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An American Affidavit

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 34 — Reconstruction: Your Mission from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 34 — Reconstruction: Your Mission from Anna Von Reitz


Section 34 — Reconstruction: Your Mission
Strange as it may seem to us today, the Reconstruction required as a result of the Civil War has never been finished. In truth, it was never properly started. No adequate Notice and Disclosure of the circumstance was ever given to the general populace of America. And there are obvious, self- interested reasons for that.

Let’s take a step back and look at the close of the Civil War.
We have now properly understood who the parties to the armed conflict were: commercial corporations owned and operated by the States went to war with each other. These entities operated as, for example, The State of Ohio, The State of Florida, The State of Wisconsin and so on, chose sides and fought, but this was a private sector quarrel among corporations — as if General Electric and Westinghouse hired mercenaries and solicited volunteers and got into an armed conflict in the middle of the village green.
As such, it was a patently illegal and lawless event, and by definition, there could be no actual Declaration of War, no Peace Treaty, and no actual Victory.
The idea behind The Articles of Confederation was to create an internal alliance of “capital business interests” devoted to the welfare of all the States and People. This is why The Articles of Confederation which sought to bind together the commercial corporations operating as an “instrumentality” of each State in the global municipal jurisdiction overseen by the Office of the Roman Pontiff, proposed to be a “perpetual” union.

From the very first, it was realized that if commercial interests were in conflict such that The States of States opposed each other, and this schism was allowed to spread far enough, it would endanger the entire country. So the Founders were at pains to impress upon The States of States the necessity of working together for the common good and maintaining the perpetual union of the original Confederation — and a united front in the global municipal jurisdiction.
Unfortunately, agent provocateurs — as we now know, members of the Rothschild banking cartel and other European banking interests — kept watch for an issue that might create such a schism between The State of State commercial corporations, and they found it: slavery.
The last Congress of the Federal States of States adjourned for lack of quorum when the Southern States of States walked out. The Deputies known as “United States Senators” who were essentially the CEO’s and Fiduciaries of these commercial corporations could no longer conduct business.
The remaining Delegates representing the Northern commercial corporations collaborated with the British Territorial Government to continue operations under the guise of acting to “preserve the Union” and “the Constitution” — meaning the Territorial Constitution and its role for the British King as Trustee over our Naval and Trade and Commercial activities.
The entire “war” was fought by colluding American commercial corporations and foreign interests and had nothing to do with our actual States and People, except that the conflict was fought illegally on our soil, many of our people were killed, maimed, and otherwise harmed, the Federal State of State commercial corporations were decimated, and the British-backed Territorial Branch of the original Federal Government installed itself as a military junta.
Even Ulysses S. Grant was stunned when, after the end of the hostilities, he arrived in Washington, DC, and realized the extent of the manipulation, corruption, and hypocrisy involved

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The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

in promoting the Civil War. As a man and a soldier he had been sure of his moral cause throughout the actual fighting, only to discover that slavery was never the actual issue at all, and that those who now claimed victory were intent on creating a new kind of slavery: public slave ownership, instead of private slave ownership.
What remained was this: the Northern Federal States of States — commercial corporations owned and operated by the Union side of the conflict were bankrupt and in reorganization. The Southern States of States — also commercial corporations owned and operated by the Confederate States were bankrupt, too, but never sought bankruptcy protection. A British Territorial Military junta was in control of Washington, DC, and soon puppet governments installed by force in the South would send Territorial Delegates to Washington.
These Territorial Delegates would join their colluding Northern brethren who had operated in the same Territorial capacity throughout the war to operate a British Territorial-level “Congress” as a substitute for the Federal Congress.
There were still enough people left alive who knew the truth and who wished to restore our rightful Government, so numerous attempts were made to do so.
President Andrew Johnson did what he could to protect the States and People by formally declaring the land jurisdiction at peace, three times, in public. (May 10, 1865 — April 2, 1866 — August 20, 1866)
Members of the Territorial “Rump” Congress admitted the circumstance by passing the “Reconstruction Acts”. These were undertaken as “emergency” measures by a foreign military government — essentially, an American “Raj” — to maintain control over the civilian population during a transition back to normal government operations.
That transition has never taken place. The vast bulk of the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed and are still in full force and effect.
The Reconstruction Acts which were supposed to be temporary measures violated the original Constitutions at least five different ways, but the three most immediate violations did three things that we still struggle with today.
Article IV, Section 4 was violated when, under the Reconstruction Acts of the Territorial Congress, the actual Southern States were denied their republican form of government and control of their own soil jurisdiction after the end of the “war”.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 was violated by the Territorial Congress unlawfully exercising exclusive legislative power outside their Districts.
Article IV, Section 3 was violated when the Territorial Congress formed Territorial “States of States” to replace and substitute for the Federal States of States.
The sum total result of all this is that the Federal Government — three levels of subcontracting commercial corporations that are supposed to be providing our States and People with Good Faith Service — have been operating unlawfully and illegally ever since.
Remember that there are in fact three Branches of the Federal Government, all composed of either our own or foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services:

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Federal Branch = The States of States chartered by our States, like The State of Maine, The State of Iowa, etc. These self-chartered commercial corporations are supposed to be providing us with all goods and services stipulated under the Constitutions except for those services noted below:
Territorial Branch = British King acting as Trustee of our private, trade, and commercial business interests on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways; caretaker of our Territorial holdings.
Municipal Branch = Holy Roman Empire — commercial jurisdiction, supposed to be controlled by the Territorial Government and limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, with plenary control of the Washington, DC Municipality. Supposed to provide a safe meeting ground for commercial business and uniform laws and standards for conduct of such business.
After the Civil War, only two out of three Branches of the Federal Government remained in operation. The primary and most important subcontractor, the Federal Branch, was never “reconstructed”.
Instead, our primary contractor, the States of America organization was knocked out of commission, left disorganized (reconstruction never took place), and the secondary British Territorial subcontractors secretively usurped in and substituted their own Territorial “States of States” in 1868.
We have been operating on two wheels instead of three, our guys have been cut out of all the juicy government contracts since 1868, and as a result, the Brits and the Popes have been in illegal and unlawful control of our Federal government ever since.
The substitution of British Territorial “States of States” for American Federal “States of States” was accomplished via similar names deceit (fraud). The average people were left unaware of any change. To them and to their eyes, there was a “State of State” government before the war and after. The switch from The State of Georgia to the State of Georgia passed them by.
In the same way, the switch from the unincorporated American Holding Company doing business as The United States of America — which is another level of our American Government entirely — was deliberately confused by the introduction of a Scottish commercial corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” as of 1868, so as to illegally access our credit and make it appear that we were bankrupted, when in fact no unincorporated entity is eligible for bankruptcy protection.
This is all identity theft of the same kind that occurs when a credit card hacker illegally accesses your accounts.
The Popes who were supposed to be running the Holy Roman Empire/Office of the Roman Pontiff and policing commercial operations worldwide — and who are obligated by treaty to act as our Trustees in the Global Jurisdiction of Commerce — sat on their velvet tuffets and did nothing to stop it. Instead, they happily profited themselves and helped organize the expansion of the fraud.
The British Kings ordered the members of the Territorial Government to keep mum about it — see 18 USC 472. The military was told that all this was a matter of “National Security”.
What it is really a “matter of” is gross Breach of Trust, Treaty Violations, Theft, Embezzlement, Fraud, Inland Piracy, Racketeering, and other Crimes by Treaty Allies against the interests of the American States and People.

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Your Mission as members of your State Jural Assemblies and as members of your State Assemblies proper, is to reclaim your stolen identity as American State Nationals and American State Citizens and to Assemble your State and finish the Reconstruction.
Only you have the power to re-charter your Federal States of States and retrieve their assets — that is, all the State land trusts doing business under names like: the Wisconsin State, Ohio State, et alia., from the Territorial Caretakers.
Only you can put the American subcontractors back in place and in control of the services we are owed by the “Federal” Government.
One of the great ironies is that in spite of all the evidence of fraud, bad faith, the use of similar names deceits, rampant identity theft, securities fraud, and other crimes committed by our purported Trustees and Allies against us, they still attempt to blame us and say that it’s all our fault because we didn’t boot up new Federal States of States after the Civil War.
Well, folks, lets put that complaint to rest, act in our actual capacity as State Nationals and State Citizens, and do the work of Reconstruction — create our own American Subcontractors to do the principle share of work as assigned under the actual Federal Constitution.
The People of each one of our States need to charter their State’s commercial corporation under their own State’s sovereign authority, and then join as a member of the States of America — a perpetual union and Confederation of States of States serving as the Federal Branch of the Federal Government.
That will put an immediate end to a lot of monkey business and leave nobody any cause to complain about our action to take back control of our country and its assets and its service contracts.
Also, acting as the People, as members of our State Assembly and our State Jural Assembly, we can address the multitude of international crimes which have been practiced against us.
—Posted: Saturday, February 16, 2019

Updated: May 22, 2019 Table of Contents Page 129 of 209

The Jural Assembly Handbook By: Anna Von Reitz

Section 35 — Lawful Persons


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