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An American Affidavit

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Before passing vaccine mandate, pro-eugenics California forcibly sterilized 20,000 Latina women ... Is that a microaggression? by J.D. Heyes from Natural News

Before passing vaccine mandate, pro-eugenics California forcibly sterilized 20,000 Latina women ... Is that a microaggression?

(NaturalNews) 2015 will go down in history for a number of things, including being the year that college campuses went crazy with Marxism.

For instance, the concept of "microaggressions" – that is, uses of once-normal speech that the PC Police within school administrations and student body leadership have deemed harmful to select demographic and ethnic groups in some way – was introduced with much fanfare by liberals, who seek to use such declarations to actually chill speech they don't agree with.

Most Americans, on and off college campuses, have judged such antics to be both nonsensical and constitutionally precarious. Nevertheless, the term – and the concept behind microaggressions – is now firmly entrenched in the verbiage of the Left, and thus will continue to be employed into the future as a way of avoiding debate over social and political issues, and imposing a singular point of view.

But what about real aggression, sanctioned by government? Shouldn't that be of more concern to Americans of any political persuasion? We think so, which is why we are drawing attention to some rather disturbing revelations about a U.S. government program involving the forcible sterilization of Latina women.


As reported by Counter Current News, a documentary entitled, No Mas Bebes, highlights a plethora of evidence that reveals one of California's most heinous secrets, and one that is "reminiscent of Nazi eugenics programs: the [state sanctioned] forced sterilization of Latina women."

For some decades the Golden State was one of a number of states that imposed forced sterilization on some women. Primarily, that involved forcing a woman to have her "tubes tied" after giving birth, and usually without her consent. In addition, men were given vasectomies without their knowledge or consent. The hardest-hit community were Spanish-speaking immigrants, as further noted by the Los Angeles Times.

The program ran from about 1909 to 1963, the documentary notes, during which time more than 20,000 Latina women were subjected to forced sterilization to "control" the Hispanic population in the state. [By comparison today, for political reasons, Democrats who control California are allowing them in by the thousands so they can exploit them.]

By 1970, the same program endured, but had been scaled back slightly. As further noted by Counter Culture News:

Before that gradual phasing out of the program, Latina women – particularly immigrants – in the 1960s had been forcibly sterilized at the Los Angeles County Hospital, without their consent.

The sterilization happened via government instruction to the hospital, after Latina women gave birth at the hospital. Many women were told about the procedure, but only after it was performed on them.

As more and more women were told about what was done to them, word began to spread among the Latino community that the government was sterilizing them against their will.

Worse, many whites in California saw the program as a way to achieve "legitimate population control." And the state government argued vociferously that forced sterilization was "necessary" to ensure that "welfare" benefits and expenditures were kept as low as possible.


The Los Angeles Times cited an example of how Latina women were treated:

Waiting for an emergency cesarean section, Consuelo Hermosillo sat in pain on a gurney in the hallway of Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. At 23, Hermosillo was having her third child with her husband. But before she could be seen by the doctor, she was asked to sign papers consenting to sterilization.

"You better sign those papers or your baby is going to die," a woman told her in Spanish, recalled Hermosillo, a native of Veracruz, Mexico. "As soon as you sign, they'll take you in."

She didn't want to sign them, and said she wanted to discuss it first with her husband, but in the end, she walked out of the hospital carrying the last baby she would ever have.

The phrase "microaggression" didn't exist at the time, but "aggression" did, and the state employed it as a means of violating the humanitarian and civil rights of an entire ethnic group.





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