Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Highwire with Del Bigtree: Episode 361: THE EYE OF THE STORM

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


The Fight for Food Freedom Rages in Pennsylvania; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the UK Government’s New Angle on Excess Deaths, and the vaccine injury pushback; In the Eye of the Climate Change Storm; ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ Set to Premiere in Las Vegas in March

Guests: Max Kane, Judith Curry, PhD, Mikki Willis

Uncensored: Over 10 US Counties Declare Shots Biological & Technological Weapon! ft. Dr. Sansone


Dr. Joseph Sansone joins Maria Zeee to discuss explosive news; over 10 US Counties have declared the COVID injections as both biological and technological weapons!

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108. America Is Massified: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


108. America Is Massified: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



America Is Massified 


     Older American forms of schooling would never have been equal to the responsibility  coal, steam, steel, and machinery laid upon them. As late as 1890, the duration of the  average school year was twelve to twenty weeks. Even with that, school attendance  hovered between 26 and 42 percent nationwide with the higher figure only in a few  places like Salem, Massachusetts.  

      Yet America had to be massified, and quickly. Since the end of the nineteenth century,  American government and big business had been fully committed, without public fanfare,  to creating and maintaining a mass society. Mass society demands tight administration,  close management to an extreme degree. Humanity becomes undependable, dangerous,  childlike, and suicidal under such discipline. Holding this contradiction stable requires     managers of systematic schooling to withdraw trust, to regard their clientele as hospital  managers might think of potentially homicidal patients. Students, men under military  discipline, and employees in post offices, hospitals, and other large systems are forced  into a condition of less than complete sanity. They are dangerous, 4 as history has shown  again and again. 

      There are three indisputable triumphs of mass society we need to acknowledge to  understand its strength: first, mass production offers relative physical comfort to almost  all — even the poor have food, shelter, television as a story-teller to raise the illusion of  community; second, as a byproduct of intense

‘We Need to Ask These Questions’: Experts Accuse Government, Pharma of Covering Up Vaccine Risks



‘We Need to Ask These Questions’: Experts Accuse Government, Pharma of Covering Up Vaccine Risks

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events during a U.S. Senate roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson.

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Editor’s note: This is the first of several articles about today’s roundtable discussion, “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events during a U.S. Senate roundtable discussion.

Sen. Ron Johnson hosted the discussion — “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” — which his office said was intended to “expose the truth about how the COVID cartel — federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech — engaged in censorship and coverups.”

“It was heartening to hear these courageous experts willing to risk careers and reputations in order to tell the truth despite tremendous pressure to look the other way,” said Laura Bono, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) vice president.

Chapter Zero Enough Is Enough : Dishonest Money by Joseph Plummer


Chapter Zero Enough Is Enough

Fifteen years after the publication of this book, our trajectory has not changed.

In 2009, federal debt stood at a mind boggling $12 trillion. It took nearly 100 years for the Federal Reserve System to bury us under that much debt. However, just 15 years later, those who direct our nation’s fiscal and monetary policy have managed to nearly triple that amount. Our nation will soon be buried under $36 trillion in debt.

Everyone knows that this course is unsustainable. It’s obvious that the banking class, and the politicians that they empower, are “financing the road to ruin.” But why? Is it just a feeding frenzy driven by short- term objectives and greed? Well, for the low-level administrators and profiteers, yes. But they are just useful idiots. For those intentionally orchestrating this mess, it’s much bigger. If permitted, they will use the financial crisis (that they create) to further consolidate their control over the globe and, by extension, our lives.

The purpose of this book is to expose how these people operate and what they’re after. With that in mind, we’ll focus on one of their greatest tricks: how they create the dollars that we all depend on and then “loan” those dollars into the economy, capturing governments, corporations, and citizens in the process.

With the exception of this new chapter, and the addition of citations and an index, I’ve left the contents of this book nearly exactly as it appeared in 2009. The reason is simple: The story hasn’t changed. The playbook hasn’t changed. The goal of those who created the Federal Reserve System hasn’t changed. Their ability to create, destroy, and direct money as they see fit is their ultimate instrument of power. The sooner we expose and escape their system, the better off the world will be.

Video:Boston Bombing Part 2: Drills, Spills and Chills (Sandy Hook Principal back from dead again?) - 2013


Published on Apr 17, 2013
Part 1 not available

"The Boston Globe tweeted there would be a drill/exercise near the Marathon which would be staging a "controlled explosion". Who the hell blows things up near a mass of
people? Even if no one was killed (which believe it or not, some are claiming), that
still is terrorism.

These Drills/Exercises are the key. They are what all inside jobs have in common.
I've been yelling about this in my Sandy Hook Hoax videos. In Part 6 I explained what 9/11, 76/7, Oslo, Aurora and Sandy Hook had in common, which included drills the same day, time and place as the event, preparing for scenarios which mirrored the event, itself. This was also the case in Tuscon, Columbine, WTC93 and many other events. When I heard about the Boston Bombing, I said, there will be evidence of a drill same day, time and place, and of course that turned out to be the case."

As required by court order, in December, FDA released another batch of documents related to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18+ and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12-15


As required by court order, in December, FDA released another batch of documents related to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18+ and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12-15. The productions contain over 200,000 pages of data, including information on a Department of Defense study related to myocarditis that appears to have been mysteriously terminated.

As ICAN supporters will recall, the attorneys who represent ICAN have won several lawsuits related to obtaining the documents FDA relied upon to license COVID-19 vaccines. While the document production for Pfizer ages 16+ is complete, the rest of the documents are still being released.

The December 2023 release of documents related to Moderna’s Spikevax consisted of 1,069 pages, including: 

  • Serious Adverse Events 4.5x higher: An October 8, 2021 Moderna report titled “CBER Requested Tables” provided detailed vaccine adverse event data that had been requested by FDA, including a Safety Overview table showing that solicited serious Grade 3 or Grade 4 systemic adverse reactions were 4.5 times greater in the vaccine arm (17.4%) versus the placebo arm (3.8%). 

Americans Exposed to Fertility-Lowering Chemicals in Cheerios, Quaker Oats


Americans Exposed to Fertility-Lowering Chemicals in Cheerios, Quaker Oats

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • A pilot study by the Environmental Working Group reveals 80% of Americans tested positive for chlormequat chloride, a pesticide and growth regulator
  • 92% of oat-based foods, including popular brands like Quaker Oats and Cheerios, also contained the chemical
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed expanding chlormequat use to staple grains to increase yields, despite potential health risks
  • Animal studies show chlormequat is linked to reproductive and developmental problems, raising concerns for human health
  • EWG opposes the EPA's plan, urging further investigation, and recommends buying organic oat products to avoid exposure

4676-4678: Self-Governance and the Bank from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

4676-4678: Self-Governance and the Bank from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever seen a restaurant or other place of business post a sign that says something like, "No shirt, no shoes, no service." or "You can get it done fast or you can get it done right." or "Drug addicts need not apply."?  

Private businesses that are open to the Public have the right to determine certain standards related to what goes on in their store, who they serve and who they don't serve, who they hire and who they don't hire, the liabilities they accept or don't accept, and so on.  

Remember the famous Wedding Cake lawsuit in which a bakery refused to do a wedding cake for a gay couple?  It went all the way to the Supreme Court and it came back in favor of the bakery.  

Global Family Bank is no different.  They won't serve people who are mean-spirited, abusive, entitled, self-important, ugly, combative, and wanting to fight, fight, fight.   

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 38 — The American Government Structure from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 38 — The American Government Structure from Anna Von Reitz


Section 38 — The American Government Structure
You can now see the outlines of the actual American Government:
The people — all living, breathing beings operate as Natural Persons, and operate the soil jurisdiction, which is the national jurisdiction of their republican states which are members of The United States, an unincorporated Union.
The People — all Lawful Persons acting in the international land jurisdiction owed to the republican
states operating as States that are members of The United States of America, an unincorporated Federation of States.
The United States: Combined National Soil Jurisdiction Union of State Republics

Union Formed: Declared: Nature: Jurisdiction: Units: Government: Language:

The Trentadue and Epstein Prison Murders


The Trentadue and Epstein Prison Murders

The Trentadue and Epstein Prison Murders

Paul Craig Roberts

This post is extremely interesting.  It shows the close, indeed identical, totally false explanations by the Department of Justice (sic) and New York City medical examiner, Barbara Sampson, of two prison murders.  https://www.activistpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Now-It-Can-Be-Told-Part-2-AP.pdf 

Kenneth Michael Trentadue’s murder occurred in August 1995, approaching 29 years ago.  Epstein’s prison murder was in August 2019.

Trentadue’s murder apparently was due to misidentifying him as a party to the Oklahoma City bombing.  Epstein was murdered because he had incriminating  evidence against the US and UK elites involved in sex with underaged kids.

Trentadue’s brother is an attorney, and when Kenneth’s beaten and bruised head to toe body was prevented  by the family from being cremated  and instead delivered to the family for burial, it was completely obvious that murder, not suicide, was the cause of death.

I covered the case, which was still possible in those days, and the extraordinary disparity between the hard evidence and the Justice (sic) Departments explanation was completely obvious.  My articles rattled the US Department of Justice (sic) and a Justice (sic) official called my office. My assistant answered and was astonished to hear that I needed to back off or there would be trouble. She asked whether she was talking to the Justice Department or to a Mafia thug.

A Profound Act of Sincerity


A Profound Act of Sincerity




One of the main reasons the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell is having such an earthshaking impact on our society is because it’s the single most profound act of sincerity that any of us have ever witnessed.

In this fraudulent civilization where everything is fake and stupid, we are not accustomed to such sincerity. We’re accustomed to vapid mainstream culture manufactured in New York and Los Angeles, airheaded celebrities who never talk about anything real, self-aggrandizing Instagram activism, synthetic political factions designed to herd populist discontent into support for status quo politics, phony shitlib “I hear you, I stand with you [but I won’t actually do anything]” posturing, endless propaganda and diversion from the mass media and its online equivalents which are algorithmically boosted by Silicon Valley tech plutocrats, and a mind-controlled dystopia where almost everyone is sleepwalking through life in a psyop-induced fog.

Raising Free-Thinking Children Amid Societal Madness


Raising Free-Thinking Children Amid Societal Madness




International Man: TV, movies, popular culture, government schools, and many factors mold the minds of today’s kids.

Unfortunately, these institutions are rotten to the core.

What are parents and children up against today?

Doug Casey: It’s very serious. Once upon a time, going to school and watching a movie or a TV program wouldn’t endanger your kid’s moral character, but now they do. And I ask myself: Where did the rot start, when did it begin? How to Be Invisible: P... J. J. Luna Best Price: $6.87 Buy New $7.92 (as of 12:20 UTC - Details)

There’s an old saying: Tough times breed strong men; strong men result in good times; good times result in weak men, and so forth. I’m afraid that pretty much describes what’s happened with the US.

We’re following the path of all great empires in the past. After Athens became rich and prosperous, they fomented the Peloponnesian War, which resulted in their collapse. It happened to the Roman Republic, which fell away from its founding virtues, transformed into an empire, and became dissipated and soft. It’s happened to Europe after it became rich and prosperous. Its conquest of scores of colonies has come back to bite it.

When civilizations become rich and arrogant, they lose their moral foundations. They become hypocritical and corrupt. They don’t want to admit it; the elites may not even recognize it. But a spiritual cancer becomes pervasive, and they seem to suffer a loss of self-confidence. Perversely, as the foundations of society collapse, its superstructure, the government, grows and becomes more important. The society becomes bureaucratized. That transfers risk and responsibility away from individuals and traditional institutions, placing them onto the State.

Lucas Gage on Aaron Bushnell, the Active-duty US Airman Who Burned Himself Alive


Heavy, intense statement here from Lucas Gage, in response to the US Airman who sacrificed his own life in hopes of awakening the insouciant public to the horrors being committed by Israel and the Zionist-controlled USA and England. It is, of course, a terrible thing to commit suicide in general, but the other side of the coin in this case is this:
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for [others].” — John 15:13

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MJcwjrnUGcfu/ (9:56)

Report 96: mRNA COVID-19 Shots – ‘Vaccines’ or Gene Therapy Products? – Part 2


Report 96: mRNA COVID-19 Shots – ‘Vaccines’ or Gene Therapy Products? – Part 2

February 20, 2024 • by David Shaw; Cassie Papillon; Dr. Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt

When considering a drug for emergency use authorization (EUA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) selects an internal advisory committee to review information and data submitted to the FDA by the pharmaceutical company about its new drug. These influential FDA advisory committees, based on that information and data, make recommendations regarding the granting or denial of EUA, subsequently determining if a drug will become publicly available. While the FDA is not obligated to follow the committee recommendations, it typically does. The health of the American public, as well as billions of dollars, hinges on FDA advisory committee recommendations and, ultimately, the FDA’s related authorization. Given the significance of advisory committee recommendations, it is crucial to select the appropriate committee based on the type of drug under consideration. However, as demonstrated, the FDA disregarded the fact that mRNA COVID-19 drugs are gene therapies and, consequently, did not choose the logical advisory committee to oversee and make recommendations about these “vaccines.”

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Waco A New Revelation: Two Days After WTC93, Just a Distraction


The Waco Massacre from AFP


The Waco Massacre

February 8, 2018 Staff Archive, Audio, Freedom 3

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the massacre at the Branch Davidian Church near Waco, Texas, AFP begins a series of articles to look back on that terrible time when U.S. military and law enforcement waged war against a group of American citizens. This is part one of a four-part series.

By S.T. Patrick 

Twenty-five years ago, on April 19, 1993, America witnessed one of the most indelible moments of the Clinton presidency as it unfolded on cable news. In a field outside of the small community of Axtell, Texas—13 miles from Waco—a tank, on orders from the U.S. government, powered its way through the front door of Mount Carmel, a home to nearly 100 Branch Davidians. Mount Carmel was quickly ablaze in a gaseous inferno that would take the lives of approximately 80 Davidians, including almost 20 children.
Many questions lie in the smoldering ashes of Mount Carmel. The government spokesmen and
national media owned the narrative immediately following the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) siege at Mount Carmel. Made-for-television films such as “In the Line of Duty: Ambush at Waco,” which presented the government’s view of the earlier Feb. 28 conflict with the Davidians, had been made even before the April siege.
In the years following the fire, the political right lifted its own public-relations torch regarding what is now simply known as “Waco.” Militias, Second Amendment activists, and libertarians have all pushed their own causes and anger through the hazy lens of Mount Carmel.

107. The End Of Competition: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


107. The End Of Competition: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



The End Of Competition


   By 1905, industrial corporations employed 71 percent of all wage earners, mining  enterprises 10 percent more. At exactly the moment forced-schooling legislation in  America was being given its bite by the wholesale use of police, social service  investigators, and public exhortation, corporate capitalism boiled up like sulphur in the  Monongahela to color every aspect of national life. Corporate spokesmen and academic  interpreters, often the same people, frequently explained what was happening as a stage  in the evolution of the race. A Johns Hopkins professor writing in 1900 said that what  was really happening behind the smokescreen of profit-making was "the sifting out of  genius" and "the elimination of the weak."   

     The leading patent attorney in the nation speaking in the same year said nothing,  including the law, could stem the new tide running, the only realistic course was  "acquiescence and adjustment." Charles Willard of Sears & Roebuck was

Study: Second medical opinion reveals different diagnosis in 88% OF PATIENTS!


Study: Second medical opinion reveals different diagnosis in 88% OF PATIENTS!


From studyfinds.org, April 2017:

A new study finds that nearly 9 in 10 people who go for a second opinion after seeing a doctor are likely to leave with a refined or new diagnosis from what they were first told.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic examined 286 patient records of individuals who had decided to consult a second opinion, hoping to determine whether being referred to a second specialist impacted one’s likelihood of receiving an accurate diagnosis.

The study, conducted using records of patients referred to the Mayo Clinic’s General Internal Medicine Division over a two-year period, ultimately found that when consulting a second opinion, the physician only confirmed the original diagnosis 12 percent of the time.

Among those with updated diagnoses, 66% received a refined or redefined diagnosis, while 21% were diagnosed with something completely different than what their first physician concluded.

Don’t let that “refined or redefined” fool you. A different diagnosis OF ANY KIND most often means a different treatment than originally called for will be given.

Chapter Six: 1984 by George Orwell: How the World Really Works by Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler


Chapter Six: 1984 by George Orwell: How the World Really Works by Alan B. Jones from Third World Traveler




from the book
by George Orwell

from 1984

If leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and would learn to think for themselves; and when once they had done this, they would sooner or later realize that the privileged minority had no function, and they would sweep it away. In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.

During the consolidation of power stage [of a state, non-state] sources of public information [are] suppressed, guaranteeing the future uniformity of public opinion on all matters of significance [to the new ruling elite].

from 1984

A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors. The Party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself. Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same.

How does continuous war act to keep the Lows "stupefied by poverty" and thereby assure the maintenance of the social structure? The goal of the wars is to enable

UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity...