Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, June 30, 2023

RFK Jr. Dismantles Doctor’s Pro-Vaccine Stance in Town Hall Meeting



RFK Jr. Dismantles Doctor’s Pro-Vaccine Stance in Town Hall Meeting

An exchange on vaccine safety and testing between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Tariq Butt, a family medicine doctor, during a televised town hall hosted by journalist Elizabeth Vargas demonstrates that “we aren’t in an epidemiological crisis, we are in an epistemological one.”

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Epistemology is the theory of knowledge. Epistemologists ask the foundational question, “How do we know what we know?”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday appeared in a town hall meeting hosted by NewsNation and moderated by journalist Elizabeth Vargas.

The exchanges between Kennedy — chairman on leave from Children’s Health Defense — Vargas and Dr. Tariq Butt, a family medicine doctor in the audience, demonstrated the real quagmire the scientific community finds itself in.

Doctors and journalists cannot see the difference between believing and knowing. If we were in a rational world, there wouldn’t be the need for censorship and shadowbanning.

Nor would many of the vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule, as presently formulated and tested, have found their way into the arms of young human beings.

In 13 short minutes, Kennedy deftly demonstrated to the audience that our problem isn’t just a failure of epidemiology — it’s one of epistemology:

Vargas first framed the topic this way:

63. Munsterberg And His Disciples: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


63. Munsterberg And His Disciples: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


 True Believers And The Unspeakable Chautauqua 


      A very small group of young psychologists around the turn of the century were able to  create and market a system for measuring human talent that has permeated American  institutions of learning and influenced such fundamental social concepts as democracy,  sanity, justice, welfare, reproductive rights, and economic progress. In creating, owning,  and advertising this social technology the testers created themselves as professionals.  


— Joanne Brown, The Definition of a Profession: The Authority of Metaphor in the  History of Intelligence Testing 


      I have undertaken to get at the facts from the point of view of the business men — citizens  of the community who, after all, pay the bills and, therefore, have a right to say what they  shall have in their schools. 

      — Charles H. Thurber, from an address at the Annual Meeting of the National Education  Association, July 9, 1897 

‘Star Power’ Helps Malibu Residents in Battle Over 5G Small Cell Transmitters



‘Star Power’ Helps Malibu Residents in Battle Over 5G Small Cell Transmitters

Malibu, California, City Council on Monday voted to add the issue of small cell 5G wireless facilities to their agenda for future discussion after residents, including Hollywood celebrities Ed Harris and Mel Gibson, expressed concerns about the proliferation of the facilities in their neighborhoods.

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Malibu, California, City Council on Monday voted to add the issue of small cell 5G wireless facilities to their agenda for future discussion after residents, including Hollywood celebrities Ed Harris and Mel Gibson, expressed concerns about the proliferation of the facilities in their neighborhoods.

Small cells are individual wireless transmitters distributed roughly every 100-450 meters that can be mounted on utility poles or other structures, such as a fence. Before 5G, most wireless networks were built using a system of macro transmitters in the form of cellular towers. The 5G network uses both cellular towers and small cells.

During Monday’s public hearing, Malibu’s mayor and city councilmembers heard live testimony from multiple Malibu residents, including Vanessa Garcia and Lynn Dornhelm who live on Carbon Mesa Road.

FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER IX An Account of the Life and Persecutions of Martin Luther


FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER IX An Account of the Life and Persecutions of Martin Luther




An Account of the Life and Persecutions of Martin Luther

This illustrious German divine and reformer of the Church was the son of John Luther and Margaret Ziegler, and born at Isleben, a town of Saxony, in the county of Mansfield, November 10, 1483. His father's extraction and condition were originally but mean, and his occupation that of a miner; it is probable, however, that by his application and industry he improved the fortunes of his family, as he afterward became a magistrate of rank and dignity. Luther was early initiated into letters, and at the age of thirteen was
sent to school at Magdeburg, and thence to Eisenach, in Thuringia, where he remained four years, producing the early indications of his future eminence.
In 1501 he was sent to the University of Erfurt, where he went through the usual courses of logic and philosophy. When twenty, he took a master's degree, and then lectured on Aristotle's physics, ethics, and other parts of philosophy. Afterward, at the instigation of his parents, he turned himself to the civil law, with a view of advancing himself to the bar, but was diverted from this pursuit by the following

How vaccines cause autism - A visual summary


How vaccines cause autism - A visual summary

Milk protein contaminated vaccines cause 75% of autism cases. Mom's vaccine can damage the fetal brain.

Wuhan Scientist Thrown Off Roof


Wuhan Scientist Thrown Off Roof

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • According to witnesses, a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientist by the name of Zhou Yusen was thrown to his death off the lab’s roof in May 2020, three months after he’d filed a patent for a COVID vaccine
  • The patent suggests Yusen had been working on the vaccine prior to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, which authorities have insisted was a previously unknown virus of zoonotic origin. The timing of the patent filing is further evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab
  • There’s also evidence linking SARS-CoV-2 to Chinese bioweapons research
  • WIV researchers also created a coronavirus far more lethal than SARS-CoV-2 — one with a 75% kill rate. This research was, in part, funded by EcoHealth grant money from the U.S. government
  • At least nine viruses related to SARS-CoV-2 were found in a Chinese mineshaft, but research for only one was published

9 New York Lawmakers Demand Investigation Into Secret ‘Problem Codes’ Assigned to Unvaccinated Teachers



9 New York Lawmakers Demand Investigation Into Secret ‘Problem Codes’ Assigned to Unvaccinated Teachers

In a letter released last week, the lawmakers asked New York City Department of Education Chancellor David Banks to clarify the purpose and use of the codes, how they were determined, their consequences, whether this information was sent to law enforcement agencies and how the city plans to rectify the situation.

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Nine New York Congressional members are demanding a full investigation by New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Chancellor David Banks into secret “problem codes” assigned to the records of teachers who declined to take the COVID-19 vaccination.

The NYC DOE assigned the problem codes — the same ones assigned to people accused of molesting, raping or injuring a child — to educators placed on unpaid leave for declining to be vaccinated for COVID-19, according to an internal email sent in 2022.

The letter was written in response to a call in March by Children’s Health Defense (CHD) for a bipartisan congressional investigation into the problem codes.

The city’s “unwillingness to be transparent about how and when these codes are used and under what circumstances requires a thorough and complete investigation,” said Mary Holland, then-president of CHD and lead author of a letter sent to congressional leadership and the New York delegation.

4249-4250: The National Level Identity Theft from Lincoln County Watch


Thursday, June 29, 2023

4249-4250: The National Level Identity Theft from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

We have detailed the means used to unlawfully convert the political status and identity of Americans by both of the Municipal Corporation Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia. 

The British Territorial Subcontractor began the process in the 1920's, with the Shepherd -Townsend Act, ostensibly addressed only to U.S. Citizens, but grossly and indiscriminately applied to all Americans without disclosure and without instruction and without provision of remedy.  

Once the Americans were unlawfully converted via registration to the status of British Territorial U.S. Citizens, their estate became subject to the public interest established by the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, and the Bar Association Members acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents representing the British King's interest in the estate latched upon it, issued titles upon it, and used it as collateral subject to hypothecation of debt under Admiralty Law.  

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 30 — The Constitutions from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 30 — The Constitutions from Anna Von Reitz


Section 30 — The Constitutions
Just as it is a shock for many people to realize that there is an American Government operating separate from the Federal Government it created, and that there were “Confederate States” in operation long before the Civil War, it will come as a shock to many to realize that there are in fact three (3) Constitutions, not one.
Much of our education has been neglected so as to promote fraud against us and make us — and our
entire country — easy marks.
Let’s notice a few general things that are important about the Constitutions and the Federal Government they created.
1. The word “Federal” can be used in several ways. It can be used as a descriptive adjective indicating a contractual relationship with our American Federation of States — The United States of America [the unincorporated version] — or any other federated entity; it can also be applied to any part of a federated entity.

Transhumanism and the Philosophy of the Elites


Transhumanism and the Philosophy of the Elites

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In 2004, when Foreign Policy asked eminent scholar Francis Fukuyama to write an article answering the question, What is the world’s most dangerous idea?, he responded with a piece titled Transhumanism.

Fukuyama argued that the transhumanist project will use biotechnology to modify life until humans lose something of their ‘essence’, or fundamental nature. Doing so will disrupt the very basis of natural law upon which, he believes, our liberal democracies are founded (Fukuyama, 2004). For Fukuyama, these losses lay unrecognised beneath a mountain of promise for a techno-scientific future of imaginative self-improvement. 

Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the “Spanish Flu”?


Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the “Spanish Flu”?



Did a Vaccine Experiment on U.S. Soldiers Cause the “Spanish Flu”?

By Kevin Barry

March 30, 2020



The So-called “Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918” and the Rockefeller Institute’s Crude Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Experiment on US Troops

The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people
“The first casualty of war is truth.” – US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson, Progressive Republican from California – 1918
“The question is whether we are to have (vaccine) experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in
children and adults (and soldiers?) who are human in form but not in social potential.” – Dr Stanley Plotkin, virologist who spent years working at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania, associate of Paul Offit, credited with inventing the rubella vaccine and an advisor to pharmaceutical corporations

Thoughts on the Digital Revolution, Corporate Medicine, and Infinitely Expanding Racism


Thoughts on the Digital Revolution, Corporate Medicine, and Infinitely Expanding Racism

Thoughts on the Digital Revolution, Corporate Medicine, and Infinitely Expanding Racism

Paul Craig Roberts

The digital revolution is inconsistent with human freedom. The digital revolution gives governments powers to spy and to control that are complete. There is no privacy, and no independence once digital money is the only means of transactions.

In George Orwell’s 1984 Big Brother spied on people via the TV set and publicly placed microphones. We are already far beyond that with publicly placed cameras and face and voice recognition. Even the means of communication such as cell phones spy for the government, as do household appliances for those who fall for “smart appliances.”

Moreover, unapproved words and statements are gradually being criminalized as are statements of truth. The US Constitution is being erased. And nothing is being done about it.

Climate Change Propaganda Roundup


Climate Change Propaganda Roundup

Bankers Announce Plans to Confiscate Private Property For Climate Change




Surveying the economy-shattering “climate change” lies for social control as relayed by our self-appointed technocratic overlords.

JPMorgan & Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s annual love letter to his shareholders opens with self-congratulation for maintaining profitability even in the current state of inflation – something that most middle-class or working-class Americans can’t necessarily say.

After all, the American middle and working classes don’t have Senators and regulators and presidents on speed dial, so why would they enjoy the economic largesse afforded to the architects of the multinational merger of corporate and state power?

Global neofeudalism is humming along at full speed. Still, the serfs’ estates aren’t shrinking fast enough for the likes of the World Economic Forum.

Fear and Loathing in the City of Westminster



Fear and Loathing in the City of Westminster

CJ Hopkins

Our descent into City Airport was like the drop-ship scene in the movie Aliens. The BA CityFlyer Embraer 190, a narrow-body twin-engine airliner, rolled over into a 40-degree bank and started bucking like a mechanical bull. Simulated “chimes” began chiming frantically. Flight attendants bolted for their seats.

The German businessman in the seat beside me, obviously a nervous flyer, immediately adopted the “brace” position. I gripped his shoulder reassuringly and shouted into his ear like a drunken redneck, “WE’RE ON AN EXPRESS ELEVATOR TO HELL! GOING DOWN!”

And so began my latest trip to London. This time, I wasn’t there to talk to “the Left” or to hunt down endoparasitoid xenomorphs. I was there on Serious Conspiracy Theorist Business, which I explained to the chirpy MI6 operative posing as a “survey taker” that followed me out of Border Control asking questions about my “nation of residence” and my “experience with the passport scanners,” and so on.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11 has one central thesis — that the official version of the events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 cannot be true. This documentary explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony which directly conflicts with the US government's account.

Featuring presentations from intellectual heavy weights; Gore Vidal and Nobel Prize winner, Dario Fo, the film challenges assumptions surrounding the 9/11 attacks. In the words of the Italian daily newspaper, Il Corriere de da Sera, "What results is a sequence of contradictions, gaps, and omissions of stunning gravity."

61. Education As A Helix Sport: The Underground HIstory of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


61. Education As A Helix Sport: The Underground HIstory of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Education As A Helix Sport


    Here's a principle of real education to carry you through the moments of self-doubt.  Education is a helix sport, a unique personal project like seatless unicycle riding over  trackless wilderness, a sport that avoids rails, rules, and programmed confinement. The  familiar versions of this are cross-country skiing, sailing, hang-gliding, skateboarding,  surfing, solitary mountain climbing, thousand-mile walks, things like that. I think of  education as one, too.   


     In a helix sport the players search for a new relationship with themselves. They endure  pain and risk to achieve this goal. Helix sports are free of expert micromanagement.  Experts can't help you much in that moment of truth when a mistake might leave you  dead. Helix sports are a revolt against predestination.  

Merck Knew Its Popular Asthma Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Lawsuits Allege



Merck Knew Its Popular Asthma Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Lawsuits Allege

According to a Reuters investigation, parents trying to sue Merck were “stymied by one of Corporate America’s most effective liability shields: the doctrine of federal preemption” which says federal law and federal regulations supersede state laws, but some are now moving forward.

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Dozens of patients, including many children, died by suicide or suffered from neuropsychiatric problems after taking Singulair, Merck’s allergy and asthma medication, according to lawsuits that are finally proceeding, after decades of delays and legal challenges, Reuters reported.

Merck is accused of downplaying early evidence of Singulair’s impact on the brain. These claims “later faced intense scrutiny,” leading to “a raft of lawsuits alleging [Merck] knew … that the drug could impact the brain and that it minimized the potential for psychiatric problems in statements to regulators.”

Singulair, also known as montelukast, is available to adults and children as a medication for severe allergies and asthma. The drug “blocks chemicals, called leukotrienes, in the body,” according to Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician. Leukotrienes “can be involved in the precipitation of asthma and can cause respiratory symptoms, as well as inflammation of the airways,” Perro told The Defender.

William Rodriguez and the Key to 9/11


William Rodriguez and the Key to 9/11


William Rodriguez and the Key to 9/11

Peter Zaza

September 24, 2007

"First Man In" for Truth

Myself and 100 other people had the good fortune to see William Rodriguez speak in Nanaimo, BC on Sept 17th, 2007. There are many things quite remarkable about this man, his rare sense of integrity being chief among them. I had heard him before on a radio show, it was a fascinating interview where he went into some detail about his youth, his career in magic, and just some of the noteworthy people he has been associated with throughout his extraordinary life so far. Working at the World Trade Center for 20 years, he was one of a small group of people who possessed a master key to the building. That fact, along with his intimate knowledge of this huge complex, permitted firefighters easier access, and therefore more people could be saved. Rodriguez is a humble man who makes references to the fact that he is just a janitor, but in truth, he is a powerful individual with an amazing story to tell. Through his experiences we see revealed a man who possesses incredible loyalty, uncommon bravery, and the strength of his convictions concerning truth and justice.

What is a COVID-19 death?


What is a COVID-19 death?

Simply a pneumonia death?

This article has morphed into something entirely different from the original idea I had yesterday when I started writing it. As it stands, it appears as though COVID-19 deaths might not be COVID-19 deaths at all.

Many thanks to Clare Craig, Norman Fenton, Martin Neil, Joel Smalley, Scott McLachlan, Jonathan Engler and Ben Lewis for your helpful feedback.

I am going to try to pay homage to what I spent 2 days rewriting and also to what the take home message is. I can only hope I did a decent job explaining my own confusion.

I found a website today (yesterday) that I like because it has maps and numbers. My favorite things. It’s called USA Health Rankings: Live Longer Live Better and you can find it here. Their data is sourced from many places.¹

Billions of Dollars in U.S. COVID Relief Aid Stolen


Billions of Dollars in U.S. COVID Relief Aid Stolen

money stolen

COVID-19 relief aid fraud ran rampant in the United States during the pandemic. Billions of dollars of government relief aid that was meant to stabilize the U.S. economy was instead pilfered. Social security numbers of federal prisoners and people who had previously passed away were used to redeem unemployment checks, while federal loan applicants were not thoroughly vetted. All of this, along with other blatant scams, may have led to the biggest case of fraud in many years.1

According to the Associated Press, more than $280 billion was stolen from the government’s COVID relief fund, while another $123 billion was misspent or wasted. The total loss exceeding $400 billion amounted to 10 percent of the total $4.2 trillion the government doled out in COVID relief aid, which was the “the largest rescue package in American history.”2

FDA Panel Endorses New Alzheimer’s Drug After Accelerated Approval


FDA Panel Endorses New Alzheimer’s Drug After Accelerated Approval

elderly man

The newest Alzheimer’s drug is on its way for full regulatory approval after a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel voted that the drug was beneficial in slowing cognitive decline. The drug is expected to be fully approved by July 6, 2023.1

In clinical trials the drug, known as lecanemab, demonstrated a 27 percent slower decline in cognitive abilities by removing sticky plaques known as amyloids from the brain. Lecanemab will go by the brand name Leqembi and, according to the drug’s manufacturers Eisai and Biogen, it is the first drug to attempt to modify the course of the disease rather than treat the symptoms alone.

It is anticipated that once approved, Leqembi sales could exceed $1 billion in 2026 and reach $5.7 billion by 2030.1

Serious Side Effects Noted in Drug Trials

Clinical trials have also revealed serious side effects in some patients that include brain swelling and bleeding, also known as microhemorrhages. These adverse events are known as “amyloid-related