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An American Affidavit

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hamas and Hezbolah Walk Into a Bar....


Hamas and Hezbolah Walk Into a Bar....

On "terrorism" and "freedom fighting"

Recently, Israel killed some more “terrorists.” I guess it was more than usual, but I don’t pay much attention to what’s happening in other countries. I prefer to concentrate on domestic issues, considering how every major politician continues to neglect them. That’s how we became the World’s Wealthiest Banana Republic.

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We are told that our government’s favorite little nation recently used pagers and walkie talkies to blow up what Israel claims were “senior leaders” of Hezbolah. Well, what else are you going to do with a “senior leader” of Hezbolah? I’m reminded of the excellent South Park episode on the Homeless, where after an autopsy on one of them, a maniacal doctor exclaims, “My God! They’re almost human!” I must admit I’m disappointed; all that money to the world’s smallest “democracy,” and they are forced to use pagers to “defend themselves?” That is so 1990s. But Israel wasn’t just blowing up “terrorists” with antiquated devices. They also were busy killing hundreds of women, children, and paramedics in Lebanon. To be fair, they had pretty much ignored the Lebanese since 2006. We must never forget; the Israelis are perpetually permitted to “defend themselves.” From Lebanon. Syria. Iran. Homeless Palestinians.

Who knew that “terrorist” leaders were hiding in Lebanon since 2006? And all this time, I thought it was Iran that was the “state sponsor of terrorism.” Maybe they can find some old exploding 8-track players to use on “senior leaders” in Iran. But what outfit would they belong to? It’s so hard to keep track of these “terrorist” organizations. Long ago, there was the PLO. And Ringo Starr’s lost brother Yasser Arafat. Then I guess it was Al-Qaeda. As I noted in Hidden History, Al-Qaeda roughly translates to “the toilet” in Arabic. That’s a really demeaning name to select for your group. Especially for violent, raving, Arab “terrorists.” Unless you want to offend them. Inside jokes, inside jobs. Maybe Alex Jones was right when he used to call them “Al-CIAeda.” At any rate, what happened to good old Al-Qadea? Did they find out what their name really meant? That would infuriate most non-terrorists.

There are so many other outfits we’ve heard bandied about by all the various Middle East “experts.” Isis. Isil. The Taliban. Isn’t the Taliban running Afghanistan now, after we senselessly spent all those years there? We’re we on the side of the Taliban in Syria, or am I confused? There is, of course, precedent for this. The beloved Franklin D. Roosevelt utilized Mafia kingpins like Frank Costello against the Axis powers in World War II. I wonder why Hitler and the Nazis are never called “terrorists?” I guess they are in their own special category, still inspiring Hollywood almost a century later. We are told that former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden was the founder and first “general emir” of Al-Qaeda. That’s an impressive sounding title. Kind of a combination of George Washington and Benedict Arnold. From his secretive Batcave, deep in the heart of Afghanistan, we are told that he orchestrated the 9/11 attacks.

Isis was allegedly a Jordanian group that eventually merged with Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda. Bin Laden was a former CIA operative, and the group has been spoofed as “Al-CIAda.” Kind of a logical connection. At any rate, Bin Laden was also supposedly the world’s tallest Arab. Or at least one of the tallest. Certainly he was the tallest “terrorist.” So how could all those crazed Arabs not listen to him? Height makes a difference in how people are viewed; look at all the leadership studies. Isil was a variant to Isis, although I can’t comprehend the distinction. There is also the blanket term “Jihadist,” which is used to describe all of these groups. I think the conservative think tank people just like saying the word. Almost as much as they like saying Hezbolah, with an accent on the last syllable. I suppose that’s the proper way to pronounce it. If only they could pronounce “Iran” correctly. It’s E-ron.

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Frankly, I start nodding off when I hear too much talk about the “threat of terrorism.” The terminology seems out of a fractured bedtime story. Rockabye baby, in the Hamas. Speaking of Hamas, how come none of their “senior leaders” were blown up with pagers and walkie-talkies? I thought the reason why the IDF has been killing so many innocent civilians in Gaza was because of that dirty, sneaky, rotten, Pearl Harbor like attack at a concert last October. By Hamas. Not Hezbolah. Seems kind of unfair for “senior leaders” of Hezbolah to be blown up by pagers, over something “senior leaders” of Hamas did. Kind of like going after Saddam Hussein when he wasn’t a part of the official 9/11 lie. Hamas, we are told, is a Sunni outfit that is loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood. “Sunni” and “Shiite” are two more words that make me very, very sleepy. And “Muslim Brotherhood” is just used interchangeably with all the others. I’m convinced they just pick these keywords at random. No one cares.

Although it is a violation of the new Antisemitism Awareness Act to mention it, we need to look again at the birth of Israel. You know, how we deposited a bunch of foreigners in the middle of someone else’s land. Think Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. Although I haven’t heard any credible reports of Israelis eating cats or dogs, it was a disastrous idea to just plant them there, and expect all the residents to welcome them with open arms. Especially when the U.S. taxpayers provided them with weapons the residents couldn’t hope to match. Thanks to all of our involuntarily withheld taxes, Israel- about the size of Rhode Island- has the third most powerful military in the world. We don’t have much to be proud of these days, so maybe there’s some twisted pride in that. We built that, to paraphrase the beloved Barack Obama, the “Muslim” president who killed more Muslims than anyone ever had.

Who remembers the Irgun Gang? And a young, future Israeli leader named Menachem Begin? As leader of this group, which some referred to as “terrorist,” and others as “freedom fighters,” he coordinated the bombing of the King David Hotel, which killed nearly a hundred people. Who were all “almost human,” to quote South Park again. One underreported but important historical figure is Ze'ev Vladimir Jabotinsky. He helped found the Irgun’s precursors the Haganah, and Betar. It seems that the Zionists had a thing for these names as much as the “terrorists” later would. Now, some have suggested that these were all “terrorist” groups, and that Jabotinsky was the father of Jewish terrorism. Then there was the competing group the Stern Gang. It was run by some Stern who was not related to the self-proclaimed “King of all Media,” who has become a deranged proponent of the deadly COVID vaccine.

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I’m becoming drowsy just typing this. The Middle East, like all of our senseless, “bipartisan” foreign policy, bores me. It’s all about posturing by plastic patriots, waving a flag they otherwise pay no attention to, and invoking all of those “endless series of foreign hobgoblins” the great H.L. Mencken spoke of so long ago. I can’t assess any of these “foreign hobgoblins,” because my impressions are filtered through the prism of the state controlled media, and our awful intelligence agencies. I’ve heard about great things that Qadaffi/Kaddafy/Gaddafi reportedly did for his people. Why did they change the spelling of that guy’s name? Some psyop to confound the few of us who are paying attention? Saddam Hussein was yet another CIA asset before he became such a demonized “hobgoblin.” It’s all so yawn inspiring. I just know how bad our leaders are. The state controlled media can’t hide that from some of us.

At a recent dinner, Donald Trump reminded us all once again that he is the most Zionist of them all. With billionaire Miriam Adelson looking on approvingly, Trump boasted, “I gave them Golan Heights. I gave them the Abraham Accords. I recognized the capital of Israel and opened the Embassy in Jerusalem. And most importantly of all, I terminated the Iran nuclear deal, which was the worst deal ever made in the history of Israel. I was there four years, gave them billions and billions of dollars.” A month before, again with Adelson at his side, during a “Fighting Antisemitism” event, Trump stated that “years ago,” if someone said "anything bad about Israel or Jewish people you were finished as a politician. The most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and Jewish people." Trump reassured the Zionist audience that "You're going to end up winning because you're going to have the president, okay?”

The Zionist neo-cons laughably try to portray the likes of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as some kind of Palestinian fellow travelers. Remember how they made such a big deal out of Obama’s middle name being “Hussein?” Sure, he appeased them a bit by murdering an entire wedding party, and assassinating an American citizen with a “terrorist” sounding name (and then his sixteen year old son) with a drone, but he’s still a “Muslim” to them. They animated the corpse of Joe Biden long enough for him to praise the exploding pager murders as “a measure of justice” for Hezbolah’s four decade long “reign of terror.” I think the Spirit of Biden Past may be giving Hezbolah a bit too much credit for a “reign of terror.” What about Al-Qaeda? Or Isis? Or Hamas, whose assault by paraglider on a group of concert goers set this recent act of “defense” in motion? Even without dementia, all these names do get confusing.

The Right is utterly devoted to the interests of Israel. Except for the courageous Rep. Thomas Massie, whose wife died so suddenly of still undisclosed causes, shortly after he blasted AIPAC and Israeli influence over Congress in a bombshell interview with Tucker Carlson. Waitress turned crisis actor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to her credit, tweeted, “This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.” She then demanded a “full accounting of the attack, including an answer from the State Department as to whether any US assistance went into the development or deployment of this technology.” Will someone now pull the plug on AOC’s awe inspiring upward mobility act? But astronaut turned Sen. Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, described it as a “creative way to go after” a terrorist organization.

“Israel has a right to defend itself, and they’ve been attacked by Hezbollah, who by the way is supported by the Iranians, and they have a right to defend themselves,” Kelly said, regurgitating the state sponsored sentiments of hundreds of U.S. politicians over the last fifty years. “I haven’t seen anything quite like this before, but I suspect there will be a response, and then the Israelis will have to respond.” Yes, that’s the thing; Israel is always being attacked, and they “have to respond.” They have to. It’s not like they’re Christians, and can turn the other cheek. And how many Christians have any of us known who turned the other cheek? Reagan turned the other cheek, when the Soviets shot down the airliner with Rep. Larry McDonald, the foremost “conspiracy theorist” to ever serve in Congress, on board. Reagan, with his wife’s astrologist advising him, was no Christian. They probably laughed at him in the Knesset.

A year ago, on the “Global Day of Jihad,” which was a pretty disappointing nothing burger, U.S. Rep. Brian Mast wore his IDF uniform to Congress, to show his support. I guess it’s not that much different from wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day, although there is a clear distinction between the Irish and the Israelis. A lovable and lovely land abused by the bloody limeys for centuries, versus an artificially created ministate that has killed untold numbers of innocent civilians for over seventy five years. I’m not sure why someone who served in the military of another nation is one of our political representatives, but then again I am just a lowly community college dropout. Netanyahu got something like twelve standing ovations during a recent address before our Congress. And then there’s that Antisemitism Awareness Act. If you want to know who’s in charge, find out who you can’t criticize, as the conspiracy people say.

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John Kerry just became the latest “liberal” to publicly blast the First Amendment. He said that it “makes it hard to govern.” Well, I’ll admit that free speech does make it hard for tyrants to wield tyrannical power. But millions of Americans aren’t bothered by that, or similar expressions espoused by Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Gavin Newsom, and the always lovely Hillary Clinton. I hear someone somberly talk about Hezbolah, and I think of how our leaders are openly mocking us by publicly opposing free speech. I think of our pathetic infrastructure, largely untouched for more than sixty years. I think about the plummeting life expectancy rates and the atrocious Medical Industrial Complex that oversaw it. I think about the lack of any worthwhile culture, and the institution of anti-White ghetto “culture” in its place. I think about the nonstop corruption of our officials, and the fact none of them are held accountable.

To clarify; I don’t think we’re on the “wrong side” in the Middle East. We shouldn’t be on any side, except our own. Remember George Washington’s Farewell Address, which is nearly as objectionable as the Bill of Rights to our horrific leaders. Friendly relations with all, no entangling alliances with anyone. We have one of the most entangling alliances of all time with Israel. It’s time to cut the financial cord. No more billions for Israel. Or Ukraine. Or any other foreign aid. If you want to counter “anti-Semitic” views, don’t try to criminalize them. Under the Constitution, we still have the right to express even the most unpopular and/or unwelcome views. Israel needs to “defend itself” intellectually, in the court of world opinion, not blow people up with retro equipment. Obviously, that’s not an easy thing to defend. Stealing people’s land, and then killing them for objecting to it. Even denying that they exist.

So I don’t have much desire to worry about what Hamas, or Hezbolah, or the Muslim Brotherhood may be doing on the other side of the world. I don’t care about the Sunnis clashing with the Shiites. I feel bad for all the Palestinians who’ve been so mistreated, but my first concern is with the way citizens of this collapsing country are being mistreated, by a rigged economy and a criminally corrupt government. Charity begins at home. So stop enabling the bullies in Israel. Whether they’re “terrorists” or “freedom fighters,” they seem to have done, and continue to do, some pretty awful things with our money. If I gave someone a rifle to “defend himself,” and then found he was using it to shoot a bunch of women and children, I wouldn’t give him any more ammunition. Or rifles. Withdraw from the Middle East. And every other country in the world. Guard our own borders. To quote the 2016 Donald Trump: America First.

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