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An American Affidavit

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1175-1176: Example of My "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty" from Lincoln County Watch

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

1175-1176: Example of My "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty" from Lincoln County Watch

By Anna Von Reitz
The scanned copy of the actual record will be posted on my website, www.annavonreitz.com (see links at the bottom), which shows the stamps, etc. -- but here is the text showing the kind of detail and verbiage
needed to establish your claim to your inheritance as a Natural Person aka Living-Man or Living-Woman:
For the Notice of the Claim for the Life: Lineage-Treaty
Date: November 16, 2017
Place: Big Lake, Alaska
Action: Claim and Conveyance
Presentment: To All Parties
:From the Living-Soul: Anna Maria Riezinger: Anna Maria Riezinger:Woman, Principal, Vessel with Manifest: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul, Priority Creditor, Paramount Security Interest Holder as of June 6, 1956 holds this Testament-Claim for the Life of Anna Maria Riezinger for the Public Record with this claim of the Fourth Article of the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act as and with this claim of the writ of Habeas Corpus &: does form this Testament upon the Public Record of the states of the Union of these United States and the Alaska State:
:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living daughter of the Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger. The Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father from the Peoria-City, of the Illinois-Land-State, born August 14, 1921 with the Chicago-City-Birthplace of the Illinois-Land-State, is the son of the John George Riezinger:Grandfather of the Living-Woman:Anna Maria Riezinger:
:From the Paternal-Grandfather: John George Riezinger of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger born June 1, 1879, from the Salzburg-City of the nation of Austria and from the Paternal-Grandmother: Emma Elizabeth Helmich, born 1879, of the Spring Lake-City of the Illinois-Land-State:
:From the John George Riezinger, the Paternal-Grandfather of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the John George Riezinger:Great-Grandfather of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the Mother-Wife:Caroline (Rothaus) Riezinger, born November 2, 1840 from the Salzburg-City, from the nation of Austria, and the Father-Husband:Frank Heinrich Riezinger, born the year of 1855 &: from the nation of Austria:
:From the Emma Elizabeth Helmich, the Paternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the daughter of the William Helmich, born July 4, 1850, from the Tete Des Morts-City, of the Iowa-Land-State, and the Mary Jane Zimmerman, born February 28, 1859 from the St. Clair-City, of the Pennsylvania-Land-State:
:The Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is Manifest from the Paternal-Grandparents: John George Riezinger and Emma Elizabeth Helmich: Marriage Covenant from the Public Record, November 25, 1911, of the Chicago-City, Illinois-Land-State:
:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living daughter of the LaVera Myrtle Schnur of the Black River Falls-City, of the Wisconsin-Land-State, born March 9, 1920, from the Albion Township, of the Jackson County, of the Wisconsin-Land-State:
:From the Julius Alfred Schnur, the Maternal-Grandfather of the Living Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, born November 20, 1867, of the Black River Falls-City, of the Jackson County, of the Wisconsin-Land-State, the son of the Julius Alfred Schnur, born December 31, 1832, from the Brunswick-City, of the nation of Germany and the Julius Alfred Schnur:Father’s Marriage Covenant with the Wilhelmina Sitchfield:Mother, from the Public Record of the Beloit-City of the Wisconsin-Land-State:
:From the Anna Wilhelmina Nielson, the Maternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger born October 2, 1881, in South Dakota-Territory, the daughter of the Augustinus Frederik Nielson:Father born May 10, 1852, from the nation of Denmark &: the Mary Ann Alexander:Mother born January 13, 1850, from the Watertown-City of the Wisconsin-Land-State:
:From the Maternal-Grandparents: Julius Alfred Schnur’s Marriage Covenant with the Anna Wilhelmina Nielson from the Public Record: June 1, 1905 of the Rochester-City, of the Minnesota-Land-State:
:By the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger-Manifest from the Marriage Covenant of Emmett Anthony Riezinger – LaVera Myrtle Schnur, from the Public Record, of the Day 6 June 1942, from the Kohoka-City, Missouri-Land-State, by and with the Provenance proven as an American-state-vessel with the Sacred-Cargo: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul.
:With Claim for the Vessel & for the Cargo & for the Manifest of the Estate of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger: &: with the Estate from this Lineage-Treaty free from encumbrance, free from alien-title, free from charge, free from duty, the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is with this Lineage-Treaty-Conveyance home from the sea:
By: ___________________________ :Living-Woman
Right-thumb-print Seal:
This record demonstrates my lineage claim to the land and soil of this country through numerous ancestors who were here before the Civil War and even before the Revolution.
But even if you are not lucky enough to have a similar recitation, if you were born in this country or born to parents who were born in this country or even to parents claiming to be American state nationals through their parents or who are legal immigrants who finished the Naturalization process to become a "US citizen" and then went on to adopt a permanent domicile in one of the States-- you can do the same thing.
Why? Because anyone born or naturalized into these Land-States is heir to their kingdom, free and clear.
Your Claim for the Life doesn't have to be long or ornate. It doesn't have to involve ancestors who lived in this country, so long as your were born here or naturalized and then expatriated to an adopted State of the Union.
To those who are misleading everyone and telling them that they don't have to go through all this effort to rebut lies being told about them and record their counter-claims ----- there are a lot of crooks that hope you don't, lots of corporations that don't want to pay back what they've stolen, lots of politicians who don't want to own up to the facts, lots of insurance underwriters and banks, too.
And if you don't record your claims because you were lazy or thought you didn't have to --- the rats win.
It's up to you.

Here are the actual documents filed.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

A BIG Mistake

By Anna Von Reitz

Apparently, Destry and some others, have fallen into the mistaken idea that you can just join a Jural Assembly and voila!  You are home again, free and clear, and all questions and issues regarding your identity and political status are magically answered. 

Here's a quote from an email I sent out this morning addressing this: 

".....you have to work backward from being in international sea jurisdiction to bring in international land jurisdiction and finally, back to being recorded as a living man or woman of the soil jurisdiction owed to this country.

A great deal of time and effort over many decades has been expended in the effort to steal your birthright from you. 

You are naive if you think that reclaiming it is going to be effortless or unnecessary. 

I wish it could be just a matter of joining a Jural Assembly, but it isn't. 

The way they have you classified, it's improper for you to participate in a Jural Assembly until you correct your political status."

You have to think in terms of apples and oranges, living and dead, Spanish and English, employer and employee--- and you can't be a living man who is part of a living assembly of  free men and at the same time "be" a corporate franchise.  It's not possible.  It is an oxymoron proposition like "sovereign citizen".  You can be one or the other, not both. 

It's the same way with "citizenship".  You can serve as an official of the actual State of the Union and thereby function as a "State Citizen", but you cannot at the same time function as a Territorial "State of State" Citizen. 

Once you re-establish your status as a living man or woman, you can move any corporations named after you back to a permanent domicile on the land and soil jurisdiction and operate them in international trade instead of international commerce. This is the difference between owning and operating a boat and being a boat.  

So I wish it were as simple as joining a Jural Assembly, but it's not.  There are international copyrights and patents and "derivatives" and "labor contracts" and "life insurance annuities" and all sorts of other business issues attached to the central issue of who and what you are and in what capacity you are acting. 

In order to be part of a Jural Assembly of living people you have to claim the life and lineage you are part of and claim the reversionary trust interest in your natural estate ---- otherwise, these hideous corporations will simply claim that you are "cargo" aboard one of their "vessels" named after you, and you will be seized upon, impounded, moved around, and treated as "unclaimed cargo".  

Which is precisely what is happening to Destry Payne right now, and what is happening to the Colorado Nine and what is happening to Steve Curry and what would happen to me, too, if I had not followed my own advice, gone through all the history and research and the recording processes and "Notifications" that I have gone through to regain my Natural Person standing and reclaim my country. 

So, if you want back the prize of who and what you are, if you want your land and soil and flag returned to you and your control, if you don't want to be "mistaken" for a corporation or a dead person's estate or a public charitable trust or a public transmitting utility or, or, or, or..... then get up on your feet, face facts, and deal with the situation for yourself and for your family and for your country. 

I will be posting additional examples of what my own "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty" looks like,  International Will form, etc. 

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

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