Elizabeth Warren Finally Speaks on Israel/Gaza, Sounds Like Netanyahu

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) at a hearing in the Senate on November 12, 2013 in Washington, DC. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images
The last time Elizabeth Warren was asked about her views on the Israeli attack on Gaza – on July 17 – she, as Rania Khalek put it, “literally ran away” without answering.
But last week, the liberal Senator appeared for one of her regularly
scheduled “office hours” with her Massachusetts constituents, this one
in Hyannis, and, as a local paper reported, she had nowhere to run.
One voter who identified himself as a Warren supporter, John Bangert, stood up and objected to her recent vote, in the middle of the horrific attack on Gaza, to send yet another $225 million of American taxpayer money to Israel for its “Iron Dome” system. Banger told his Senator: “We are disagreeing with Israel using their guns against innocents. It’s true in Ferguson, Missouri, and it’s true in Israel . . . The vote was wrong, I believe.” To crowd applause, Bangert told Warren that the money “could have been spent on infrastructure or helping immigrants fleeing Central America.”
But Warren steadfastly defended her “pro-Israel” vote, invoking the politician’s platitude: “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.” According to the account in the Cape Cod Times by reporter C. Ryan Barber, flagged by Zaid Jilani, Warren was also asked about her Israel position by other voters who were at the gathering, and she went on to explain:
In her defense, Warren has long been clear that this is what she would do. Her Senate campaign website still contains statements such as “it is a moral imperative to support and defend Israel” and ”as a United States Senator, I will work to ensure Israel’s security and success.”
During her time in the national spotlight, Warren has focused overwhelmingly on domestic issues, rarely venturing into foreign policy discussions. Many of those domestic views, particularly her strident-for-D.C. opposition to banks, have been admirable, elevating her to hero status for many progressives.
But when Warren has spoken on national security, she has invariably spouted warmed-over, banal Democratic hawk tripe of the kind that she just recited about Israel and Gaza. During her Senate campaign, for instance, she issued wildly militaristic – and in some cases clearly false – statements about Iran and its nuclear program that would have been comfortable on the pages of The Weekly Standard.
Even as conservative Democratic Senate candidates from red states such as Nebraska’s Bob Kerrey were vehemently condemning the threat of war against Iran during their campaigns, Warren was claiming (contrary to the U.S. Government’s own assessment) that “Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons”, adding: “I support strong sanctions against Iran and believe that the United States must also continue to take a leadership role in pushing other countries to implement strong sanctions as well.” Those claims about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons remained her position even after she was told that they squarely contradict the U.S. intelligence community’s clear assessment of Iran’s actions.
In related news, the British newspaper The Telegraph yesterday published the names of all 504 children who were killed in Gaza over the last 50 days by Israel. In the last week, Israel deliberately destroyed an entire large residential apartment building after giving its residents less than an hour to vacate, leaving more than 40 families homeless, and also destroyed a seven-story office building and two-story shopping center (the video of the apartment building destruction is online and ugly to watch).
Echoing Benjamin Nentayahu (and Hillary Clinton), Elizabeth Warren’s clear position is that Israel bears none of the blame for any of this. Or, to use her words, “when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they’re using their civilian population to protect their military assets. And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself.” Such carnage is the ”last thing Israel wants.” The last thing. That, ladies and gentlemen, is your inspiring left-wing icon of the Democratic Party.
One voter who identified himself as a Warren supporter, John Bangert, stood up and objected to her recent vote, in the middle of the horrific attack on Gaza, to send yet another $225 million of American taxpayer money to Israel for its “Iron Dome” system. Banger told his Senator: “We are disagreeing with Israel using their guns against innocents. It’s true in Ferguson, Missouri, and it’s true in Israel . . . The vote was wrong, I believe.” To crowd applause, Bangert told Warren that the money “could have been spent on infrastructure or helping immigrants fleeing Central America.”
But Warren steadfastly defended her “pro-Israel” vote, invoking the politician’s platitude: “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one.” According to the account in the Cape Cod Times by reporter C. Ryan Barber, flagged by Zaid Jilani, Warren was also asked about her Israel position by other voters who were at the gathering, and she went on to explain:
“I think the vote was right, and I’ll tell you why I think the vote was right. America has a very special relationship with Israel. Israel lives in a very dangerous part of the world, and a part of the world where there aren’t many liberal democracies and democracies that are controlled by the rule of law. And we very much need an ally in that part of the world.”Warren even rejected a different voter’s suggestion that the U.S. force Israel to at least cease building illegal settlements by withholding further aid: “Noreen Thompsen, of Eastham, proposed that Israel should be prevented from building any more settlements as a condition of future U.S. funding, but Warren said, ‘I think there’s a question of whether we should go that far.’”
Warren said Hamas has attacked Israel “indiscriminately,” but with the Iron Dome defense system, the missiles have “not had the terrorist effect Hamas hoped for.” When pressed by another member of the crowd about civilian casualties from Israel’s attacks, Warren said she believes those casualties are the “last thing Israel wants.”
“But when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they’re using their civilian population to protect their military assets. And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself,” Warren said, drawing applause.
In her defense, Warren has long been clear that this is what she would do. Her Senate campaign website still contains statements such as “it is a moral imperative to support and defend Israel” and ”as a United States Senator, I will work to ensure Israel’s security and success.”
During her time in the national spotlight, Warren has focused overwhelmingly on domestic issues, rarely venturing into foreign policy discussions. Many of those domestic views, particularly her strident-for-D.C. opposition to banks, have been admirable, elevating her to hero status for many progressives.
But when Warren has spoken on national security, she has invariably spouted warmed-over, banal Democratic hawk tripe of the kind that she just recited about Israel and Gaza. During her Senate campaign, for instance, she issued wildly militaristic – and in some cases clearly false – statements about Iran and its nuclear program that would have been comfortable on the pages of The Weekly Standard.
Even as conservative Democratic Senate candidates from red states such as Nebraska’s Bob Kerrey were vehemently condemning the threat of war against Iran during their campaigns, Warren was claiming (contrary to the U.S. Government’s own assessment) that “Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons”, adding: “I support strong sanctions against Iran and believe that the United States must also continue to take a leadership role in pushing other countries to implement strong sanctions as well.” Those claims about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons remained her position even after she was told that they squarely contradict the U.S. intelligence community’s clear assessment of Iran’s actions.
In related news, the British newspaper The Telegraph yesterday published the names of all 504 children who were killed in Gaza over the last 50 days by Israel. In the last week, Israel deliberately destroyed an entire large residential apartment building after giving its residents less than an hour to vacate, leaving more than 40 families homeless, and also destroyed a seven-story office building and two-story shopping center (the video of the apartment building destruction is online and ugly to watch).
Echoing Benjamin Nentayahu (and Hillary Clinton), Elizabeth Warren’s clear position is that Israel bears none of the blame for any of this. Or, to use her words, “when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they’re using their civilian population to protect their military assets. And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself.” Such carnage is the ”last thing Israel wants.” The last thing. That, ladies and gentlemen, is your inspiring left-wing icon of the Democratic Party.
Email the author: glenn.greenwald@theintercept.com
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In fact I can’t see any difference between her position and that of Hillary Clinton’s. If Ms Warren sells herself to win election, then she can go “roll with the hogs” along with Hillary. I am disappointed, greatly, but I think she is completely welded to this neo-con vulgarity.
Israel is the oppressor; the Palestinians the oppressed.
BTW….Can you post a new comment using the “Add Comment” button above?
I presume that most folks would like to avoid moderation if possible, but it is very difficult to do so if one doesn’t know what will get one moderated in the first place. Many of us who lived through the Graun Moderator Wars would prefer not to repeat that if possible. And even the Graun had their policy posted, even if they rarely used it for anything other than vague justifications for Bella Mackey’s personal vendettas. :-s
I have sent an email reporting this problem to micah.lee@theintercept.com.
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I’m done now.
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Are held for moderation. By whom? And what, pray, is moderation? Meantime, we return you to our live feed from the Greenwald farm at Grover’s Mill, New Jersey.
Thank you. Hopefully a more definitive explanation is forthcoming.
The “system” is doing what it is told to do! Spam filter policies govern this type of message.
28 Aug 2014 at 9:21 am
I have been informed by IT that other comments are being posted on top of this one, which are not visible to me.
Unfortunately, internet security and protecting both what arrives at and is sent from your server isn’t quite that simple, and spam-filters are only part of the equation. Here is a good site to explore the many other reasons for this – search the net and there are plenty of others to help understand the complexity – which is particularly true for a website like The Intercept, which has been specifically targeted by the NSA because of what it reports on.
Please cite examples were Israel has attacked Gaza without provocation to substantiate your claim that Israel is always the aggressor.
The land of the Palestinians was brutally stolen from them by Zionist Jews fleeing European, and specifically Nazi, antisemitism. But the ways in which they established Israel in stolen land by terrorism and murder remains hidden from the propaganda Zionists of races and religions feed upon and disseminate to support their unsupportable claims.
Here, a taste of truth for you, Ze Cuiabano -
Consider what rights are; who and how they are realized. Consider what a country is; is this something that there can be a right to? Can rights be for a collective, an individual, or both?
My opinion is that individuals have rights to property and freedom. Property starts with oneself and consists of that individuals life. Freedom consists of an individual doing as one pleases as long as ones actions do not harm others.
Lines drawn in the sand by the force of empires seems contrary to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. I may be wrong but it seems to me that what complicates the Israel Gaza (and other Arab nations) situation is not the complexity but the history. The accuracy of documentation and memories is suspect even for the present let alone thousands of years.
Let US deal with the mindless trolls like Craig Summers, OK?
Actually, he is one of the more clever trolls that frequent the comment sections of TI.
He has the techniques down-pat and even has complementary assistance lined-up…which would indicate a state player.
See: “The Secret Playbook of Internet Trolls”
Take care now.
I’m interested in what you think constitutes “complementary assistance”.
Might be a while before I can get back to this. Hubby’s loading up the kayaks for a late afternoon paddle on the reservoir.
Your article Dabney, as well as the one linked in the article I posted, pointed out how easy it is for trolls to set-up “complementary assistance” for themselves in forums such as this.
He is also consistently contentious regarding almost any topic and does not ever produce any evidence for his “expert” opinions which he issues like decrees. Yet he argues at length with people that do produce evidence for their opinions by attempting to either degrade them or by invalidating their source publication reference….as though he alone has been granted the sole proprietary right to think for everyone else. This activity is designed to control the forum and he does not confine it to discussions regarding Zionism which makes me believe that he is a state player.
Even legitimate people with legitimate comments should not use their real names in any forums. Although one can always be traced and tracked electronically by the National Intelligence Directorate and Internet Technology specialists, it is rather like proclaiming oneself to be the donkey in a game of “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” You will be targeted by every nutcase online.
Sorry to address both of you in the same comment, but I can not see any new comment postings on any article since the site changed,and I am being reassured by an IT representative of Firstlook that I am able to post new comments which are visible to everyone else. I have tried to trouble shoot on my end with two different OS’s and 4 different browsers. Go figure that one huh? Frankly…I am disgusted with the TI comments section at this time and have decided that it is better to refrain from commenting here at all. This for my own sanity.
Be careful people and take good care.
The above is why I rarely engage with him. His “success”, such as it is, revolves entirely around the number of people who continue to engage with him irrespective of his failure to ever produce proof of his assertions and the continuous monotony of his assertions.
As for the comment section issues, I also do not see any new comments posting above. Only replies seem to be showing. I’ve tried to post several times and been unsuccessful, so whatever the issue is, it’s not just you Lyra.
Revisionist Zionism supplied the basis of the justification of terrorism: “… every Jew had the right to enter Palestine; only active retaliation would deter the Arabs; only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state”.
It would seem reasonable to assume that anyone who’s been alive and aware of political reality the last 50 years would have, minimally, an awareness that Israel began its existence through breaking man’s laws and the higher law as well. And she’s a smart enough person one would expect her to be curious about the sad state of the world, and the causes of its problems.
You, avelna, appear always to be such a very nice person, gentle and kind, maybe you are too generous to Warren. And maybe I am at fault, not being generous enough.
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BTW, when release a few months later he rushed to Jerusalem knowing pretty well that the blood-thirsty Israelis will not even spank him!
If you are ready to defend the Palestinians under occupation, you also have to be ready to defend them against Hamas that is actually oppressing them through its brutal rules. Maybe you already have and I did not notice. If it is the case, then disregard my point.
No, they are anguished and outraged at the dead, injured children and other innocents, as well as their homes being turned into rubble by *ISRAEL.* They are angry at their Warden –who keeps them imprisoned — Israel.
In Gaza…severe violations of personal freedom, and repression of civil society groups that defend that freedom, appear to be sharply on the rise. The Hamas government …is consolidating its social control by upping its efforts to Islamize Gaza.
“I have seen no such sentiments toward Hamas”.
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 2013
“In the Gaza Strip common violations of the right to freedom of opinion and expression included: summoning, arresting and interrogating journalists and opinion writers as well as citizens for their political opinions; assaulting and disregarding journalists by members of the security services; closing media offices; confiscating journalists’s equipment during their work; and preventing journalists from covering events and from traveling”
Maybe the reason you have not noticed that the Gazans are oppressed is because they would face arrest, torture, and even execution if they dare to challenge Hamas.
Your concern for innocent civilians, specially children is very noble. However, please note these two points:
1) There was no blockade of the Gaza Strip after Israel left in 2005. Why a blockade was imposed two years after the Israeli disengagement?
2) Based on Hamas’ extreme Islamic ideology, which calls for the destruction of Israel, and which specifically states that there is ” no negotiated settlement” (Article 13 of their charter), is it possible that Hamas uses human shields whenever it has a military conflict with Israel? As you probably know, according to the extreme Islamic ideology a kid who dies is martyr, not an innocent civilian.
Ferguson MO. is not a black or white issue its about, Facism or Liberty ! Its time to dismantle the Fascist Dictatorial Militarized Surveillance State ! Americans must realize if they can get away with military tactics against black folks they can get away with doing the same to you ! Wrong is wrong & it matters not what your skin color is .
Time for some PAYBACK, wake up America, Democrats or Republicans. liberals or conservatives it’s two sides of the same evil coin it’s called Fascism. So the next time a Democrat or Republican asks for your vote, support or money just say no & vote for an independent candidate.
Send a message they can’t ignore & will understand ! ! Both parties have been complicit in this criminal activity. Some will say they don’t want to waste their vote, but you are already wasting your vote on Democrats & Republicans because they are the ones who have already betrayed us & they have been doing it for decades. This should be a joint effort on the part of all Americans, Democrats,Republicans & Independent voters ! Organize now before its to late ! Your liberty is at stake and that of your children & grandchildren !
Some word of true Patriots are as follows, as opposed to the words of false flag patriotism of today.
He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.
Benjamin Franklin
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.
Benjamin Franklin
Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those
entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson
In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
James Madison
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of
their rulers may be concealed from them.
Patrick Henry
“We the People are the rightful masters of BOTH Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution”
Abraham Lincoln
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
Abraham Lincoln
We should not forget the Waring of Presentation Eisenhower .
The NSA is controled & operated by the DOD & the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) Private Corporations.
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.”
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
April 27, 1961
As is said in the law, falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. (“False in one thing, false in all things” is an instruction given to jurors: if they find that a witness lied about an important matter, they are entitled to ignore everything else that witness said.)
Also, as a reminder Hermann Goering said at the Nuremberg Trials .
“The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
NSA General Keith Alexander told lawmakers “that even if approved, the measure would not necessarily end warrant-less collection depending on judicial interpretation.”
Disclaimer: Be advised it is possible, that this communication is being monitored by the National Security Agency, GCHQ or other third party organizations. I neither condone nor support any such policy, by any Government authority or organization that does not comply, as stipulated by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
AUGUST 21, 2014
Press TV has learned that a long list of senior US government officials and legislators hold dual US-Israeli citizenship, proving Tel Aviv’s powerful influence over Washington’s decision-making process.
The prominent US-Israeli officials in the list include:
Attorney General Michael Mukasey,
Head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff,
Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board Richard Perle,
former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowits,
Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith,
National Security Advisor Elliot Abrams,
White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten,
Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman,
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department Richard Haass,
US Trade Representative (cabinet-level position) Robert Zoellick,
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board Eliot Cohen,
former UN Ambassador John Bolton,
White House Political Director Ken Melman,
White House Speechwriter David Frum,
Deputy Secretary of Commerce Samuel Bodman, and
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board Henry Kissinger.
Israel receives billions of dollars of American taxpayers’ money each year. Under an existing 10-year aid agreement between Washington and Tel Aviv signed in 2007, USD 30 billion of American money is flowing to Israel.
The US’ annual military aid to Israel has been elevated from USD 2.4 billion to USD 3.1 billion through 2017 under the existing agreement.
It has nothing to say about any current administration folks whatsoever, which seems a bit suspect as well.
In addition, a cursory examination of John Bolton’s history, for instance, shows him to be Lutheran. A lot of the neocon supporters of Israel’s militaristic policies are Christians (Dick Cheney, a Methodist, and Lindsey Graham, who is Baptist, come immediately to mind). While some folks in government, like Rahm Emmanuel no doubt DO have dual citizenship, I’m pretty sure you have to do more than just liberally and sloppily kiss Israel’s ass and pander their whims using US tax dollars to obtain said citizenship. And I don’t think the existence of such citizenship is necessarily any more, or less, damning than the actions they take in the name, and against the wishes, of many of the citizens of the country they are sworn to serve.
Is he not a Israeli agent in the ear of Obama from day one
Then he gets Chicago–nice
Right in front of us, kids
Also in related news, the Iron Dome that Warren is so pleased to send tax payer money to continue to fund does not work as claimed; not even close. Boondoggle.
That’s one. Two is that Postol defines success as a direct hit, period. That’s a very narrow definition because an interceptor not being launched at a missile that’s not about to hit populated areas, a missile being destroyed by interceptor explosion in proximity, deflection without complete destruction and so on are not counted as success by this analysis.
Of course the alternative being that this is all a massive Israeli conspiracy theory. Plausible no doubt to a moron who desperately wishes for some dirt on Israel, no matter what kind.
There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize Israel for, hell, I might even join in. If you decide to debase yourself by spouting lunacy however, I’m going to call you out on it.
At the heart of the Iron Dome system is probably a piece of software that decides when to fire an interceptor and where. Software can be upgraded. My smartphone received two major upgrades and several minor ones since 2012. What makes you think Iron Dome remained unchanged?
*jerk off*
That’s funny… only a moron would be desperate for dirt on Israel since it’s so blatantly there in copious amounts. Israel wallows in great mudpiles of foetid dirt like a fat, contented pig.
correct: toe the line
incorrect: two the line
corrected incorrection: tow the line
I have known for over 50 years from sources like I. F. Stone’s weekly that Israel policy toward Palestinians was wrong and had to change. I must have bought the liberal Zionist rhetoric that things would work out eventually.
Only in the past week have I realized that the agenda of Zionism for over 100 years has been what is brutally displayed in the Gaza genocide. And I have read Juan Cole every morning for more than a decade. If I didn’t get the big picture, one would expect that low information people would not have a clue.
Alison Weir has been on this issue for decades and extensive information is available on the web site “If Americans Knew – what Americans need to know about I/P” about the monetary and foreign policy costs to the US in the support of Israel.
and here is a speech by Alison that is an excellent overview
I have been following Max Blumenthal on twitter and Ferguson and see parallels of the use of military in civil society. Some excellent recent interviews of Max and articles on the topic.
American political leaders have ignored the hard problems of governing for decades.
Why not have some backbone and end the support of war crimes in Israel and improve the world?
Couldn’t have said it any better.
Further, AIPAC and the pro-Israeli lobby use their control over Congress and the U.S. electronic and print media to demonize this simple, fundamental formula for a solution to the injustice in Gaza and the West Bank.
I think its a waste of time to try to expose the candidates, thy are – more or less – pretty much the same. It would be worth a fight to try and change the system though.
The Congress should be elected differently, (for a good example, look at Germany how they elect their Bundestag) the main power should rely in the Congress and not with the President.
Maybe that should be the focus. Thats what Im missing in all these reports I read everywhere these days.
But if you wanna expose, you could expose Lobbies. Exposing politicians seems a waste of time since you dont really have to convince everybody how corrupt they are. The people already know. We should focus on really promoting a change in the system. maybe that will lead to somewhere.
How is exposing the lobbies any different than exposing the politicians? You don’t think that “The people already know” that the lobbies are corrupt?
Regarding that alleged political spectrum in the US Noam Chomsky provides excellent clarification here: