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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

5082-5084: International Public Notice: "Restoring the Federal Republic" from Lincoln County Watch


Tuesday, October 22, 2024

5082-5084: International Public Notice: "Restoring the Federal Republic" from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are already engaged in restoring the American Federal Republic and other missing parts of our traditional and customary administration.  We don't need or want our British Territorial Subcontractors doing business as any version of "the United States of America, Incorporated" pretending to do it for us. 

If you think that Irishmen can build a Spanish Republic, think again. 

This is what the British Territorial U.S. Government is trying to foist off on us.  Another Substitution Fraud.  They are trying to substitute THEIR British Territorial version of "a" Federal Republic and replace our American Federal Republic without us knowing the difference.  But we do know the difference. 

The "States of America" was the doing-business-as-name of the original Confederation of States (1781-1861).  They got the contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America which was published in 1787 - the first of three such Constitutional Contracts that our States approved.   

Some people mistakenly think that the 1787 Constitution was replaced by the 1789 Constitution and that the 1789 Constitution was replaced by the 1790 Constitution, but that isn't what was going on at all.  Three separate Constitution Contracts were issued sequentially to three separate Federal Subcontractors: 

The Constitution for the united States of America (1787) issued to the original Confederation dba States of America. 

The Constitution of the United States of America (1789) issued to the British Territorial Government dba "the" United States of America, Inc. 

The Constitution of the United States (1790) issued to the Holy Roman Empire dba "the" United States (Company}.

Okay, with that as background, the Confederation doing business as the States of America proceeded to build up its new business enterprise, and to exercise the delegated powers, and provide the enumerated services.  

This new Federal Government was a consortium of three service providers under contract and it ultimately received its Powers from the States and their Federation of States.  The American Subcontractor was known popularly as the Federal Republic. 

Note that the 1824 Webster's Dictionary says that at the time, "federal" was a synonym for "contract", so Federal Government literally means Contract Government. 

This original American-based Federal Republic had State Republic Members; two different State Republic organizations were set up in each State.  For example, the Texas Republic addressed administration of delegated Powers impacting their land jurisdiction, while the Republic of Texas addressed administration of delegated Powers impacting their sea jurisdiction. 

The State Republics and State of Republics thus formed a local oversight to limit the Federal Subcontractor's exercise of the Enumerated Powers. 

This is the way it worked from 1787 to 1861, when the Confederation lost quorum to conduct business and ceased to function because the Southern Members of the Original Confederation walked out.  

The Southern Members of the Original Confederation regrouped as The Confederate States of America, while their Northern Counterparts started calling themselves "the Union" --- which confused people then and now.  

There was already a Union --- the first American Union created in 1776 composed of the soil jurisdiction nation-states, was already known as "the Union". 

This is another example of how the Brits deliberately and continually confuse their identity with ours by the use of similar names.  

The American Union was a union of soil jurisdiction nation-states, but the "Union" referred to during the so-called Civil War, was a consortium of Northern States-of-States organizations (the Northern Confederate States that had been members of the Original Confederation) and British Territorial Subcontractor forces.  

They attempted to substitute their "Union" for our Union and confuse these two different things in the minds of the people, just as they are attempting to confuse their "Federal Republic" with our "Federal Republic" now. 

Mr. Trump should be ashamed of himself and so should the Generals and Admirals who are trying to foist this "New Federal Republic" substitution fraud off onto the American people. 

It has to be brought home to them that we still know our history.  We knew the difference between their "Union" and our "Union".  We knew the difference between our American States-of-States organizations and their British Territorial States of States (the American States-of-States are styled like this: The State of New York, while the British version is styled like this: the State of New York.)

So, this well-financed and promoted idea of "restoring" the Federal Republic is not the first British Territorial Substitution Fraud Scheme these Bunko Artists have pulled off on the American People, but we are determined that it will be the last.  

The only way the American Federal Republic can be restored is by action of our American States, populated by our American People.  It cannot be done by British Territorial Subcontractors adopting the political status of U.S. Citizens.  U.S. Citizens are foreign with respect to our country and so are "citizens of the United States".  

So, we repeat: if you think Irishmen can build a Spanish Republic, think again. 

This is the kind of flagrant international fraud and continued attempted crimes of unlawful conversion and deceit that these rogue players are engaged in, and have been engaged in for over two hundred years.  

The pity is that they have succeeded so often, as they have played upon the mistaken assumptions of the populations they are preying upon. 

If Donald Trump and his minions are serious about restoring the American Federal Republic, they need to come home, declare their political status as natural born American nationals, and take up the actual work of reconstructing first the Confederation and then the American Federal Republic --- instead of acting as Subjects of the King and trying to replace our Federal Republic with a British Territorial version of a "Federal Republic". 

We have repeatedly advised President Trump what he needs to do to lawfully convert his status and office, to no avail.  We can only assume that he wants to act as the President of a corporation instead of acting as the President of a country.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 21st 2020


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

For Those Who Can't Believe It

 By Anna Von Reitz

For the last two decades thousands of mini-earthquakes have occurred all around the Pacific Rim, the Schumann Resonance of the Earth has increased to unprecedented frequencies, under sea volcanoes that have been dormant for untold thousands of years have opened up along both the Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Ridges, a miles long fissure has opened up in the Rift Valley of Africa, and Northern Lights have extended down below the Equator.  The Jet Stream, once reliable and tame, has grown unpredictable and contorted, looping far north and then far south of its established flow.  

We have had weather modification and geoengineering "treaties" like the United Nations ENMOD Treaty in place since the 1970s, and some of us were actually present when the Department of Defense altered the Monsoon in Southeast Asia, as part of its program of disruption and terror related to the Vietnam "Conflict". 

Take a look at what China brags it can do, and what it apparently has done to us: 

Now, take in the news from North Carolina: 

Unnatural hurricane is forced deep inland bringing two times the annual flow over Niagara Falls down on Western North Carolina in only two hours, hitting the antique infrastructure of three dams on the North Fork River --- so the Floodgates were opened on the hapless people and towns downstream, and a wall of mud and water approximately forty feet high and moving nearly twenty miles an hour
roared through the valleys and hollows like a freight train. 

The people had no chance. 

China apparently did this with the cooperation of both the former Municipal Agencies and Officers of the British Territorial U.S. Congress who funded this disaster.  And then begged off, and offered the victims a whole $750, and said they were out of money because they spent it all on illegal migrants.  

In response we have tales of White Hat Military forces and Red Hat Irregulars joining together and now calling themselves "the Union". 
Pardon us, but have we heard this before?  

Why, yes, we have, that's exactly what the feckless Northern States-of-States and their British Territorial Allies called themselves during the so-called American Civil War---- and then proceeded to rape and pillage the same exact States of the Union where this disaster has occurred. 

History repeats itself, if you don't study it, and object to re-runs. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Reality Test for Governments

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those who have been bothering to listen to Kamala Harris interviews and speeches have been fascinated to know the origin of her often-repeated saying, "What can be unburdened, by what has been." 

It's an unlearned translation from Karl Marx's German version. 

It's basically talking about erasing history and obliterating the past in order to build something new --- the Communist State, which will purportedly be better.   

She's on her Marxist Soap Box saying, unburden yourself from the past.  Don't learn history's lessons.  Just open the door to chaos and demagogues.  It will all sort out in the end, when enough blood has been spilled. 

So she is announcing the familiar liturgy of government overthrow and cyclic ruin imposed on the slumbering public by the elites, in this case, Communist Elites, like President Xi, who apparently sold out to the Brits.  

Governments have a known life cycle.  They arise, they thrive for a time, they become corrupt, the people rebel, everything devolves to chaos, new leaders arise ---- and a new government begins, with no guarantee that it will be any better than the old government. 

All governments and all populations worldwide would do well to observe what John Adams observed in 1761: the only valid reason for a government to exist is to protect the people and their assets. 

Say it again, the only valid reason for a government to exist is to protect the people and their assets. 

If your government doesn't do that, there is no reason to pay for its "services", because those services are not serving you. 

They are serving themselves.  Or they are, as in our case now, serving hidden foreign interests. 

The form of the government --- republican, democracy, theocracy, communist, even fascist --- matters less than the leadership and purpose of the government.  

If the people are safe and happy and secure in their homes, then that government is doing its job by them and it should have no cause to fear an insurrection or spend money constantly surveilling and tracking people.

Surveillance and fear of insurrection is like an oven timer beeping, saying that the government is done. It isn't doing its job and it's scared of the consequences. 

So what do we have all over America, and especially in the major cities?  Fear.  Ever-increasing surveillance tactics and technology. Degradation and demoralization of police forces. Rampant corruption, blackmail, and payola. Why? 

Because the nasty little bureaucrats aren't doing their job, aren't providing their services as stipulated under contract, and instead of protecting the people and their assets, these monkey-minds are busy stealing from the people they are supposed to protect.  

No wonder they are scared. 

The Breach of Trust by both the Holy Roman Empire and the British Territorial United States Government is so ripe, so disgusting, so obvious, that members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress have to hide, and the HRE, INC. is locked down, wondering when the anti-Christian pogroms begin because of them. 

It's not the brand name or the ideology.  It's the leadership and the purpose.  And at the end of the day, it's the result, the fruits of a government, that tell the tale. 

Are the people well and happy, free to live their lives?  Are they protected from evil?  Secure in their hearts and minds?

Then by whatever name, they enjoy good government. 

And if not, then they need to give their government a Pink Slip, and hire another one.  It really shouldn't be any more dramatic, destructive, or traumatic than that, yet, too many times it is --- and for one reason: bankers. 

The bureaucrats get in bed with the bankers and then, the bankers keep paying the bureaucrats the people's money, no matter how far off track the bureaucrats get or how bad the "service" is.  This leads to ever increasing corruption and flagrant abuse of power by the bureaucrats, until the people have to: (1) prosecute the bureaucrats and bankers as criminals, or (2) forcefully remove them. 

There is never any need for violent insurrection or revolution, so long as the People hold the purse strings and the Power of the Pink Slip ---and not just at the ballot box, but also administratively. 

We don't fight with our employees; we fire them.  We send them home. Not eligible for rehire. And we hold the bankers feet first to the fire, to make sure our hiring and firing decisions are honored.

The UNITED STATES, INC. has been fired and bankrupted for Cause.  Their former Agents and Agencies are not to be refunded or rehired by any Subcontractor of ours for any purpose whatsoever. 

The British Territorial Federal Subcontractors doing business as "the United States of America" --- Incorporated, purloined our silver and gold and deposited it with various central banks, leaving those banks with the false impression that these assets belonged to them or to professional Metals Depositors, like Severino Sta. Romano, who were employed to make these deposits for us.  The banks are being called out for this misapprehension and fraud, as many of them have cause to know better. 

We are the Funders, Employers, and Source, the preferential Priority Creditors, and our States and People are the Principals owed every jot of every Federal Constitution ever written.  It is now levied upon the banks to stop funding illegal wars being promoted in our names and to cease and desist the abuse of our assets, natural resources, and credit without our conscionable agreement. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 21st 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

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