Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, August 10, 2014


www.NSFmarketplace.com for Protocol and Nano Silver 10 PPM
I need your help and I need it now. If we do not succeed at getting the information, the prevention and the therapy for Ebola into a sufficient number of people’s hands, the consequences could be worse than anyone’s worst nightmare.
Here’s the urgent bottom line: the mathematics are clear: Ebola spreads exponentially.  Just look at these two graphs:

                                    Ebola Cases                              Ebola Deaths

That’s precisely what the case rate and death rate will look like right here at home unless we make sure that enough people are protected from, and have a therapy to stop, Ebola. And they can, here: www.NSFMarketplace.com.
Look, I really want you and your family safe.  I don’t know you but you are precious to me since you are a human being.  You are not precious to the CDC has just told the US Congress that an outbreak of Ebola is inevitable but which has just told health care workers that they do not need high level precautions for treating Ebola patients.  That DOES make the outbreak inevitable.
They have also joined FDA and WHO in suppressing the information that the US Department of Defense discovered and declassified back in 2009: that Nano Silver 10 PPM inactivates the Ebola virus, stops it in its tracks better than anything else known.
I need you to get that information to everyone you know.
Google has blocked me from posting on my own youtube channel, /RimaELaibow, and on the Natural Solutions Foundation’s channel, /NaturalSolutions and using Google+ because by telling people the truth I am “violating the community principles of Google+.  Just what are those?  Making sure that people die in huge numbers and society is dismembered by the resulting social chaos?
We need to get enough people protected from this man-made, engineered disaster so that the curve here never goes exponential.  You do not have to be a mathematician to see clearly from those graphs that there is a tipping point BEFORE the curve of cases and deaths goes straight up.  That’s when it is still possible to stop the epidemic.
The more people do NOT come down with Ebola because they are protected, the more likely it is that we will not reach that straight up time of disaster.
How strongly do I believe this?  Strongly enough that we are setting up clinical trials right now in West Africa to prove the point and get that beleaguered region the Nano Silver 10 PPM that it needs on an emergency humanitarian basis.
Strongly enough that I am trusting my own life and that of General Bert and Counsel Fucetola to his solution.
I do not care if you make your own colloidal silver and you love it.  I do no care if you own a company that sells a zillion bottles a year.  I am asking you to realize that there is NO RESEARCH that shows that anything besides Nano Silver 10 PPM inactivates Ebola so I am asking you not to risk your life with speculation and viral Russian roulette.
After the Ebola threat has been overcome, go back to whatever you were doing.

Bur for now, in a state of impending emergency (even though Steven Colbert says there is no danger) spread the word and get prepared.
Get prepared with Nano Silver 10 PPM for yourself and your loved ones and with dried food and water, with extra supplies of the vitamins and minerals you depend upon and other supplies that will keep you safe and secure through the chaos.
And there may well be chaos if the CDC and others have their way.  What if you are forced to “shelter at home” until somebody comes for you?  Do you have enough food to last a while?  Toilet paper? Dog food (assuming you have a dog, of course)?  You should.
And, most important, Nano Silver 10 PPM.
How much is enough?
Go to www.NSFMarketplace.com and enter your email and I will send my Protocol to you. 
Share that link with your friends, family, Facebook buddies, everyone.  Now!
Oh, you might want to make a tax deductible donation to help support the Natural Solutions Foundation to help us keep you safe: http://my.officef5.com/linkredir.aspx/UcryDLbk/48lgYqqD/www.DrRimaTruthReports.com/action/donatewww.DrRimaTruthReports.com/action/donate
Dr. Rima

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