At-home gain-of-function kits.
Biodefense is indistinguishable from biowarfare; the so-called biodefense industry is, in truth, the biochemical munitions industry.
Orientation for new readers. Reconstitution starter pack.
I’ve been reading recently about calls for global bans on “gain of function” research, as a means of preventing future so-called pandemics.
In my view, these gain-of-function (GoF), lab-leak, directed-evolution, dual-use-research-of-concern (DURC) analyses are built on the false premise that Covid-19 was and is a pandemic.
Covid-19 was never and is not now a pandemic.
Covid-19 is a psychological and biochemical warfare program designed and executed to bypass Constitutional crises at the nation-state level and clear the path for global biomedical totalitarianism.
To stop the psychological and biochemical warfare program, it would be more effective to send do-it-yourself gain-of-function kits to every household, than to ban gain-of-function research.
DIY gain-of-function kits — and the observable self-limiting outbreaks and low transmissibility of the resulting pathogens — would further clarify for people that "gain of function" or weaponization of naturally-occurring biological pathogens is a myth circulated to drive fear and to elicit behavioral compliance with biochemical weapon/toxic injection attacks camouflaged as “vaccines,” including but not limited to members of the mRNA-LNP biochemical weapons class, soon (if not already) in continuous batch production as authorized and funded by Congress.
See Omnibus brings new advanced manufacturing programs to FDA (Jan. 11. 2023, Regulatory News) and 21 USC 399h as amended/expanded Dec. 2022 in Consolidated Appropriations Act for FY2023 at Section 3204 (National Centers of Excellence in Advanced and Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing) and Section 3213 (Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Designation Program).
(1) The term ‘advanced and continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing’ refers to a method of pharmaceutical manufacturing, or a combination of pharmaceutical manufacturing methods—
(A) that incorporates a novel technology, or uses an established technique or technology in a new or innovative way, that enhances drug quality or improves the manufacturing process for a drug, including processes that may apply to advanced therapies and the production of biological products, such as cell and gene therapies; or
(B) for which the input materials are continuously fed into and transformed within the process, and the output materials are continuously removed from the system, utilizing an integrated manufacturing process that consists of a series of 2 or more simultaneous unit operations…
Pharmaceutical factories are now engaged in continuous production of injectable biochemical ammunition — biochemical weapons — for the globalists’ war on humanity.
I think the would-be gain-of-function killers (Ralph Baric, Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Bill Gates and their co-conspirators) discovered in the 1990s if not earlier, that lab-enhanced communicable pathogens are not unpredictable and dangerous at all, but instead that they're predictably non-dangerous.
They decrease in harmfulness (move toward harmlessness) as soon as they enter living populations outside the lab, killing only people whose immune systems and detoxification systems were compromised prior to exposure, or people who get an extremely high load of an extremely purified sample.
So all their mass murder eggs are now in the one basket of directly injecting biochemical poisons, and genetic instructions for the body's own cells to produce biochemical toxins, and using fear to keep people from understanding what they’re submitting to when they accept lethal injections.
The killers maintain the fear at very high levels, and direct it away from the real threat to life and limb (which is the globalist totalitarians and the lethal biochemical injections they push) by keeping public attention focused on an invisible threat that isn’t there at all: naturally-occuring or lab-enhanced, highly-lethal communicable pathogens that readily carry genetic information from one organism to another across large populations and long periods of time.
Baric, Fauci, Daszak, Gates & Co. know that the self-spreading thing won't work.
The unimpaired human immune system and chemical detox system is too good.
They could just chemically gas people, updating methods like mustard gas in World War I, the Nazi Aktion T4 euthanasia programs and the Bhopal disaster in 1984.
But that’s too visible. Those acts look like intentional acts of war, or as accidental industrial disasters at best. The bodies pile up at the battlefields, gas chambers and factories.
With the falsified threat of pandemics plus the proferred protection of injectable compounds, mass murder can be presented as benevolent medical intervention intended to protect people.
And the bodies can be dispersed across wide geographic regions and across time, hidden in miscarriages, stillbirths and permanent infertility, long-term disability, chronic disease, and sudden, unexplained deaths that happen behind closed doors in private homes.
To build out this analysis further, it’s important to untangle the differences between at least two types of biologically-active material conflated by the mass murderers to confuse people.
I haven’t fully untangled my own thinking on those different but conflated types of biologically-active material, but here’s my first attempt:
One type of material includes packets of genetic information that can be transmitted through air, bodily fluids, water and food, across nasal passages, digestive membranes and skin, to which the body responds with immune reactions and detox functions.
Another type of material includes packets of chemical toxins, or packets of genetic instructions for human cells to produce chemical toxins, that cannot naturally breach a healthy body’s self-protective barriers against invasion and poisoning, but can bypass the target’s immune system and chemical detox system if injected by needle.
I’m developing these views from thinking through recent work by Sasha Latypova (Design of a Weapon: Targeting the Human Microbiome), Kevin McKernan and Jonathan Couey, and also reading between the lines a bit in the 1990s and early 2000s records of efforts to establish verification methods for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), and the conclusion of the BWC parties (especially US Government negotiators) that verification protocols need not ever be adopted or enforced, because "vaccine" production and "bioweapons" production are indistinguishable, while biological weapons (referring to naturally-transmissible pathogens) are "free of serious security risks."
Key quote from a 1997 Josef Goldblat paper, The Biological Weapons Convention: An Overview:
…Biological weapons are unpredictable in their effects and of limited value in combat. Since cheating under a BW Convention could not yield significant military advantages to the cheating party, a ban on biological weapons without verification of compliance was considered by the negotiators to be free of serious security risks.
By contrast, chemical weapons are predictable, capable of producing immediate effects and, consequently, useful in combat...
April 1, 2022 - Lipid nanoparticle production facilities are the munitions factories of World War Biochemistry.
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