The Gemstone Files A SKELETON KEY TO THE GEMSTONE FILES MAY 1, 1975 from Forbidden
The Gemstone Files
The gemstone file was written in many segments over a period of years by an American man named Bruce Roberts. Parts of the file were released to certain Americans beginning in 1969. The number of handwritten pages is well over a thousand, of which I have read about four hundred. I do not have the time of the research facilities to verify the entire story. Perhaps others can help.
Since the scope of the work is so large, and the events described so complex and interlocking, it may be more easily understood with this skeleton outline of the gemstone thesis. Individual papers can then be read with greater comprehension.
Fluoride Information
Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The Gemstone Files A SKELETON KEY TO THE GEMSTONE FILES MAY 1, 1975 from Forbidden
144. A New Collectivism: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
144. A New Collectivism: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
A New Collectivism
By 1919 a deluge of state legislation appeared, specifically designed to counteract rampant Bolshevism. Idaho and Utah established criminal penalties for failure to attend Americanization classes. Fifteen states ordered English to be the only language of instruction in all schools, public and private. Nebraska demanded that all meetings be conducted in English. Oregon required every foreign language publication to display prominently a literal English translation of its entire contents. In 1922, Oregon outlawed private schools for elementary school children, a decision reversed by the Supreme Court later in the Pierce vs. Society of Sisters case (1925).
Woman Dies Minutes After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona
Woman Dies Minutes After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine at Cal Poly Pomona

A 78-year-old woman died on Feb. 12, 2021 after receiving the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19 in California. The woman,, whose name has not been released to the public, was given the injection at around 12:00 pm at a COVID-19 vaccination site at California State Polytechnic (Cal Poly) University in Pomona. Almost immediately after she got the shot, she started complaining of discomfort.1 2 3
According to Michael Morris, MD, the physician director of Kaiser Permanente’s Southern California vaccination program, which operates the Cal Poly vaccination site, the woman lost consciousness in the observation area minutes after being vaccinated.1 2 3 He confirmed:
Chapter 20 AMERICAN GRAFFITI. Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
Chapter 20 AMERICAN GRAFFITI. Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
THERE IS A UNIVERSAL legal tradition that requires acts of a governmental authority to be marked by a seal – otherwise the acts are not authentic. Typically, a seal discloses the character of the authority it represents by means of an image which can be, and usually is, amplified by some sentence, phrase, or word.
The first seal of the United States of America, designed to
authenticate all governmental actions under the Declaration of Independence,
was presented to Congress in August 1776. Created by an official committee
consisting of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, the seal
illustrates an event based on Exodus 14:19-27. It is a cameo
of Moses leading the Israelites through the parted waters while a chariot-bound
Pharaoh, wielding a sword and wearing the crown of tyranny, perishes in the
maelstrom. Framing the picture are the words “REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS
William F. Koch, Ph.D., M.D.
F. Koch, Ph.D., M.D.
William Koch, who created the homeopathic remedy Glyoxylide
Most internet sources with information about Dr. Koch appear to have strived for accuracy in an effort to bring Dr. Koch's theories to the scientific community in order to improve the well-being of mankind. My own naturopathic physician, the late, internationally-known Dr. Harold Dick, N.D. of Spokane, Washington, witnessed this homeopathic treatment administered by injection to a cancer patient by the medical doctor whose clinic he took over. I believe they had to order it from Dr. Koch's clinic in South America.
He told me personally that it was the "quickest damn cancer cure" he had ever seen. He explained that it induces oxidation and a high fever that eradicates cancer, just as one's own immune system is potentially capable of doing by the use of fever when it is allowed to function properly rather than being suppressed by the use of palliative (but not curative) allopathic drugs. In fact, in the immune arsenal, FEVER is it's most powerful weapon. It can "cook" heat-sensitive cancer cells, speed up metabolism to aid the healing and cleansing process, kill microbes, etc.
One cheese glob, indivisible, with deception and takeover for all
COVID-19 Vaccines Likened to ‘Software Updates’ for Your Body
COVID-19 Vaccines Likened to ‘Software Updates’ for Your Body
- March 31, 2021
Story at-a-glance
- Moderna describes mRNA products as “gene therapy technology” in its SEC filing. BioNTech’s SEC filing also specifies that in the U.S. and Europe, mRNA therapies are classified as “gene therapy medicinal products”
- mRNA technology has, since the start, been recognized as a form of gene therapy, but one that doesn’t permanently alter your DNA. However, some medical experts worry that mRNA injections might be able to reverse-transcribe into your genome and in fact alter your DNA on a more permanent basis
- A study by MIT and Harvard scientists demonstrates that segments of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 are reverse-transcribing into the human genome, likely becoming a permanent fixture in human DNA. This has been thought impossible for the same reasons used to assure us that vaccine RNA cannot alter DNA
- In a 2017 TED Talk, Dr. Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, describes the company’s mRNA vaccines as “information technology,” and likens mRNA to your body’s operating system. As such, mRNA injections are human “software updates,” thereby ushering in transhumanism
- A Peruvian research professor warns that transhumanism is part and parcel of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution agendas, which are being rolled out at a furious pace under the auspices of the COVID-19 pandemic
A Republican Form of Government: Section 4 — Juror Qualifications and Membership by Anna Von Reitz
A Republican Form of Government: Section 4 — Juror Qualifications and Membership by Anna Von Reitz
Section 4 — Juror Qualifications and Membership
I get a lots of pleas
for help and instructions for the Jural Assemblies. So, first things first. You
have to qualify potential Jurors. Not just everyone can walk in off the street
and function as a Juror. A Juror is a temporary State Citizen for the duration
of their Jury Duty, and as such, must qualify as an Elector of that State as
well as a State National under our established system of government.
It may at first sound
daunting, but the process is only a reflection of the seriousness of the duty
performed. You wouldn't want to entrust your life to a surgeon
with no first aid training, and in the same way, you do not want to entrust
your fate to unqualified Jurors.
So — yes, the first
business to be addressed is the declared political status of the candidate.
That begins with establishing whether or not they were born in this country or
born to a parent or parents born in this country (This provision goes back
three generations as a result of the National Trust.)
Chapter 10 DEFINITIONS: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
Chapter 10 DEFINITIONS: Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format
THE TERM “Jesuit” was first used to describe a member of the Society of Jesus in 1559. It did not originate from within the Society, but from outsiders. Whether intended derisively or respectfully, “Jesuit” does appear to have been inspired.
find in the Bible (Numbers 26:44) the mention of “Jesuites.” These Jesuites
were the progeny of Jesui, whose name in Hebrew, Yishviy, means “level.” The
Jesuits certainly levelled the Protestant menace.
Jesui was a great-grandson of Abraham. His father was the Israelite tribal
chieftan Asher (Asher,
“happy”). At Genesis 49:20, Asher’s posterity is divinely
prophesied to “yield
Stand Up to Tyranny: How to Respond to the Evils of Our Age
Stand Up to Tyranny: How to Respond to the Evils of Our Age

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).
“The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state. It must be the guide and the critic of the state, and never its tool. If the church does not recapture its prophetic zeal, it will become an irrelevant social club without moral or spiritual authority.”—Martin Luther King Jr. (A Knock at Midnight, June 11, 1967)
In every age, we find ourselves wrestling with the question of how Jesus Christ—the itinerant preacher and revolutionary activist who died challenging the police state of his time, namely, the Roman Empire—would respond to the moral questions of our day.
Caloric Restriction vs. Fasting: Why One Can Result In Weight Gain While The Other Helps Burn Fat
Caloric Restriction vs. Fasting: Why One Can Result In Weight Gain While The Other Helps Burn Fat
Arjun Walia

In Brief
- The Facts:
In the video below, Dr. Jason Fung explains the difference between caloric restriction and sending the body into "starvation" mode compared to fasting.
- Reflect On:
Fasting has been used as a health intervention for thousands of years, and is being used today by doctors who are educated on the topic. Why is it completely ignored by mainstream medicine? Is it because "big pharma" can't make any money off of it?
Some would say that the best solution to weight gain is eating right and exercising. I couldn’t agree more. Obesity is one of the deadliest problems humanity faces today, and just as important as diet and exercise is for addressing this issue, even more important are the emotional and personal reasons as to why so many people damage themselves and make themselves more prone to serious disease.
Good-bye American Liberty
Good-bye American Liberty
Good-bye American Liberty
Paul Craig Roberts
Yesterday I pointed out that no facts known at this time support a Covid passport.
The Establishment is not interested in facts and has no need of them. The Establishment has the presstitute lie machine. It creates whatever reality the Establishment wants us to live in.
Nevertheless, some facts are just overwhelming. Consider Florida. Long a retirement state, it is a state with a large proportion of elderly and overweight people. For the past year Florida has not been under lockdown or a mask mandate. The state is wide open. Consequently, one would think that Florida would have the hightest number of Covid deaths per 100,000 population.
The ‘Covid’ Vaccine Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction!
The ‘Covid’ Vaccine Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction!
March 31, 2021
“Saying that a state or regime is a murderer is a convenient personification of an abstraction. Regimes are in realty people with the power to command a whole society. It is these people that have committed the kilo- and megamurders of our century, and we must not hide their identity under the abstraction of the ‘state,’ ‘regime,’ ‘government,’ or ‘communist.’”
Rudolph Rummel (1994) “Death by Government”
Due to Rummel’s book title, some might take this quote to be contradictory, but it is not. People murder or purposely allow murder; so only identifying the killers by way of identity abstraction is akin to blaming a gun for shooting and killing on its own instead of blaming the actual murderer that pulled the trigger. It is a way of hiding blame in the form of psychological trickery. This can only be an effective strategy when used by the ruling class as propaganda for fools.
The Great Unvaxxed
The Great Unvaxxed
TE Creus
The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or the already ill, so it was probably not the vaccine’s fault, and if it was, no one could prove it one way or another, and even if they could, well, the vaccine manufacturers were not liable to lawsuits due to the agreements they had made with the various governments.
In any case, the pandemic had ended, that was for sure.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law
RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: COVID Vaccine Mandate Violates Federal Law
The announcement last week by Rutgers University that it would require all students to get the COVID vaccine prompted CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to remind university officials that federal law prohibits mandating Emergency Use Authorization vaccines.

Rutgers University last week announced it will require all students enrolled for the 2021 fall semester to be vaccinated for COVID-19.
The announcement prompted Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to remind university officials that federal law prohibits mandating products approved under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
In a letter to Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway, Kennedy, who also serves as chief legal counsel for CHD, wrote:
“Federal law 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III) requires that the person to whom an EUA vaccine is administered be advised, ‘of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.’”
143. High-Pressure Salesmanship: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
143. High-Pressure Salesmanship: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
High-Pressure Salesmanship
In 1916, the year of Madison Grant's Passing of the Great Race, Kellor published Straight America. In it she called for universal military service, industrial mobilization, a continuing military build-up, precisely engineered school curricula, and total Americanization, an urgent package to revitalize nationalism. America was not yet at war.
President Wilson was at that time reading secret surveys which told him Americans had no interest in becoming involved in the European conflict. Furthermore, national sympathy was swinging away from the English and actually favored German victory against Britain. There was no time to waste; the war had to be joined at once. John Higham called it "an adventure in high pressure salesmanship."
Poll: Half of Correctional Officers Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine
Poll: Half of Correctional Officers Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine

When a correctional officer took a poll of his co-workers on a private Facebook group asking whether they would get the COVID-19 vaccine, only 40 of 475 (8.4 percent) said yes and more than half replied, “Hell no”.1
This informal poll appears to represent the sentiment of Department of Corrections employees across the country. Despite strong encouragement by the Department of Corrections, more than half the Corrections staff refused to take the vaccine in Massachusetts when it was offered. State officials maintain that some of the staff may have gotten the shot elsewhere and were not declining the vaccine altogether.2
In Rhode Island, a higher percentage of prison staff has refused the vaccine than prison inmates.
What Hit the Pentagon?
December 18th, 2010 Posted in STJ MEMBERS
Misinformation and its Effect on the
Credibility of 9/11 Truth
Frank Legge (BSc, PhD)
15 February 2010
There has been heated debate about what hit the Pentagon.
At first glance it appears that the 757 could not have hit the Pentagon because
there appeared to be too little debris and too little damage at the impact
It is very attractive to find evidence to support these claims because, if
substantiated, it would prove once and for all that the official story about
the Pentagon attack is a pack of lies, and many people have tried very hard to
do so.
Careful examination of the evidence, however, shows that it cannot be
conclusively proved that no 757 hit the Pentagon.
This is of little importance in the overall 9/11 analysis because there is
ample physical evidence that explosives were used at the World Trade Centre in
controlled demolitions. The demolition evidence is sufficient to prove that the
official story is false and that the NIST report and the 9/11 Commission report
are simply parts of a cleverly and expensively constructed cover-up. NIST
could not have failed to address explosives out of ignorance as they were well
versed in old and new explosive technologies.
Biden sleeps, perchance to dream
Deadly Blood Clots Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine
Deadly Blood Clots Caused by COVID-19 Vaccine
- March 30, 2021

Story at-a-glance
- As of March 16, 2021, 19 European countries plus Thailand had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots
- Doctors at Oslo University Hospital have announced the blood clots suffered by three recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine were in fact caused by the vaccine
- According to professor Pål Andre Holme, chief physician at Oslo University Hospital, “Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response”
- By March 22, 2021, the Norwegian Medicines Agency had received reports of another two lethal blood clots post-vaccination. The agency said they “cannot rule out that these cases may have a connection with the AstraZeneca vaccine”
- German investigators believe the blood clots are due to an immune response that triggers thrombosis (blood clots) by activating platelets. The effects are similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type 2, in which antibodies against a protein complex are formed in connection with heparin, which in turn respond to a receptor on the platelets
As of March 16, 2021, 19 European countries plus Thailand1 had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s
109 Industrial Chemicals Found in Pregnant Women
109 Industrial Chemicals Found in Pregnant Women
Researchers found 109 industrial chemicals in blood samples taken from Bay Area pregnant women — 55 of the chemicals have never before been seen in humans.

Forty-two “mystery chemicals” were found in the blood of 30 Bay Area pregnant women, according to a recent study conducted by scientists at University of California, San Francisco.
The researchers took blood samples from pregnant women and from the fetal umbilical cords and found 109 industrial chemicals. Fifty-five chemicals were never-before-seen in humans, and 42 could not be traced back to any definite sources.
3061-3066: You Are Being Prosecuted Under Foreign Bills of Attainder from Lincoln County Watch
Monday, March 29, 2021
3061-3066: You Are Being Prosecuted Under Foreign Bills of Attainder from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
A Repubican Form of Government: Section 3 — This is Not “Opinion” by Anna Von Reitz
A Repubican Form of Government: Section 3 — This is Not “Opinion” by Anna Von Reitz
Section 3 — This is Not “Opinion”
What I am pointing
out to you and everyone else is not a topic for “argument”. It isn’t my
“opinion”. It is the way the world’s court system has been organized for
centuries and just because 99% of Americans are too ignorant to know that and
have been deliberately kept too dumbed-down to learn it, does not make it any
less true and factual.
Now, you have a
choice. You can be a landsman and reclaim your country and your “Natural and
Unalienable” rights, and you can enforce the Constitution you
are owed, and you can enjoy your freedom and you can join your Jural Assembly
and you can operate your State or you can sit on your rump and blow your mouth
and spin — and the British King will be happy to take all your assets and dump
them into a Commonwealth Trust (that he controls and benefits from) and
designate you as a “pauper” and a dependent of his government — your choice.
Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide Used in Covid PCR and LFT Swab Tests
Carcinogen Ethylene Oxide Used in Covid PCR and LFT Swab Tests
Molly Kingsley made this Freedom of Information request to Department for Education

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).
Dear Department for Education,
This request is in relation to the use of the Innova lateral flow test (the “LFT”) being used across schools in the UK.
We are in receipt of correspondence from Innova confirming that the swab used in the LFTs is sterilised by ethylene oxide. Given the known toxicity and potential carcinogenicity of ethylene oxide, we are concerned by this.
Under the ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’, we request disclosure of the following:
Biden Admin Pushing ‘Vaccine Passports’ – Here’s What You Need To Know
Biden Admin Pushing ‘Vaccine Passports’ – Here’s What You Need To Know
Joe Martino

In Brief
- The Facts:
The Biden administration is looking to organize the many projects looking to create 'vaccine passports' in the US. There are 17 ongoing projects, and the passports may be required for travel or to attend events.
- Reflect On:
Is vaccination the most effective treatment for COVID-19? For those not choosing to get the vaccine, will life become incredibly limited?
As global vaccine rollout for COVID-19 picks up, the long spoken about ‘vaccine passport’ is making headway in countries around the world. First starting in Israel, the US is now added to the list as a country looking to implement the surveillance measure. I recall a time when global leaders told people the vaccine would never be mandatory. Many people, including myself, felt that was a bit misleading as it felt like privileges to do anything in life would be limited if you don’t get a vaccine – seems we’re getting to that point.
What Happened:
New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense
New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense
New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense
Paul Craig Roberts
NY Governor Cuomo is establishing a Covid passport that will show vaccination or a recent negative test. It will serve as permission to enter events or venues.
Will this passport be efficacious, or is its purpose to get us accustomed to a “your papers please” way of life?
Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?
Second Amendment in the Firing Line
Second Amendment in the Firing Line
By Ron Paul, MD
March 30, 2021
Gun control was already a Biden Administration priority before the recent shootings in Georgia, Colorado, and Virginia. In fact, the House of Representatives passed two gun-control bills weeks before the shootings.
One of the House-passed bills expands background checks to include private sales, including those made at gun shows. Under this bill, someone who is not a licensed federal firearms dealer cannot sell a firearm without first relinquishing it to a federally-licensed dealer. The dealer must then conduct a background check on the prospective purchaser.
The second bill allows the federal government to indefinitely delay a background check, thus indefinitely delaying a gun purchase. Other legislation introduced in Congress would create a national firearms registry, which would only facilitate gun confiscation.
Stephen Lendman, Charade of a Biden Presser
Stephen Lendman, Charade of a Biden Presser
by Stephen Lendman
While the real Joe Biden was out to lunch or napping, his double held a charade of a presser.
The real Biden is too cognitively impaired to carry out duties of the office he was selected, not elected, to hold.
The real Biden lost touch with reality, affairs of state handled by others in his name — including contacts with foreign leaders by unelected president-in-waiting Kamala Harris.
Biden’s double needed cheat sheet notes to answer questions —including names and images of reporters to know who asked questions.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Obituary: Kansas Woman Died After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine
Obituary: Kansas Woman Died After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine
At the main street food and fuel in Effingham, Kansas a sign on the door says, ‘We’re saddened by the untimely death of Jeannie Evans.’ The owner, respectfully, did not want to speak about his former co-worker, but knew of what happened. EMS dispatch records say a 68-year-old woman had an allergic reaction at a public health vaccination hosted at the Keystone School in Ozawkie. Evans’ obituary says she died Wednesday of a reaction to the COVID vaccine.
142. Industrial Efficiency: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
142. Industrial Efficiency: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from
Industrial Efficiency
After the Civil War, the guaranteed customer was not a thing prudent businessmen were willing to surrender. Could there be some different way to bring about uniformity again without another conflict? Vast fortunes awaited those who would hasten such a jubilee. Consolidation. Specialization. These were the magical principles President Harper was to preach forty years later at the University of Chicago. Whatever sustained national unity was good, including war, whatever retarded it was bad. School was an answer, but it seemed hopelessly far away in 1865.
Things were moving slowly on these appointed tracks when a gigantic mass of Latin, and then Slavic, immigrants was summoned to the United States to labor, in the 1870s and afterwards. It came colorfully dressed, swilling wine, hugging and
Protests Against COVID Lockdowns Flare Up in 2021 Around the World
Protests Against COVID Lockdowns Flare Up in 2021 Around the World

At the end of last year, there were large public demonstrations opposing severe restrictions on civil liberties, including in Germany1 2 and Great Britain.3 In Denmark, there was a public protest against proposed legislation that would mandate COVID-19 vaccination.4 There is increasing civil unrest in many countries after a year of experiencing the crippling side effects of government public health policies that have restricted autonomy and freedom of assembly5 6 and caused mass unemployment and destruction of small businesses,7 8 9steep increases in substance abuse, depression and suicide,10 11 12 13 and inadequate treatment for other diseases like cancer.14 15
Since the beginning of 2021,16 demonstrations calling for an end to COVID lockdowns and voluntary vaccination have spanned the globe from Canada17 to the Netherlands18 and Lebanon.19 February and
George Orwell's 1984 -- Chapter 9
Chapter 9
It was the middle of the morning, and Winston had left the cubicle to go to the lavatory.
A solitary figure was coming towards him from the other end of the long, brightly-lit corridor. It was the girl with dark hair. Four days had gone past since the evening when he had run into her outside the junk-shop. As she came nearer he saw that her right arm was in a sling, not noticeable at a distance because it was of the same colour as her overalls. Probably she had crushed her hand while swinging round one of the big kaleidoscopes on which the plots of novels were 'roughed in'. It was a common accident in the Fiction Department.
Pennsylvania Health Care Worker to Be Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
Pennsylvania Health Care Worker to Be Fired for Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

Desiree Pelletier, a 26-year old health care worker in Newville, Pennsylvania said that her employer has fired her for refusing to get the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, which is being distributed in the U.S. under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).1 2
Pelletier said that her employer, Hempfield Behavioral Health, is requiring that employees get the vaccine as a condition of employment in an effort the stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. She stated that she is not against vaccination; however, she needed more time to make a personal decision on whether it was best for her body. Pelletier was only given 30 days to make a decision and the deadline is imminent. After 30 days, the vaccine becomes a requirement for employment.3
Concerns Regarding COVID-19 Vaccine’s Impact on Fertility
Senate meets AG nominee; treats her like lethal poison