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An American Affidavit

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Warmonger Nikki Haley continues to play double standards By Jonas E. Alexis from Veterans Today

Warmonger Nikki Haley continues to play double standards

Let’s again do some thought experiment here. Suppose you wake up one morning and realize that sixteen American civilians were blown apart in any major cities in the United States because of some terrorists. Wouldn’t that be all over the news? Wouldn’t the Zionist media say ad nauseam that we
need to capture those terrorists and water-board until they die? And wouldn’t the media beat the average American over the head with propaganda?

…by Jonas E. Alexis

If there is one politician today who continues to struggle mightily to draw reasonable conclusions from elementary premises it is Nikki Haley. No exaggeration here. She was a proponent of the war in Syria. In fact, she conjured up “fake news” to propound the silly idea that Assad had to go.
“We have no love for Assad. We’ve made that very clear,” she said. “We think that he has been a hindrance to peace for a long time. He’s a war criminal. What he’s done to his people is nothing more than disgusting.”[1]
Nonsense notwithstanding, Haley has moved to a different territory with the same kind of mindset. “Enough is enough,” Haley said shortly after North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japan. “No country should have missiles flying over them like those 130 million people in Japan. It’s unacceptable. I think something serious has to happen.” Like what, Mrs. Haley? Bomb North Korea?
You see, Haley isn’t acting like a rational human being precisely because she deliberately forgot her own history. Moreover, if we universalize her own statement, then she’d end up committing intellectual suicide.
If “No country should have missiles flying over them like those 130 million people in Japan,” who flew missiles in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria? Was it the Chinese? The Russians? Iran? Perhaps North Korea itself? How stupid can we be? Aren’t we still liquidating civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan with drones? Even the New York Times, of all places, asked last June: “Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?”[2] The United States-led coalition has already killed at least 4,000 civilians in those places alone![3]
Let’s again do some thought experiment here. Suppose you wake up one morning and realize that sixteen American civilians were blown apart in any major cities in the United States because of some terrorists. Wouldn’t that be all over the news? Wouldn’t the Zionist media say ad nauseam that we need to capture those terrorists and water-board until they die? And wouldn’t the media beat the average American over the head with propaganda?
But what if hundreds of civilians are being killed every single month in Iraq and Afghanistan? Who is going to be held accountable? The United States? Political whore Nikki Haley? If American civilians die, then it is terrorism. If Muslim civilians die, then it is justice? What kind of reasoning is that? How about killing “Afghan civilians for sports” and collecting “fingers as trophies,” which is exactly what some US soldiers did?[4]
Whether Nikki Haley and others like it or not, they are operating under an essentially Talmudic ideology, which has produced nothing but misery in the world.

[1] Nick Visser, “UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Calls Assad A ‘War Criminal,’ But She May Still Work With Him,” Huffington Post, April 4, 2017.
[2] Micah Zenko, “Why Is the U.S. Killing So Many Civilians in Syria and Iraq?,” NY Times, June 19, 2017.
[3] Ibid; see also Edward Hunt, “Killing Civilians in Iraq and Syria,” Counterpunch, July 21, 2017; David Iaconangelo, “Airstrikes in Mosul kill civilians: Are US rules of engagement getting slacker?,” Christian Science Monitor, March 25, 2017.
[4] Chris McGreal, “US soldiers ‘killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies,’” Guardian, September 9, 2010.

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