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An American Affidavit

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump “assassination attempt”: the bullet and the two doctors


Trump “assassination attempt”: the bullet and the two doctors

First, the entire impact of recent Secret Service and FBI testimony to Congress was: You’re not going to learn anything from us about what happened at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally the day of the shooting.

That’s important, because it establishes that the public has a right to know NOTHING. The “investigation” will conceal whatever it wants to conceal. Don’t bother making further inquiries.


I find zero evidence that it was.

Recovering a bullet at a crime scene and matching it to the gun of the alleged shooter is the first order of business.

It proves whether the shooter WAS the shooter.

The mainstream press has NO curiosity about the bullet. Neither did Congress at the recent hearings.

If you DON’T want to prove the alleged shooter was an actual shooter, you don’t find the bullet, or you do, you say nothing about that, and you hide the bullet forever, or destroy it, because…

The alleged shooter wasn’t the shooter.

Realize this situation is HUGE.

No bullet. No match to a gun.

Just a STORY about a miracle shot that missed killing Trump by less than an inch.

The other thing is a personal experience the day of the “shooting.” As soon as the news of the attempted assassination broke, I spent more than a day switching from CNN to FOX to MSNBC to pick up everything I could...

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