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An American Affidavit

Saturday, October 5, 2024

5050: International Public Notice: Beware False Narratives from Lincoln County Watch


Friday, October 4, 2024

5050: International Public Notice: Beware False Narratives from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is a commonplace comment that the victors write the history; now the actual Losers are trying to rewrite history, but in the end, history is what it is, for better or worse.  The important thing about history is that it is the past, not the future --- and what we learn from it. 

Right now we have a lot of conflicting "narratives" being spun, trying to capture the popular imagination.  Those who have controlled humanity to its detriment for thousands of years are searching restlessly as a hunting hound for "the" narrative that will resonate with people and make them believe a particular narrative--- and thus, give them the power to ride that belief like a surfer riding a wave. 

Let me give everyone an example--- according to certain British sources, the Americans lost the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, but then, the Brits call their own British Territorial Forces "American", and the fact is that yes, their British Territorial Forces lost both wars.  

They also read historical documents from their own viewpoint. 

For example, the Treaties ending the War of 1812.  Read them again with the firm understanding that references found therein to "the United States of America" are referring to the British Territorial United States, what we call the "Territories and Possessions" --- not the Federation of States, which is The United States of America--- unincorporated. 

They did the same thing with all the Indian Treaties.  When Chief Fast Horse brags about the Lakota capturing the flag at Little Big Horn, which flag was that?  

Oh, the Title IV Flag of our British Territorial Army, which by then was acting as a Mercenary Force.  

So what does it mean?  Nothing much.  Another British Territorial loss. 

Chief Fast Horse also mistakes the Parties to Treaties earlier on. It's not his fault that he does.  These are all mistakes that people are "supposed" to make, set up that way to encourage the Brit's desired misinterpretation. 

Take the famous Delaware-Lenape Treaty that King George agreed to and then welched on and conveniently forgot after The War of Independence as an example.  It is written as a Treaty between the British Territorial (Commonwealth) Government, not the English Government; so the King's signature is not representing any actual Kingdom. 

Like the Treaty of Manila Bay, it was a Sea Treaty.  

So it was a Snow Job, and after The War of Independence, George II didn't pay the gold that he should have owed the Delaware-Lenape, because technically, it wasn't his treaty.  He was just acting as a Trustee. 

They have gone so far to promote their losses as our losses, and even changed the historical dioramas and information on display at Fort McHenry to express their loss as if it was our loss. 

This is just part and parcel of their continued attempt to confuse people and substitute their organization, which is foreign, and part of the British Commonwealth, for our actual American Government. 

They try to sell their incorporated entities, "the United States of America, Incorporated" and even "The United States of America, Incorporated" and swap/substitute them for our unincorporated Federation of States.  

Their Holy Roman counterparts did the same thing, substituting their version, "the United States, Incorporated" for our unincorporated business entity and proper name, The United States. 

So, to dispel another popular but erroneous idea, no, The United States is not bankrupt and neither is The United States of America. What is bankrupt are these foreign corporations that were doing business "in our names".  

If you think about it, you will know that unincorporated entities are not subject to bankruptcy and cannot be ensured by any version of "public" or "citizenry".  

As of October first, "the United States, Inc." ceased to exist, the final step of the Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy that Pope Francis put in motion years ago.  But then, their buddies in Congress promptly passed three months of continued funding for their "services". 

Instead of spending the money doing their actual jobs, which would include providing disaster relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene, they have decided that they would rather spend this "bridge" money on themselves, on buying votes from illegal aliens, and causing trouble.  

That's why the Federales are standing down themselves and preventing civilians from bringing aid to the disaster victims.  

And that's why I have ordered the Joint Chiefs to take out the Biden-Harris farce entirely and stop the November Elections, which would just be another farce.  Why? 

(1) It's not a public election.  It's a private election for the "President" of a foreign corporation, which happens to be acting as a Successor to Contract with an obligation to perform under The Constitution of the United States of America ---  "the United States of America" being referenced is a British Territorial corporation, not our Federation of States.   

(2) The popular vote doesn't count for anything.  The actual election takes place via the Electoral College.  All the rest is just a straw poll. 

(3) There can be no legitimacy in an election in which people have no idea what office is being filled and don't know it's only a popularity poll. 

We are dealing with lie upon lie and misdirection upon misdirection and it is crucial to keep these identities straight in order to know who is who and what is what --- a task made more difficult because so many of those who are spreading the "other cover story" and talking from the British Territorial point of view, honestly believe that they are telling the "American" history, not knowing that the actual Brits routinely call their own British Territorials "Americans".  

From that twisted perspective, you could say that Mr. Trump is telling the truth and that he is proposing to set up an "American" Federal Republic, that is, a British Territorial version of our Federal Republic, but the essence of the lie is revealed by what is actually required to Reconstruct our American Federal Republic.  

It can't be done by public servants and foreign citizens. 

It has to be done by actual Americans standing in their birthright political status.  

So, it's all just more British Snow Jobs and more of their pernicious "redefining" and "renaming" and "rebranding" and "relabeling" to fool the public.  

Be forewarned. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 4th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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