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An American Affidavit

Friday, February 23, 2024

When is a genetic disease ACTUALLY a genetic disease? Ever?


When is a genetic disease ACTUALLY a genetic disease? Ever?

I recently found this statement from the American Medical Library Association: “[There are] over 19,000 disease entries, which correspond with more than 13,000 genes…”

Really? 19,000 distinct genetic diseases?

Well, the Library says the diseases CORRESPOND WITH the genes.

Hmm. That means each one of these diseases has been found to be “associated with” specific genes.

“People who have a malfunctioning gene, XYZ, are more likely to be diagnosed with Disease ABC than people who don’t have that malfunctioning gene.”

Ah, but there is a problem. There could be undiscovered “confounding factors.” Suppose, for example, many people diagnosed with Disease ABC happen to be ingesting fluorides with their tap water? And no one has realized this.

In that case, jumping on the gene bandwagon would be a major mistake.

Or suppose many people diagnosed with Disease ABC have sprung up in Northern Italy, where a mass HPV vaccination campaign was just conducted?

Associating genetic factors with a disease doesn’t prove these factors cause the disease.

Add this: There is NO genetic therapy in the world which cures any disease in many, most, or all people who have the disease.

What does that tell us?...

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