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An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 19, 2024

5069-5073: International Public Notice: We Know from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, October 18, 2024

5069-5073: International Public Notice: We Know from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's true.  We probably don't hate Biden and Harris enough, but getting involved in the whole political sideshow and voting for Trump is not the answer, either.  Not voting and not caring is the answer.   

Both Trump and Biden supported and participated in the Pandemic.    Both pursued anti-American policies in the Mideast.  Neither one of these men have been honest about the history of this Mess, or even the facts about the phony political-party elections. 

We know that the Presidents of these corporations are actually elected by the unaccountable Electoral College.  We know that our votes don't count.  We know that "registering to vote" makes us presumed shareholders liable for the expenses of these bankrupt and corrupt foreign corporations that have been masquerading as our government.  

We know that no matter what flavor of crap we choose, it's still crap. 

We know.  So it's ridiculous for "Law Enforcement" or anyone else to think that our members are acting as "Sovereign Citizens" or that we give a rat's rump enough about these private corporation elections to bother to take a pot shot at any of the Talking Heads.   

Our Assembly members and everyone associated with the American State Assemblies knows that we are not allowed to vote in these elections, if we wish to maintain our separate identity and political status.  We shouldn't even send donations to favored candidates, because that muddies the water, and makes it look like we are illegally influencing a foreign election.  

Which goes back to the fact that we know the straight up skinny and we act accordingly. 

We know that Joe Biden isn't "our" President.  And we know that Donald Trump isn't "our" President, either.  We know that both these men have been working as the "Presidents" of two different for-profit foreign privately owned corporations in the business of providing essential government services.  

So what?  

We don't get bent out of shape or keep track of who is "President" of Walmart, do we?  

And Walmart means more to most of us than anything coming out of Washington, DC. 

Walmart provides us with more benefit than any part of the Federal Government, with the single possible exception of the Post Office. 

We can tell the Democrats and the Republicans ---- don't bother spending billions trying to get the Silent Majority roped up and entrapped and "registered" to pay debts owed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens or the Municipal citizens of the United States or both. 

That's not us.  We're not them.  Never were and still aren't. 

And the police can breathe easy and stand down, too.  All the Agencies can take a well-earned permanent vacation.  

Nobody here is subject to any of you, so we don't have any motive to spend our time or energy plotting any insurrections or violent attacks.  All we have to do is know the truth and keep on trekking. 

There is some evidence that Media Mumblefocks have tried to suggest that one of our American State Nationals was engaged in some kind of a planned attack and was going to shoot Trump or Harris, one of them.  

If so, it couldn't have been for any political reason.  We don't vote in those elections, because we know they are private elections pertaining to foreign corporations. And we aren't shareholders. 

Simple enough. 

If, now or ever, one of our people comes unglued as an individual and shoots at any foreign DC politician, you can be sure it's an individual meltdown, probably caused by the sheer irritation of having to listen to their campaign ads all day long for four months prior to private corporation elections that don't, actually, have anything direct to do with us. 

So, Talking Heads -- and everyone "managing" them, please take your own Tin Hats and Conspiracy Theories and Oxymorons (Sovereign Citizens, Secular Religions, and Military Intelligence, etc.) right on down the road.  Don't bother thinking we are "Left" or "Right".  

We don't have to take up arms, use bombs, or stage bought-and-paid for riots like some parties.  We don't do Good Cop - Bad Cop, use Buzz Aldrin Decoder Rings, or get all wound up anymore.

We are no longer living our lives in fear of our own employees.  

To paraphrase Elvis Costello, "We used to be disgusted, but now we try to be amused...."

We have our own peaceful and effective means to deal with run amok public employees.  We don't have to shoot DC politicians. We can fire them. Ask Joe Biden.  We don't have to foment any insurrection against foreign corporations.  We can bankrupt them all and do it all day long.  And if anyone thinks that we can't enforce our contracts, it's time for Bonzo to get a new pair of shoes and take a hike. 

We know. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 18th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Time to Cheer --- and Pray

 By Anna Von Reitz

The endlessly violent and despicable Netanyahu Regime has told UN Peacekeepers to move five kilometers north of their present positions and announced the intention of obliterating everything along and two miles north of the Lebanese border: homes, businesses, and border defense facilities.  

The Italians ran for it.  The Ghanaians obeyed.  But the Irish are standing their ground and doing their job.  

In case anyone had any doubts, Netanyahu is in bed with the same corrupt and vicious corporations that have been illegally occupying our country and dreaming up such travesties as "the State of Israel, Inc." and proposing that it become "our" 51st "State".  

Not our State --- not our kind of "State" --- merely a state-of-state business organization based in Britain, calling itself by a deliberately deceptive name and trying to assume powers and rights and protections owed to one of our actual States of the Union. 

Not on our watch. 

We stand with the Irish Peacekeepers protecting the border of Lebanon and the Lebanese people and we pray for them and their safety.  

To every Jew on Earth, the vile and self-serving acts of these fake Jews, these "Zionists", are being laid at your feet, because you have failed to expose them for what they are and failed to take action against them.  To paraphrase Edmund Burke, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph (and for you to be blamed for it) is for good men to do nothing. 

These Vermin have impersonated you in exactly the same way that the British Territorial U.S. Citizens have impersonated Americans. 

If you don't want to be painted with the same brush as Netanyahu, it's past time to defend your own reputations and best interests. 

The corruption, violence, and racial and religious bigotry that the Zionist Movement has come to personify has to be addressed.  The constant war-mongering, destruction of property, and theft of natural resources that belong to others has to be addressed by the whole world, not just the Irish.  

The problem that Benjamin Netanyahu personifies and represents needs to go away, and you cannot rely on any peaceful electoral process to solve it.  All the elections have been rigged on a worldwide basis, so Israelis can vote against Netanyahu as often as they like --- and already have --- to no avail.  

Other pathways must be taken to put an end to this madness.  


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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International Public Notice: The Bank Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

According to Webster, the meaning of "purloin" is: to appropriate (something) wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

This is exactly what our British Territorial and Holy Roman Empire (HRE) Federal Subcontractors have done, so keep the word "purloin" in focus and understand that it is key to understanding the bank fraud we are stuck dealing with.  

When Abraham Lincoln pulled his switcheroo and substituted a British Territorial U.S. Congress for the American Congress, the foxes were left in charge of the hen house, and foreign interests gained control --- illegally and fraudulently --- of our purse-strings. 

From that day to this, the constant claim of the Perpetrators is that they "represent" us, but they don't disclose that they are literally impersonating us.  It's a deceit. People assume that they are representing us in the sense of political representation, but no, they are literally impersonating us without our knowledge or consent. 

They literally steal our identity.  They literally impersonate Americans.

With these facts in mind, here is how the bank fraud goes: 

The British Territorial U.S. Congress "borrowed" (purloined) our silver and gold.  That indebts their government to us and obligates their foreign democracy to not only pay back the precious metals but pay interest on this "loan" --- which no American State or Congress ever authorized.  

This is what purloin means. They occupied a position of trust, as Federal Subcontractors obligated by contract to serve us in "good faith", and they abused that trust to seize upon our assets and make "loans" of our assets to benefit themselves under conditions of deceit.  

Next, the Perps deposit our silver and gold in "Federal Reserve Banks" which are private operations owned by a consortium of mostly foreign private banks deliberately misrepresenting themselves as if they had something to do with our American Federal Government --- long after the Federal Republic ceased to operate. This is another deceit. 

Upon receiving our gold and silver, it becomes both an asset and a liability for the banks.  From their perspective, they owe it back to the British Territorial U.S. Government that deposited the metals, while the British Territorial U.S. Government owes the metals, plus interest, back to us. 

So now both the British Territorial U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Banks are indebted to us, sequentially, but the British Territorial U.S. Government has established itself as a middleman and "apparent" owner of the precious metals on deposit with the Federal Reserve Banks. 

As far as the Federal Reserve Banks are concerned, they can shrug and turn a blind eye as to who the actual owners are.  They can play Sergeant Schultz, and say, "Hey, the British Territorial U.S. Government deposited all these precious metals.  So far as we know, that's where the metals come from. That's who owns them." 

But remember, the precious metals never belonged to the British Territorial U.S. Government.  They belonged --and still belong-- to us, the American Government.  The British Territorial U.S. Government has never returned the metals to us and has never paid us any interest on the "loan", so, obviously: (1) the metals on deposit with the Federal Reserve Banks are still ours -- we haven't been paid for them; (2) the British Territorial U.S. Government isn't playing a straight game with us.  If they were, they would have this "loan" of our assets incorporated in the public records, and they'd be paying interest on it. 

Next, the Federal Reserve Banks create ten times the value of our precious metals as "credit" using their fractional reserve banking scheme, and they loan that credit to all the banks in their network at interest.  This is called the "prime interest rate".  This is what Jerome Powell is always scrabbling around about.  It's the cost to the other banks to use our purloined credit, even though the Federal Reserve Banks misrepresent it as credit belonging to the British Territorial U.S. Government for the reasons stated above. 

These banks pay the prime interest rate to the Federal Reserve Banks, and then they repeat the process.  Whatever they borrow from the Federal Reserve, they inflate it using the same fractional reserve scheme.  Whatever Federal Reserve Notes they borrow, they pay the "prime rate" on this loan up front, and issue ten times the net amount as credit, which they loan out to us at much higher interest.  

Please note that it is still actually our credit that they are all gratuitously inflating and loaning back to us, at interest. 
And all these "National" and "State" banks play the same "shrug and wink" game that the Federal Reserve Banks play.  

Just as the Federal Reserve Banks look the other way and credit the British Territorial U.S. Government as the Depositor (of our assets), the subsidiary and franchise banks in this system credit the Federal Reserve Banks as their Depositor, and think that they are in debt to the Federal Reserve for extending its credit to them --- which allows them to make loans to us. 

So how does the Federal Reserve make its money, really?  It collects the seigniorage off of every promissory note it prints, collects the prime interest rate off every promissory note they loan the other banks, and invests this ill-gotten gain in stocks, bonds, real estate.... 

At the end of the day, all this credit, and all the assets, have been purloined from us ----  and the value of our own assets and our own credit has been loaned back to us at interest, while we have been left in the dark about this cozy arrangement (another deceit and failure to disclose) and maligned as the Borrower, when in fact, the British Territorial U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve and all the banks in the Federal Reserve network are the actual borrowers. 

And like the British Territorial U.S. Government, the Federal Reserve Banks have failed to make any repayments to us of our credit and failed to share the profits realized from the loan of our credit, with us.

They are all in debt up to their hair follicles to us, indeed, they are insolvent; but until recently, they didn't care, because they figured that the actual American Government was "dead" and that we would never come home again and never figure out what they did and never hold them accountable for it. 

Think again. 

When we say that we are their Priority Creditors and claim that they are engaged in an active and illegal mercenary "war" intended to kill their creditors, we aren't kidding.  These nogoodniks are attacking and killing the living people to avoid paying them back, and to generate "service" billings for themselves for doing so.  

This is how evil, twisted, upside-down, backwards, illegal, unlawful and immoral this whole situation is and has been for six generations. 
If you track your way back through the Mess and the slime, this is what you find: the Federal Reserve and its member banks owe us our credit and interest on it; the British Territorial U.S. Government owes us our precious metals and interest on the value. 

And all they are doing as "correction" is trying to obscure the facts, blame their victims, and kill a lot of innocent people under smokescreens of pandemics and "bad weather" events that they themselves have artificially generated and only God knows what other schemes these criminals have.  

To date, the guilty British Territorial U.S. Congress, which has no right or valid reason to continue pretending that it's our Congress, is still sitting ensconced in Washington, DC, still impersonating us and our lawful Fiduciary Deputies, and still finding ways to abuse our trust, our money, and our lives --- while evading their own obligations to us under contract.   

Most recently, they have hired former UNITED STATES Agencies --- DOD, FEMA, BATF, et alia, to work for them, and have extended funding to these entities for another three months, during which they hope to carry on with the election of their new corporation "President" and inflict additional damage on their innocent, clueless creditors. 

The picture overall is one of deliberate and criminal Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contracts, both The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Constitution of the United States.  It's a history of purloining assets and misappropriating credit. It's a history of deceit, war-mongering, and crime at the hands of out-of-control foreign subcontractors and public employees.  

It's our history and we have to own it, but it is also our right and responsibility to say, "No." --- and to be obeyed by all our government subcontractors and by any subcontractors of theirs, too.  It's also our right and responsibility to fully inform the banks and hold the banks liable for their part in this gigantic Mess. Their cover is blown. 

To the Pope/Patriarch of the West, to the British Monarch/Emperor, to the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, to the King of Scotland:  We are not deceived. The debt is all yours.  And the British Territorial U.S. Congress is guilty, en masse, of intergenerational treason. 

Everything that has been done here and which has yielded these results, has been done via institutionalized fraud and deceit, crimes of personage and barratry, illegal confiscation, embezzlement, counterfeiting, human trafficking, illegal and unlawful regulatory activity, inland piracy, genocide, and all accomplished under color of law in gross breach of trust and violation of our public service contracts.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 18th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: Illegal Occupation

 By Anna Von Reitz

This country has been illegally occupied by mercenary forces and has been under martial law since 1863. 

Okay, everyone got that?  

The former British Commonwealth has been under similar occupation since the 1910's. 

Clock that. 

The seventeen countries of Western Europe and Japan, which were all occupied by Allied Forces during World War II, are still occupied and still under martial law.  


Everyone up to speed so far?  

Every country that has been attacked and over-run by "United States Forces" of any kind in the years from 1860 to now, has been and still is illegally occupied by those mercenary forces.  Iraq and Libya are just two more recent examples.  

This is how and why Americans have had to bear the brunt of supporting and paying for the defense of all these other countries. This is why we have had to pay the cost of over 950 military bases scattered all over the globe.  

This is why we have been oppressed and "disciplined" and kept from enjoying the freedoms that we are guaranteed under the service contracts of these yahoos, who have picked our pockets for their wages, and purloined our assets as collateral backing their wild spending and to finance their opportunistic wars for profit.  

These are the facts, Ma'am. 

And even though these are private mercenary forces engaged in illegal activities, they have pretended to be our lawful and legitimate national military.  

They have used and abused our Title IV wartime flag continuously from 1860 to today, even though our country has not once declared war in that entire span of history.  

Any and all "declarations of war" made between 1860 and today, have been made by their own corporation officers and their "Territorial" Congress, and have the same standing at law as Coca-Cola declaring "war" on Pepsi.  

Every single bloody "war" we've fought has been an illegal mercenary war, known as a "conflict".  

We've all been stumbling around in the dark calling these conflicts by the name "war", and they have certainly looked, smelled, and felt like war ---- but no, these were not wars.  These were all mercenary conflicts fought by businesses and corporations --- and banks. 

There was no American Civil War.  No World War I.   No World War II.  No Korean War.  No Vietnam War.   All these and innumerable smaller less publicized "wars" were not wars.  They were mercenary conflicts. 

And we, Americans, were certainly not the heroes and not the purveyors of peace, justice, and the American Way.  We weren't even there to peddle British Territorial "democracy".  We were there to reap profits for foreign business interests that were lying to our sons and daughters and using them as cheap mercenaries. 

We were there to protect foreign business interests. French rubber plantations in Vietnam.  British opium fields in Afghanistan.  Higher tobacco profits for Philip Morris.  We were there to sell McDonald's hamburgers, Bayer Aspirin, Coca-Cola, and Hollywood.  We were there to plunder and pillage and illegally confiscate natural resources.  We were there to find local patsies who would work for us in puppet governments.  

The U.S. Army like the US ARMY are foreign corporations in the business of war.  They are for-hire operations.  Foreign governments hire them to do the dirty work.  And so they do.  They literally get paid by foreign governments and then, they charge their expenses and the cost of the occupation of all these countries, including our own, off to you.  

That's how this works and how it has worked for over a hundred and fifty years.  This is why we have been kept in a constant "state of war" for decades on end.  This is how Americans have earned a reputation as evil-doers and violent killers, aggressors, criminals, and thieves.  

And all this while, we have been conned, duped, misinformed, and misdirected, by all these British Bunko Artists in nice suits.  Our sons and daughters have gone to their deaths and buried each other, believing that it was all for some noble cause, or because they were "defending" their country from some threat.  

But the entire time, they were being lied to by men and women they trusted and respected and misidentified as their own American government. 

Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding any public office in our actual government, substituted the American Congress with a British Territorial Congress. And who were they and who were they representing?  

They were Federal Employees, foreign Subcontractors hired to provide "essential government services" under the provisions of their service contract --- The Constitution of the United States of America.  They were also Tories, British Subjects, allowed to be in this country under the provisions of The Residence Act.  

And that is, ultimately, how SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, became the Paymaster for "our" Armed Forces. 

So now that we've belatedly discovered all this, the people who have been misled to think that it was the Americans promoting all this war and havoc, have been invited by the Perpetrators, to enter our country illegally --- by the millions --- and join in doing to our country what was done to their countries, and to kill (in their minds) the ones causing all the war-mongering and misery. 

They are welcome to have their way with the phony "Territorial" Congress and with the District of Columbia, Fleet Street and Hong Kong, Geneva and Bern and Brussels, too, Rome and Naples, Istanbul, and Tel Aviv, because that's where the problem lies. They can have Nancy Pelosi and Governor Newsom, too.  

Wherever you find a traitor to America, you find a traitor to mankind.  Wherever you find those who have misled, lied to, and misdirected Americans and American resources, you find those who have done the same to everyone else --- and they have done it for one reason: profit. 

The joke is, that in the end, they've been lied to and misled, too. 
And they've sold their souls in the bargain.  

Reading this, they will laugh in their snarky, arrogant way and sniff at the old-fashioned idea of a "soul" and the suggestion that they have one to sell.  Their wake up call is coming. 

We woke up at the Eleventh Hour, but they are still asleep, still churning away, still operating like zombies, taking orders, killing for Christ and doing all sorts of other insane, illogical things. At this point, by rights, they should have no faith in their own leadership. 

Trump and Biden both went along with the "Pandemic". 

This, our unincorporated Federation of States, is the lawful government of this country.  Each member State is owed the provisions and guarantees and limitations established by The Constitution of the United States of America.  Each declared and provenanced American is owed the same.  

It's time for the illegal occupations and all the False Presumptions related to them, to end.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

 October 18th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

The Death of Civilization

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people hearing the words, "death of civilization" react with fear and horror, just as they associate "change of government" with bloodbaths and guillotines and gulags.  

Instead, we should be happy with the death of civilization, because it means the end of thousands of years of venal manipulation and interference in the destiny of this planet and of mankind in violation of  Universal Law.  

We don't have to struggle or fight or shed any more blood; we can simply stand back and let Nature take its course to reclaim the unnatural and unfriendly cities that have been the hallmark of civilization ever since Cain killed Abel. 

As we watch, Detroit is returning to Nature, large swaths of once formidable asphalt parking lots the size of ten football fields are sprouting young saplings and dandelions.  Willow trees and alder bushes and renegade lilacs are populating new unplanned greenbelts throughout the city, weaving threads of wildflower ribbons among the ruined and dirty houses and abandoned gas stations.  

No need for any Apocalypse.  It has already very quietly come to Detroit and Cleveland, Gary and Indianapolis, New York and Memphis, even Chicago is crumbling away amid tortuous ruins of railroads and silent elevated train routes, road ways, and tenements.  Yes, even that brawny, brawling, sleepless giant is falling asleep behind the boarded up remnants of factories, hospitals, schools, and churches.  

Perhaps all the lockdowns were a vain attempt to keep us from literally seeing what is happening to our country and what poses as civilization worldwide.  

Religion has failed us.  It doesn't matter which one.  

Most people are tired of race-baiting and victimhood, both; like mini-skirts and pet rocks, they've had their day, worn out their novelty, and no longer seriously motivate anyone. 

The philosophies of men, with the possible exception of Stoicism, have proven false.  Or, even if true, useless. 

The Hegelian Dialectic is boringly monotonous, with the Robber Barons of yesteryear doing the same old things as Robber Barons today, but tellingly, George Soros had to pay people to throw bricks when he sponsored the 2020 riots. 

Think about that.  The downtrodden, disenfranchised, disillusioned Municipal citizens of the United States were deprived of their hard-won Equal Civil Rights by a stroke of Donald Trump's pen, and George Soros had to pay them to go throw bricks.  He even had to provide pallets of E-Z Throw bricks at the pre-planned riot sites. 

That kind of bought and paid for "civil unrest" is actually the death of civilization, a poor, puny, and telling death-rattle that only hurts poor people in places like Minneapolis--- a city that used to sell insurance for all the cars and trucks that Detroit created.  

Every day, in every way, the version of America that people imagine, is fading away. 

It's not requiring anything violent or dramatic to accomplish this, just massive amounts of Government subsidies encouraging all our basic industries to move somewhere else where labor is cheaper anyway.  

The so-called elections were always phony and always rigged, and never public, in anyone's living memory.   We finally noticed the role of the unelected and unaccountable Electoral College, and said, collectively, "Oh, it's the Electoral College that elects each President.  The rest is all just Smoke and Mirrors. Our votes don't really count." 

The political parties remain, crooked and gluttonous as any dying succubus; diseased customers bring class action lawsuits against the restless prostitutes who line street corners in Boston, shoulders hunched, collars pulled up, as the autumn wind begins to nip at their bare thighs.  

One girl carries a sign saying, "Vote for Kamala, she couldn't be worse than Joe."  Another girl carries a sign and stands right beside her, saying, "Oh, yes, she could."  People laugh as they pass by. 

I overhear them discussing the lawsuit: WTF, do they think we are unionized? Wish I could afford to go on strike. 

Yes, civilization, such as it is and such as it ever was, is dying.  Perhaps we are just too bored, worn out, and disillusioned to keep it alive.  The floodgates are open and crammed with Americans waking up like bears coming out of hibernation. 

The Brits look even more nonplussed.  

All these so-called civilized and developed nations have been losing population ever since the Second World War.  Their populations have steadily declined and they've been forced to open up immigration to keep enough people working as bellhops and tour guides.  

Norway isn't Norsk anymore, and at their current birth rate, the Japanese will simply cease to exist--- not that they will go quietly into the night.   

The genocide that stalks us, and civilization, too, is a cowardly sort of monster, built of lies and breaches of trust, fraud, personage, and barratry, mindless greed and contempt, fueled by equally mindless consumerism ---- and all promoted by men who have lost both their conscience and their minds.  

It wasn't the rubes driving their turnip trucks that caused this; no, it was the college boys in their nice tennis togs and Armani suits. It was the beady-eyed Old White Men sitting in their club chairs, nursing their gin, brushing their tweeds, taking up boardroom space in every major city from London to Beijing and back again.  And don't forget the high class whores, gossiping about each other at The Club. 

Maybe it's a good thing that civilization, meaning that Roman condensation of unconscionable social contracts designed to foster elitism, indentured servitude, and willing enslavement, is nearing its end.  Whatever its benefits to the few, can't be justified in terms of the harm it has done to the many.  

Everyone who trots to the opera pays for it with a thousand good men, leaving even our more innocent pursuits tainted with the smell of blood and iron, an intangible reek of imprisonment and toil.  And as for the gold that we steal from the ground and then call our own, it's a pretty bauble and little else, just one more delusion we can chase, if we want to. 

No, both civilization and Bertrand Russell are dead. Safely dead. Freed of the endless dialectic, no longer morbidly fascinated with the warring desires for freedom and safety. No longer evading our desire to be left alone in peace.  

"Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul's habitation henceforth be safely built." 

Despair must be "unyielding", our signature product, the honest recognition of our mortality and losses.  We must accept that and forget that once, we were immortal and free. 

Or should we remember that with all our hearts? 

Let civilization go, willingly, with both hands. Listen to the wind in the trees, the calling birds. A full Hunter's Moon rides through the sky tonight, sending slanting shadows among the birch trees that more than ever, at the time their branches are bare, remind us that they, too, are alive and not despairing. 

Civilization can die, together with all its lies and excuses. Other dreams can be built, other values expressed.  We have the freedom to determine how we will be together and how we will be apart. 

We can each determine the meaning of our own lives and our own self-governance.  We can know what we want, in our heart of hearts.

Now, more than ever, facing the reality of a dying world, a world made by men who were stubborn and selfish and blind, we can afford to let go and be ourselves, no longer needing nor clinging to any false authority.  

No longer threatened by anyone else's opinion. 

Tonight, I have been called a "Necromancer" for bringing forward a "dead government" and making it live,  but in truth, the government of this country has never died and cannot die, for it lives in each one of us. 

I used no magic spell to invoke the hoary ghost of America; no, the ghost of self-governance has a mind of its own.  It says in a grave and even tone, "I was before Rome and will be again. Civilizations come and go. Governments rise and fall, but ever and always I was here, before them all." 

Next, I was called an Alchemist, because I was brave and accepted the responsibility of transformation, took the world in my hand like a piece of clay, and began to work it into a different shape. New institutions. New values. New measures. 

This is not the work of an Alchemist.  This is the work of a Creator. 

We are the Creator race, and others blame us, for the imperfections that make their lives miserable --- never realizing that this is a work in progress and that they are works in progress, too.  What we see here that is manifest, is not perfection, but it holds the seeds of perfection within it and within each one of us. 

In the space between what is real and what is imagined, we can find the pathway forward and find that vision of ourselves that was made perfect eons ago, always working, always guiding, always striving to make of each one of us that vision that our Creator held in completeness before this world was born and before these stars were set in the heavens and before any of this was made manifest. 

From the first to the last, our names are known.  Our lives are the markers on the path; we must give ourselves up to achieve perfection.  We must accept the imperfect.  We must live with every breath.  

Those who know what it is to love with no sense of self, holding nothing back, come to me now.  Those who have surrendered their ego and their pride, their plans, their expectations, come to me now. 

This is the place, and the time, and we are met in this great enterprise. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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