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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Exclusive interview: How NY's Bravest treat those they disabled with the COVID vaccine


Exclusive interview: How NY's Bravest treat those they disabled with the COVID vaccine

O'Brian Pastrana used to be a super-healthy firefighter. After 2 COVID shots, he was deemed unfit to be a firefighter for life so he was terminated and only given half-pension.

Formerly fit 38-year-old NYC firefighter O’Brian Pastrana was given a choice: jab or job. After the second jab disabled him for life, Pastrana was forced to retire and given HALF pension. Is that any way to treat those who you injured for life? They should be held accountable. This was not an accident. They deliberately forced people to take these unsafe shots.

Executive Summary

The NYC Fire Department gave 38-year-old O’Brian Pastrana a choice: take the COVID shot or lose his job.

So he took the shot.

He’s now disabled so they officially retired him and gave him half pension rather than the 3/6 pension he should have received for an on-the-job injury.

The NYC Fire Department destroyed his life and they refuse to be held accountable for their actions.

This is O’Brian’s story and you can hear it first hand.

What I found so compelling is the cardiac arrest (causing death) statistics BEFORE vs. AFTER the shots rolled out. More than a 10X increase in rate after the shots rolled out. Yet, nobody is speaking out. Why?

NY is clearly killing people with their mandates, but the firemen who are observing the huge rise in deaths following the vaccine rollout will be fired if they tell the public what they observed. SO THEY ALL REMAIN SILENT ABOUT IT because they don’t want to lose THEIR jobs.

This is a must-watch interview. In 16 minutes, I’ll touch on the highlights of what happened, how he was treated by the fire department, and what he observed.

The interview

If you are short on time here are a few key moments in the video:

  1. 30 seconds: 1 death a week before the vaccines —> 3 to 4X a day. That’s over a 20X increase in death rates.

  2. 1:20: Members of the fire department didn’t say anything about the increase in cases is because nobody wanted to lose their job and their pension. So they keep silent. They essentially were told, “If you say something, we’ll take away your job and your pension.” Even today, nobody wants to hear about it or talk about it.

  3. 3:35: When you join the firefighters, you become part of a brotherhood for life. But if you are injured by the vaccine they forced you to take, you are no longer a brother. You are an outcast. Even though you sacrificed your health to be a team player and do what you were told.

  4. 4:30: He’s in “tip top shape” before the shots.

  5. 5:00: Moments after his first shot, he started getting a reaction: swelling, itching, hives, … He had to go to the ER twice after his first shot.

  6. 6:00: O’Brian was told it wasn’t the vaccine and that he should keep getting vaccinated. So he took a second shot because the doctors told him that he had to be fully vaccinated in order to work. He had to go to the ER for a 3rd time.

  7. 7:00: The doctors told him to go see an allergist. Result: he was allergic to nothing

  8. 7:20: The only person to acknowledge his injury was caused by the vaccine was his cardiologist in Jan 2022. He was told he has myocarditis, it was caused by the vaccine, and you cannot be a firefighter for the rest of your life. He was 35 years old at the time of diagnosis.

  9. 8:00: The fire department didn’t believe his cardiologist so they needed further testing since it couldn’t have been the vaccine (since vaccines are safe). 9 months later they gave him the news: you don’t have to take any more exams but you can no longer be a firefighter.

  10. 8:55: He’s only getting HALF pension instead of 3/4 “line of duty” pension because, according to them, his injury wasn’t created by a fire department rule, regulation, or activity that would have caused him to take the shots.

  11. 9:45: On all his paperwork, it said this was a “line of duty injury” and/or “work-related injury.” He was taken from the fire department to the hospital. So it’s all work-related. They said he was permanently disabled, but he’ll only get half of his pension benefits.

  12. 10:40: What do other firefighters think of how O’Brian was treated? They hope it doesn’t happen to them.

  13. 11:50: “At age 36 I was retired at half-pension.”

  14. 12:03: In the first 7 years as an EMT (before the COVID vaccine rolled out), he saw ZERO cases of myocarditis or pericarditis. Yet, once the vaccines rolled out, “pericarditis and myocarditis were the new norm.” It went from 0 in 7 years, to once a week. That’s well over a 100X increase in rate.

  15. 13:00: When he talked to the union person responsible for medical cases, O’Brian was told, “Oh that’s no problem; you’ll be back at work in 2 weeks. My son just had that.”

  16. 13:50: Oct 20, 2021 was his first shot. Nov 23, 2021 was his second shot.

  17. 14:15: Has anyone said they were sorry about what they did to him and taken responsibility? An immediate “no.” Not a doctor, not a boss. Nobody has ever apologized in 3 years since he was injured.

  18. 15:10: O’Brian’s message to NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Please help those who have been injured. Correct this moving forward. Show the people you really do care.


Unfortunately, O’Brian’s story is so typical.

I’m not aware of any government official in the US who is taking responsibility for these injuries and doing what is right to compensate these people for the harm that they have caused by rolling out these very ineffective and unsafe medical interventions.


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