Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

USS Liberty: Operation Cyanide: Russians to the rescue Operation Cyanide: will it be turned into a movie in Russia?


50th Annivesary: USS Liberty: Operation Cyanide: Russians to the rescue from google archives

USS Liberty: Operation Cyanide: Russians to the rescue

Operation Cyanide: will it be turned into a movie in Russia?

Few people in America or Russia are aware of the crucial and heroic role played by Destroyer 626/4 of the Soviet Navy during the Six-Day War in June, 1967. The commander and crew of this ship guarded the American intelligence vessel GTR-4, better known as the USS Liberty, after the attack on it by the combined air and naval branches of the Israeli Defense Force. The Zionist attack was coordinated with elements of the US Navy, US intelligence and the White House.

The top-secret plan was known as Operation Cyanide and was intended to result in the sinking of the Liberty with all hands, to be blamed on Egypt and exploited to permit the bombing of Cairo and the entry of the United States into the war on Israel’s side. The Soviet Union’s relationships with Arab countries would have been damaged and perhaps cut, with America and Israel seizing control of all Mid-East oil production. Israel’s borders would have expanded from the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers.

136. Mr. Hitler Reads Mr. Ford: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


136. Mr. Hitler Reads Mr. Ford: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Mr. Hitler Reads Mr. Ford  


The "visionary" theories soon to be imposed on America belie our myth of the melting  pot as some type of spontaneous sociological force. The two great mass immigration  periods (1848 to 1860 and 1871 to 1914) posed a threat to the course of national  development that was underway. The unique American experience of creating a  particular New World culture was still too green, too recent a historical phenomenon to  tolerate the sophisticated competition of pluralism. A cosmopolitan society like that of  fifth-century Roman England wasn't possible for America to accept without damaging its  growth.   


     The possibilities inherent in a bazaar society were at once exciting and anxiety provoking  to Americans, just as they were to Horace Mann. Yet beneath a sophisticated mask and a     veneer of cosmopolite civility certain factions sought release from their uneasy  ambivalence. There was only one realistic solution to human variability, the solution of  the Order of the Star- Spangled Banner (popularly called "The Know Nothing Party"),  "You must be as we are." Those who surrendered to such pressure, as many newcomers  did, were ultimately worse off than those who insulated themselves in ghettos. 3  

Why Are Nearly 300 Life-Saving Drugs in Short Supply? Big Pharma Will Make Too Little Profit.



Why Are Nearly 300 Life-Saving Drugs in Short Supply? Big Pharma Will Make Too Little Profit.

Production of low-profit generic drugs has dropped off in the U.S., and patients and their physicians face shortages of critical medications — including chemotherapy drugs and IV nutrition for premature babies, CBS News reported on “60 Minutes.”

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Production of low-profit generic drugs has dropped off in the U.S., and patients and their physicians face shortages of critical medications — including chemotherapy drugs and IV nutrition for premature babies, CBS News reported on “60 Minutes.”

Who is to blame? And what’s the solution?

In a segment titled “In Short Supply,” “60 Minutes” host Bill Whitaker explored the issue of how U.S. hospitals have for more than a decade grappled with serious drug shortages.

It’s not a simple matter of a supply-and-demand imbalance, Whitaker told viewers. The problem is deeper and more complex than that.

“The drugs are needed and the ingredients are easy to make,” Whitaker said. “It’s that pharmaceutical companies have stopped producing many generic life-saving drugs because they make too little profit.

“On any given day,” he added, “nearly 300 life-saving drugs may be in short supply in America’s hospitals.”

A May 24 search of The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) drug shortages database, “Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA,” showed 126 drugs “currently in shortage.”

FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER VIII An Account of the Persecutions in Bohemia Under the Papacy


FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS CHAPTER VIII An Account of the Persecutions in Bohemia Under the Papacy




An Account of the Persecutions in Bohemia Under the Papacy

The Roman pontiffs having usurped a power over several churches were particularly severe on the Bohemians, which occasioned them to send two ministers and four lay-brothers to Rome, in the year 977, to obtain redress of the pope. After some delay, their request was granted, and their grievances redressed. Two things in particular they were permitted to do, viz., to have divine service performed in their own language, and to give the cup to the
laity in the Sacrament.
The disputes, however, soon broke out again, the succeeding popes exerting their whole power to impose on the minds of the Bohemians; and the latter, with great spirit, aiming to preserve their religious liberties.
In A.D. 1375, some zealous friends of the Gospel applied to Charles, king of Bohemia, to call an ecumenical Council, for an inquiry into the abuses that had crept into the Church, and to make a full and thorough reformation. The king, not knowing how to proceed, sent to the pope for directions how to act; but the pontiff was so incensed at this affair that his only reply was, "Severely punish those rash and profane heretics." The monarch, accordingly banished every one who had been concerned in the application, and, to oblige the pope, laid a great number of additional restraints upon the religious liberties of the people.

FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11


FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • The FDA has authorized the use of a booster COVID-19 shot in children ages 5 to 11; less than one-third — only 28.8% — of U.S. children in this age group have received the first two doses of this experimental gene therapy
  • Effectiveness of COVID-19 shots in children wanes rapidly; a CDC study found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1% among 5- to 11-year-olds, but this fell to just 28.9% by month two
  • There is still no data on whether the booster is effective against COVID-19, and whether the effectiveness will quickly wane, as it has with all previous shots as well as booster doses in adults
  • Artificially inflated antibodies triggered by booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health
  • COVID-19 shots are associated with liver injury, including liver failure that led to a liver transplant
  • Children are at an extremely low risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and CDC data show that COVID-19 case rates among children who received two COVID-19 shots are now higher than rates in children who did not get the shots

Monkeypox Cases in U.S Coincide With Vaccine Purchases by BARDA


Monkeypox Cases in U.S Coincide With Vaccine Purchases by BARDA

Monkeypox Cases in U.S Coincide With Vaccine Purchases by BARDA

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 21, 2022 that more than 100 confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox had been identified in 12 countries, including between one and five confirmed cases in the U.S.1 Most of the cases have occurred in Europe with higher numbers in Portugal, Spain and the U.K.  WHO officials stated current evidence suggests “those who are most at risk have had close physical contact with someone with monkeypox, while they are symptomatic.”

The detection of monkeypox cases in Europe and the U.S. is highly unusual because monkeypox has previously been mostly confined to tropical areas of West or Central Africa.2 Monkeypox belongs to the same family of orthopox viruses as smallpox (variola) and the CDC states that smallpox (vaccinia) vaccines can be used to prevent monkeypox.3

Mask Mandate for U.S. Public Transportation Struck Down by Federal Judge


Mask Mandate for U.S. Public Transportation Struck Down by Federal Judge

Mask Mandate for U.S. Public Transportation Struck Down by Federal Judge

On Apr. 18, 2022, U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in the Middle District of Florida struck down the Biden administration’s mask mandate for people traveling on U.S. public transportation, including planes, trains and buses.1 After the ruling, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) confirmed that it will no longer enforce the mask mandate nationwide.

This announcement left the airports, airlines and other transportation agencies to decide for themselves whether they will enforce a mask mandate. Most airlines and other transportation agencies including United, American, Alaska, Southwest, Delta, JetBlue, Alaska Airlines, Amtrak, Uber and Lyft changed their policy to make masks optional for travelers.2 Immediately before the ruling, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials had extended the mask mandate until May 3.3

3707-3708: Comment on SoS Convention from Lincoln County Watch


3707-3708: Comment on SoS Convention from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Ask yourselves --- can employees set their own wages? Determine their own job descriptions?
In a sane world, no, they cannot.
The SoS organization is composed of people who accept the presumptions of U.S. Citizenship and/or Municipal citizenship. By definition, these citizens are foreign Employees with respect to this country, and as should be apparent to anyone with a brain, the life or death of a commercial corporation like the US, INC. doesn't affect our lawful unincorporated government.
So both their pretensions of authority and the subject of their "emergency" fall short of any Public Interest, and certainly do not result in the establishment of any new and valid Federal Republic.

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly from Anna Von Reitz


Section 58 — Reading the Constitutions Correctly
Most Americans have been taught to revere the Constitutions. Generations of military and civil service workers have been indoctrinated to “defend the Constitution (whichever one they work under) from all Enemies foreign and domestic.” Many Americans mistakenly think that their rights come from the Constitutions, but in fact, the Constitutions merely limit the federal government so that the people can enjoy their freedoms unencumbered by government.
Most Americans don’t know that there are three (3) Constitutions — the actual Federal Constitution
called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, the Territorial Constitution called “The Constitution of the United States of America” and the Municipal Constitution called “The Constitution of the United States”.
Many people also assume that everyone in this country is protected under the Constitutions, but this has never been so. Territorial Citizens known as United States Citizens, and Municipal United States

The World Economic Forum Concludes Not with a Bang, but with a Whimper. “Improving the State of the World”, Really?


The World Economic Forum Concludes Not with a Bang, but with a Whimper. “Improving the State of the World”, Really?

Towards Deglobalization – the Rising Irrelevance of the WEF?

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To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

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On 26 May the 2022 WEF concluded not with a bang, but with a whimper. When mainstream journalists start questioning the usefulness of the WEF, the world should listen.

They asked to what extent WEFs slogan, “Committed to Improving the State of the World”, was relevant.

Improving the State of the World – Really?

Buffalo, NY Mass Shooter Had Been Coached by Former FBI Agent


Buffalo, NY Mass Shooter Had Been Coached by Former FBI Agent

The recent mass shooter in Buffalo, NY had reportedly been coached by a former FBI agent before committing his heinous actions.

Law enforcement sources have informed The Buffalo News that a supposedly retired federal agent was in a chat room with the killer and was given advance notice of what he was planning to do at least 30 minutes beforehand. The former agent never informed authorities.

A law enforcement source said that the former federal agent regularly stoked the accused gunman Payton Gendron with racism, anti-Semitism and other propaganda designed to inflame the deranged man. 

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” the law enforcement source stated. “What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened.

“The FBI has verified that none of these people called law enforcement to warn them about the shooting. The FBI database shows no advance tips from anyone that this shooting was about to happen,” they added.

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide


Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide

It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies

I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me.

The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway.

The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed. And our experts are serving humanity by reading through these documents and explaining them in lay terms. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on DailyClout.io.

The lies revealed are stunning.

Martial Law in the United States: Its Meaning, Its History, and Why the President Can’t Declare It


Martial Law in the United States: Its Meaning, Its History, and Why the President Can’t Declare It

Joseph Nunn

PUBLISHED: August 20, 2020
[Editor’s note:  I have it second-hand from an inside source that Biden plans to implement martial law the week after next. While I may think the very idea is absurd on its face, the Democrats are at the most desperate point in their history as a party and I would put nothing past them. This, then, is an advisory of the murky future that may await us. Something you need to know.]


SUMMARY: The concept has never been well understood. What should be clear, however, is that the president lacks the authority to declare it.


On August 20, 1942, milit­ary police in Honolulu, Hawaii, arres­ted a man named Harry White. Under normal circum­stances, the U.S. milit­ary would not have been involved in his case. He was a stock­broker, not a soldier, and neither he nor his busi­ness had any connec­tion with the armed forces. Even his alleged crime — embez­zle­ment of funds from a client — was a viol­a­tion of civil­ian, not milit­ary, law.foot­note1_7uas­fnz1

But noth­ing about Hawaii was normal in 1942. It had been under martial law since the Japan­ese attack on Pearl Harbor in Decem­ber 1941.foot­note2_bf6o­gen2  Its courts were closed and replaced with milit­ary tribunals. The rules govern­ing every­day life were set not by an elec­ted legis­lature but by the milit­ary governor. The army controlled every aspect of life in the islands, from crim­inal justice to park­ing zones and curb­side trash removal.foot­note3_0p7c­qyf3

Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed


Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

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Image: Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed

(Natural News) It’s now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a “stand down operation,” meaning law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place. The goal? Gun control, of course.

“Uvalde police stood outside school while parents urged them to go inside during shooting,” declares the title of an article from ThePostMillennial.com:

“Go in there! Go in there!” Women shouted at officers as the officers stood there and did not go into the school to intervene and prevent the carnage, according to the AP. The gunman was barricaded in a classroom for 40 minutes, where he murdered 19 children and 2 teachers.

A father who lost a daughter in the massacre raised the idea of charging in themselves, without weapons, while the police stood idly by.
“Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to,” Javier Cazares said. “More could have been done.” His daughter Jacklyn Cazares was killed inside. When he heard about the shooting, he raced to the school only to find officers standing outside.

Monday, May 30, 2022

BOOM! Caught Red Handed Planning Monkeypox Pandemic


BOOM! The Public Health Mafia is caught red handed planning another 'outbreak' from which they can terrorize the public and make bank. To support Polly's work please go here: https://amazingpolly.net/contact-support.php **THANK YOU & God Bless!**
First half is a review of monkeypox over the years and the second half is the BOOM!


NPR Report: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/05/18/927043767/rare-monkeypox-outbreak-in-u-k-and-europe-what-is-it-and-should-we-worry

Monkeypox as Most Important Orthopox, 2018: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2018.00241/full

Monkeypox changes pattern (1997): https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/monkeypox-changes-its-pattern-human-infection

NTI Monkeypox Scenario (2021): https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf

135. Eugenics Arrives: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


135. Eugenics Arrives: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Eugenics Arrives  


     Between 1890 and 1920, the percentage of our population adjudged "feeble-minded" and  condemned to institutional confinement more than doubled. The long-contemplated  hygienic form of social control formulated by eighteenth-century German social thinker  Johann Frank, "complete medical policing," was launched with a vengeance. Few  intimidations are more effective than the threat of a stay in an insane asylum. Did the  population of crazies really double in those three decades? The answer given by one  contemporary was elliptically Darwinian: "Marriage of these inferiors is a veritable  manufactory of degenerates." It could no longer go unchecked.

Food and Drug Administration uses outdated Public Health Service recommendation to allow up to 0.7 mg per liter added fluoride in bottled water

Fluoridation Weekly Review # 10, May 30, 2022

Fluoridation Weekly Review #10 • By Mike Dolan • May 28, 2022

-Compiled and edited by Mike Dolan, PhD.

Food and Drug Administration uses outdated Public Health Service recommendation to allow up to 0.7 mg per liter added fluoride in bottled water

A new Food and Drug Administration rule effective June 21 reduces the allowed amount of fluoride added to bottled water to 0.7 mg per liter. The rule is based on a seven-year-old Public Health Service (PHS) recommendation that predates a substantial body of evidence published since 2017 that has found prenatal, infant and childhood exposure to fluoride in drinking water increases the risk of reduced intelligence and other developmental disorders in children.

The agency offered a convoluted response to comments that pointed out recent evidence of adverse effects of fluoride in drinking water.

“We recognize that additional studies on the safety of fluoride have published (sic) since the publication of the 2015 PHS recommendation. We do not believe these studies contradict the PHS recommendation, and neither these studies nor the body of literature we have reviewed show adverse health effects of fluoride in humans up to the level we are finalizing. The PHS recommendation has not changed, and we maintain that the addition of fluoride to bottled water should be permitted to be consistent with the policy of community water fluoridation. Given that the comments provided no new information indicating the need to duplicate the scientific evaluation already conducted by PHS, we are revising the allowable level for fluoride in bottled water to which fluoride is added based on the 2015 PHS recommendation,” writes the agency.

Ch. 8. Robert Kehoe and the Kettering Laboratory: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org


Ch. 8. Robert Kehoe and the Kettering Laboratory: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org


Ch. 8. Robert Kehoe and the Kettering Laboratory: the fluoride deception by Christopher Bryson from archive.org

Robert Kehoe and the  Kettering Laboratory     FROM THE DARKNESS it can be difficult to determine the source of a  shadow. Dr. Robert Arthur Kehoe of the Kettering Laboratory cast such a  shadow over us all, one of the darkest of the modern era.   For more than sixty years Americans breathed hundreds of thousands  of tons of raw poison wafted into the atmosphere from leaded gasoline.  This toxic air contributed to a medical toll of some 5,000 annual deaths  from lead-related heart disease and an almost incalculable toll of tragedy  in the neurological injuries and learning difficulties

Prevalence of Autism Up Around the World


Prevalence of Autism Up Around the World

Prevalence of Autism Up Around the World

A new report published in the journal Autism Research found the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has grown to about 100 in 10,000 children—up from 62 in 10,000 children a decade ago. The figure is based on a systematic review of 71 epidemiological studies providing 99 ASD prevalence estimates from 34 countries, primarily the United States and countries in Northern Europe but also traditionally underrepresented countries in Africa and the Middle East. The studies included in the review ranged in size from 465 participants to 50 million participants.1 2 3 4

Boys Much More Likely to Develop Autism Than Girls

ASD prevalence estimates ranged from 1.09 in 10,000 children to 436 in 10,000 children, with a median prevalence estimate of 100 in 10,000. Overall, the study found that boys are four times more likely to

The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda


The Monkey Business Behind Monkeypox Propaganda

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • Just as hysteria about COVID-19 is winding down, another “pandemic” is poised to take its place. This time, it’s monkeypox, a typically mild infection that often resolves in three to four weeks without treatment
  • The first European case of monkeypox was confirmed May 7, 2022, in the U.K. Then, seemingly overnight, cases were being reported across the world. May 20, 2022, the World Health Organization held an emergency meeting to discuss reports of more than 100 suspected or confirmed cases in at least nine countries
  • A tabletop simulation exercise of a monkeypox outbreak took place in March 2021, and in this fictional scenario, the first European case of monkeypox was also identified on May 7, 2022
  • The first case in the U.S. was reported May 18, 2022. By May 23, suspected monkeypox cases were reported in three additional states: New York, Florida and Utah
  • President Joe Biden has stated that strict quarantine protocols are not likely to be implemented in the U.S. He has, however, already placed a $119 million order for a monkeypox vaccine. Belgium, meanwhile, has introduced a 21-day quarantine for anyone who tests positive, and the U.K. is urging anyone who has had direct contact with a confirmed case to voluntarily isolate for 21 days

Of course I support the war heart and soul


Of course I support the war heart and soul
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
I have six tanks I want to sell.
I need a buyer in the Ukraine.
With the profits, I can buy a large island in the South Pacific, staff it, and retire there.
Now I know there is a great deal of delusionary news surrounding the war.
The hotel was hit by a Russian missile.
No, it was a Ukrainian weapon.
Putin has cancer.
No he doesn’t; he’s fine.
He’s already handed over control of the government to an assistant.
Absurd. He’s very much in charge.
The ruble is tanking.
No, it recovered. It’s stronger than ever.

We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 5


We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter 5


You Know Something is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher

              Part Five:

          Getting Organized



So when you get mail addressed in the form “JOHN QUINCY ADAMS” or “John Quincy

Adams” or “John Q. Adams” or “JOHN Q. ADAMS” you can rest assured that it is not

addressed to any American State Citizen and it is not addressed to the living man, even if that

does happen to be your appellation.



The Articles of Confederation -- The First Act – 1781



While most people think that "confederation" means a loose association of states created for

Our Republican Form of Government: Section 57 — Expatriation and Repatriation from Anna Von Reitz


Our Republican Form of Government: Section 57 — Expatriation and Repatriation from Anna Von Reitz


Section 57 — Expatriation and Repatriation
There has been a lot of controversy and misunderstanding about the various forms of citizenship in this country and also about the process of declaring one’s political status so as to officially change it.
Every baby born on the land and soil of this country begins life as an American State National — a Wisconsinite, a Coloradan, a Texan, a Virginian.
Very soon after being born, we are all secretively “conscripted” and “presumed to be” Territorial United States Citizens. This process “confers” Territorial Citizenship obligations upon us and makes
us subjects of the Queen. A Birth Certificate is issued to memorialize this conscription and to “register” us as property belonging to the British Territorial United States.
Almost immediately after that, our Good Names and Persons are leased out under the same presumption of “United States Citizenship” to the Municipal United States, which then additionally confers its own form of citizenship upon us — deeming us to be “Citizens of the United States”.
You can see the basis for these citizenship classifications stated as Article I, Section 2, Clause 2 and Article I, Section 3, Clause 3 of any Federal Constitution.

Rand Paul: ‘Elitists want a One World Government; It’s not a conspiracy theory’


Rand Paul: ‘Elitists want a One World Government; It’s not a conspiracy theory’

“It’s in their mission statement; This is everybody’s worst nightmare.”

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Visit and follow us on InstagramTwitter and Facebook. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.


Senator Rand Paul appeared on Fox News Thursday and discussed the ongoing World Economic Forum gathering in Davos Switzerland, remarking that it is not a conspiracy theory to suggest the organisation is seeking a one world government, rather it is “in their mission statement.”

Paul urged that

“The real danger here that’s even more dangerous than all their phony caring about carbon footprint, the real danger is this; look how bad your government is in a country where you get to vote for these people.”

NATO vs Russia: What Happens Next


NATO vs Russia: What Happens Next

• May 24, 2022



Three months after the start of Russia’s Operation Z in Ukraine, the battle of The West (12 percent) against The Rest (88 percent) keeps metastasizing. Yet the narrative – oddly – remains the same.

On Monday, from Davos, World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab introduced Ukrainian comedian-cum-President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the latest leg of his weapons-solicitation-tour, with a glowing tribute. Herr Schwab stressed that an actor impersonating a president defending neo-Nazis is supported by “all of Europe and the international order.”

He means, of course, everyone except the 88 percent of the planet that subscribes to the Rule of Law – instead of the faux construct the west calls a ‘rules-based international order.’

Back in the real world, Russia, slowly but surely has been rewriting the Art of Hybrid War. Yet within the carnival of NATO psyops, aggressive cognitive infiltration, and stunning media sycophancy, much is being made of the new $40 billion US ‘aid’ package to Ukraine, deemed capable of becoming a game-changer in the war.

This ‘game-changing’ narrative comes courtesy of the same people who burned though trillions of dollars to secure Afghanistan and Iraq. And we saw how that went down.

CDC study purporting to find substantial protective effects for school mask mandates fails to replicate


CDC study purporting to find substantial protective effects for school mask mandates fails to replicate

Womp womp.

Last year, the CDC published a paper comparing Pediatric COVID-19 Cases in Counties With and Without School Mask Requirements. The authors looked at data from 520 United States counties, concluding that “Counties without school mask requirements experienced larger increases in … case rates … compared with counties that had school mask requirements.” Corona astrologers and face diaper fetishists everywhere have used the findings to argue for forcing healthy children who are at no risk to wear face masks for multiple hours each school day.

More county-level data on American infection rates and mask mandates has since become available, and two Toronto scientists have taken the opportunity to replicate the study, looking now at 1,832 counties. In a turn of events that will surprise nobody, they find that the larger dataset shows that mask mandates actually do zero, and that prior findings were almost surely an illusion.

Playing the Hitler Card


Playing the Hitler Card

As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’


As Monkeypox Cases Spread, Report Shows Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs Took Part in Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’

Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

The World Health Organization on Friday held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox after more than 100 cases were reported across 12 countries, as a report surfaced showing the Gates Foundation, WHO and Pharma execs in March 2021 conducted a monkeypox pandemic “simulation.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday held an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreak of monkeypox after more than 100 cases were reported across 12 countries.

Days before the WHO convened, the Biden administration placed a $119 million order for monkeypox vaccines after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed six people in the U.S. were being monitored for the viral infection, and one person had tested positive.

Belgium on Sunday became the first country to introduce a compulsory 21-day quarantine for monkeypox patients after reporting four cases of the disease in the last week, Politico reported.

The 100 newly reported cases, or suspected cases, garnered attention because many of them do not appear to be linked to travel to Africa, where in some regions, monkeypox is endemic.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Truth About Monkeypox By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 27, 2022

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds



The main weapon being deployed against us by the would-be New World Order is sleight-of-hand, distraction and fakery. And we can see its effectiveness in the recent Johnny Depp trial. Meaningless drivel, as we are literally being killed by criminal gangs posing as governments.

And almost everybody takes a bite.

As a human being, one must always factor in the tendency to be fooled and focus on what we know.

And so what do we know, so far about monkeypox?

We know that after Bill Gates warned of an impending terrorist attack involving a synthetic smallpox in 2017, two new monkeypox vaccines were developed – both admittedly dangerous, known to cause infection, vaccine shedding and death – and both have been approved by the FDA.

And we know that they have been planning for a monkeypox outbreak. Just as the Event 201 simulation war gamed COVID-19 the year prior – or as Bill Gates calls it, “germ gamed” – in the spring of last year, the US held a monkeypox pandemic simulation exercise with the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative that predicted a monkeypox bioattack in June of this year.

During that same time, the UK Ministry of Defence simulated a monkeypox outbreak, focusing on “Russian disinfo”.

And what do we know about monkeypox?

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 within colonies of laboratory research monkeys who were being given the polio vaccine.

And according to the CDC, the only symptom that distinguishes monkeypox from smallpox is lymphadenopathy, swollen lymph nodes, which is also a smallpox vaccine side effect and is known to be a symptom of smallpox, as well as chickenpox.

Electron microscope visualization cannot prove a smallpox infection, because all pox viruses are “morphologically indistinguishable”.

According to actual science, there is a strong argument that smallpox, monkeypox, chickenpox and shingles all are the same thing and there is no actual proof that they are different. We are simply expected to trust the CDC and their logical fallacies as so-called “evidence”.

And so, in 1958, when virologists were likely seeing side effects on lab monkeys they were injecting with experimental vaccines, they called it “monkeypox” and claimed it was an ancient, rare virus that they had just discovered, which coincidentally showed up in humans for the first time in 1970.

And by 1978, without any proof of its existence, the scientific journals were already saying that “vaccination is an effective, preventive measure against monkeypox.”

Just three months ago, the famous Wuhan lab who allegedly created COVID-19 published a paper claiming they assembled a monkeypox virus genome, which will enable for successful PCR testing and potentially make it more contagious.