Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, December 31, 2021

AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis


202. Quill-Driving Babus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


202. Quill-Driving Babus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Quill-Driving Babus 


    A servant to the imperial virusl Here is a whole new take on what I was hired to do with  my adult life. It helps to explain why I encountered such violent reactions from  administrators as I innocently deviated further and further from my function in an effort  to be useful to kids. While straining to find ways to be helpful, I constantly ran afoul of  this hidden directive forced schooling was created to serve, about which I had previously  not the tiniest clue except that gleaned through intuition.  


      Professional associations of proles expand or contract according to the schedule of the  political state for absorbing fringe groups and outsiders for retraining in new habits and  attitudes. If a great social project is underway,

EPA suppressed information that fluoride chemical was carcinogenic

 The Fluoridation RecordDec. 27, 2021
A newsletter of East Coast Science News, Belchertown, Massachusetts, USA


EPA suppressed information that fluoride chemical was carcinogenic

A senior official at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2019 suppressed information that a fluoride-containing ingredient of a paint, parachlorobenzotrifluoride, or PCBTF, is carcinogenic, allowing to this day the unidentified product to be sold without such a warning, according to a report December 22 in The Intercept.
  The chemical is listed as carcinogenic by the State of California and as likely carcinogenic by the International Agency for Cancer Research. It makes up 50 percent of the weight of the paint, which cannot be named by EPA because of business confidentiality rules.  The Intercept report is based on interviews and documents supplied

Fahrenheit 451 PAGE 20 by Isaac Asimov

 Fahrenheit 451 PAGE 20 by Isaac Asimov

Fahrenheit 451


Unlimited reading from over 1 million ebooks  

Half an hour later, cold, and moving carefully on the tracks, fully aware of his entire body, his

face, his mouth, his eyes stuffed with blackness, his ears stuffed with sound, his legs prickled

with burrs and nettles, he saw the fire ahead.

The fire was gone, then back again, like a winking eye. He stopped, afraid he might blow the fire

out with a single breath. But the fire was there and he approached warily, from a long way off. It

took the better part of fifteen minutes before he drew very close indeed to it, and then he stood

looking at it from cover. That small motion, the white and red colour, a strange fire because it

meant a different thing to him.

It was not burning; it was warming!

Kary B. Mullis Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1993: Introduction to Inventing the AIDS Virus

Dr. Peter Duesberg
Washington, D.C.

I N 1988 I WAS WORKING as a consultant at Specialty Labs in Santa
Monica, setting up analytic routines for the Human Immunode-
ficiency Virus (HIV). I knew a lot about setting up analytic routines
for anything with nucleic acids in it because I had invented the Poly-
merase Chain Reaction. That's why they had hired me.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), on the other
hand, was something I did not know a lot about. Thus, when I
found myself writing a report on our progress and goals for the
project, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, I recog-
nized that I did not know the scientific reference to support a
statement I had just written: "HIV is the probable cause of AIDS."
So I turned to the virologist at the next desk, a reliable and
competent fellow, and asked him for the reference. He said I didn't

Old president launches new revolution


Old president launches new revolution
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
September 12, 2043.
In a crumbling industrial district of a desolated city on the eastern seaboard, I finally found former President Jack Talmadge.
He was standing behind the counter inside a dim storefront.
People told me you were dead, Jack.
Yeah, well, I wanted them to assume that.
So what are you doing these days?
Splitting things apart.

Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up


Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Data Cover-Up

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • According to Brook Jackson, a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
  • The FDA did not follow up on Jackson’s complaint or investigate the allegations before granting full licensing to Pfizer’s Comirnaty shot
  • FDA now wants 75 years to drip out the data it relied on to grant full licensing to Comirnaty
  • An adverse event report from Pfizer, covering December 2020 through the end of February 2021, shows the shot causes severe and often long-term, unresolved injuries
  • Pfizer’s data also show the shot causes severe injuries in pregnant and nursing women. Based on these data alone, which the FDA was aware of at the end of April 2021, the Pfizer shot should have been pulled from the market

We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter Two


We the People and Our Lost Republican Form of Government Chapter Two


You Know Something is Wrong When…An American Affidavit of Probable Cause by Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher


                       Part Two: The Colonial Period

                              The First Big Lie



Now step back in time to the earl 1600's...



The colonists pretended that the land was vacant and open to claim. They discounted the

Indians because they weren't Christian.



The Second Big Lie

A Republican Form of Government: Section 27 — International Jurisdiction from Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government: Section 27 — International Jurisdiction from Anna Von Reitz


Section 27 — International Jurisdiction
One of the most important things to remember is that in America and for purpose of the American Government, the word “interstate” is completely synonymous with the word “international”. This is because each State is in fact its own country and its own nation.
For the sake of streamlining certain functions and creating uniformity in some areas to bulwark our strength (such as military operations and expenses) and to expedite free trade (such as interstate
banking services) our States have agreed to act together as members of an unincorporated Federation of States known as The United States of America

World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines”


World Council for Health Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines”

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Visit and follow us on Instagram at @globalresearch_crg.


A. Consensus of World’s Foremost Experts

Globally renowned experts, including Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Prof. Dolores Cahill, and Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi, Ryan Cole, Richard Fleming, Robert W. Malone, Peter McCullough, Mark Trozzi, Michael Yeadon, Wolfgang Wodarg, and Vladimir Zelenko, among many others, consistently warn the world about the adverse effects resulting from Covid-19 experimental injections; they also warn about their longterm effects, which cannot be known at this time since most clinical trials will be not completed until 2023, and some as late as 2025.

Russia Is the Last Remaining Christian Country


Russia Is the Last Remaining Christian Country

Russia Is the Last Remaining Christian Country

And thus under attack by the forces of Satan

Paul Craig Roberts

At his year-end press conference, Russian President Putin said that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man,” and he expressed his confidence that the religious denominations of the Russian Federation would have the moral fiber to resist the intrusion of the corrupted and degenerate values of the Western world.

Alas, the Western World has no such moral fiber. The West has cut itself off from its past and is tottering on the premise that it can survive by acculturating its youth to disbelieve in the West. The purpose of Western education is the deracination of Western youth and their alienation from Western culture. That is what insouciant families pay taxes and tuition for.

The New York Times Explains That Mask Wearing Helps To “Rewire” Children


The New York Times Explains That Mask Wearing Helps To “Rewire” Children

AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis


AIDS and the Revival of the Duesberg Hypothesis



Last month I happened to read Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s new book The Real Anthony Fauci, which had almost immediately become a #1 Amazon bestseller.

I was quite impressed with a great deal of the material presented, which sharply criticized our pharmaceutical industry and its close allies in the public health bureaucracy. But what completely shocked me was that nearly half the text—some 200 pages—was devoted to presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years probably constituted a hoax. This latter issue became a central focus of my own review.

Yet according to the information provided in Kennedy’s #1 Amazon bestseller, this well-known and solidly-established picture, which I had never seriously questioned, is almost entirely false and fraudulent, essentially amounting to a medical media hoax. Instead of being responsible for AIDS, the HIV virus is probably harmless and had nothing to do with the disease. But when individuals were found to be infected with HIV, they were subjected to the early, extremely lucrative AIDS

Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections?


Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections?

The “vaccines” now being forced on the global population are shaping up to be perhaps the most successful eugenics program in human history, and the scam of the century is that these shots are being sold as a treatment that will keep you healthy, wink, wink.

Even the CDC has admitted the injections have failed to prevent people from getting the very virus it purports to “protect” us from. Nor have they stopped people from being hospitalized and they certainly haven’t stopped the spread. Many of the unjabbed are no doubt catching the virus from their jabbed friends.

The death tally attributed to Covid in 2021 has already exceeded that of 2020 when there was no

Thursday, December 30, 2021

16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine



16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine

COVID vaccines are “irreversible and potentially permanently damaging,” says Dr. Robert Malone, who explains why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19.

Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free.

Before you vaccinate your child — which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging — find out why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19.

On behalf of these M.D.s and Ph.D.s, I have published a clear statement outlining the scientific facts behind this decision:

My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.

I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro-vaccination.

I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.

After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.

Before you inject your child — a decision that is irreversible — I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:

There are three issues parents need to understand:

201. Serving The Imperial Virus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


201. Serving The Imperial Virus: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Serving The Imperial Virus


  Toynbee thought he could calculate Britain's jeopardy if it allowed the masses dreams of  independence by a comparison with the Soviet Russia where revolutionary dreaming  once dictated social arrangements:  


     In Marxian Communism we have a notorious example in our midst of a modern Western  philosophy which changed in a lifetime quite out of recognition into a proletarian  religion, taking the path of violence and carving its New Jerusalem with the sword on the  plains of Russia.   

The Vaxxed and Boosted Get COVID But Praise Vaccines for “Mild” Symptoms


The Vaxxed and Boosted Get COVID But Praise Vaccines for “Mild” Symptoms

The Vaxxed and Boosted Get COVID But Praise Vaccines for “Mild” Symptoms

In an opinion piece for The Vaccine Reaction earlier this year titled “Vaccinated Americans Count Their Blessings Despite Getting COVID,” I cited several members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who had been fully vaccinated but still tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, joining the growing number of vaccinated people in the United States being counted as COVID-19 “breakthrough cases.” Despite their vaccination status, all of the legislators expressed gratitude for the shots they received because they assumed that without them their COVID symptoms would have been much worse.1

The Senators included Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Hickenlooper of Colorado, Angus King of Maine and Roger Wicker of Mississippi. The Representatives included Vern Buchanan of Florida, Joseph Morelle of New York and Darren Soto of Florida. Rather than acknowledging  that the shots

CHAPTER 32 Exposing the upper level parallel Secret Government: The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations by Dr. John Coleman from antimarix.org


Exposing the upper level parallel Secret Government


The only way in which we are going to defeat this powerful and insidious enemy is by educating our people, especially our young people in the Constitution, and by standing fast on our Christian faith. Otherwise, our priceless heritage will be lost, forever. The power that Tavistock wields over this nation must be broken.

Hopefully, this work will become a training manual in the hands of millions of Americans, who want to engage the enemy, but who have, hitherto, not been able to identify that enemy.
The political forces controlled by secret societies, all opposing America's

New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?


New COVID at-home test dangerous and misleading: but everybody’s doing it, so who cares, right?
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Recently, I’ve been writing fiction, satire, parody, to expose the insanity of the pandemic scam. This article is not that. This article is fact. Buckle up.
Since the beginning of the so-called pandemic, I’ve been attacking the value of the PCR diagnostic test from many angles. The primary angle, as my readers know, is: SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated, never proved to exist.
However, I’ve also ventured into the bubble world where a few billion people blindly accept the existence of the virus---and I’ve shown that even within that world, the internal contradictions and lies abound.

They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health



They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health

A world record-holder in static breath-hold freediving, a veteran triathlete, a professional tennis player, a professional mountain biker — they were all high-performing athletes until COVID vaccines ruined their health, and their careers.

Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free.

Story at-a-glance:

  • Florian Dagoury is a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving; he held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • After receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, he experienced increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity.
  • A cardiologist diagnosed him with myocarditis and pericarditis, both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots.
  • In another instance, 34-year-old Jeremy Chardy, a professional tennis player ranked 73rd in the world, suspended his season due to a severe adverse reaction to the COVID-19 shot.
  • Veteran triathlete Antoine Méchin, 32, is also facing the potential end to his career after receiving Moderna COVID-19 injections and developing a pulmonary embolism.
  • While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever.

The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps


The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glance

  • According to President Biden, “a winter of death” awaits anyone who rejects the experimental COVID jab. If we are to go by actual science and data, the warning Biden issued should have gone out to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased risk for infection, especially with the Omicron variant
  • One reason for this is because the COVID jab reprograms your innate and adaptive immune systems, causing immune depletion. Data also show that the more heavily “vaccinated” a population is, the higher the case rate gets
  • As predicted, we are rapidly approaching a time when the unvaccinated might be imprisoned for no other reason than their refusal of an experimental gene transfer injection
  • In early January 2021, a New York bill (A416) was introduced that would give the governor and his or her delegates the power to remove and/or indefinitely detain anyone suspected of being a threat to public health. Detainees would be kept in a “medical facility or other appropriate facility” — in other words, a medical prison camp — for a maximum of 60 days, although a court could extend the detention in 90-day increments, indefinitely
  • In Australia, medical incarceration is already underway. Anyone who has come in close contact with someone who tests positive must spend 14 days in the quarantine camp, even if they are triple jabbed and test negative for COVID

3454-3456: The Money Spell --- Chapter One --- What is a Dollar? from Lincoln County Watch


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

3454-3456: The Money Spell --- Chapter One --- What is a Dollar? from Lincoln County Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

A dollar is a unit of measurement, defined as one ounce of fine silver. Whether it has a mint mark or not, one ounce of fine silver is defined as a "dollar".
It has been that way since the Coinage Act of 1792, and if you ask senior Treasury Officers and Judges, they will all look at you straight faced and assure you that the Coinage Act of 1792 has never been repealed and is in full force and effect, and supersedes all other authorities.
So....what happened?
As you now know, Faithful Reader, there were three Federal Subcontractors authorized to perform enumerated services under our constitutional system of government --- an American Subcontractor (1787) known as the Federal Republic, a British Territorial Subcontractor (1789) largely controlling U.S. Military functions, and a

A Republican Form of Government Section 26-The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Anna Von Reitz


A Republican Form of Government Section 26-The National Jurisdiction: Soil from Anna Von Reitz


Section 26 — The National Jurisdiction: Soil
In our discussion of the American Government that we are heir to, we identified three “unions” of various kinds of “states” that existed long prior to the creation of the Federal Government.
They were and are:
The United States — a union of soil jurisdiction “landed (e)states” formed by the former colonies via Unanimous Declaration issued July 1, 1776, published July 4, 1776. This is our “national
jurisdiction” state has defined geographical boundaries.
The United States of America — a federation of Land Jurisdiction States formed September 9, 1776 for the purpose of joint operations in international

A List of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine


A List of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Visit and follow us on Instagram at @globalresearch_crg.


As the vaccination train rolls on, tales of horrifying side effects continue to pile up. The mainstream media reports only on these cases in isolation, if at all, deliberately ignoring the wider pattern of serious blood clots directly linked to vaccination. At this point, the evidence seems deniable only when these cases are not looked at together as a group.

Here is a list of people from around the world that, in just the last few weeks and months, have had their leg amputated as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism


The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism

The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism

Paul Craig Roberts

A Minnesota Department of Health Document, “Ethical Framework for Allocation of Monoclonal Antibodies during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” describes the rationing system to be used in Minnesota for rationing monoclonal antibodies to those infected with Covid. Various factors are considered, such as comorbidities, age, pregnancy, and BIPOC status (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) adding up to a possible total of 24 points. Those with the highest points are considered to be the most vulnerable and thus have a priority claim to the limited supply of monoclonal antibodies. A BIPOC status gives the person a two point edge over white people.

You can read the document here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/hcp/mabethical.pdf

The Ultimate New Age Religion


The Ultimate New Age Religion

The Deep State and Its Tentacles


The Deep State and Its Tentacles

How COVID Lockdown Fanatics Took Over The World


How COVID Lockdown Fanatics Took Over The World

By Jeffrey Tucker

Early in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya. He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation.

Now I was listening.

I did not know it then, but I’ve since learned from Michael Lewis’s (mostly terrible) book The Premonition that Venkayya was, in fact, the founding father of lockdowns. While working for George W. Bush’s White House in 2005, he headed a bioterrorism study group. From his perch of influence – serving an apocalyptic president — he was the driving force for a dramatic change in U.S. policy during pandemics.

He literally unleashed hell.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine?

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds


Rumble A visionary whose discoveries have treated numerous diseases. A global finance expert. A man who has brought powerful white-collar criminals to justice and invented life-changing medical technologies. These all describe my guest today: Dr. David Martin, PhD.

Why does this man who has worked so closely with Congress think that COVID-19 wasn’t a freak act of nature or lab leak, but a plot years in the making? What criminal patterns has he seen before that are showing themselves again on the world stage?

But most importantly of all, I want to ask him the question on everyone's minds: Why is President Trump continuing to push the vaccine even as people keep having adverse reactions? What's really going on?

Join Man in America for an interview you won’t want to miss: 12/23, 2:00 PM ET.

Support and follow David here:

Follow me on Telegram: http://t.me/maninamerica 
Get your free trial of RISE.TV: https://bit.ly/3xGd69x

200. Disinherited Men And Women: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org


200. Disinherited Men And Women: The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto from archive.org



Disinherited Men And Women


       In the chapter "Schism in the Body Social" from his monumental Study of History,  Toynbee calls our attention to some dynamics of Western imperial success over the past  four centuries which have important implications for the way state schooling is  conducted. As major victories were registered, he tells us, "many diverse contingents of  disinherited men and women" were subjected to "the ordeal of being enrolled in the  Western internal proletariat." Between 1850 and 1950 "the manpower of no less than ten  disintegrating civilizations [was] conscripted into the Western body social" and  underwent "a process of standardization" which blurred or wiped out "the characteristic  features by which these heterogeneous masses were once distinguished from one  another."  

Young Man in New Zealand Dies of Myocarditis 12 Days After Getting Pfizer COVID Biologic


Young Man in New Zealand Dies of Myocarditis 12 Days After Getting Pfizer COVID Biologic

Young Man in New Zealand Dies of Myocarditis 12 Days After Getting Pfizer COVID Biologic

A 26-year-old man in Dunedin, New Zealand died on Nov. 17, 2021 unexpectedly, 12 days after getting the first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) BNT162b2 (also known as “Comirnaty”) biologic for COVID-19. Rory James Nairn was vaccinated on Nov. 5 and reportedly began to feel heart palpations or “flutters” a few hours after the shot The palpations continued for several days until he and his fiancée, Ashleigh Wilson, decided to go to the hospital for “reassurance.”1 2

“Within moments, Rory went into cardiac arrest and died instantly in our home,” Wilson said. “We were about to leave for the hospital and he was in the toilet and I heard a thud. He had fallen, his body was blocking the door, his full weight was against it and I couldn’t get it open. I could just see him through a

CHAPTER SEVEN Who Financed Adolf Hitler?


Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton from reformation.org




Who Financed Adolf Hitler?

The funding of Hitler and the Nazi movement has yet to be explored in exhaustive depth. The only published examination of Hitler's personal finances is an article by Oron James Hale, "Adolph Hitler: Taxpayer,1 which records Adolph's brushes with the German tax authorities before he became Reichskanzler, In the 1920s Hitler presented himself to the German tax man as merely an impoverished writer living on bank loans, with an automobile bought on credit. Unfortunately, the original records used by Hale do not yield the source of Hitler's income, loans,

Vax Passports: The Medium Is the Message


Vax Passports: The Medium Is the Message

Vax Passports: The Medium Is the Message

Opinion | As the concept of vaccine certificates began tickling the fancy of certain segments of the public last spring and summer, opponents reliably invoked Orwell in response to what came to be called “freedom passports,” “green passes,” or other such cute names.

The public intellectual that came to my mind, though, was Marshall McLuhan.

McLuhan coined his renowned maxim, “The medium is the message,” in 1964’s Understanding Media, which became a bible of sorts for a subculture of college-aged nerds and beatniks who were coming to terms with a new era overwhelmed by mass communication.

Outside the Reality Machine


Outside the Reality Machine
by Jon Rappoport
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
READER: Mr. Rappoport, why do you sometimes write fiction/satire?
ME: Because if you think non-rational reality can be solved simply by rationally setting the record straight, you’re sadly mistaken. Look around you.
READER: Are you saying reality itself is non-rational?
ME: That’s exactly what I’m saying. What we take to be reality is exported to us, and we import it and accept it. That situation is entirely irrational. At the deepest---and therefore---most important level, each one of us is capable of