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An American Affidavit

Monday, September 17, 2018

September Issue of PENN Magazinie: "The CIA IS The American Media"

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September Issue of PENN Magazinie: "The CIA IS The American Media"

A Conspiracy Theory ...
The C.I.A. IS The American Media

Penn Magazine
September 2018

Here in flip-page format:

Mike Palecek, editor
Chuck Gregory, publisher

It’s a conspiracy.

It just is.
How do you know? Are you one of those?
I guess I am.
My wife doesn’t believe me. I don’t think there is anyone I see on a daily basis that really believes me, but anyway we don’t talk about it.
You don’t talk about these things.
Some things are just not said, and I would imagine that’s according to some plan on some white board in some fourth story building in some town in Virginia.
Of course I don’t know. 
You can only think and worry and wonder and surmise.
It’s like trying to tell what’s going on in the game by standing outside the stadium and hearing the crowd noise. How could you even tell what’s going on inside?
You hear what those who come out of the game tell you is going on.
And you hear what those who are covering the game tell you.
“This is what’s going on.”
Oh, okay.
And if they tell you over days, weeks, years and decades and lifetimes that this is what is going on, why would you ever doubt them? They are good, reasonably intelligent, nice people, right?
Not necessarily.
We find out much, muuuuch later.
And so, you, still standing outside the stadium, grow impatient, maybe even stomp your feet, throw up your arms.
And you try to find out for yourself in the only ways you can.
And after a while you find out a lot.
But you would have found out a lot quicker if those inside had told you the truth.
Why didn’t they tell you the truth?
Why? Why?
Yes, you want to know what’s going on in the game, and finally you have found out, but the question remains, the question you have not found the answer for,.
Why did they lie to you.
The CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theory 
in order to cut off at the pass the criticism of the Warren Commission 
brewing like strong coffee to wake up the people of America.
And people like Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, Wolf Blitzer, Peter Jennings ... Anderson Cooper, Matt Lauer, Katie Couric, Mike Wallace, Chris Mathews, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Brian Williams, Lester Holt, Stephen Colbert have been glad to carry the torch of the CIA over the years and decades, so that the American people, not geniuses to begin with, are even more stupid than when we started.
We are getting nowhere thanks to the esteemed United States 
profession of journalism.
But, thanks to people like James Tracy, Jim Fetzer, Paul Craig Roberts, Kevin Barrett, Gordon Duff, Wolfgang Halbig and Penn Jones Jr., all is not lost. 
There is hope. There is life. We go on.
Penn Magazine is named in honor of Penn Jones, Jr., 
one of the first researchers into 
the John F. Kennedy murder, 
an honest newsman, who did not lie to us.
Mike Palecek, editor
Chuck Gregory, publisher

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