Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

March for Medical Freedom



The New York chapter of Children’s Health Defense is partnering with dozens of organizations across the state in organizing a March for Medical Freedom in Albany on January 5th and we urge you to be there to peacefully assemble and take a stand against mandates.

January 5th is the opening day of the 2021 legislative session and Governor Kathy Hochul’s first State-of-the-State Address. New Yorkers must be prepared to fight an onslaught of horrendous bills this legislative session. And we’re asking neighboring states to show up too. We know that when one state falls to tyranny, it puts every other state at risk.

Please listen to this message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to hear why it’s of utmost importance to be in Albany on January 5th to fight these bills. 

Show up strong in Albany! Let's tell our elected officials that, as tax paying citizens, we demand choice and medical freedom for us and our children. It’s critical that we exercise our democratic rights to have our voices heard and educate our elected officials on why these bills pose unprecedented threats to freedom and human rights.

There are a number of bad bills proposed for the 2022 legislative session. The most threatening and concerning bills are bill A8378 proposed by Assemblymember Jeffrey Dinowitz (D), that will make the COVID vaccine mandatory for school-aged children and bill S75 proposed by Senator Brad Hoylman (D) which will force adult vaccination records to be entered in a statewide database. Both bills pose a serious and imminent threat to children’s health, medical privacy and basic civil rights. The latest is that Governor Hochul is even asking the legislature to create a bill that would require boosters for all New Yorkers in order to be considered “fully vaccinated.”

Please share this message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to help spread the word and get everyone you know to come to Albany on January 5th. 

There will be a rally starting at 10:00 a.m. at West Capitol Park followed by a march over to the Legislative Office Building for a day of meeting with your elected officials. 

Please schedule a meeting with your State Senator and your Assemblyperson. Even if they say they’re too busy to meet on their first day back in session, politely let the staffers know that you will be in Albany and would still like to request a meeting with your Senator and Assemblyperson or one of their staffers. It is their duty to make time to hear from their constituents.

It’s recommended you write and bring at least five copies of your own personal letter that explains your opinion on these bills and your beliefs regarding COVID mandates and medical freedom. You can stop by your legislator’s office to hand deliver a copy of your letter and leave it with other key representatives as well. 

Have copies of your letter for Governor Hochul (2nd floor of Capitol), Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins (Room 907 LOB and Capitol Room 330), Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie (Room 907 LOB) and be sure to have one for your State Senator and your Assemblymember (most NYS legislators are in the LOB across the street from the Capitol).

We need everyone to SHOW UP STRONG - to be sure our voices are heard and our presence is memorable as we fight this tyranny. This unique time in history calls for consistent, peaceful action to preserve freedoms and return to democracy.  

Please share this message with friends, family and your community.

Be a defender of truth, freedom and health.  

Thank you,

The Children’s Health Defense Team 

PS - Buses have been arranged for this rally. Please reserve your tickets soon, as spots will likely fill up fast.

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