reason to terminate pregnancies (as the children would be at a risk of complications throughout life).
  • Low vitamin C raised histamine levels (which causes vessel bleeding).
  • When 437 outwardly normal adults in New York were tested, 3% were found to have dangerously low vitamin C levels and very high histamine levels.

This 2006 paper noted that:

  • The children in the original paper used to create the diagnosis of “shaken baby syndrome” all had the characteristics of infantile scurvy (vitamin C deficiency).
  • That the histamine release trigged by the inflammation induced by vaccination could create the blood vessel leakage observed in those cases.
  • That children in Japan (where vaccination is delayed) mysteriously are “shaken” at 4-7 months of age rather than at 2-4 months of age in the United States.
  • That many bleeds that “result from shaking” were observed in children who could not have possibly been shaken (e.g., because they were still in the uterus or had just been born).

This 2006 paper reviewed two cases of children with all the classic signs of shaken baby syndrome who had never been shaken, were vitamin C deficient, and had their symptoms emerge following vaccination (which in turn was followed by respiratory arrest).

A physician who reviewed numerous cases of shaken baby syndrome found that in over half the cases, it was preceded by vaccination, signs of a vaccination injury and intense crying. He also noted that contrary to what the shaken baby syndrome experts claimed, there were a variety of medical conditions (besides shaking a baby) which could cause the classic signs of shaken baby syndrome.

A few hours ago, I found out about Robert Roberson’s case, which is presently being covered in the national media (including many liberal outlets) because it is viewed as an extremely unjust execution by the State of Texas (which is well-known for not granting clemency or stays of execution to convicted murders). His final appeal before his execution tomorrow night was denied.

If you view a brief video made about the situation, it should be clear why many (including the detective who originally convicted him) are extremely upset about this execution:


  • He appears to be a very nice and remorseful individual.
  • The basis of convicting him for the murder was that he did not show immense remorse when he brought his dead daughter to the hospital and hence everyone who saw him (e.g., the hospital workers) assumed he must have killed her. However, it was later learned that in additionally to being developmentally delayed (he only made it to 8th grade) he was also autistic (both of which I would argue was likely due to a DTwP vaccine injury) and hence had a flat affect, which made him not overtly demonstrate remorse (as autistic people often have difficultly externally showing how they feel).The expert who’s testimony convicted Roberson (for Shaken Baby Syndrome) convicted another individual whose conviction was overturned and hence there is a clear precedent to not execute Roberson.
  • Many major issues were discovered in his trial that should have resulted in his case being thrown out or retried (but nonetheless were ignored by Texas).The basis for his murder conviction (shaken baby syndrome) is a diagnosis no longer supported by the evidence or supported by experts (e.g., the AAP, which previously zealously supported the diagnosis,  has now backed off it, and the expert who popularized the diagnosis shortly before his death stated “I am doing what I can so long as I have a breath to correct a grossly unjust situation.”), and to date, at least 32 parents and caregivers in 18 states have been exonerated after being wrongfully convicted under the shaken baby hypothesis.
  • Many existing medical conditions could have explained his daughter’s death (e.g., in the 5 days before her death, she had continual vomiting, coughing, and diarrhea). Likewise, when she was seen ato the ER for this, her doctor inappropriately prescribed two drugs (which now have warnings for being given to children due to the drugs causing breathing difficulties and death) then shortly after went to sleep, stopped breathing and died (which the father—who had slept with her in his arms because he was worried about her—noticed when he woke up next to her and she had turned blue). Likewise, she had many signs of pneumonia and sepsis that numerous medical experts have since testified were the actual cause of her death. Sadly however, her ER doctor did not recognize this and instead simply gave her an opioid to reduce her symptoms, which was at lethal levels in her blood at the time she died (likely triggering respiratory arrest—and now has a blackbox warning against giving it to children for this very reason) along with an anti-nausea drug which was also found at dangerously high levels and no longer given to children because it can cause respiratory arrest.A recently discovered CT scan determined she had only suffered a minor impact to the head (which an expert agreed was like from falling out of bed, as the father had said happened shortly before she passed out and never woke up) that could not account for the brain changes observed (which means there had to have been a disease process directly affecting the brain).
  • An “expert” who testified at his trial asserted he sexually abused his daughter (without providing evidence to substantiate her claim and rather simply asserted her hatred of pedophiles) was subsequently discovered to have lied about her certification (she wasn’t actually an expert in the area).
  • He will be the first person to ever be executed for shaking his baby to death.

I then looked at the medical history of the case and discovered:

Days after her birth, Nikki had the first of many infections that proved resistant to multiple antibiotics, including chronic ear infections that persisted even after she had had tubes surgically implanted. She also had a history of unexplained “breathing apnea” that caused her to suddenly stop breathing, collapse, and turn blue.

In other words, beyond her doctor missing an emergent pneumonia diagnosis (and instead prescribing lethal medications), she also had two classic signs of vaccine injury—recurring ear infections and recurring episodes of apnea (breathing cessation)—the exact same thing that has been observed repeatedly to result from vaccination and cause SIDS (along with the general immune suppression observed in the African DTwP studies.


In my eyes, one of the most evil things about the medical industrial complex is when individuals are criminally prosecuted for the harm pharmaceutical drug companies cause to protect their market share. For example, in a previous article, I highlighted the immense amount of evidence (which has been known since the first clinical trials) that antidepressants can cause violent and psychotic behavior, which typically results in violent suicides, but sometimes results in grisly murders or mass shootings (many of which when you hear the “murders” side of the story are incredibly sad).

However, while courts outside the United States have been willing to exonerate individuals who killed someone they deeply cared about while on an antidepressant (many of these stories are absolutely heart-wrenching), the pharmaceutical industry effectively captured the US court system (e.g., the FDA intervened in cases, and Pfizer put out a prosecutor manual to help prosecutors convict “Zoloft murders”).

In turn, I believe shaken baby syndrome represents a similar miscarriage of injustice. On one hand, it is immensely fortunate this unscientific diagnosis is being overturned by a wealth of scientific evidence. However, it is nonetheless extremely unfortunate that Robert Roberson (who has now spent 20 years on death row) may be executed tomorrow at 7 pm central time—especially since his daughter’s death was a clearcut case of medical malpractice.

For this reason and because of how much this case upsets me (e.g., I can only imagine what this whole thing has been like for Roberson), I am reaching out through my network to bring attention to this case and humbly request that you share this article with anyone you know who may be able to bring attention to his situation, and, as the Innocence Project suggests, do any or all of the following:

  1. Call Gov. Abbott at 361-264-9653
  2. Sign the petition to stop Mr. Roberson’s execution.
  3. Share Mr. Roberson’s case on all social media channels using our social media toolkit.
  4. Use your voicecreate an Instagram post, reel, or TikTok to share the background of Mr. Roberson’s case, the reasons he’s innocent, and all the missteps in this miscarriage of justice, and urge your followers to sign our petition.

Additionally, please share this thread on Twitter (which can be viewed here) we are making go viral.

I sincerely thank you for your help on this matter, and I again apologize for the rushed nature of this article.  One of the most tragic things about SIDS is that since babies can’t speak, it’s often difficult for anyone besides their mother to recognize vaccine injuries, let alone the trauma of a sudden death.  Fortunately, this is beginning to change as the sudden adult deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines were so unmistakable. They began making others become open to the possibility things like SIDS could also be linked to vaccines, and it is my sincere hope we are nearing a tipping point to stop tragedies like this from continuing (especially given how many on the left also oppose him being executed for “Shaken Baby Syndrome”).


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