Tuesday, September 18, 2018
1254-1255: My Bad Attitude from Lincoln County Watch
By Anna Von Reitz
First point-- this can be an ugly
world. And I have seen plenty of that ugliness. I have seen how every
nasty, prurient, self-serving, lousy aspect of human nature gets
"employed" by the Satanists among us
and how every virtue can be twisted to serve the Devil, too.
and how every virtue can be twisted to serve the Devil, too.
Some people call this a "Bad Attitude". Others recognize it as wisdom.
There is, in fact, a Bad Attitude
that is required, if you don't want to be taken in and messed with and
abused. You have to be skeptical. You have to be hard. And sometimes,
you have to be rude, too.
Second point --- we are dealing with
Satanists, whether we wake up and realize it or not. Satanists and
their flunkies make up around thirty percent of the population.
And Satanists worship the Father of All Lies.
They lie about anything and
everything. They lie for money. They lie for amusement. They lie for
political advantage. They lie simply to lie.
Third point --- think about what you are being asked to believe.
Normal children who are harmed by
predators go to their parents and tell them that they have been hurt.
Why? Because they trust their parents to protect them and help them feel
The parents then report the abuse to the police.
The police investigate. Reports and
complaints are generated. All sorts of interviews take place, including
mental health interviews, medical examinations, and so on.
If there is sufficient evidence, charges are brought.
So what kind of child doesn't report abuse?
The children of Satanists don't, because their own parents abuse them the same way.
If Uncle Marty rapes you, it's no big deal because Daddy already did the same.
And there is nowhere to go in the
mind of such a child, because if they go directly to the police, all
they will get is more abuse, or, they will wind up dead.
So, enter Professor Ford and all the
people coming forward with claims of rape and sexual molestation and
attacks from thirty years ago.
The Big Question in my mind is, and has to be: "Why am I just hearing about this now?"
This question is rapidly followed
by: "Why didn't you tell your parents?" and if they were old enough,
like Professor Ford -- "Why didn't you report it to the police?"
I have to be hard-boiled. I have to ask these questions. And so should you.
Bearing False Witness is part of the
Satanist's religion. They think its a great when when they tell a
Whopper and garner some advantage for themselves.
Their law is: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
You get no points for being gullible.
If they can't get someone into a
compromised position, that inconvenience doesn't necessarily stop them.
They will lie and say they did anyhow.
Satanists use lies as tools to
accomplish goals and make money, and once you understand that, your
innocent Bleeding Heart impulses get seriously curtailed. For example:
There is an entire industry that
lures young girls into lives of prostitution. It works like this. They
look for and target girls that are dissatisfied with their family for
some reason: they have to share a room with an obnoxious younger sister,
they don't get an allowance, their parents expect them to work during
the summer, they don't have a car, parents won't let them party, and
blah, blah, blah.
Then the sympathetic Recruiter tells
them how easy it is to be "emancipated"--- set free from all the
disciplines and hardships of life at home. All you have to do is tell a
school nurse or some other ready ear that your Father molested you, and
the court will set you free.
Just say it, whether he did anything or not. Lie.
They don't mention all the nastiness
the victim will endure once they do it. Nobody tells them that their
family will be destroyed, that their parents will most likely divorce
even if the Big Lie is exposed, and how their younger siblings will be
thrown into the Foster Care System.
Nobody mentions the double-bind these girls put themselves in--- how they will be shamed and pitied no matter what they do.
And most of all, the Silver-Tongued
Devils never tell these young ladies that after you are "emancipated" at
the tender age of fifteen or sixteen, there is still a need to find a
place to live, to earn your keep and make a life without the support and
love and network of a family---- because guess what?
You destroyed all that.
After the dust dies down and the
social workers move on to the next case, the Recruiters befriend the
victim. They take her out and show her a good time and they suggest the
"lifestyle" she can have as a whore.... all she has to do is lay on her
back, spread her legs, and make plenty of money.
And since she is too young to have any other skills.....
This has been going on non-stop for
decades in America, and with all the billions of dollars spent on police
protection and investigation, nothing gets done about it. And no matter
how often the social workers hear the same story and see the same
results, they never report it, never put two and two together.
Their story--- and they are sticking
to it --- is that millions of American Fathers diddle their daughters,
and that the girls are so "damaged" by this, that they gravitate into
lives as prostitutes.
Fourth point --- all this is BS.
These girls are being misled and
coached, deliberately, to make false accusations against their Fathers
and other male caregivers. They are being sold a bill of goods for the
purpose of recruiting them as whores.
And that is just one particularly
nasty example of how the Satanists among us work to destroy lives,
create victims, and then prey upon them for profit ---- and all via the
simple vehicle of a Lie.
Did Kavanaugh get drunk as a teenager and paw over Ms. Ford?
Here's my Bad Attitude:
If it didn't matter enough to Ms. Ford to report it when it happened thirty years ago, it surely doesn't matter to me now.
See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
Your Land, One, Two, Three....
By Anna Von Reitz
I receive many inquiries about how to reclaim your proper land claims. There are no one-size-fits-all circumstances, but for most people and circumstances, this Plan will work and stand-off the Greasy Glomers.
All names in this example are
entirely fictitious and/or arbitrary, but this is a reply addressing an
effective plan to remove yourselves and your land from foreign
jurisdiction and subjugation to incorporated entities.
The first order of business is to claim back your own Good Name and Estate as outlined in Article 928 on my website: www.annavonreitz.com.
Do everything you can to identify yourself as "the" man born on such
and such a date and such and such a place and get this information
recorded. This is a good opportunity to learn. If possible, go to the
local land recording office and find out about the process of recording
deeds and miscellaneous public records is in your area and get an
example of a Recording Cover Sheet and ask what needs to be on the
Recording Cover Sheet before you actually record anything.
I would go to the Bureau of Land
Management and look up the actual patent. I would get a certified copy
of the land patent from BLM and I would attach an "Allonge" to the
Certified Copy identifying myself and my girlfriend or wife or partner
or whomever else is involved as the landlords without recourse and
naming the property something pleasing to me, like "Happy Hills
Homestead" and using the "c" enclosed with a circle copyright sign to
copyright the name right there on the Allonge. I would also assign it a
street address to my liking ---- "2131 Happy Hills Drive" c/o Rural
Delivery, Your Town, Your State, No Zip Code and use the "c" to
copyright this new self-created address. Sign this Allonge using a
by-line, as in by: James Allen Walsh and apply the "c" copyright notice
after your name and by: Jennifer Renee Adams, also with "c" copyright
notice. Date it. That is Piece One of your evidence of ownership.
Now have a surveyor come survey your
entire property including the easement and have him/her set the corners
of the property and give you a "Metes and Bounds" description. This is
based on actual physical characteristics and measurements. This will
cost you some money, but it will pay back in no more property taxes and
no more interference and false claims. Okay, so, now you get to think
up what physical markers you want to use to identify the corners of
your land --- your landmarks. I used stakes painted orange and blue set
into cement poured inside cement blocks and rebarred into the earth
over the surveyed corners. But suit yourself. You could use any
recognizable, clearly described and hopefully immobile physical "thing"
to locate each of the four corners. If you use the same means of
marking all four corners, you only have to take one photo --- otherwise,
you need to take photos of all four markers. Suit yourself. Anyway,
now you have a complete and competent physical description and you have
set your landmarks and taken photos and made copies of the photos onto
typing paper, identifying them as necessary --- Northwest Corner
Landmark, etc. Add this to the Survey and the Metes and Bounds
description provided by the Surveyor. Add a cover page entitled:
Acknowledged and Accepted Geophysical Survey of Happy Hills Homestead,
acknowledged and accepted this ____ day of October (probably by the time
you get this done) 2018 by: Your Name Signature followed by the "c" in
a circle copyright mark and your girlfriends by: Her Name Signature and
copyrright and slap this on top of the Survey and property description
and photos of the corner markers. This is part 2.
So now you have the BLM paperwork on
the bottom, the new survey material on top. Now you finish with part
3....which goes on top.
This is a Deed of Re-Conveyance --- and that is what you use as a title for the cover page.
What you want to say is basically this:
The property formerly described as
"509 Little Brook Road" in the City of Springfield, Massachusetts and as
Lot 5, Block 9, Fairfield Subdivision, Fifth Meridian, Palmer Recording
District and as Plat 1-0989233 and Plat 3-2918909-A (whatever the
street numbers, subdivision numbers, plat numbers or other devices have
been used by the rats to label and create a "title" to your land) is
hereby described and identified as land and soil and is re-conveyed to
John Robert Walsh (c) and Jennifer Renee Adams (c) as a land parcel and
portion of soil in Massachusetts without the Commonwealth and the City
of Springfield, near the intersection of County Road B and US Highway
And you both sign and date this---- by: John Robert Walsh (c), Landlord, and by: Jennifer Renee Adams (c), Landlord.
Right under this page goes
"Declaration of Permanent Homestead and Domicile" This is another
simple statement of new facts: "The land and soil herein described and
recorded and held in our private possession is an heirloom homestead
known as "Happy Hills Homestead" (c) belonging to living Americans who
are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of Massachusetts, one of
the sovereign unincorporated State members of The United States of
America [Unincorporated] established September 9, 1776. This land and
soil is under private and competent possession by the Landlords and this
is recorded Public Notice of the new address: 2131 Happy Hills Drive
(c), Springfield, Massachusetts. Any correspondence regarding this
privately held land and soil may be addressed to: John Robert Walsh (c)
and/or Jennifer Renee Adams (c) in care of: 509 Little Brook Road,
Springfield, Massachusetts, 01567. (That is, whatever "your" old US
Post Office address was.)
Right under this goes "Public Notice and Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit"
And here you say, "Let this be Fair
and Public Notice to all Parties Public and Private: Notice to Agents is
Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents:
the land and soil described as part
of this Deed of Re-Conveyance is a physical portion of land and soil
belonging to the sovereign and unincorporated state known as
Massachusetts and it is free and clear of foreign title or encumbrance
and in the possession of living Americans known as John Robert Walsh (c)
and Jennifer Renee Adams (c) who have returned all the former property
interests to the land jurisdiction of Massachusetts and re-conveyed all
their assets to their private possession and hold these assets in
original jurisdiction without exception effective (his actual birth day)
and (her actual birthday), respectively, and as a joint interest, these
provisions apply effective with the earlier date and accrue to the
benefit of the actual Landlords in possession as Heirlooms. The land and
soil described herein is not subject to any taxation or regulation by
any incorporated entity and the Landlords hereby claim their exemption
and the exemption of their land and soil assets. Any public easement
granted to any incorporated entity or incorporated body politic allowing
access across our land is strictly limited to the exact purpose for
which the easement was granted in the first place. This means that
easements granted to provide for access to electrical utilities, for
example, are limited to that purpose, and easements granted to provide
egress and ingress to land otherwise landlocked are limited to that
purpose, and so on. There are no general purpose or unlimited easements
of any kind related to our private property. Any trespass or
transgression against us or against our private land holdings apart from
the limited stipulations that apply are cause for Damage Claims and the
assessment of Usage Fees in the amount of not less than $5000.00 in
American Dollars or the equivalent thereof per offense, which
contractual obligation of the Trespassers accrues the moment they step
foot on our land or access any easement for any purpose not specifically
allowed; such Usage Fee may only be waived by the Landlords at their
discretion and may result in direct enforcement actions against chronic
abusers of our private assets. This Notice and Testimony is being
recorded and provided to the U.S.District Attorney and the Tax Assessors
Office and other Parties for the Correction of Public Records."
by: John Robert Walsh (c), Landlord
by: Jennifer Renee Adams (c) Landord
in care of: 509 Little Brook Road
Springfield, Massachusetts
Leland County
I, __________________________
(printed name), Public Notary, was visited today by a man properly
identified or known to me to be John Robert Walsh and a woman also
properly identified or known to me to be Jennifer Renee Adams and they
did sign this "Public Notice and Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit"
in my presence and without coercion on this ______ day of October 2018.
In Witness whereof see my hand and seal:
______________________________ ___, Public Notary; my Office expires on: ________________________. Seal:
Put all of this in a stack with the
Deed of Re-Conveyance on top. Add a Recording Cover Sheet on the very
showing John Robert Walsh and Jennifer Renee Adams as American
Grantees, listing the Land Recording Office where you are going to
Record this, and giving the "in care of" mailing address where you can
be reached. You will need to go to the local land Recorder's Office and
ask to see a Recording Cover Sheet and use it as an example to make your
own fit their requirements. Typically the top 4" or more of the
Recording Cover Sheet is left blank. Different offices may require
dates or other additional information. Find out what you need on the
Recording Cover Sheet before taking all this in to record it. Be
friendly to the Recorders. They are, ultimately, your friends.
See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
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