Top Ten Reasons:Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax by Vivian Lee, Ph.D. “It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. ” -Sherlock Holmes (“The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet”) Figure 1. Gene Rosen Fox News live interview of December 18, 2012, now known to have been filmed in front of a green screen, with the “p’etyone must check in ” sign inserted in the background. This article was first published in January 2014 at Veterans Today, a little over one year after tl^e alleged Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting of December 14, 2012. Much research on Sandy Hook has been done since the time of its publication, but the original “top ten reasons” that discredit the official story are still as valid as ever. They form the basis for all further 57 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. research and, as such, are offered here in a revised and updated version. Means of accessing the videos from the online article are given in the notes. As the article was being written, The New York Times, our nation’s newspaper of record, published a story on Connecticut’s “final report” on the Newtown shooting (December 27, 2013). In this article we are told that although the report contained “hundreds of photographs, hours of video, and voluminous crime scene reports... care was taken to conceal the most graphic crime scene images.” Not only that — the final report does not even include the names, ages, or sex of the alleged shooing victims (Figure 2). There was no actual identification of an^ of the dead. Even the News-Times of Danbury, CT, found it unsatisfying. Redaction Index * SlMuta Brtaf Description 01 CGS § 1-210|D);3KB| identity of minor witnesses 02 CGS 5 1-2101 D>; 11) Mames/aooresses of students enrolled m puDicschoo 03 CGS § 1-210)0X2) Personnel'mediai/similar ties. rr.ason of personal privacy 04 CGS § 1-210(0) '3 |(A) identity of corfioentai rformarti / v*itress 03 h'a Court order of - Blame dated Merer 27, 2013 OS CGS 51-2K>3)|27) visual image depicting a homicide victim 07 CGS $ 29-28)0) Pixel permit irfprmetor OS CGS § 19B-411 Records of OCVE examnattonv'*i»args 09 CGS § 1-200(3) items rot meetrg the definition of pudic record, induding out not limited to seired or r f sical evoerce 10 CGS § i-210|B>!3Kc| Sgned satements of whnesses 11 IS USC 2724 informatior protected Dy 9>e sede-ai Driver: Prvac f Protector Act 12 UVCT Constitutions Right to prvacy (US Const Amerc 14| and/or Victim Rj grits |CT Const Art 1 Sec SO) 13 C GS 5 1-210(0)! 3 1(E) Investigatory techniques not other-wite known 1-4 CGS 5 1-210| OX 19] Safety rea to persons ana 'or dciiair^s 13 CGS 5 29-iWf COLLECT (Connecticut On-Line La* Enforcement Comm.** cations Teeprocessingi system records 16 22 USC 334 MOC |Setiona Crime irformator. Center; Records 17 CGS 5 1-210(0 f3|t- ' Uncorroporatec a egatipn; suoject to destructor pursuant to CGS 1-216 IS CGS 5 1*210( 0)| 3 XA) T-ade sesets and/or orocrieta'y rformator 19 CGS$1-210(DV3;.3| Commeroa and/or finer rial ritormation giver in confidence, not -aquiree Dy statute 20 CGS § l-210|DV3l<f] Arrest/hwestigatory files of a ju *eni ie oompded *or a a* enforcement purpose 21 31USC33ia;s!|2) Records protectee Dy the Bar* Secrecy Act 22 31 CFR I03.ia;e| Records protectee Dy Peoera regulations promugated under the Ban* Secrecy Act 23 CGS i 1-210(0X1] Preiminary erafts and' or rote: 24 CGS $ 1-210(0X17) Eduotiona records not suqect to disclosure pursuart to 20 USC I232g 23 fV*® Code not used 26 CGS i 12-13 Tax returns and return n*ormstwn 27 CGS 5 l-210(0>;i0) Commuri cations privileged Oy common law ard/or general salutes 23 CGS $ 1-17B Photo/computerired image in connection wit n state-issued centficstion 29 CGS § 1-210(0X3X0) informatior. prejudicial to a prospective law enforcement action 30 ^JDk LB* 112-33 EATE Records Figure 2. Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports, Redaction Index (2013 final report). 58 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax The New York Times was not worried, however, proceeding once again to retail the official story, seemingly satisfied that in place of the redacted pages are “detailed descriptions,” “eyewitness accounts,” and “snapshots” of emergency workers dashing around and supposedly interacting with the school’s teachers. According to The Tunes, the report “did not appear to alter the broader understanding of the shooting” — the official version, that is, which the paper has promoted relentlessly despite massive evidence to the contrary. In this gross dereliction of duty, The Times has displayed not only its journalistic incompetence but, more grievously, its complicity in the perpetration of the Sandy Hook hoax. This pattern of deceit extended to the Newtown Clerk’s secret arrangements with the state legislature to avoid releasing death certificates to the public, attempts to withhold the 911 calls, and gag orders that were imposed on those responsible for tearing down the school building itself. In a letter accompanying the report, Reuben F. Bradford, the Commissioner of Connecticut’s Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, stated that “the names and contextually identifying information of involved children” were removed, including descriptions and images of the children, their clothing, and their belongings. “All visual images depicting the deceased have been withheld,” he added, “as well as written descriptions whose disclosure would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and would violate the constitutional rights of the families.” According to Bradford, the investigation was “unparalleled in the one hundred and ten year history of the Connecticut State Police. Tens of thousands of hours were spent by investigators from all over the country tracking down leads, processing evidence, and doing everything within their collective ability to provide answers for the questions that remained in the wake of the terror that morning.” With the issuing of the “final report,” the investigation “has been closed for administrative purposes.” However, this so-called investigation did nothing to reveal the truth of the matter but rather was part of the conspiracy to conceal the reality of the event from the public. g The basic principle that applies here is inference to the best explanation. Consider the totality of the evidence in this case. Is the evidence more probable on the hypothesis that Sandy Hook was a real event or that it was instead an exercise (a "drill”), which was presented as though it was a real shooting? The hypothesis that confers the highest degree of probability based on the evidence is preferable. Despite the exhaustive investigation allegedly carried out by the Connecticut State Police, the official scenario is not feasible in terms of the evidence. Here are the “top ten” reasons that support the conclusion that the Sandy Hook shooting was staged and not real, where no children or adults appear to have died. 59 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. 1. Proof of death has been suppressed Twenty-eight people allegedly died: 27 children and adults, including Adam Lanza, at the school, and his mother, Nancy Lanza, in her home at 36 Yogananda Street, Newtown. However, there is no direct proof of anyone’s death: no photographic evidence or video footage was released to confirm the official story that these 28 persons actually died. In fact, no video surveillance footage shows anything — not even Adam shooting out the front plate-glass window or walking through the halls like Rambo, even though the school had supposedly updated its security system at the start of the 2012-2013 academic year. Figure 3. Sandy Hook Elementary, alleged bullet hole (2013 final report, Walkley scene photos). The best the authorities cotdd come up with was a heavily redacted “final report” (December 2013) that includes numerous photos of the inside of the school, with a few dings identified as bullet holes, several bullets and casings on the floor, and hundreds of black (redacted) images with white numbers, which we are supposed to associate with dead people (Figures 3-4). 01 02 03 06 12 Figure 4. Sandy Hook Elementary, redacted image (2013 final report, Meehan autopsy photos) 60 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Compounding the situation, the parents were not allowed to view their children’s bodies to identify them. Instead, they were reportedly shown photographs of the deceased. This was done, according to the Medical Examiner, Wayne Carver, in order to “control” the situation. But what was there about the situation that required “control”? No normal parent would have agreed to accept the death of a child without viewing the body. James Tracy has published a discussion of the medical examiner’s performance (Figure 5). According to Carver: Uh, we did not bring the bodies and the families into contact. We took pictures of them, uhm, of their facial features. We have, uh, uh — it’s easier on the families when you do that. Uh, there is, uh, a time and place for the up close and personal in the grieving process, but to accomplish this we felt it would be best to do it this way and, uh, you can sort of, uh . . . You can control a situation depending the photographer, and 1 have very good photographers. Uh, but uh — Figure 5. Medical Examiner Wayne Carver ’s press conference of December 15, 2012 Remarkably, the state has done its best to avoid releasing the death certificates and even recordings of the 911 calls. Death certificates were eventually “released” but not to the public or those who might want ^ investigate the case further; only a short, general summary was available. On June 5, 2013, Connecticut passed legislation (Public Act 13-311) blocking disclosure of photos or video images of (all) homicide victims, along with other records. ~ According to Gov. Dannel Malloy, who signed tl^hill hours after it was passed, “all families have a right to grieve in private.” The final version did not cover the 911 recordings, which were ordered released in late 2013, after Judge Eliot Prescott ascertained that “no children are identified by name, no callers indicate that they can see a child being shot, £jq.d the only injury described is that of an educator’s being shot in the foot.” Moreover, the victims’ funerals were all “closed casket,” although the funeral of Noah Pozner supposedly included a private viewing before 61 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. the public ceremony. As recounted in interviews with the families, the circumstances of their last encounters with their children (or with their caskets) are strange to say the least. The “love fest” at the white coffin pf Grace McDonnell was detailed on CNN for Anderson Cooper (Figure 6). Figure 6. Chris and Lynn McDonnell interviewed by Anderson Cooper, December 18, 2012. Veronique Pozner gave her account of her last look at her son Noah to the Jewish Daily Forward on December 26, 2013 (Figure 7): Veronique asked the medical examiners not to autopsy her son; she felt that his body had suffered too many indignities. At his funeral, Noah was dressed in a suit and tie. A Jewish friend of Veronique ’s at work enjoined Rabbi Praver to allow him to be wrapped in a blue tallis, even though he had not yet had a bar mitzvah. The family placed stuffed animals, a blanket and letters to Noah into the casket. Lastly, Veronique put a clear plastic rock with a white angel inside — an “angel stone” — in his right hand. She asked the funeral director to place an identical one in his left, which was badly mangled. Just before the ceremony, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy came to the funeral home to pay his respects. Veronique took him by the arm and brought him to the casket. Noah’s famously long eyelashes — which she spoke about in her eulogy — rested lightly on his cheeks and a cloth covered the place where the lower half of his face had been. “I just needed it to be real for [the governor],” she Noah Pozner's Family Remembers and Mourns Figure 7. Veronique Pozner interview of December 26, 2012, Jewish Daily Forward. 62 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax says. "This was a live, warm, energetic little boy whose life was snuffy out in a fraction of a second because our schools are so defenseless.” 2. Emergency protocols were not followed There is no evidence of any frantic effort to save lives or remove bodies to hospitals. Instead the scene outside the school looked calm and largely bloodless — with police and other personnel milling around casually and a severe shortage of dead or injured victims. One Sandy Hook researcher decided to call Lt. Paul Vance to ask who cleaned up the blood, which would have been considered a bio-hazard, and got the reply, “What blood?” “Kelley from Tulsa” discuses this with James Fetzer on the “The Real Deal” on December 9, 2013. Kelley was onto a real issue: under the EPS’ Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, a paper trail must kept by all parties involved in the clea^ip and must be tracked all the way to the incinerator with names and dates. In a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) like Sandy Hook, the proper protocol is START triage (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) using tarps of different colors with the aim bej^g to save lives and get the injured to the hospital for treatment (Figure 8).“' Red tarps indicate that “immediate” treatment is needed, yellow that treatment may be “delayed,” green that the injuries are “minor,” and black tarps signify “deceased.” Figure 8. START triage set up after a tram crash in Los Angeles 63 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. Outside Sandy Hook Elementary, tarps were laid out, but not even the black tarps for the dead were used, much less the red ones for those who needed immediate treatment (Figure 9). As Sofia Smallstorm has documented, nothing at all like (Jjis occurred at Sandy Hook: the appropriate protocols were not followed A Figure 9. START tarps outside Sandy Hook Elementary with no victims. Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead was ready help the victims but could recall only two wounded people (Figure 10). A few survivors were reportedly taken to the hospital, but, oddly, these people were never interviewed. There were no first-hand accounts that proved anyone was killed or injured. Nonetheless, by the afternoon of December 14, Lt. Vance had Figure 10. Sandy Hook Fire Chief Bill Halstead, in an interview on December 18, 2012, says he got word that “no one else would be coming out of the building. ’’ 64 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax confirmed that 18 children were pronounced dead at the scene, two children were removed to an area hospital and died at the hospital, ^id seven adults were pronounced dead at the scene, including the shooter. No emergency vehicles were present at the school or even lined up in the fire lane for a rescue attempt — the parking lot was filled with parked cars, police cars and possibly media vehicles. Such rescue activity as occurred was centered, not on the school premises, but at the nearby Firehouse. Emergency vehicles at the Firehouse were jammed together impeding access to the school, in case anyone might have thought about attempting a rescue. Figure 11. Crowds circling around and through the Sandy Hook Firehouse. The scene at the Firehouse was quite peculiar, with people milling around and circling through the building, walking out one door and into antjtjier, to give the impression of lots of people and lots of action (Figure 11). But it was all in accordance with FEMA manuals for drills. 3. Drill protocols were followed instead We are now living in a security state, and the school system is among its beneficiaries. While we used to have occasional “fire drills,” we now have “lockdown drills” implemented by school districts, with some states requiring a set number of drills by law. Private security firms, which operate for profit^ j.iow conduct “crisis preparedness assessments” at the taxpayer’s expensed Larger scenarios are also developed as active-shooter drills, in which local law enforcement can take part in storming a school in pursuit of an active-actor-shooter. 65 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. One such plan available on the web is “Operation Closed Campus,” developed in Iowa following guidance set forth by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) of the US Departmci^of Homeland Security. According to protocol, everyone Figure 12. Lt. Paul Vance discussing an active shooter at the drill must check drill he was supervising at Oxford High School, in, identification badges Oxford, CT, in August 2007 . are issued to personnel and observers, and drinking water and restrooms are available. Personnel include the director, staff, controllers, evaluators, actors, media personnel and “players” (agency employees) both in uniforms and civilian clothes. Figure 13. “ Gunshot wound victim ” being made up for an active-shooter drill that took pj^ce in 2014 in Contra Costa County, CA. This protocol appears to have been followed at Sandy Hook, where many participants wore ID/identification badges on lanyards, a huge check-in sign is visible in one Gene Rosen interview, water is available in qu^tity at the Firehouse (Figure 14), and even Port-a- Potties are at the ready. The check-in sign was inserted via green screen, however, shown in an interview held days after the event, so its presence is controversial (see Figure 1). Figure 14. Sandy Hook Firehouse on December 14, 2012, with drinking water for the participants, according to drill protocol. 66 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax An emergency preparedness drill took place on December 14, 2012 (9:00 am - 4:00 pm ET), in Bridgeport, CT, which is a 20 minute drive from Sandy Hook. The course, “Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters,” was run by the Connecticut Department of Emergency Series and Public Protection/Emergency Management and Homeland Security. ‘ And a FEMA Mass Casualty Drill, “Emergency Response for Mass Casualties Involving Children,” was scheduled to take place on December 13 or 14, 2012 (location unspecified). The exercise was to target the following capabilities: Mass Prophylaxis, Mass Death of Children at a School by Firearms, Suicide or Apprehension of Unknown Shooter, of Media for Evaluation, and Use of Media for Information Distribution. This may have been the script for the Sandy Hook “shooting.” [Editor’s note: See Appendix A for the Sandy Hook FEMA drill manual.] The Sandy Hook “massacre” appears to have been an Integrated Capstone Event (ICE), an exercise run by FEMA to coordinate federal, state and local 32 emergency response teams in the case of a mass-casualty event. As such, it would have utilized actors and media partners to simulate a tragedy in order to train participants, and also to observe the reaction of the citizenry. 4, There was foreknowledge of the event The Connecticut state emergency system was taken over long before the “massacre” occurred, with a frequency change implemented five hours in advance of the “shooting.” Normal police and EMS dispatch protocol, using the Alpha Phonetic System for communications between officers and dispatchers, was replaced with sta^d transmissions by non -trained personnel/ In addition, tweets abjijrt the shooting began before it occurred, a tribute was apparently uploaded one month before the event, and web pages honoring the victims, including a Facebook page R.I.P. Victoria Soto, were established before they had “officially” died (Figure 15). Figure 15. R.I.P Victoria Soto facebook page, with “Joined Facebook December 10". 67 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. And photos of the “evacuation” and “shooting” scene by Newtown Bee photographer Shannon Hicks were taken before December 14, 2012 (see below). A Sandy Hook timeline has been reconstructed at memoryholeblog. com, detailing major developments^gnd highlighting the numerous inconsistencies in reports by the media. [Editor’s note: See Appendix C.] 5. There were contradictory reports about the weapons According to initial reports, weapons used in the shooting included four handguns recovered at the scene, the only guns taken into the school (NBC). Then an AR-15 was said to have been found in the trunk of Lanza’s car (NBC). Then it was reported that Lanza may have carried only two handguns and that a rifle was also found in the school (NBC). Wayne Carver, the Medial Examiner, said that all the victims were shot with the “long weapon.” Lt. Paul Vance then said that a Bushmaster AR-15 assault weapon with high capacity magazines was used “most of the time” and that Lanza was carrying “many high-capacity clips” for the weapon (Huffington Post). In January 2013, Connecticut state police released a statement indicating that they had found three guns inside the school: a Bushmaster .223 caliber XM 15-E2S semi-automatic rifle with high capacity 30 round clips, a Glock 10mm handgun, and a Sig Sauer P226 9mm handgun (Figures 16-18). Figure 16. Bushmaster allegedly found inside the school (2013 final report, Walkley scene photos). Figure 1 7 . Glock and clip allegedly found inside the school (2013 final report, Walkley scene photos). 68 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Figure 18. Sig Sauer and clip allegedly found inside the school (2013 final report, Walkley scene photos). The police said they also found an Izhmash Saiga-12 12-gauge shotgun in Lanza’s car (NBC). This is presumably the gun shown in a video aired on the night of December 14, 2012, by NBC (Figure 19). An evidence collection team and a policeman are shown finding the shotgun in the trunk of Lanza’s Honda Civic — the policeman handles the gun without gloves^nd ejects the ammunition on the spot, destroying evidence in the process. Some have seen two long guns ir^jie trunk in the NBC video: the 12-gauge shotgun and the Bushmaster rifle. Figure 19. Policeman ejecting ammunition from a long gun found in the trunk of Adam Lanza s car on December 14, 2012. Lt. Vance then asserted that Lanza had killed all his victims with the .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle ( Regarding the confusion, Vance told reporters, “It’s all these conspiracy theorists that are trying to mucky up the waters.” Perhaps “The Top Prize for Fantastical Reporting” goes to Fox News, however, which announced that a 12-gauge shotgun along with two magazines 69 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. containing 70 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge shotgun rounds had been found in the glove compartment of Adam Lanza’s Honda Civic — that’s right, in the glove compartment. 6. Adam Lanza cannot have done the shooting Adam Lanza, reportedly a frail young man weighing 112 pounds with Asperger’s Syndrome, is said to have carried massive weaponry on his person when he shot his way into the Sandy Hook school and proceeded Figure 20. A young Adam Lanza, who supposedly "fell to kill 26 people and °ff the face of the earth ” around 2009, with no record of then himself. This after his activities since that time ( CNN). he supposedly killed his mother before driving to the school. It should of course be noted that Adam Lanza was initially listed in the Social Security Death Index as living died on December 13, 2012, one day before the alleged shooting. According to State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky, Lanza killed his 26 victims with the Bushm|s)cr .223 -caliber rifle and then killed himself with his Glock 10mm handgun. ” Lanza was also allegedly carrying three 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster as well as a Sig Sauer 9mm handgun (see above). The victims were supposedly shot multiple times each in a fusillade of bullets from these military-style weapons. In order to wreak this havoc, he fired more than 150 rounds, and he carried more rounds in addition. Lanza was reportedly found dead wearing a bulletproof vest and military-style clothing (AP). As Mike Powers, a professional military investigator and ballistics expert, has observed, this young man of slight build could not have carried all these heavy, bulky weapons and ammunition on his person. Furthermore, since first responders were supposedly inside the school within seven minutes, there was not enough time for Lanza to have carried out the shooting as reported. In an interview with Joyce Riley, Powers states that Lanza coidd not have fired so many times continuously without destabilizing himself from the intense noise from the Bushmaster. As a novice, he could not have shot an AR-15 with such speed accuracy, supposedly changing magazines 4-5 times without a stoppage. For a real person shooting an AR-15 and what it entails, see Redsilverj’s “Sandy Hook Hoax Ultimate Case Closed” (Figure 21): 70 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax According to Lt. Vance on the night of the shooting, one victim survived. So in less than seven minutes — or less than five minutes according to the media — Lanza killed 26 people and then himself, producing only one injured victim. This is a 96% kill ratio, which is unheard-of accuracy among the most experienced marksmen. Mike Powers thinks the whole scenario is a physical impossibility. He is not even convinced that Adam Lanza was a real person. Oddly, considering the horrifying details of the alleged massacre, as well as Adam’s own suicide by shooting himself in the head with the Glock handgun, the 2013 final report photos show no obvious traces of blood or gore on Adam’s clothes, hat, gloves, or shoes (Figure 22). Figure 22. Some of Adam Lanza s alleged clothing removed from his body for photography (201 3 final report. Walkley scene photos). 71 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. The final travesty involves the weaj^qns and other paraphernalia that were allegedly found in the Lanza house. [Editor’s note: See Chapter 6.] The “arsenal” supposedly included guns. Samurai swords, knives, a bayonet and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, according to search warrants released. Other items of interest were ear and eye protection, binoculars, holsters, manuals, paper targets, a military-style uniform, and Lanza’s NRA certificate (Fox). Lanza had reportedly compiled a spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide in 9-point type detailing 500 victims of other mass murders (CBS). We are supposed to believe this, and, at the same time, that Adam Lanza was a shy, quiet kid who didn’t like noise an^dxliaos. as promoted by the PBS Frontline Special, “Raising Adam Lanza.” 7. Key participants displayed inappropriate behavior There are many bizarre media reports and interviews of those associated with the “shooting.” Many of the participants seem to be actors (or intelligence operatives). Some examples: Wayne Carver — Medical Examiner Wayne Carver’s surreal press conference is one of the most startling of all the media offerings. Widely available on youtube, this event shows H. Wayne Carver II, a public official of some standing, clowning and acting outlandish — grinning strangely, making irrelevant comment|^and basically appearing unknowledgeable and unprofessional (Figure 23). Figure 23. Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, entertainer Robbie Parker — Perhaps the most infamous press conference is that of Robbie Parker, the alleged father of victim Emilie Parker, speaking on a CNN report of December 15, 2012. He chuckles as he walks up to the camera (Figure 24), then gets into character by hyperventilating, and finally feigns distress as he talks about his daughter — reading frjgn a cue card — and about the fund set up to help raise money “for Emilie.” 72 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Figure 24. Robbie Parker, walking up to the camera for his interview. The families — In addition to Robbie and Alissa Parker, other parents and family members take their turn in the spotlight, including (but not limited to) Mark and Jackie Barden, Jimmy Greene and Nelba Marquez-Greene, Ian and Nicole Hockley, Neil Heslin (alleged father of Jesse Lewis), Chris and Lynn McConnell, Veronique Pozner, Carlee Soto, and David and Francine Wheeler. Anderson Cooper is the interviewer in two notable instances: his conversation with the McDonnells mentioned above, and an interview with Veronique Pozner, remarkable l^r its green-screen effects such as Anderson’s disappearing nose (Figure 25). Figure 25. Anderson Cooper during a green-screen interview of Veronique Pozner The school nurse — Numerous reports offer detailed and totally fictitious information, some of which was later abandoned in favor of more tenable versions. On the evening of December 14, a USA Today reporter said she had spoken with the school nurse (not identified by name), whom she had met on the street (Figure 26). The nurse told her that the gunman had come into her office, “they met eyes, she jumped under her desk,” and he walked out. The nurse said that the gunman was the son of the kindergarten teacher, who was known to her and “an absolutely loving person.” It later developed that N ancy Lanza had not been a kindergarten teacher at all, and that neither N nor Adam had any proven connection to Sandy Hook school whatsoever. 73 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. Figure 26. USA Today reporting a fabricated stoiy about the school nurse, the gunman, and his mother the kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary. Dawn Hochsprung — In an embarrassing fiction, The Newtown Bee reported on December 14, 2012, that Dawn Hochsprung, the Sandy Hook school principal, told the paper that a masked man had entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots — more than she could count — that went “on and on.” Of course, Dawn Hochsprung was allegedly killed by Adam Lanza and so could not easily have provided this statement. In fact, Dawn was said to have acted heroically, dying while lunging at the gunman — although one wonders who witnessed and reported this act of heroism. On December 17, 2012, The Bee retracted the report and apologized: An early online report from the scene at the December 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School quoted a woman who identified herself to our reporter as the principal of the school. The woman was not the school’s principal. Dawn Hochsprung, who was killed in the Friday mor- ning attack. The quote was removed from subsequent online versions of the story, but the original story did remain in our online archive for three days before being deleted. We apologize for whatever confusion this may have caused our readers and ^>r any pain or anguish it may have cause [sic] the Hochsprung family. Gene Rosen — Gene Rosen is one of the most prolific of the Sandy Hook media stars, giving animated and conflicting statements to a series of reporters (in English and Spanish). Considered a “good Samaritan” by the mainstream media, Gene supposedly harbored six children who ran away from the school, rode to his house on a school bus, sat down on his lawn and proceeded to cry and tell him that their teacher, Miss Soto, was dead. Strangely, Rosen took the children inside and gave ^em some toys to play with, instead of calling 911 like any normal person. The Gene Rosen videos are important for the official narrative, in that they corroborate many of its details: the staccato gunfire (and thus a semi- 74 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax automatic weapon) and hearsay evidence from the children (Lanza had a big gun and a little gun, Vicki Soto was killed, etc.). These incriminating videos are some of the best evidence that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax. Figure 27. Gene Rosen signaling to a “reporter" that he wants to start over, after bungling his lines in a practice interview. 8. Photos at scene and of victims look staged or fake Many of the photos released to the public look staged or fake; here are some notable examples: Shannon Hicks photo of children being evacuated from the school — The only photo we have seen of any children being evacuated from the school was apparently taken earlier in the fajRduring a drill — no coats, smiling faces, leaves remaining on a few trees. Shannon Hicks of The Newtown Bee took the “iconic” photo (Figure 28) and claimed to have taken many others of the event — although no other children being evacuated were seen in those released to the media. Hicks reportedly took the famous photo “as an associate editor” and then, when another editor arrived, “changed into her firefighting gear and tried to help.” This heroic account was promoted by NPR on December 16. Figure 28. Shannon Hicks ’photo for The Newtown Bee of children supposedly being evacuated from Sandy Hook Elementary on the morning of December 14, 2012 . 75 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. An analysis of the Hicks “iconic” photo has shown that it was not taken around 10:00 am on the morning of December 14, 2012 — the shadows are wrong for that time of day, no one’s breath has condensed into visible vapor (although the recorded temperature was 28 degrees F and frost appears on the ground in other photos), the markings on the parking lot are wrong, the positions of the vehicles and traffic cone do not match, etc. A recent sun-shadow analysis shows that the photo was taken at around 11:10 am, not at 10:09 am as alleged by Hicks, and clearly not on the cold morning of 57 December 14. Indeed, another photo appeared (Figure 29), showing what appears to be a preliminary staging for the famous “iconic” photo released worldwide. Here also is the line of students but in a somewhat different order. In addition, several onlookers stand in the foreground; the woman at center may have been snapping photographs, although there is certainly someone else taking pictures here — the photographer who captured this second image. Figure 29. Staging of the “evacuation” photo, with children in a different arrangement than in the final version. Shannon Hicks was named Photographer of the Year by the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA) in February 2014, as well as receiving a first place award for Spot News Photo “for her iconic image of young stuijjents being led from Sandy Hook School by law enforcement responders.” However, it has now emerged that Shannon Hicks uploaded a slideshow of 20 photographs to YouTube the day before the alleged shooting — including the staging shot (Figure 29) among others. This slideshow was available by the evening of December 13, 2012, but released on December 14 as photos taken on that date, as documented by QKultra (Figure 30). 76 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Her video was uploaded at 5:44 pm on Dec. 13th f 2012 and made public on Dec. 14th Figure 30. “Newtown Bee Stinger. ” Photo of shattered plate glass window at entrance to Sandy Hook Elementary — Several photos from Connecticut’s December 2013 final report show the plate glass window that Adam Lanza allegedly shot out with his Bushmaster, and through which he entered the premises. But how did he get past the fiirniture. with all his weaponry, without moving anything out of position? Not only did Lanza squeeze through this hole and edge carefully through the narrow space between the couch and table, but so dj<jl ten policemen, all with their guns and gear, according to sworn affidavits. Yet nothing was pushed aside, and the magazine rack looks like it was moved carefully away from the window (Figure 31). Figure 31. Window with shattered glass, supposedly blown out by “ the shooter, ” next to the front lobby doors (2013 final report, Walkley scene photos). 77 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. Many of the photos from the December 2013 final report look staged, such as those showing small numbers of bullets scattered over the school floor, or the unlikely shots of Adam Lanza’s clothing (see Figure 22 above). Just as insidious are photographs of the children who allegedly died at Sandy Hook, many of which were demonstrably altered via Photoshop. Most of the individual images of the children released to the media are peculiar — numerous images have a curiously similar background of green foliage, and several look outdated and may be old photos. Parker family photos — Some of the most problematic involve the Parker family, several of which show evidence of tampering. In two notorious photos, Emilie’s red-and-black dress appears in both: once worn by Emilie in a Photoshopped family photo (Figure 32) and then supposedly worn by her younger sister Madeline for the photo-op with Barack Obama (Figure 33). Figure 32. Photoshopped image of the Parker family, showing the two youngest girls missing their legs and Emilie, at right, apparently added to the image. Victoria Soto photos — Photos of Victoria Soto have emerged as Photoshopped creations. Images of Soto were inserted into photographs in which she did not orippally appear, and several shots of her face were created from a single photo. The well-known photograph of Soto’s class of first grade students is an elaborate composite, released in a small format, low quality image (Figure 34). Soto is wearing the exact same outfit seen in another photo with green foliage background, although there she faces the other direction; that image was 78 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Figure 34. Photograph of Victoria Soto s first grade class, a Photoshopped composite. merely flipped and inserted into the class picture. In doing so the creators had to reconstruct her right hand and did so poorly, cutting off her thumb with a vertical line. Ann Marie Murphy was also inserted, and her hand too is problematic. The hands of the children are blurry, their eyes are fuzzy, and square and rectangular defects appear on their faces — all unnoticeable in a small figure 33. President Obama with children from the image but readily seen Parl( er family (and others), in which Emilies sister , , , Madeline is supposedly wearing her red-and-black when enlarged (Frgire 35 dress on the next page). 79 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. Figure 35. Soto s class photo with defects visible in enlarged images (Megatronics Media). Allison Wyatt/Lily Gaubert — In a likely sloppy slip-up, a photo of a real child, Lily Gaubert (Figure 36, left), who is apparently alive and well, was promoted in the media as an image of Allison Wyatt (Figure 36, right), an alleged victim. Ljjy’s mother supposedly discovered the error and made it public via Flickr. Figure 36. Lily Gaubert (left) and Allison Wyatt (right). Adam Lanza — The ridiculously fraudulent photographs of Adam Lanza clearly do not depict a real person: 80 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Figure 3 7 . Adam Lanza, four fake photos. 9. The crime scene was completely destroyed As with Ground Zero after 9/11, Sandy Hook Elementary and all the evidence have been completely obliterated; $50 million in CT state funds were allocated for the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook school. This would never have been tolerated if an actual, grime had been committed — at least one that was meant to be investigated. The demolition of the school has been completed and rebuilding is in progress. Figure 38. Demolition of Sandy Hook Elementary nearing completion (November 13, 2013) Employees who worked on the project were required to sign non- disclosure agreements. They were not only prohibited from removing anything from the site, but they were forbidden from discussing publicly anything they may have observed or not observed during the demolition, such as an absence of bullet marks on the walls or blood on the floor of the classrooms. 81 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. Researchers have speculated that the Sandy Hook Elementary School was ncjt^a working school in December 2012, and may have been closed for years. Photos indicate the deplorable physical condition of the school and its grounds, as well as loads of junk in rooms, halls, and closets, more appropriate for a storage facility — but with classrooms staged to look real. Sandy Hook Elementary was indeed dilapidated, nothing like the marvelous school that people say drew parents to the Newtown community. The new Sandy Hook School has been designed (Figure 39) and is in the process of being built. The building is scheduled for completion by 2016, in ti^nc for the 2016-2017 school year, according to the official project website. In FAQ at the website, the question is asked, “Why was the decision made to build a new school and not just renovate?” The response: Analysis of the renovate vs. build new by the Advisory Committee showed that costs to renovate this 56 year old building, bring it up to code, eliminate the portables, make it energy efficient, provide necessary safety features, and more, ^gnerated a cost almost at the same level of new building construction. This is underscored by an article in the Newtown Bee, clear acknowledgment that Sandy Hook F.lemcn^jiy was old, unsafe, and not up to code at the time of the alleged shooting. Figure 39. Design for the new Sandy Ftook School, Svigals + Partners, LLP (design team) and Consigli Construction Co., Inc. (construction manager), scheduled for completion in 2016. 10. Deceased children sang at the Super Bowl Research has resulted in a “Sandy Hoax Surprise,” a convincing youtube video by QKultra identifying eight alleged Sandy Hook victims and six 82 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax brothers of victims singing in the Newtown children’s choir at the 2013 Super Bowl, February 3, 2013. Figure 40. “Sandy Hook Elementary School Chorus" sings “America the Beautiful ” at Super Bowl XLVII. along with JennifH Hudson and Sabrina Post of Encore Productions. Identified here are Charlotte Bacon, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Grace McDonnell, Emilie Parker, Caroline Previdi, Avielle Richman, and Benjamin Wheeler, along with victims’ brothers Guy Bacon, Jake Hockey, Freddy Hubbard, Jack McDonnell, Walker Previdi, and Nate Wheeler. Figure 41. Screen capture from “Sandy Hoax Surprise. ” 83 Vivian Lee. Ph.D. On^^nore victim has been identified since the original video, Noah Pozner, making a total of 15 out of the 26 children in the choir who were from the Sandy Hook “families.” The newly recognized victims are all older than they appear in the photos released at the time of the “shooting,” giving credence to the theory that the victims’ photos we were shown were outdated images. The children in the Newtown choir, whoever they are, seem quite happy to be singing at the Super Bowl, smiling and running across the field after the event — giving no sign of the trauma they had suffered less than two months prior. So are the dead children actually alive? One can only hope. Cui bono? The evidence thus demonstrates that (1) proof of death was suppressed, (2) emergency protocols were not followed, (3) drill protocols were followed instead, (4) there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) there was confusion over the weapons supposedly used, (6) Adam Lanza cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) strange and inappropriate behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses, and relatives, (8) many odd photos of the participants and premises were released, (9) the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy, and (10) as many as nine of the children who were supposedly murdered appeared on television singing at the Super Bowl seven weeks later. With the possible exception of (5) and (9), all these features yield a low probability that Sandy Hook w^ a massacre but a high probability that it was a staged psy-op tied to a drill. Some of them are decisive by themselves, such as(l), (2), (3), (4), and (6) — not to mention (10). And nothing else about this event supports the conclusion that it was real as reported. Although this may be hard to believe for some — “no one could have faked a massacre like this,” “we watched the funerals on TV,” or “there were too many people involved and someone would have spilled the beans” — the evidence is conclusive. To return to the maxim of Sherlock Holmes, “when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” So who did it and why? The “shooter” Adam Lanza had no apparent motive, as even the 2013 final report acknowledged: Why did the shooter murder twenty-seven people, including twenty children? Unfortunately, that question may never be answered conclusively. . . there is no clear indication why he did so, or why he targeted Sandy Hook Elementary School. 84 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax But all good detectives will look for a motive when investigating a crime. When considering cui bono (who benefits), a large amount of money is at stake-and much of it has already been distributed. Follow the money First of all, the construction industry got a boost, with the $50 million in Connecticut state funds allocated for the destruction of Sandy Hook School and rebuilding of a new school on the premises. And this from a state yjth a projected budget deficit of $1.1 billion for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. The Sandy Hook School Support Fund raised approximately $12 million and distributed it to the Newtown- Sandy Hook Community Foundation, overseen by Ken Feinberg, “a victim compensation master witl^ national reputation,” according to United Way of Western Connecticut. And the Support Fund/United Way posted its condolences on December 11, 2013, which was three days before the actual event. The Sandy Hook School Support Fund paid $281,000 to each of the victims ’ families, as well as $20,000 each to the families of 12 children who reportedly witnessed tj^ shootings but survived, and $150,000 to two teachers who were injured. Google sandy hoofc uroted iray Wtk MMQt* Uip Sh^fany Un* SaKklm Do< It. TtW - Sorted by « A J •**ju • Cmm \l i»nstyMooKi_^-. -xpef, I ju UntttiWayar fiesigi- D- 11 Ok 7QW U w tid Way aitan4i m mo* mmi c»4;1«kh an* $•*,■-« t« a th*M la**vl#a toy tho m h uioj aim m lia«<»M>' SK Wy Ho«* C*no*ct<ui utma w rc o— - mm Mltodwiyt "J* itj’ 1 1 Ok • THa *pp*c atur* fc aJna Km ta«n ttimM lot IN* Uiuted Way 4A£Al pa yw atoadaihf adidbtNrfPBif TV»# progiin AJSeivs i'aoe Urtttd Wav <A Umtai Q-«- mm iwH n > *a y*^ l ’"ai cr^hfai 1 1 CW TOY? • In tipnnt* t* iW ***!( km af i *f" C* at l awly Mod School r llaK?’*' Camacto c ul IMMW n <y W •«*•(* Coronet c lM r ^rtaintp «4h Figure 42. Google search page listing the Unjjgd Way document date as December 11, 2012. The families have also raised additional funds through private organizations with their own websites — some of which were apparently advertised on the web in advance of the shooting. These include efforts such as 26 Miles for Caroline (Previdi), the Musical Benefit for Catherine Hubbard Foundation, Ben’s Lighthouse (Benjamin Wheeler), and Noah’s Ark of Hope 85 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. (Noah Pozner). All of the victims, both children and gcjlults, have had memorial funds established in their names to collect money. “Sandy Hook Promise, ” which actively solicits money “to protect children and prevent gun violence by providing awareness, education, and programs in the areas of mental health, mental wellness, and gun safety,” currently boasts over 434,000 people who have made the “Sa^y Hook Promise” to turn the “tragedy into a moment of transformation.” “ Nicole Hockley and Mark Barden are staff members. As part of their fund- raising efforts, the group sells car decals, wrist bands, T-shirts, and OPI limited- edition Sandy Hook Green nail polish. The latest estimate of funds available to Sandy Hook Promise is $3 million. Figure 43. OPFs Limited- edition Sandy Hook Green Nail Polish for a donation of $26 to Sandy Hook Promise. T : sal The federal government has also forked over a lot of taxpayer money, including a $150,000 federal grant to Newtown to pay for two “school resource officers” (aka police), $1.5 million from the US Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime, and $2.5 million in federal funds from the I DOJ to compensate the Connecticut State Police, the town of Newtown, the town of Monroe, and other partner agencies. In June 2014, the DOJ gave Newtown another $7.1 million for g^ental health counseling for families, law enforcement, and first responders. In December 2014, another $775,914 was donated by the DOJ Office for Victims of Crimes for Sandy Hook victin^ their families, first responders, and members of the Newtown Community. 1 In addition, the US Department ofEducation has awarded a total of $3.2 million to the Newtown Public School District under Project SERV (School Emergency Response tg^ Violence) to help with ongoing recovery efforts following the shooting. 1 This total of $15.2 million in hush money is sure to keep the lid on things for now. The latest edition of the video “We Need To Talk about Sandy Hook,” lists a total of $131,009,229 in grants and donations, including the $50 86 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax million for the new school. but this is only a partial accounting. Indeed, the total amount of money raised to date cannot easily be calculated. A2014 Connecticut report on charitable donations lists organizations such as The Animal Center, Inc., Newtown Forest Association, Inc., Sandy Hook Arts Center for Kids, and Angels of Sandy Hook Bracelets, all raising funds for Sandy Hook Elementary. Gun control The issue of gun control gained ground after the Sandy Hook “shooting,” with widespread coverage in the mainstream press, expertly juxtaposed wj|l^ maudlin stories about the fallen children to tug at the nation’s heartstrings. The families have been out in force, appearing on television and in print, lobbying for gun control in the states and the US capitol. By now, their stories are known to everyone in America. In late February 2013, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a relentless gun-control advocate, used his clout to meet separately with Vice President Biden and several senators. At the same time, Neil Heslin, father of alleged victim Je^j|, testified tearfully at a Senate hearing on the banning of assault weapons. Publicity surged in late March, when authorities allegedly found a huge cache of guns, ammunition, and exotic weaponry in tl^ Lanza home, publishing a detailed list and photos (see above, reason #6). On April 2, 2013, the United Nations “Arms Trade Treaty” regulating the international trade in conventional arms was passed by the General Assembly. On April 8, 2013, 12 parents of the Sandy Hook “victims” flew with President Obama to Washington, D.C., aboard Air Force One to lobby congress on gun-control legislation put forward by the White House — which ultimately failed. The continuing media blitz has created an impression that the Sandy Hook hoax was all about gun control. Meanwhile, however, the gun industry has benefited immensely. Figure 44. "The Newtown 12”: * il * Sandy Hook parents deplaning from Air # A Force One on April 8. ^ 1 V 2013. vvl r .—r 87 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. The New’ York Times reported in 2013 that around 1,500 state gun bills had been introduced in the year following the shooting, with 109 becoming law. However, nearly two-thirds o^these laws ease legal restrictions and support the rights of gun owners. ~ This may have been an unintended consequence of an intentional plan. Nonetheless, it is not clear that the Sandy Hook event was carried out solely with the aim of passing gun-control legislation. More plausibly it was a Gladio-type operation — implementing a strategy of tension wi^ real and simulated events in order to control and oppress the population. it does appear that the government is out to disarm the American public, if not by legal means then ultimately by seizure. The efforts of “the families” at promoting gun-control legislation may merely be a pretext, a prelude to accustom us to the idea; the increasing number of false-flag shootings may eventually be used as grounds to round up weapons. This would involve a beefed-up security apparatus, which is already in progress. The security state The already immense and rapidly growing “security industry” has also benefitted from the Sandy Hook “massacre,” as we, the citizens of the United States, lose more of our Constitutional rights (see above, reason #3). TffojJ| to increase security in schools — and even arm teachers — are underway. This suggests an orchestrated charade in which more gun violence is partnered with more guns in society, but held only by the approved authorities. Navigate The Sandy Hook families have pushed continually for increased security measures along with gun control legislation, starting right after the “shooting.” School Safely Response System Simple. Integrated Secure Some are now directly involved with security companies, such as the Gay, Parker, Mattioli, and Rekos families, which are affiliated with “Safe and Sound,” a non- profit started by Michele Gay Figure 45. NaviGate Prepared, a ‘ ‘sponsor” of and Alissa Parker, mothers of Safe and Sound, affiliated with the Gay, Parker, alleged victims Josephine Gay Mattioli, and Rekos families. 88 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax and Emilie Parker (who, by the way, were both identified in the children’s choir that sang at the 2013 Super Bowl). Safe and Sound is partnered with NaviGate Prepared, a for-profit “school safety emergency response system,” as well as with several other “sponsors.” Mental health screening and treatment In a 2015 TEDxTalk, Nicole Hockley relates gun violence to mental health issues, another pervasive concern of the Sandy Hook parents. After reciting the statistics on shooting deaths, she urges us to learn how to “identify children who may be troubled and get them help. . .to insure that those that are crying out for help on social media are properly investigated before they hurt themselves or someone else...” We can find out about all the actions that we can take, “focu^ejl on identification and intervention,” at the Sandy Hook Promise website. Figure 46. Standing ovation for Nicole Hockley’s TEDx Talk at the University of Nevada, Reno. This is part of a more subtle but insidious effort to promote mental health screening and the consequent treatment (medication) of the “m^tally unstable” in our society, based upon an event that did not take place. We are asked to consider Adam Lanza’s “mental illness,” which was supposedly “completely untreated,” based on unverified information in a November 2014 report of the State of Connecticut’s Office of the Child 99 Advocate. 89 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. We find that Adam had Autism Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, as well as possible undiagnosed Anorexia, and was deprived of recommended services and drugs. It is here that we learn Adam was 6 feet tall and weighed 112 pounds. The report resulted in numerous recommendations, based on the fictional medical and psychological evaluation of Adam Lanza, including universal mental-health screening for children ages birth to 2 1 , and the evaluation of children by the school system. The report exposes one purpose of the Sandy Hook event: a “dramatically intensified bureaucratic and quasi-scientific control over the everyjig^ lives of children alongside the continued erosion of the family itself.” Trauma-based mind control & “The Revelation of the Method” Beyond all these agendas, the Sandy Hook “massacre” was an exercise in trauma-based mind control, employed with increasing frequency in the US (and throughout the world) since the mega-trauma of 9/11. As with 9/11, the official Sandy Hook narrative is nothing like what really happened, as proven again and again by an army of independent researchers. The official version is recounted in detail at Wikipedia — the^-to source for the propaganda that the intelligence state wishes to convey. This false and illogical account is transmitted through all forms of media — TV, radio, newspapers, websites, and magazines, many of which have been taken over in toto by the intelligence services since 9/11. The evolving account has become so confusing, with its inconsistencies and contradictions, that most people find it easier to accept the official story and go about their business — resulting in a nation of people who can no longer think for themselves, even when confronted with the obvious. On the most basic level, mass terror and tragedy are used to frighten the public into acquiescence, causing people to band together as a community and turn to their leaders for guidance. Thus the seemingly endless series of violent assaults in the form of terrorist attacks, lone-wolf shootings, and white -on-black police killings, all to keep us focused on these horrifying acts and not on the looting of the US treasury or illegal foreign wars. Perhaps the most significant achievement of the Sandy Hook event was the creation of a terrifying crisis that did not actually occur — but was vividly portrayed in the media — allowing the perpetrators both to achieve their objectives and to gauge the public’s response. Would-be investigators have also been taken in — chasing red herrings, delving deeply into individual facets of the mystery, and grasping at anomalies in an effort to solve the crime. We too are manipulated, as the 90 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax perpetrators allow detaij^o emerge — The Revelation of the Method — and watch our reaction. ” Thus Governor Malloy’s statement that “the Lieutenant Governor and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we^ijjght be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state,” or Wayne Carver’s “I hope the people of Newtown don’t have it crash on their head later.” Likewise the “Please Check In” sign (Figure 1), Gene Rosen’s practice interview (Figure 27), and memorial websites posted before the date of the tragedy (Figure 42). Part of this ploy is the ridicule of the populace, a “macabrj ^ise-thumbing at our complete indifference to our mental enslavement,” such as the smiling relatives and weird interviews, Noah Pozner shown among photos of the victims of a Taliban attack in Pakistan, the myriad police photos providing no evidence, and — the ultimate joke on every sentient person — the students alive and well and singing at the Super Bowl. Such stunts are intentional, and are not only fun for the perpetrators but are seen to enhance their power. In the face of this brutal violence, we are told to choose LOVE. This was expressed by the resigned and even cheerful parents and other participants in their interviews, even though their relatives and friends had died in a horrific bloodbath only one or two days earlier. This has also occurred with other recent manufactured acts of terror, such as the Boston Marathon Bombing and the recent Charleston church shooting. People choose love, resilient communities magically J^id together, and everyone moves on to the healing process — immediately. Such hoaxes involve government at the highest le^Jg, as shown by Obama’s visit to Newtown (and Boston and Charleston), the use of Air Force One to fly the families to Washington, D.C., ^l^Francine Wheeler’s White Flouse Weekly Address (April 13, 2013). Such government complicity has been demonstrated for the assassination of JFK, the attacks of 9/11, and beyond. In the face of such vast conspiracies, it is hard to know how to view the world. When one understands the Sandy Hook psy-op, however, things come into focus. When contemplating our current predicament — the incessant “mass shootings” and their promotion in the media, the trashing of the constitution and rise of the security state, and the use of false flags and fake data to direct policy on everything from “climate change” to the “war on terror” — we can study the lessons of Sandy Hook, and navigate accordingly. Vivian Lee, is the nom de plume of a Sandy Hook researcher and professor at an East Coast University. 91 Vivian Lee. Ph.D. Notes 1 http://video.foxnews.eom/v/20438237 45001/man-comforts-sandy-hook-students-he- found-in-his-driveway/?#sp=show-clips. “The Sandy Hook HOAX and Gene Green Screen.” 2 The article was removed from VT in May 2015 but has been reposted at the site. Original URL: www.veteranstoday.eom/2014/01/07/top-ten-reasons-sandy-hook- was-an-elaborate-hoax/. New URL: top-ten-reasons-sandy-hook-was-an-elaborate-hoax/. I wish to acknowledge here the co-authors of that article — James Fetzer, James Tracy, Sofia Smallstorm, and members of the Sandy Hook research group — as well as QKultra, Redsilverj, the participants in “We Need To Talk about Sandy Hook,” and many other researchers who have worked on the Sandy Hook event. 3 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, 4 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports. Redaction index, http:// 5 “Final Sandy Hook Report Still Leaves Questions.” news/article/Final-Sandy-Hook-report-still-Ieaves-questions-51 06788. php. 6 “Final Report on Sandy Hook Killings Sheds New Light on Gunman’s Isolation.” shooting-report-investigation-is-said-to-be-over.html. 7 State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Office of the Commissioner, letter from Commissioner Bradford, http:// 8 James Fetzer, “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: 9/11 and JFK.” http:// www. d. umn. edu/ ~jfetzer/f etzerexpandedx.pdf 9 “Principal Outlined New Security Procedures at Sandy Hook Elementary School.” security-letter-newtown-shootings- 20121214-story.html. 10 “The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information.” http.V/memoryholeblog. com/201 2/1 2/24/the-sandy-hook-massacre-unanswered- questions-and-missing-information/. 1 1 For the full press conference, see “Medical Examiner FULL Press Conference - Sandy Hook School Mass Shooting.” https :// 12 The alleged death certificates of Adam Lanza and Noah Pozner were released in 20 14 by one Lenny Pozner. Adam Lanza was initially listed as dying on December 13, 2012, according to following the Social Security Death 92 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax Index, and Noah Pozner was later pictured in a collage of the dead in a massacre in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 1 6, 20 1 4. For this interesting story, see James Tracy, “Sandy Hook Victim Photo Used to Memorialize Pakistani School Massacre.” http:// school-massacre/5422691. 13 Public Act No. 13-311: “An Act Limiting the Disclosure of Certain Records of Law Enforcement Agencies and Establishing a Task Force Concerning Victim Privacy under the Freedom of Information Act.”, pa/pdf/2013PA-00311- R00SB-01149-PA.pdf. 14 “Malloy Signs Bill To Withhold Homicide Photos, Other Records, after Newtown.” newtown-0605-20 130604-story, html. 15 “Judge Orders Release of Sandy Hook 911 Recordings.” http://www.ny times. com/201 3/ 11/27 Znyregion/judge-orders-release-of- sandy-hook-911-recordings.html. 1 6 “McDonnell Parents Live through Grace.” Interview of Chris and Lynn McDonnell on Anderson Cooper 360. 17 “Noah Pozner’s Family Remembers and Mourns.” http://forward.corn/ news/1 68277/noah-pozners-farnily-remembers-and-rnourns/. 18 “The Real Deal.” 0 1T00 :00 :00-08: 00&updated-max=20 14-0 1-01 TOO :00:00-08:00&max-results=50. 19 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988.” 20 S.T. A.R.T. Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment. http://www. emsconedonline. com/ pdfs/starttriage.pdf 21 “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions.” https :// com/watch?v=mlyfJDCMU64. 22 “Sandy Hook Fire Chief Remembers Tragedy.” watch ?v=3j3 i3A 7rn8jk. 23 “Tragedy in Connecticut: 20 Children, 6 Adults Killed at Elementary School. way/20 12/1 2/1 4/1 6724854 1/developing- shooting-at-elementary-school-in-newtown-conn. 24 “Sandy Hook Hoax — Walking in Circles around Sandy Hook Firehouse.” https:// 25 James Tracy, “Nationwide Post-Sandy Hook Terror Drills.” http://www. -sandy-hook-terror- drills/5346612. 26 “Oxford CT High School Shooting Drill.” 93 Vivian Lee. Ph.D. watch 7v=CnqKikVbHeM. 27 “Operation Closed Campus,” Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 2011 Full Scale Exercise (FSE). http://static.infowars.eom/2011/03/i/geneml/ExPlan_03222011.pdf. 28 “Lamorinda Active Shooter Drill, CERT Disaster Response Team, Contra Costa County, CA, December 17, 2014. drill/. 29 “Sandy Hook Hoax — The FEMA School Shooting Handbook Says.” https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=i0782lVrxg8. 3 0 ID=CAC9C6C9CD83CDC9C7. 31 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mass Casualty Drill, Exercise Plan. The date December 14, 2012, is listed on the title page, but December 13, 2012, is given on pp. 12, 14-15 of the document. See James Tracy, “FEMA/DHS 12/14/12 Plan for ‘Mass Death of Children at a School by Firearms.” http://memoryholeblog. com/2014/1 0/08/femadhs-l 2 14201 2-pla n-for-ma ss-death-of- children-at-a-school- by-firearms/. [Editor s note: The rehearsal was on the 13th. going LIVE on the 14th. See Appendix A.] 32 33 Dennis Cimino with Jim Fetzer, “The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy behind Tucson, Aurora, and Sandy Hook.” http://www.veteranstoday.eom/2015/05/01/the- nexus-of-tyranny-the-strategy-behind-tucson-aurora-and-sandy-hook/. 34 “Sandy Hook Early Birds,” Jennifer Lake’s Blog. https J/jenniferlake.wordpress. com/?s=sandy+hook+ tweets. It is still unclear whether the time stamps on these early tweets reflect Eastern or Pacific Standard Time. 35 “Sandy Hook RIP/Donation Webpages Created BEFORE the Massacre.” http:// before-the-massacrel. “Sandy Hook Update: United Way of Western Holds Back Donations?” holds-back-donations/2266. Evidence from web pages showing foreknowledge of the event is discussed in detail in “We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook — NEW 2015.” 36 “Sandy Hook School Massacre Time Line.” http://meynoryholeblog. com/2013/01/06/sandy-hook-school-ynassacre-tiyneline/ 37 Supran. 11. 38 “Police Find Long Gun in Trunk of Car in Sandy Hook Parking Lot: Newtown Connecticut School Shooting.” 94 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax 39 “PROOF Sandy Hook Massacre: Both Long Guns Found in Trunk of Car.” https:// 40 “Newtown Gunman Spent More Than 150 Rounds, Killed Victims within 5 Minutes.” http://www.foxnews.eom/us/2013/03/28/warrants-to-be-released-in- newtown-investigation/?test=latestnews. 41 “SSDI Says Adam Lanza Died a Day before Sandy Hook Massacre.” http:// fellowshipoftheminds. com/20 13 /01/20/ssdi-say s-adam-lcinza-died-a-day-bef ore- sandy-hook-massacre/ 42 The Report of the State’s Attorney (pp. 1-2). Sandy_Hook_Final_Report.pdf. 43 “Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers Sandy Hook Investigation (edited version no commercials).” 44 “Sandy Hook Hoax Ultimate Case Closed (Redsilverj).” https :// com/watch?v=3B3kC-zQfR. 45 “Guns, Knives, Ammo and Gear: Adam Lanza’s Arsenal, Item by Item.” http:// usnews. nbenews. com/ jtews/201 3/03/28/ 17 50 1802-guns-knives-ammo-and-gear- adam-lanzas-arsenal-item-by-it em ?lite. 46 “Raising Adam Lanza,” Frontline in association with Hartford Courant, February 19, 2013. 47 “Sandy Hook Medical Examiner Wayne Carver Is a Very Funny Guy.” https:// 48 “Sandy Hook School Shooting Hoax Fraud Robbie Parker Actor Exposed Smiling Laughing Then Fake Crying.” 49 “The Happy Sandy Hook Actors.” watch ?v=bh TqMocc Vm Y. 50 “Anderson Cooper Disappearing Nose and Unedited Sound Clicks from Editing Mistake at CNN. "https ://^’_bUuio. 51 "Reporter Claims To Talk to Sandy Hook Nurse.” watch ?v=CilfQSYNC5g. 52 "Retraction and Apology,” The Newtown Bee, December 17, 2012. http:// apology/4588. 53 “Sandy Hook HOAX: Gene Rosen’s NONSENSE Analyzed.” https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=mgq6SVbIbAI. 95 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. 54 A drill was supposedly held at the school in October 2012, as publicized in a photo tweeted by Principal Dawn Hochsprung. sandy-hook-the-illusion-of-tragedy/. However, this alleged drill does not present the same scenery as that of the Hicks photo. 55 “The Story behind a Striking Image of the Scene at Sandy Hook.” http://www.npr. org/sections/thetwo- way/2012/1 2/16/1673957 79/the-story-behind-a-striking-image- of-the-scene-at-sandy-hook, 56 Dennis Cimino with Jim Fetzer, “Sent Worldwide, Shannon Hicks’ “Iconic” Photo Was Faked.” http://www.veteranstoday.eom/2015/05/01/sent-worldwide- shannon-hicks-iconic-sandy-hook-photo-was-faked/. See also “Shannon Hicks Denies Staging Her Fake “Iconic” Sandy Hook Photograph.” http.V/www.veteranstoday. com/201 5/05/0 1/shannon-h icks-denies-s taging-her-fake-iconic-sandy-hook- photograph/. For temperatures in Newtown on December 14, 2012, see http://www. city=Newtown&req_state=CT&req_statena me=Connecticut. The temperature at 10:00 am was 28 degrees F, at which breath condenses to form visible vapor, http:// 57 “Sandy Hook Fraud — Sun Shadow Analysis 2.0 — 100% Proof.” https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=rhSyzhsaBDl. According to Time magazine, Hicks said she took the “iconic” photo at 10:09 am. iconic-photograph- from-sandy-hook/. 58 “Bee Honored with NENPA Awards, Hicks Named Photographer of the Year.” http://www.newtownbee.eom/news/news/2014/02/l 3/bee-honored-nenpa-awards- hicks-narned-photographer/l 90795. 59 “Newtown Bee Stinger.” https :// For Shannon Hicks’ slideshow of December 13, 2012, see watch?v=fmSBqLoXqA0. In light of this discovery, one might wonder whether the “iconic” photo was taken on December 13, but this is unlikely, since temperatures that day were cold enough so that the students’ breath would have condensed no matter what time the photo was taken, KDXRJ201 2/1 2/1 3/Daily History. html?req_city=Newtown&req_state=CT&req_ statena rne=Connecticut. 60 Although it has sometimes been unclear who shot out the plate glass window, as late as December 28, 2014, The New York Times reported that “the Newtown killer had entered Sandy Hook by shooting through a window.” http.V/www.nytirnes. com/201 4/ 12/28/technology/out-of-tragedy-a-protective-gIass-for-schools.htrnl. 6 1 “Critical Thinking and Sandy Hook: Pictures of Lily.” https ://sandehook.wordpress. com/20 14/01/05/pictures-of-lily/. 62 See for instance “Sandy Hook Photoshop Expose Victoria Soto — Redux.” https:// com/watch 7v=rHSIwED 7wco. 96 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax 63 “Hard Proof — Sandy Hook Class Picture Deception.” https ://megatronicsmedia. 64 “Media Using Sandy Hook Victim Photo of Girl That Is Still Alive! !! ! MOTHER SPEAKS OUT.” https :// com/watch ?v= VEqrUbac2yo. 65 “No Conclusive Evidence That Adam Lanza Existed — Mike Powers Investigator.” https :// 66 James Tracy, “The Sandy Hook Massacre: School Building Is Now Slated for Demolition. Why?” school-building-is-now-slated-for-demolition-why/5353205. 67 James Tracy, “The Sandy Hook Massacre: School Demolition Crew Sworn to Silence.” hook-masssacre-school- demolition-crew-sworn-to-silence/53 54593. 68 James Fetzer (with Amanda), “Sandy Hook Elementary School: Closed in 2008, a Stage in 20l2.” school-closed-in-2008-a-stage-in-2012/. 69 “The New Sandy Hook School,” official project website for the design and construction of the new Sandy Hook School, html. 70 1 1 : Widespread Haz-Mat Presence Would Have Hampered Sandy Hook Renovations.” would-have-hampered-sa/1 79316. 72 “Sandy Hook Students & Jennifer Hudson Sing at the Super Bowl 20 1 3 — America the Beautiful .” https :// com/watch ?v=Gb YNa_OzrKM. 73 “Sandy Hoax Surprise.” https :// L3-Q. 74 ‘“Sandy Hook Victims ALIVE at...’ The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third- party notifications of copyright infringement.” 75 Supra n. 8. 76 “State Pledges $50 Million for New Sandy Hook School.” news/article/State-pledges-50-million-for-new- Sandy-Hook-4585207.php. 77 “Estimates Show Future Budget Deficits for State.” stoiy/23986662/estimates-show-future-budget-deficits-for-state. 91 Vivian Lee. Ph.D. 78 “Newtown-Sandy Hook Community Foundation, Inc., 1st Distribution Committee.” http://www.nsl 1 cf. 0 rg/l st-distributio n. “United Way of Western Connecticut Response to the December 14 Tragedy.” 79 “Newtown Families of Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre To Get $28 1 ,000 Each of $7.7 Million Donations.” newtown-families-281k-7-7-million-donations-article- 1.1 397274. 80 The United Way December 11 document date is covered in detail in “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook — NEW 2015.” watch?v=oD0z275nQnM. The United Way condolence page now reads December 15, 2012. newtown. 81 In January 2013, a list of funds was published in the Danbury News-Times: http : //www. new s times. com/newtownshooting/article/Foundations-and-memorials- for-Sandy-Hook-victims-4208239.php. 82 83 James Tracy, “Obama DOJ in $7.1 Million Sandy Hook Payout.” http:// 14/06/1 7/obama-doj-in-7-l - million-sandy-hook-pay out/. 84 “Esty, Blumenthal, Murphy Announce $775,000 Federal Grant to Newtown.” blumenthal-murphy-announce- 775000-federal-gra/245261 . 85 “US Education Department Awards $1.3 Million Grant to Newtown, Conn., to Further Support Recovery Efforts.” education-department-awards-l 3-million-grant-newtown-conn-further-support-rec. “US Department of Education Awards Additional $1.9 Million Grant to Newtown, Connecticut, To Further Support Recovery Efforts.” releases/us-department-education-awards-additional- 1 9-million-grant-newtown- connecticut-f. 86 “We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook — NEW 2015 Documentary.” https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=wGkKzGMdOVw. 87 “Massacre at School Sways Public in Way Earlier Shootings Didn’t.” http://www. nytimes. com/20 13/01 /1 8/us/poll-shows-school- shooting-sways-views-on-guns.html. 88 “Bloomberg Goes to Washington to Push Gun Laws, but Senate Has Other Ideas.” http://www.nytimes.eom/2013/02/28/us/politics/bloomberg-goes-to-washington-to- push-gun-laws-but-senate-has-other-ideas.html. 89 Supra n. 45, and see “Newtown Killer’s Obsessions, in Chilling Detail.” http:// adam-lanzas-home.html. 98 Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax 90 The treaty entered into force on December 24, 2014. disarmament/A 777, 91 “Newtown 12: Sounds of Silence Echoing in Washington.” http.V/ com/political-capital/201 3 -04-08/newtown-l 2-sounds-of-silence-breaking- in-washington/ . “Senate Blocks Drive for GunControl.” http.V/www.nytimes. com/201 3/04/ 18/us/politics/ 'senate-obama-gun-control.html. 92 “State Gun Laws Enacted in the Year Since Newtown.” interactive/201 3/1 2/1 0/us/state-gun-laws-enacted- in-the-year-since-newtown.html. 93 James Tracy, “Mass Traumatization and the Body Public.” http://memoryholeblog. com/201 3/07 /02/mass-trciumatiz ation-and-the- body-politic/. 94 "Report Sees Guns As Path to Safety in Schools.” http://www.ny times. com/201 3/04/03 /us/nra-details-plan-J or-armed-school-guards.html. “A Missouri School Trains Its Teachers To Carry Guns, and Most Parents Approve.” http.V/www. 95 “Family of Noah Pozner Calls for New Laws to Avert School Violence, Hold Gun Owners Accountable.” pozner-family-gun-recommendations-20 13011 3 1 _gun -violence-gun-owner-law- enforcement. 96; www. navigateprepared. com. 97 “Preventing Gun Violence without Just Talking about the Gun.” http.V/tedxtalks. 98 “In Gun Debate, No Rift on Better Care for Mentally 111.” http.V/www.nytimes. com/201 3/04/1 3/us/politics/senators-make- bipartisan-push-for-mental-health-care. html. 99 “Adam Lanza’s Mental Problems ‘Completely Untreated’ before Newtown Shootings, Report Says.” newtown-shootings-adam-lanzas-mental-problems-completely-untreated-report- says.html. Report of the Office of the Child Advocate, interactive/201 4/1 1/22/nyregion/report-on-adam-lanza. html. 100 Vivian Lee and James Tracy, “CT Report Lays Groundwork for Nationwide Psychiatric Surveillance.” 14/ 11/2 3/ct-report-lays- groundwork-for-psychiatric-panopticon/. 101 Vivian Lee, “Convicted on Wikipedia.” http://memotyholeblog.eom/2013/l 0/06/ convicted-on-wikipedia/. 102 Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (Coeur 99 Vivian Lee, Ph.D. d’Alene, Idaho, 2001), 51-53. 103 “Sandy Hook — Press Conference — Gov. Dan Malloy.” com/watch ?v=d7m5qIYYNnQ. 104 Hoffman, op cit., 52. 105 James Tracy, “Newtown World Order Religion.” http:/ /memory holeblog. com/2013/04/14/newtown-world-order-religion/. 106 ‘“These Tragedies Must End, ’Obama Says.” us/politics/bloomberg-urges-obama-to-take- action-on-gun-control.html. 107 “Mother of a 6- Year-Old Boy Killed at Newtown Delivers the White House’s Weekly Address.” http://www.nytimes.eom/2013/04/14/us/politics/mother-of- newtown-victim-gives-white-houses-weekly-address.html. 100
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Wednesday, October 11, 2017
6.Top Ten Reasons:Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax by Vivian Lee, Ph.D. from Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
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