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An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Let’s talk about… “WWIII” trending again, as war in ME expands



Let’s talk about… “WWIII” trending again, as war in ME expands


The year-old Israeli-Hamas war is, we are told, spreading across the region. Following Israel’s bizarre “pager  attack” last month the IDF have “shifted focus” to Lebanon.

Two days ago an Israeli strike on Beirut is said to have levelled six buildings and “wiped out” the entirety of Hezbollah’s leadership.

Yesterday, Iran responded by firing “hypersonic” missiles at Tel Aviv that either breached the Iron Dome missile defense system or did NOT breach it depending on who you ask.

Today, Israeli troops are reportedly crossing into Lebanon to fight on the ground. Iran is expected to continue to respond.

Reports claim over a million Lebanese – around one fifth of the entire population – have fled their homes due to Israeli bombing. A very large number indeed.

Around 100,000 of those people have crossed the border into Syria, itself victim of an Israeli bombing raid just yesterday, and a US drone strike allegedly targeting “ISIS terrorists” the day before.

Speaking of ISIS, just hours ago this ludicrously fake state-controlled  entity allegedly launched an ambush attack in Iraq, reportedly killing four Iraqi soldiers.

The fake “terrorist threat” narrative which so conveniently went dormant during the fake “pandemic”, seems to be reactivating.

Last month, inveterate spinner of propaganda nonsense Max Boot wrote in the WaPo that “Terrorism warning lights are blinking red again.”

WWIII is trending on Twitter. Again.

Politically, the UN have responded by condemning Israel’s actions, while in response to that condemnation Israel has banned UN General Secretary Guterres from entering the country.

Which may well turn this globalist stooge into a hero for a certain section of memory-challenged individuals.

Joe Biden stirred from hibernation long enough to read an autocue pledge of “ironclad support” to Israel, and claim he directed the US military to help shoot down Iranian missiles.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is accusing Biden (and Harris) of pushing us to the brink of global war.

It’s all getting very fraught.

But to what end? What are the agendas? What’s the endgame?

Let’s talk about it.


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