Editors of medical journals confirm: HPV vaccines cause more harm than good… science author facing death threats
Thursday, August 30, 2018 by: Isabelle Z. from Natural Newsare. Now, a new contender has emerged in the form of the HPV vaccine.
We’ve long known that this vaccine is bad news, but now a study has shown that it can actually raise a woman’s risk of getting cervical cancer instead of preventing it as intended. Unfortunately, many people will never know about this as the study was officially retracted shortly after it was printed by the journal’s editors due to the author’s use of a pseudonym to protect himself from retaliation by those with vested interests in vaccines.
The article was published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, and it noted that there was a significant rise in invasive cervical cancer incidence in 2014 and 2015 among women between the ages of 20 and 49 years old – the age range during which women often get the HPV vaccine – in Sweden.
Not only did the study link the higher HPV vaccination rates to a rise in cervical cancer, but it also highlighted how an FDA analysis of the Gardasil vaccine showed a greater risk of “premalignant cell changes” from the vaccine among groups that were exposed to certain strains of HPV.
A week after this groundbreaking report was published, things got ugly. First, the journal’s editors removed mentions of the Karolinska Institutet from the article after the institution informed them that no one by the name of the study’s author, Lars Anderson, worked for them as claimed. This prompted the author to share his real name with the editors after being promised confidentiality.
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The editors confirmed that the author had the right expertise,
experience and qualifications to carry out the study, and they also
confirmed that he was facing a “credible threat of harm” and needed to
keep his name secret. They went on to confirm the article’s conclusion
that the HPV vaccine was possibly associated with a high risk of
cervical cancer and retained the article.The story doesn’t end there, however. Certain parties – and it’s easy to imagine who they might be – questioned the decision to let the article stand, and the editors finally gave in and retracted it. Even as they did so, however, they maintained the article’s finding was correct and called for more research into the matter.
Just one more reason not to get the HPV vaccine
Causing the very type of cancer it is meant to prevent is reason enough to steer clear of this vaccine, and this side effect joins a long list of others, such as severe ulcers, chronic pain, infertility, paralysis, and premature menopause.Some people who have gotten the vaccine have even lost their lives. Gardasil is already responsible for more than 200 deaths and over 57,000 adverse events recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in the U.S., and a court ruling confirmed that it kills people.
It contains aluminum – a neurotoxin – as an adjuvant, along with polysorbate 80, which has been linked to multiple sclerosis, anaphylactic reactions, and encephalitis. Sadly, this type of information is not usually shared with patients who are considering the shot or the parents of the young girls this vaccine targets.
The fact that the latest study showing how dangerous it is was retracted not due to inaccuracy but on a mere technicality over the author’s name should give anyone who is considering this shot serious pause.
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