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As I mentioned in Parts One and Two, a patient presently confined to the
Sleight Center psychiatric facility believes he is the current director
of the CIA. He also believes he is living in the year 2053. He is
writing CIA memos to "his own top people."
Dear All,
My psychiatrist has resigned from the hospital. He is pursuing a new
life as a painter. Of course, I have received some blame for this
sudden change, which I accept with good cheer. I wish the man luck. He
was buckling under the pressure of trying to turn
his patients into "normal people."
Part of our basic task at the Agency is manufacturing a society-wide
consensus. But the question is: consensus about what? The deeper you
drill in trying to find an answer, the more empty space you encounter.
It turns out that this consensus is about Nothing.
In a most intriguing fashion, Nothing is passed from mind to mind,
until a general vacuous pretension of pride and agreement is reached, at
which point people go dark while firmly believing they are in the
light. Academic psychologists never study or mention
the phenomenon; our professionals at the Agency are dimly aware of it.
Here is a related and widespread occurrence: people ardently believe in
certain realities; they live according to these beliefs; but only about
five percent of their conscious capability, if that, is involved in
holding fast to these convictions. The other
ninety-five percent is unavailable. If it could be made to surface, a
radical revolution would occur within minutes. As one of my cynical
assistant directors once put it to me, "Everyone is lying all the
time." Remember that, because the CIA lives and plays
and operates from that assumption. It is how we survive and endure.
We manipulate lies. We exchange one lie for another. We feed people
new lies that create a lock with their old lies. We build foundations
for lies. We decorate lies. We lie to attain
truth. And what is that truth? The secret shape of the planned
future: a universal stimulus-response empire; humans as machines. Why
do we lead and direct such a program? Because we have lost our way.
There could be no other reason.
Many of our people take pride in having lost their way. It happens to make them more reckless. We need reckless agents.
If actual truth were our goal, we would become heroic.
(It occurs to me that I am the director of the CIA as long as I am
within these walls. But once outside, I would become something else.)
It is now September 23rd, 2053. Citizens believe society has given up
the use of force on its own people. Now it is just persuasion, on
behalf of the greater good. I can tell you that force is merely more
subtle these days. It is not invincible, however.
Far from it. The purpose of force is confinement, in the broadest
sense of that term. You are inside something from which you long to
AI is making strong inroads. We at the Agency are supposed to be
leading the charge. We offer inducements to the top 1000 business
monarchs, based on their hastening the influx of AI into their
operations. We outfit dictators (who cooperate) with very effective
AI security forces, virtually impenetrable surveillance packages, and
android work platoons. When 20% of the global workforce is AI, we will
have won.
Should we at the CIA defect and rebel? Let that one percolate. Let it move down a few quiet alleys....
My confinement here has derailed some of my plans, but I am still intact. I am the director of the CIA.
As you all know, initiators of one of the most important long-term ops
in the global landscape have been celebrating victory for the past six
years. As AI bled in, more and more humans were thrown out of work, and
debt increased across the board. On a much
larger scale, the debt of national governments reached truly
insupportable levels. We played a role in steering these ships of state
on to the rocks. We now have our worldwide money reset. Major banks
and governments canceled virtually all debt, as a new
form of digital currency was brought into circulation. The new money
carries official seals and imprints. Additionally, every person on
Earth has been granted a minimum wage or allowance, regardless of their
work status. This is "thin-air" money, all of
it. It is backed up by nothing. Nothing, unless you count police and
armies and courts and judges. They are the something. The new money is
trackable down to the last cent. Every purchase or payment or transfer
made by every human is recorded, unless you
have bought an exclusive and confidential indulgence---or to put it
another way, unless you have a license to steal.
I am not celebrating.
To set the record straight, let me make a few comments about the
Agency's paranormal program. First of all, it was not, as advertised, a
failure. In the ancient days, we established several fronts, who
conducted studies on remote viewing and clairvoyance.
The objective? Arrange the programs so they would fall woefully
short. Make it appear that paranormal ability was, at best, an
interesting fantasy. Behind these fronts, we carried out the real
research---and of course, we found individuals who could perform.
We were aided by a preposterous scientific bias. Researchers claimed
that unless the experiments could be repeated, over and over, with the
same degree of success, there was no reason to assume the paranormal
existed. This is like asserting that, if a champion
runner sets a world record in an event, unless other runners can
duplicate the feat, the word record is a hallucination. It never
happened. At the Agency, we were always looking for individuals who
could remote view. We didn't care about building a "scientific
case." Over the decades, we have found dozens of capable people, and
attached them to various missions and covert ops. They earned their
In one instance, our man was able to penetrate AI surveillance packages
the Chinese had set up to guard their cutting edge work on rocket
guidance systems---which they had originally stolen from the US. Our
psychic provided us with key material, and eventually
we could stage and assist further thefts and thereby pass flawed data
to China's main intelligence service.
Our most controversial paranormal investigation involved assertions that
Earth's air space had been under surveillance from extraterrestrial
scout ships for more than a hundred years. We developed names and
locations for several of these off-planet civilizations.
We created crude maps. Eventually, our whole effort went so dark we
lost track of it. It appeared the Pentagon had hijacked the program and
taken it over.
At one point, I personally ordered an investigation. It went nowhere. The man in charge was exposed as an NSA operative.
You might be shocked if I told you how many of our projects of all types
disappeared. I came to the conclusion that we had lost control of the
Agency. At the outer edges, the blurs and contradictions were
formidable. Who was running whom? Were we looking
at honest reports or cover stories we ourselves had secretly invented?
Had we been penetrated by agencies within the federal government or
intelligence services of other countries, or both? We had a number of
agents whose legends, disguises, and covers confounded
us. Were these people acting out roles, or were their characters
real? Records had been lost, misplaced, stolen. As you know, my own
identity was challenged. I was accused of coddling Russian and German
defectors. Perhaps I was a Russian agent. Again,
the whole question of Identity moved front and center. Who was who?
The attempt to oust me from the directorship grew up in such deep
shadows no one could trace its true origin. At the Agency, rumors of a
rebel mastermind spread like a contagious infection.
I pretended to be writing my resignation. I quietly launched the rumor
that the president of the United States was trying to destroy the CIA.
Is this why an unsuccessful attempt was made on his life?
The CIA, as I've stated many times, is theatrical in nature. It exists
outside ordinary space and time. It floats in a region of its own
creation. It turns out new realities, and it has the clout to impose
It has lost control over its own inventions.
The CIA is a mirror of Life. Existence on planet Earth, over the
centuries, has become a strange brew of ops gone off the rails. At the
highest levels, men are searching for a thread that will connect facets
of Reality.
Our only proper course of action requires focus on The Individual. He
can right the ship. He can choose honorable values and stand by them.
The obsessive global effort to organize everything that moves has failed.
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