Every week Anna or someone from The Federation will join us to answer questions for people who are LIVE in the chat with us. Niti and her team will sift & sort through the chat questions to incorporate them into a conversational format. If your question is not answered in this episode, you may come back every week until we can get to your question. DO NOT put your question in the chat more than one time each week. Questions should be in ALL CAPS and let us know where you are from and if you are an American State National by including (ASN) at the end of your question. Please be aware that YOU DO NOT have to be an American to ask questions. This is a PUBLIC FORUM. We welcome the world! BE KIND in the chat. As self-governing people, we must first do no harm. We are at peace, and we operate in Love. Disruptors will be placed in time out, blocked or banned as deemed necessary by our
Fluoride Information
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
232. A Fool's Bargain: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
232. A Fool's Bargain: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
A Fool's Bargain
A recent analysis of American diet by the Harvard School of Public Health disclosed the curious fact that the extremely poor eat healthier diets than upper-middle-class Americans. If that doesn't break you up, consider the lesson of the 232-year-old aristocratic merchant bank of Barings, destroyed in the wink of an eye through the wild speculations of an executive who turned out to have been the son of a plasterer bereft of any college degree! The poor man's schemes were too impenetrable for company management to understand, but they needed his vitality badly so they were afraid to challenge his decisions.
"They never dared ask any basic questions," said the young felon who gambled away $1 .3 billion on parlays so fanciful you might think only a rube would attempt them. "They were afraid of looking stupid about not understanding futures and options. They knew nothing at all." Quis custodiet ipsios custodesl
You can't help but smile at the justice of it. Having procured a Leviathan state finally, its architects and their children seem certain to be flattened by it, too, soon after the rest of us become linoleum. No walled or gated compound is safe from the whirring systems rationalizing everything, squeezing children of
Why My Words Matter (And So Do Yours)
Why My Words Matter (And So Do Yours)
“Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness. Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. Do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd" - Exodus 23:1-3
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June 23, 2024: Millions of Americans are aware of the disease, disabilities, and deaths caused by the COVID-19 mRNA injections fraudulently referred to as “safe and effective vaccines,” and are eagerly awaiting for the manufacturers and their co-conspirators to be held to account.
This past week, I was on the Stew Peters Show and we discussed the recent 9th Circuit Ruling enabling plaintiffs to challenge the US government’s claim that the mRNA injections are “safe and effective vaccines” or even “medical treatments,” as well why the lawsuits being brought by Texas, Idaho, Kansas and other states against Pfizer are a critical first step in the pursuit of justice for the victims of Pfizer’s mRNA injections.
Chapter 5: The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin: How the World Really Works by Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler
Chapter 5: The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin: How the World Really Works by Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler
from the book
The Creature from Jekyll Island
by G. Edward Griffin
Central banks have utilized and promoted wars for their own profit, starting
with the Rothschild involvement with the Napoleonic wars, and continuing up to
the present day.
The Fed [Federal Reserve] is merely a cartel with a government facade.
The Fed's [Federal Reserve] real objective [is] not to protect the public, but
rather to sacrifice the public to the interests of the banking cartel.
A purpose of the Bretton Woods system is to create a world government ruled by
the banking elites, using the United Nations as the core of a political
structure and the IMF as the world central bank, issuing and controlling the
world's only important currency [the dollar].
The [global banking] elites understand that they will never be able to
consolidate and hold their power by means of a gradualist program unless and
until they are able to make the IMF the sole issuer of the world's only
important currency [the dollar].
Harvard professor Richard Cooper, a CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] member
and Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs in the Carter administration
writing in 1984 in the CFR's house organ Foreign Affairs, 1984
Here comes medical AI; just a few minor problems
It had to happen. And it is happening. Now.
I recently had ChatGPT spell out the ways medical AI is coming down the pipeline.
Below is GPT’s description.
I’m sure rubes and yokels and doofuses and most people who took a science course in college will think it’s all good.
But of course that’s nonsense. Because every bias and piece of pharmaceutical fakery you can imagine is baked into the human system ALREADY.
And all those biases and pieces are being carried over into AI’s view of medicine…
Made to sound even more “objective.”
The potential of AI is fantastic, because it can speak with HUGE numbers of patients at the same time.
Soon, if not already, a major AI will be able to consult with, diagnose, and prescribe treatment for EVERY patient in America—simultaneously.
Plant-Based Ultraprocessed Foods Linked With Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Plant-Based Ultraprocessed Foods Linked With Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- June 24, 2024
Story at-a-glance
- Plant-based ultraprocessed foods, including veggie burgers and meatless nuggets, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease
- Eating plant-based ultraprocessed foods was linked with a 5% increased risk of cardiovascular disease and a 12% higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality
- Vegans and vegetarians often consume more ultraprocessed foods than meat eaters, especially “industrial plant-sourced meat and dairy substitutes”
- The health risks of these unnatural foods come not only from the highly processed ingredients they contain but also from the additives and contaminants formed during processing
- Plant-based ultraprocessed foods are typically loaded with seed oils high in the toxic omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid
How Your Gut Microbiome Affects Your Oxalate Tolerance
How Your Gut Microbiome Affects Your Oxalate Tolerance
- June 23, 2024
Story at-a-glance
- Oxalates are naturally occurring substances found in many plants, including vegetables and fruit
- While they’re a normal part of human metabolism and your diet, can contribute to the formation of kidney stones and other problems in sensitive individuals
- The problem isn’t the oxalates themselves but a damaged gut, which interferes with your body’s ability to clear oxalates effectively
- In my interview with Ruth Ann Foster, ScD, BSN, RN, we explore the underlying causes of that gut dysfunction and how it relates to overall health
- A diet of ultraprocessed foods and antibiotics are two primary culprits underlying gut dysfunction and oxalate intolerance
Oxalates are naturally occurring substances found in many plants, including vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Chemically, oxalate is the ionized form of oxalic acid, explains Ruth Ann Foster, ScD, BSN, RN.1 While they’re a normal part of human metabolism and your diet, they can bind to minerals like calcium, forming crystals known as calcium oxalate.
4913: International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers from Lincoln County Watch
Saturday, June 29, 2024
4913: International Public Notice: Overview for Non-Lawyers from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
Our Republican Form of Government: Section 42 — The United States Raj from Anna Von Reitz
Our Republican Form of Government: Section 42 — The United States Raj from Anna Von Reitz
Section 42 — The United States Raj
Many of the people reading this can remember film clips of
Mahatma Gandhi and news reels being shown of the massive population-wide but
largely peaceful demonstrations taking place in India in the late 1940’s
against the British “Raj”.
The whole point was to free the Indian Subcontinent from
British rule and oppression that began in the 1860’s and to restore
self-government to India.
How ironic.
The British did the same thing here and at the same time,
the 1860’s, but they could use deceit to get away with it here, because they
had many Tory sycophants ready to willingly subject themselves to the Queen,
and even more clueless wonders ready to do anything for a paycheck, and most of
all because they could pass themselves and their flunkies off as “Americans” —
its a lot harder for a Brit to pretend to be a native of Calcutta than it is to
say he’s from Maine.
The historical evidence of a worldwide coup in the 1860’s
that secretly restored a British military hegemony in America and which
accomplished the same basic aims using the same basic means in Australia,
Canada, India,
Meet the “New Normal”: Manipulation, Impoverishment, Worse than the “Old Normal”. You Are Still the Enemy Within
Meet the “New Normal”: Manipulation, Impoverishment, Worse than the “Old Normal”. You Are Still the Enemy Within

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Today, we are witnessing the nudging (manipulation) of the population to accept a ‘new normal’ based on
- a climate emergency narrative,
- restrictions on movement and travel,
- programmable digital money,
- ‘pandemic preparedness’ courtesy of the World Health Organization’s tyrannical pandemic treaty,
- unaccountable AI and synthetic ‘food’.
Whether it involves a ‘food transition’, an ‘energy transition’, 15-minute cities or some other benign-sounding term, all this is to be determined by a supranational ‘stakeholder’ elite with ordinary people sidelined in the process. An undemocratic agenda designed to place restrictions on individual liberty, marking a dramatic shift towards authoritarianism.
Precautions Are Needed Against the Propagandistic Use of Language in News Reporting
Precautions Are Needed Against the Propagandistic Use of Language in News Reporting
Precautions Are Needed Against the Propagandistic Use of Language in News Reporting
Paul Craig Roberts
The English language Russian media sites, RT and Sputnik, report news that the US media, focused as it is on protecting official narratives, ignores. I benefit from the broader news coverage, but I have noticed that the Russian media is not very sophisticated and tends to use American characterizations, such as calling France’s nationalist party “far right-wing.”
Marine Le Pen’s party is no more nationalist than Putin’s. Would the Russian media identify Russia’s dominant political party as far right-wing? Putin is as insistent on Russian sovereignty as Le Pen is on French sovereignty. Why does the Russian media accept Washington’s propaganda that national sovereignty is far right-wing?
Anyone who regularly reads RT and Sputnik comes across these incidences of Russian media using words that convey Washington’s point of view.
The way that the Russian media and, perhaps, the Russian intellectual class have fallen in step with American propaganda indicates a lack of independent characterization and description. Perhaps the explanation is that the Russian news sources employ Americans as journalists and that mischaracterizations are institutionalized in the way of thinking.
The “Equality of Opportunity” Fallacy
The “Equality of Opportunity” Fallacy
Many people argue in this way: The 1964 Civil Rights Act was fine. No one should be discriminated against because of his race or sex. Because blacks and women have suffered such discrimination in the past, it may be that programs like affirmative action are justified, at least temporarily. However, the purpose of these programs should be to promote equality of opportunity. Everybody deserves an equal chance to live a good life or, at any rate, a fair chance.
The problem that has arisen since the passage of the 1964 act, it is further alleged, is that “equality of outcomes or results” has come to replace “equality of opportunity.” This is a socialistic measure that is incompatible with the free market. In short—equality of opportunity, good; equality of results, bad. People who say this differ in the extent to which government intervention is needed to bring about equality of opportunity, with “conservatives” favoring much less intervention than “liberals.” Libertarians, from this perspective, would be those who think that little or no such intervention is
Don’t Kid Yourself
Don’t Kid Yourself
Todd Hayen

So many people I read or talk to seem to think that we shrews are making inroads, primarily in the court system. “This is all crumbling down,” they cheer. “The truth is coming out, we are winning!”
Fat chance.
Now, I don’t want to be a 24/7 doomsayer—I DO believe there has been some successful pushback. But just like when an insect develops resistance to an insecticide, it may slow things down a bit, but in the long run, it only teaches the poison manufacturer how to develop a more effective toxin to kill bugs more efficiently.
That’s where I think we are these days. Just like the “virus”—the agenda is mutating so it has a better chance of continuing to hoodwink all of us. Mark my words, fellow shrews. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings (my apologies to overweight opera singers, no offense intended).
We all know what “limited hang-out” means, right? For those of us who need a reminder, here is a quote from Wikipedia (ha ha, I know, I know…)
According to Victor Marchetti, a former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a limited hangout is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”[1][2] While used by the CIA and other intelligence organizations, the tactic has become popularized in the corporate and political spheres.[3]”
Regular readers here know my attitude toward flying: I do not do it, and won't do it, ever again. When I returned from Oxford to America in 1987, that was my last flight on an airplane. I simply will not fly, anywhere, ever. Period. My reasons for that are personal, but you may number terrible vertigo among them, and a curmudgeonly insistence in the teeth of clear statistical evidence to the contrary that flying is always, somehow, a crap shoot, a roll of the probability dice, that I simply don't want to take. you can add to that those grim pictures of American Flight 191, or Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 182, both from the late 1970s, and that more or less settles the issue for me.
But even i will admit that those grim reminders from history were not so much faults of the equipment itself, or of design flaws, but of human maintenance or piloting errors.
Not so with the recent problems that seem to be afflicting American manufacturer Boeing's commercial airliners. We've see an spate of problems, from problems in the computerized automatic pilots pitching noses up or down too much, altimeter problems, doors or windows falling off in mid flight, tires coming off on takeoff or landing and bouncing down the runway, Dutch rolls, and more recently, reports of "counterfeit Chinese titanium" that somehow made its way not only into Being aircraft, but Airbus aircraft as well.
Well, now you can add cracked cockpit windshields to the list, according to this story shared by V.T.:
The opening lines in this one say it all:
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Video: VAERS Underreports Deaths of Children After COVID Vaccine
VAERS is a passive adverse event reporting system that serves as a national early warning system for the identification of potential safety issues in U.S.-licensed vaccines — including injuries and deaths. Following the rollout of COVID-19 injections, increased use of the VAERS database has drawn in news media, scientific researchers, parents, and healthcare workers who were otherwise unaware of or indifferent towards it. One such individual, Albert Benavides, analyzes these reports for his website, VAERSAware.com.
Today, on “Good Morning CHD,” Benavides provides shocking reports from these careful examinations, including undocumented child deaths — resulting from misleading labels — and how an algorithm and “manual intervention” helped him identify the undercounted statistics. Catch the compelling conversation on CHD.TV!
231 Tania Aebi: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
231 Tania Aebi: The Underground History of Amercian Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org
Tania Aebi
Tania Aebi was a seventeen-year-old New York City school dropout bicycle messenger in 1987 when she decided to become the first American woman to sail around the world alone. She had a twenty-six-foot boat and no nautical tradition when she set out. She admits to cheating on her Coast Guard navigation exam. In a hurricane off Bermuda, generator gone, her life in peril, she taught herself navigation in a hurry by flashlight and made port. Two years later her record-making circuit of Planet Earth was complete.
Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK
Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical Democide in the UK
- June 22, 2024
Story at-a-glance
- "Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK" is a documentary film investigating allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system
- The film critically examines the unethical and potentially deadly use of medical protocols and medications in the National Health Service (NHS), suggesting they have led to patient harm and deaths under the guise of government policies
- The documentary features testimonials from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from medical professionals and legal experts
- “Medical democide,” — death or harm caused by government policies or health care practices — appears widespread in the NHS
- The film suggests that systemic issues deeply ingrained in NHS protocols hinder the delivery of humane care, from birth to the end of life
The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 Commander Posted on January 12, 2013 by Kevin Ryan from Dig Withn
The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 Commander Posted on January 12, 2013 by Kevin Ryan from Dig Withn
The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 Commander
Posted on January 12, 2013 by Kevin Ryan
In a 2004
U.S. Senate hearing, Senator Mark Dayton remarked that “this country and its
citizens were completely undefended” for “109 minutes” on 9/11.[1] Dayton
went on to clarify that officials within the North American Aerospace Defense
Command (NORAD) had covered up the facts about the lack of air defenses by
lying to the 9/11 Commission, to Congress and to the American people. And they
were not held accountable.
One man was most responsible for both the air defense failures and the lying
that covered it up. U.S. Air Force General Ralph Edward Eberhart had
taken over command of NORAD from General Richard Myers in February 2000.
The position included leadership of all air defense operations in North America
and, also, the U.S. Space Command. Therefore, on 9/11, Eberhart was the
man most responsible for failure to intercept the four hijacked aircraft over a
period of nearly two hours.
NORAD is the joint U.S.-Canadian military organization responsible for
monitoring and defending the airspace over North America. Long-standing
operating procedures at NORAD, for dealing with airliners that have gone
off-course or been hijacked, were not followed on 9/11. Each of the four
flights involved in the 9/11 attacks should have been intercepted when they
lost radio contact, deviated from their course, or turned off their
The procedures for interception were automatic and required no special orders
to implement. Through these procedures,
Remembering Dr. Jim Meehan: A Champion of Medical Freedom and Patient-Centered Care
Remembering Dr. Jim Meehan: A Champion of Medical Freedom and Patient-Centered Care
The medical freedom movement lost a key figure with the passing this month of Dr. Jim Meehan, 59. Remembered for his integrity and courage in challenging mainstream medical narratives, Meehan's advocacy spanned pandemic policies, childhood vaccination schedules, informed consent and alternative treatments.
June 21, 2024

The medical freedom community lost a true champion with the passing of Dr. Jim Meehan from cancer on June 15 at age 59.
A brilliant physician, fearless advocate and dedicated family man, Meehan’s unwavering commitment to truth and patient-centered care left an indelible mark on the healthcare landscape.
Meehan was an outspoken critic of government pandemic policies, particularly regarding mask mandates, social distancing, COVID-19 testing and mRNA vaccines.
In an evidence-based scientific analysis he wrote, Meehan challenged the efficacy of masks in preventing virus transmission arguing that masks were ineffective, unnecessary and potentially harmful.
During the height of the pandemic, Meehan risked his medical practice to ensure patients received what he believed were necessary medications to keep them alive and help them avoid hospitalization.
His stances often put him at odds with mainstream medical authorities, leading to censorship on social media platforms.
‘A lion’s heart’
Dr. Paul Thomas, who considered Meehan a close friend and featured him on his “Against the Wind” podcast on CHD.TV in 2021, remembered Meehan as a person of “the highest integrity” who was “fearless and would never hold back the truth.”
“He had a lion’s heart, a booming voice and fierce determination to fight for our children’s right to freedom from coercion of any kind and everyone’s right to informed consent and bodily integrity,” Thomas said.
Twins With Autism Improved ‘Dramatically’ After Parents Focused on Reducing Toxic Exposures
Toxic Exposures
Twins With Autism Improved ‘Dramatically’ After Parents Focused on Reducing Toxic Exposures
A new case report details how twin girls with autism showed dramatic improvements following a parent-led intervention focused on addressing a wide range of modifiable lifestyle and environmental factors.

A new case report details how autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms in twin girls were dramatically improved through personalized lifestyle and environmental modifications.
The study documents a parent-led intervention focused on addressing a wide range of modifiable lifestyle and environmental factors and a program of multidisciplinary clinical care and autism coaching.
The report, published last week in the peer-reviewed Journal of Personalized Medicine, was led by doctors from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and researchers from the nonprofit Documenting Hope.
Both twins were initially diagnosed with Level 3 ASD, the most severe type of autism. Between March 2022 and October 2023, their scores on the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), a tool for measuring changes in ASD severity, dropped from 76 to 32 and 43 to 4 respectively. Lower scores indicate improvements in symptoms.
The girls also showed several other behavioral and social improvements that were maintained for over six months at the time the paper was written, with continued improvement noted since the paper was submitted, according to Christopher D’Adamo, Ph.D., the lead author.
‘I Felt Like I Was Dying’: News Photographer Injured by COVID Booster Is on Mission to Change Vaccine Policy
‘I Felt Like I Was Dying’: News Photographer Injured by COVID Booster Is on Mission to Change Vaccine Policy
In an interview with The Defender, Minneapolis photojournalist Craig Norkus described the debilitating health issues he experienced after his second COVID-19 booster shot, the months of misdiagnoses and how he finally found effective alternative treatments.

Craig Norkus, a veteran Minneapolis television news photojournalist, was an ultra-fit and muscular amateur athlete until shortly after his second Moderna mRNA COVID-19 booster shot in November 2022.
Just days after the shot, Norkus began experiencing headaches and sinus drainage along with hot and cold flashes. He didn’t think much of it.
However, by Thanksgiving, his condition had taken a dramatic nosedive. He began experiencing extreme exhaustion, muscle weakness and mental fog. By late December, he had to request disability leave from his job.
“It was a sudden, weird change — an oppressive agony,” he said. “All of a sudden, I felt like I was dying,” he said.
Norkus’ quest for a proper diagnosis and treatment led him through a frustrating journey with multiple doctors and specialists who were unable to pinpoint the cause of his condition.
With the help of his partner and dogged persistence in searching for solutions, he eventually found a practitioner who identified his symptoms as signs of vaccine injury.