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An American Affidavit

Thursday, August 14, 2014

DTRA Confirms Ebola Nano Silver Study Despite Disinformation Attacks! Nano Silver Stops Ebola from Dr. Rima

DTRA Confirms Ebola Nano Silver Study
Despite Disinformation Attacks!
Nano Silver Stops Ebola
New, Easier to Use Link
My mother used to say “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished…” and, at least in the blog-o-sphere, she may have been right.
Last week, we unearthed a Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA is part of the Department of Defense, created in 1999) paper declassified in 2009 which showed definitively that Nano Silver 10 PPM inactivates Ebola virus and does it better than either a 25 PPM or 50 PPM solution.
We jumped all over it because — [1] that was EXACTLY what I said Nano Silver 10 PPM would do in a letter to the Heads of State and Ministers of Health of the 4 afflicted African nations and [2] since Nano Silver is easily and inexpensively available, and self-sterilizing, that meant that we could deploy it both in Africa and here at home and prevent the outbreak from going any further.
Then came the blog-o-sphere attacks.
You made it up!
You misinterpreted it!
Why doesn’t WHO or FDA know about this?
(Who says they don’t?)
How come you are the only ones talking about it?
And so on…
Well, we have an attorney on our Board of Trustees and Counsel Ralph said, “Let’s find out” and fired off a letter to the office of Public affairs of DTRA.
The result?  Yes, the study was done through DTRA.  Yes the study was carried out by the people involved. And paid for by the Air Force.
Yes, we can make further inquiries to find out if any further has been cleared for public dissemination on this topic in the last 5 years.
Yes, this is a real study. The nay-sayers and the “disinformationists” to the contrary not withstanding.
And, said the Public Affairs Officer, if you don’t find what you are looking for, please do file a Freedom of Information Act request at the address given.
So, to the habitual, knee-jerk trolls and mis-informers of the blog-o-sphere, all is have to say is, “SO THERE!”
Here’s the link: to this article on our web site, where I’ve posted a copy of the email from the DTRA Public Affairs Officer: http://drrimatruthreports.com/dtra-confirma-ebola-nano-study/
And Here’s the link to get the Nano Silver 10 PPM you WILL need if Ebola comes a-calling; the same Nano Silver from the same manufacturer, used in the study:  http://drrimaknows.com/shop.asp
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

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