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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

On Brownstone coverage of global biomunitions racketeering and intentional, planned, executed DoD-WHO-BMGF-Pfizer biowarfare programs.


On Brownstone coverage of global biomunitions racketeering and intentional, planned, executed DoD-WHO-BMGF-Pfizer biowarfare programs.

Also reminder re: Bailiwick posting rate being slower than usual for a few weeks.

Orientation for new readers.

As a reminder, a few weeks ago I posted that I needed to take a break from my normal writing schedule for a few weeks to deal with some personal issues, so I put subscriptions on “pause” until mid-July.

Paying subscribers will not be billed during the pause, and the button for signing up for new paid subscriptions won’t work. Readers can still sign up for free subscriptions, and all content is free for all readers anyway. When the pause ends on July 15, subscription payment processing will resume.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been doing re-posts of my past work, transcripts of videos, and cross-posts of other Substackers’ work. Plus reading and thinking to get a better handle on some of the things I plan to write about this summer and autumn.

Thank you to all readers for your support and encouragement (reading, sharing, commenting and financial) for my work through Bailiwick.

And thank you for your patience until I can get back to my regular posting rate of one or two new pieces per week, hopefully by mid-July.

On Brownstone coverage of global biomunitions racketeering and biowarfare.

A reader emailed me a link to Debbie Lerman’s June 26, 2023 Brownstone piece: Pandemic leaders were biodefense puppets and profiteers, asking: “How would you adjust her "big picture" view? Have you had any contact with her or anyone at Brownstone?  With Jeffrey Tucker?”

My reply, expanded:

I’ve tried — to no avail — to engage Lerman and Tucker on the legal history and analysis that support the conclusion that Covid-19 programs and all ‘public health emergencies,’ are pretexts for US military-run, intentional maiming and killing campaigns in military support of a geopolitical power-grab by global financial criminals pursuing a diabolically-inspired, multi-generational depopulation and enslavement agenda.

The legal evidence does not support the government narrative: that global pandemics (natural and/or lab-created) are a true threat to humanity to which governments are responding benevolently with massive ‘public health’ preparedness and response programs using industrialized, liability-free ‘biodefense’ product manufacturing and deployment.

Lerman’s characterization of the crisis is that Covid-19 was “an international counterterrorism effort focused myopically on lockdowns and vaccines, to the exclusion of all traditional and time-tested public health protocols.”

This indicates to me that she accepts the underlying public health police state premise: that there are global biological threats for which ‘public health’ programs — the “traditional, time-tested” kind — are legitimate responses.

After several failed attempts to engage Lerman and Tucker by email, I stopped trying. I write for and work with people who are looking for truth; I steer clear, as much as I can, of people who are actively avoiding it.

My view, from reading the Covid-19 lessons-learned reporting and analysis by Lerman and Tucker over the past year or so, is that Brownstone Institute’s role is to protect the public health system and public health officials from public understanding of how HHS public health programs are actually just part of joint military operations with DoD.

Keeping people from understanding the DoD-HHS partnership structure helps protect the HHS-led branch of the US war machine from blowback: public outrage, public contempt, and legislative and judicial dismantling and de-funding of federal and global public health-predicated martial law systems.

Brownstone and other writers fulfill that role by presenting public health officials as duped, victimized, manipulated, scared, greedy and/or ambitious people rather than knowing, victimizing, manipulating, complicit, murderous people who have demonstrated how fully they are on-board with biowarfare killing programs hidden behind public health biodefense pretexts. 

These writers serve as traffic cops steering readers into dead ends, to keep the DoD biochemical weapons deployment roads clear of political obstructions and keep biochemical weapons moving along those roads, into retail pharmacies, onto farms, and into human and animal targets faster with every passing month.

In my view, Brownstone’s goal and the goal of other pretend resistance organizations, is to shore up credibility and power bases during intervals between public health emergency campaigns, to keep the biodefense scam going and to build momentum for expanding it with each iteration of the con.

My goal is pretty much the opposite of that. For example, I think nation-states and the people who live in them, should deepen the backlash against public health.

I think it’s important to address the intentionality of State-sponsored biochemical warfare as evidenced by changes to laws enacted over the past 75 years or so.

I think it’s important to recognize and address the internal contradictions in the laws, and in legal contracts, that have made correct interpretation difficult and laborious, and misinterpretation easier, to pretend-authorize and then cover up ongoing crimes. 

I think it’s important to look at the laws and contracts and compare them to the observable actions and inactions of DoD, DOJ, Pfizer, FDA, CDC, WHO and other active geopolitical organizations, and use that comparison process to understand which of the contradictory legal provisions are in force and enforceable, and which are just unenforceable fluff provisions offered to the public as part of multi-faceted misdirection and manipulation campaigns.

I think it’s important to acknowledge that there are no true global public health threats, but only faked, fabricated global threats created out of localized CBRN weapons attacks amplified by fraud-promoting media organizations to continue the covert depopulation and enslavement project, by continuing to block public understanding of it.

Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist. Painting by Benvenuto Tisi da Garofalo.

Note re: comment section.

The comment section is closed, because I don’t have time or interest to moderate it and delete comments that are abusive, repetitive, all-caps, and/or off-topic. If/when I have the capacity to do some moderating to maintain a wholesome, constructive discussion forum, I’ll open the comment sections again.

All content is free to all readers.

All support — reading, sharing, commenting and financial — is deeply appreciated.


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