Countering Common Cancer Conspiracies

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The so-called “war on cancer” is not only a miserable failure but has also become a monumental myth perpetuated by the Medical Mafia. The “war on cancer” was an effort to create a perpetual income stream for the Cancer Industry while concurrently deflecting attention from Nixon’s failed presidency and extracurricular exploits. In 1971-1972, the US government quickly tossed a gargantuan gigantic gob of cash (around $100 million) into this new project. They quickly dispatched in full force to prove that cancer was caused by a germ or virus, because a contagious cancer (“Achoo!”) would result in the development of new drugs and vaccines that folks would want … forever. Ka-ching! They could hear the jingle of coins in their piggy banks!
But money doesn’t necessarily equal results. In the past four decades, we’ve thrown trillions of dollars at this phony war. One would think that after four decades of zealous research and trillions of dollars spent, we would have this dreadful disease under control. Just think of the rapid explosion of ideas and innovations within other technology areas. For example, your iPhone is now more powerful than the largest supercomputers of the 1980s. However, after trillions of dollars spent and billions of doses of lucrative drugs and vaccines, not only are more people dying of cancer than ever before, but more people are getting cancer at earlier ages than ever before.
Alas, over the past forty years, the “war on cancer” has, in reality, become a quagmire, a “medical Vietnam,” an endless, calculated “no-win” war on cancer, since countless billions of dollars are being made each year by its perpetuation. Nevertheless, the Cancer Industry remains largely closed to innovative ideas in the realm of alternative cancer treatments. According to Dr. John Bailer, who spent twenty years on the staff of the NCI and was editor of its journal, speaking at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in May 1985, “My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure.”
As a matter of fact, the Cancer Industry (led by their “mafia dons”) has waged another war – a war against those who advocate the use of alternative cancer treatments. At the root of this new war is the almighty dollar. The truth is that since conventional treatments pay the best, they are touted as the most effective treatments. It’s all about the economics of cancer, not finding a cure.
Being a CPA, I tend to look at things from an “economic” perspective. And I must tell you that from an economic perspective, the Cancer Industry has the perfect business model. Big Pharma and the other chemical companies make huge profits from selling carcinogenic chemicals that are dumped (oftentimes intentionally) in our food, water, and air. Then, they make even more profits by manufacturing and selling expensive, ineffective, toxic drugs to treat the cancers and other diseases caused by their own products. Then, in baseball lingo, they complete the “triple play” by selling additional drugs to make the side-effects of the primary drugs more bearable. In business lingo, the Cancer Industry is sitting on a “cash cow.” Unfortunately, this cash cow is a scam at the expense of cancer patients.
Adding insult to injury, they let John and Jane Taxpayer (i.e., you and me) fund their research into more ways to not cure cancer while still pushing their drugs at obscene profits. To ensure that the public remains blissfully unaware of the true facts about cancer, they have set up front group “cheerleaders” (like the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society) to spread disinformation in the name of cancer education, while the rest of the Medical Mafia is busy fighting a hostile turf war to make sure that alternative cancer treatments remain suppressed and the doctors that use these treatments are persecuted and run out of the county.
One of the ways that this turf war is fought is through advertising. Not only does Big Pharma make billions of dollars annually on the sale of drugs, but they also dump billions of dollars into the advertising of prescription drugs each year. And, since people in America typically make their key decisions based solely on what they see on TV and what they hear on the radio, is it any wonder that we are largely uninformed concerning alternative cancer treatments? The Medical Mafia has done everything in its power to make sure you do not know the truth about alternative cancer treatments. The TV stations and other media don’t dare broadcast anything which may hurt one of their biggest advertisers – Big Pharma.
You see, the citizens of the world (especially in the USA) are hypnotically programmed and enthralled by the anesthetizing effects of a corrupt, monopolistic global mainstream media bought and paid for by Wall Street, Big Pharma, and the Medical Mafia. The US government is the head of the global government snake. From cradle to grave we are distracted by TV, impoverished by consumerism, and indebted by cancer. As a result, everyone is too mesmerized by Madison Avenue propaganda to see that the war on cancer is as phony as both the war on drugs and the war on terror, both of which we will “debunk” in the following chapters.
No matter how many people shave their heads or run for the cure or cycle all over the place, as long as the Medical Mafia is in control, the “cancer war” will never be won. According to Dr. Linus Pauling, (two-time Nobel Prize winner), “Most cancer research is largely a fraud and the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” This cancer war is one of the costliest frauds (in terms of money and human suffering) that have ever been perpetrated on the American public. Staggering amounts of money have been spent in its pursuit, but the “cancer emperor” is naked.
Rampant greed bordering on the grotesque has been allowed to call the shots in this 40+ yearlong “cancer war,” with the primary beneficiaries being Big Pharma companies and the tremendously profitable cancer industry as a whole, including so-called “non-profit” organizations like the American Cancer Society. You see, finding the “cure” for cancer might just put Big Pharma out of business and would certainly end the careers of countless doctors and so-called “researchers.” Meanwhile, cancer charities and hospitals still confidently promise to “outrun cancer” while exhorting donors to walk, cycle or even play road hockey “for the cure.” Heck, in 2010, you could have “pigged out on cancer-causing Kentucky Fried Chicken for the cure,” as KFC was one of the sponsors for breast cancer awareness month. Give me a break.
It’s a simple economic equation, folks. Keeping the public ignorant about the real causes of cancer and effective treatments for cancer results in more cancer patients. More cancer patients result in more sales of chemotherapy drugs, more radiation, and more surgery.
You see, money, rather than moral ethics, is the deciding factor for the Cancer Industry and the Medical Mafia. To be honest, their goal is to provide temporary relief by treating the symptoms of cancer with drugs, while never addressing the cause of the cancer. This ensures regular visits to the doctor’s office and requires the patient to routinely return to the pharmacy to refill his prescriptions. This is what the game is all about folks, plain and simple.
The survival of the Medical Mafia and Big Pharma is dependent upon the elimination (by any means) of effective natural cancer treatments and the perpetuation of the pretentious “war on cancer.” By making it more difficult to access natural health remedies, these “medical gangsters” are protecting their monopoly while simultaneously feeding their own megalomania. Truth be told, especially relating to cancer treatments, the Medical Mafia and their Big Pharma buddies are running a huge extortion scheme, and their tactics make Pol Pot look like a choir boy!
In the words of Devra Davis, author of The Secret History of the War on Cancer, “The war on cancer set out to find, treat, and cure a disease. Left untouched were many of the things known to cause cancer, including tobacco, the workplace, radiation, or the global environment. Proof of how the world in which we live and work affects whether we get cancer was either overlooked or suppressed. This has been no accident. The ‘war on cancer’ was run by leaders of industries that made cancer-causing products and sometimes also profited from drugs and technologies for finding and treating the disease.”
Let’s be honest. No profitable business will ever try to eliminate itself. The Cancer Industry (a cartel consisting of the NIH, the NCI, the ACS, the FDA, the AMA, and Big Pharma) survives and thrives by perpetually searching for “the cure” but never finding it. This multi-billion-dollar juggernaut is simply not interested in finding a cure. The goal is to develop a continuous stream of cancer patients who are duped into thinking that they need to buy expensive “cancer drugs” for the rest of their life. The competition (effective non-toxic, natural cancer treatments) must be squelched … regardless of the cost.
According to C.S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters: “The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails, and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like…the offices of a thoroughly nasty business concern.”
The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organization, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure, by many doctors as a complete fraud, and by others (including myself) as comparable to the Cosa Nostra.
I leave you with a quote from James Watson, the discoverer of DNA, and Nobel Laureate: “The war on cancer is a bunch of sh*t.”

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