Who has the courage to stand up for the children? |
You are invited to a global unmasking of a worldwide operation to normalize pedophilia through primary education. |
May 6th we will reveal shocking evidence that shows how the United
Nations and the World Health Organization are instructing elementary
schools worldwide to teach little children to masturbate, use
pornography, practice oral s*x, and have homosexual relationships. According
to these guidelines, teachers should ensure that children have sexual
partners and begin with s*x as young as possible. You will see evidence
that this is part of the global agenda to normalize pedophilia in
society. |
See the evidence on May 6th at: StopWorldControl.com |
Invite your friends. Share this flyer. Help us wake up the world. |
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where you find all social media sharing buttons. You can also copy this
url and post it on all our social media accounts. Or just forward this
email to your friends.
https://stopworldcontrol.com/announcement/ |
is a ministry by Hope for Humanity PMA. Our goal is to build a better
world, by bringing truth and hope to people in every nation. Therefore
we provide a platform for world leading scientists, lawyers, physicians,
journalists and other experts that reveal critical information that
humanity needs to be aware of. We reveal criminal activity and
corruption in the high levels of our society, so the people can defend
themselves against these criminal practices, and build a better world
together. David Sorensen is the founder of Hope for Humanity and
StopWorldControl.com David is a strong believer in a loving Creator who
has a beautiful plan for our world, and who wants to fill us with love
that overcomes evil.
If you no longer want to receive our messages, then you can use the link above, or use the following link: Unsubscribe Be kind when leaving feedback. Don't lash back at us. The world needs love, not hate.
Hope for Humanity PMA P.O. Box 271 Poncha Springs, Colorado 81242 United States
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