Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Curing Incurable Cancer! -- Dr. Rowen

Curing Incurable Cancer! -- Dr. Rowen
When I first started seeing cancer patients 16 years ago, I repeated heard about a former dentist who had bucked the establishment (and paid dearly for it) by curing hundreds, if not thousands, of cancer patients. I was able to get a small paperback book that he authored, but as a novice to the concepts, most of it was “Greek” to me.
The Dentist was Dr. William Donald Kelley and his work has followed me everywhere, most recently staring me in the face with the new information on metabolic typing. Suddenly, it call came together – Atkins, Pritikin, the Zone diet, all were correct, but for their own particular metabolic type, not for everyone. However, Kelley had gone much further, much earlier, and truly deserves the Nobel Prize for his work!
In the 1960’s, Kelley awakened from a surgery to be told that he had pancreatic cancer. He said, “Just cut it out!” But when told that it was inoperable and he should prepare for his death within months, Kelley, always a deeply religious man, surrendered to God and began his road to recovery. (Also, his mother came over, went through his refrigerator and cupboards, and threw out all of his junk food, which I’m sure helped, too.)
Kelley was aware of the obscure and almost lost work of a great embryologist, Dr. John Beard, who connected pancreas activity to the control of cancer, so Kelley started taking loads of pancreatic enzymes.
As a student of the autonomic nervous system from college, and aware of acid-base chemistry in the body, he decided to alkalinize his body with a near vegetarian diet and he avoided acidifying animal protein.
He also used coffee enemas to cleanse his colon and stimulate liver/gallbladder flushing and detoxification. Remember, he was diagnosed in the ‘60s, and he wasn’t even 45. Kelley’s recovery from cancer led him to work with thousands more cancer victims spanning over a decade before other problems (with the medical establishment and government) led to an effective retirement in the ‘80s. I spoke with Dr. Kelley recently, more than 35 years after his diagnosis of an “incurable” cancer! The good news is that anyone with cancer can use his program to defeat this deadly disease.
There are three major parts to his program, all of which are natural and very simple: balancing the pH through diet and supplements; taking pancreas enzymes; and detoxifying the body. (There was also a spiritual/imagery side.)
Balancing pH – Francis Pottenger, MD pioneered the study of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Kelley, in his university days, was well familiar with the two branches of the ANS, parasympathetic and sympathetic. The former controls digestion, lowers heart rate, relaxes, restores, and alkalinizes the body. The sympathetic is the adrenaline side. It pumps up the body, accelerates heart rate and metabolism, enables the “fight or flight” response, and acidifies the body. Kelley found that the majority of us have a dominant branch. For example, carcinomas, “solid” tumors like prostate, breast, lung, colon, stomach, etc., arose and thrived in the acid environment of the sympathetic dominant. “Soft” tumors, like lymphomas, leukemia, myeloma, and cancers such as sarcoma and melanoma arise in more alkaline systems, or parasympathetic dominants.
Knowing what effects certain foods have on the body, Kelley designed diets to balance pH chemistry. For example, in a solid tumor, the sympathetic type, he would recommend a nearly vegetarian, meat-free diet, to alkalinize the body.
For the soft tumor parasympathetic types, he recommended a protein and fat-rich diet to acidify the body. Additionally, from Pottenger’s basic science discoveries of the action of nutrients on the two nervous systems, he formulated specific nutrient combinations to further help balance the ANS and pH.

Pancreatic Enzymes – These were the cornerstones of Kelley’s therapy. He used massive amounts around the clock, with less for parasympathetic types, since they already had a strong digestive system compared to the sympathetics (who lean toward constipation). Pancreatic enzymes, he though, dissolved the protective protein coating around the cancer cells as well as malignant proteins. (Dr. Blaylock believes that cancer secretes a kind of protein “glue” that agglutinates certain immune cells, and that the enzymes free the cells. Also, it seems that some of the enzymes, including nattokinase, dissolve a fibrin coating that the cancer cells use to “hide” from the immune system.)
Detoxification – While the pancreatic enzymes were eating away at the cancer and destroying it, the body would come under great stress from the toxins liberated from the dying tumors. Hence, it was absolutely mandatory to encompass good detoxification techniques. These included daily (or more) coffee enemas. Additionally, skin brushing, juice fasting, and liver/gallbladder flushes were regularly employed to enhance detox.
I first heard of Kelley in the 1980s, but by 1990, while still in Alaska, I was seeing patients seen by him more than a decade before and still totally free of the cancer they once had. But could the fabulous statistics I kept hearing be true? I found Dr. Kelley and, in a phone interview, he reaffirmed his experience of the 1970s, during which he saw late stage-4 cancers resolving into complete remission among many who rigorously followed his program. However, he added that cancer today is an entirely different animal, with the population being exposed to many more toxic chemicals, vaccines, nutrient-depleted “foods”, and stresses. Hence, we can expect inferior results in today’s world (which is why we need to integrate Dr. Blaylock’s teachings along with Dr. Kelley’s enzymes, metabolic typing, and faith or visualization/imagery today to increase effectiveness).
So, is Dr. Kelley’s therapy just pie in the sky hype? Hardly: a most trusted associate, Nick Gonzalez, MD, of Manhattan, was an apprentice of Kelley for six years (1981-1987), and even lived in Kelley’s house for part of that time. As a medical student at Cornell, he had heard about this enigmatic man and arranged a study project to assess the validity of what he had heard. Just the cases on pancreatic cancer alone were nothing short of fantastic. Of patients with confirmed pancreatic cancer, in whom a six-month survival, at best, would be expected, 11 completed the rigorous Kelley program. Five lived two years, four lived three years, and two went beyond four years.
Among the 10,000 cases of many cancer types Gonzalez reviewed, 500 had done extraordinarily well, in apparent remission. These were the ones who rigorously followed the entire program. Many more, who only partially followed the program, had comparable partial responses.
Gonzalez has been practicing and refining the Kelley methods for many years. He has compiled such an impressive anecdotal record of success that the National Cancer Institute recently awarded him a $1.5 million grant to study the method on pancreatic cancer, under the auspices of Columbia University. Amazingly, the NCI seems willing to look at the whole program, not just a single agent, as do almost all pharmaceutical industry sponsored medical studies. (You can contact Dr. Gonzalez at 212-213-3337 or www.dr-gonzalez.com)
I sat down with Dr. Gonzalez recently and was able to review his 20-year-old research thesis summarizing Kelley’s cases between 1974 and 1982. He confirmed the fabled stories far beyond my expectations. Furthermore, he allowed me to sit in with several of his ongoing cases. Take Cheryl Wilkens, for example. This brave 54-year old woman drove 20 hours to see Dr. Gonzales in 1992 after being given less than one year to live with a metastatic sarcoma. Her surgeons were eager to amputate her arm even with known lethal metastases to the liver and kidney. Ten disease-free years later, she was back to Dr. Gonzalez after severe stress from her workman’s compensation injury case apparently caused a recurrence (see Dr. Hamer’s theory of a very stressful event oftentimes preceding cancer elsewhere on this site).
Another patient I met was Tracy MacDonald, who was diagnosed in 1997 at age 28 with a high-grade six cm incurable glioma (brain cancer). The bulk of the tumor was surgically removed. In a September 2001 follow-up visit to Dr. Gonzalez, she had no recurrence and only a slight neurological deficit from the surgery itself.
I’m currently employing these methods, together with other strategies I’ve previously revealed in my articles (Note: see my “Cancer Info” and "Cancer Protocol" pages for articles on IPT, Artemisinin and Calcium d-Glucarate, as well as other articles by Dr. Rowen), and have no doubt as to the effectiveness of this inclusion in management. Diane Elhard of Alaska, having been through IPT and other intravenous therapies for her spine-metastasized breast cancer, has been off rigorous intravenous therapy for over a year now. First seen by me in May 2001 with intractable pain and neurological symptoms, she presently has no symptoms, lives a normal life, and her scans show the cancerous vertebral lesion is filling in with bone. Her long-term treatment is Kelly’s sympathetic diet, detox (including coffee enemas), pancreatic enzymes (for life), and small amounts of Artemisinin (see other articles by Dr. Rowen on “Cancer Info” page).
The work of Dr. Kelley and Dr. Gonzalez is truly revolutionary. The best news is that this therapy works just as well to prevent cancer as it does to cure it. Now, metabolic typing is not just a fantastic way to lose weight, it is also a life-saving way to eat. Here are the steps you must take to prevent cancer, lose weight, and live a long disease-free life:
(1)    You must understand your own metabolic type and eat according to it. Dr. Kelley has developed a detailed questionnaire and other literature and products that are available from College Health Stores (888-477-3618) for assistance in self-performed metabolic typing. Additional sources of assistance are the websites www.healthexcel.com and www.bloodph.com (http://meta-typing.com/bph/main.html)  These sites can give you help in locating a physician familiar with this knowledge.
(2)    Changing your eating habits to fit your metabolic type will help rejuvenate your pancreas, but you need to take plenty of pancreatic enzymes to prevent cancer. The best place to purchase them is from Nutricology (800-545-9960) [check prices at http://www.vitacost.com/NutriCology ]
(3)    As I said earlier, pancreatic enzymes can create a large amount of toxic waste products, especially as cancer is being destroyed, so it’s very important that you follow a stringent detoxification program. Organic coffee enemas are a good place to start (http://www.sawilsons.com/library.htm) and the regular use of Calcium d-Glucarate is important.
These three steps will go a long way toward helping you live a wonderfully healthy life, free from the ravages of cancer and many other diseases, including diabetes. If you already suffer from cancer, as always, I recommend you seek assistance from a physician who is familiar with these particular approaches.
Ref: Beard, John. The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer, 1911; Kelley, William Donald Kelley. Metabolic Answer to Cancer and Cancer: Curing the Incurable (http://www.amazon.com/Cancer-Incurable-Without-Chemotherapy-Radiation/dp/0970429002/) (http://www.drkelley.com/CANLIVER55.html  -- online book); Nicholas Gonzalez, personal communications. See also: http://www.amazon.com/Metabolic-Typing-Diet-Customize-Chemistry/dp/0767905644/
The Metabolic-Type Test (An Easy Method of Testing Yourself, from the book, “The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet”, pp15-16 by Kliment)
Kelley determined metabolic type by having his patients answer hundreds of questions in a bound book, but he also used a simpler test that works just as well:
Swallow 50mg of niacin (not niacinamide) on an empty stomach. If, within a half-hour, your skin turns red and you feel very, very hot and itchy, you have a meat-eating metabolism (Parasympathetic Dominant). If you feel warmer and have a better color in your face, then you have Balanced metabolism. If you don’t feel anything, then you have a grain-eating metabolism (Sympathetic Dominant). [This works because niacin produces alkaline effects, which worsens Parasympathetics, who are already too alkaline.]
A second way (or if you want to confirm the first test) is to take 8g of vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) a day for three days in a row. If you feel depressed, lethargic, exhausted and irritable, or if you are a woman and experience vaginal irritation, then you have a meat-eating metabolism (Parasympathetic Dominant). If you don’t notice any change at all, you have a Balanced metabolism. But if you feel an improvement – more energy, better quality of sleep – then you have a grain-eating metabolism (Sympathetic Dominant). [This works because ascorbic acid, even though it’s an acid, produces alkaline effects in the body, which worsens Parasympathetics, who are already too alkaline; calcium ascorbate is the preferred form of vitamin C for them.]
(Note: Ten years ago, I was almost killed by a one-size-fits-all low-fat diet and statin drugs given to me by my doctor until I realized that I needed lots of fat in my diet and gave the prescriptions to the Tidy Bowl Man, besides using metabolic typing, which fixed the extremely high triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels. I use specific supplements to prevent oxidation of my cholesterol. See my Cholesterol page for more information.
You might consider taking one of the following free tests as a starting point to determine if you're a Carb type, Protein type), or Balanced metabolic type as a starting point:
I have links to other self-tests about 2/3 of the way down on this page. Note that the Niacin  quick test that I mention below is dependent upon the individual having the proper amount of stomach acid in order to give correct results, and many seniors are lacking in stomach acid.  Taking Betaine Hydrochloride or 2 tsp of organic, unpasteurized apple cider in some water with a meal helps acidify the stomach but not necessarily the blood; it can increase absorption of vitamins and minerals and help you alkalinize. If you take too much Betaine HCL, it can acidify your blood (see my "MT&Stomach Acid" page for cautions and additional information). I use this to advantage, since I'm a protein type (Parasympathetic) and need to take certain additional foods and supplements because of my trouble with cancer, etc. and I don't want them to throw me out of balance even though I'm mostly following the protein type diet. Although the body struggles to maintain the blood pH at a constant 7.46, the urine pH is not constant and should not be; it normally cycles between about 7 (4am - maximum alkalinity) and 5 (4pm - maximum acidity) each day. I've found, by measuring my saliva and urine pH at 8am and 4pm, that by taking 1 Betaine HCL with breakfast, 1 with lunch and none with supper that my urine pH averages 6.0 (as it should) and my saliva pH averages 6.5. It's best to wait at least two hours after eating before measuring pH. Urine pH is measured mid-stream, and not from the toilet bowl (you don't want to test the pH of your public water supply). I use pH test paper with a range of 4.5 to 7.5, but there are test papers with wider range, such as 0-13, and pH test meters available, which are helpful if you are out of range of the 4.5-7.5. It is best to use foods and appropriate amounts (and forms -- see "carriers" below) of supplements to balance your metabolism, but if there are certain additional foods that are therapeutically necessary (such as extra lutein, ellagic acid, enzymes, cruciferous vegetables needed to fight cancer but not necessarily acidic or alkaline), you might take Betaine Hydrochloride with some or all meals, and/or Buffered Ammonium Chloride with and between meals to increase your acidity. Bicarbonates, such as Potassium Bicarbonate and Magnesium Bicarbonate, can be used to increase alkalinity. A little goes a long way. Be sure to wait for the normal lag time: it may take as little as 20-30 minutes before you begin to see a change. Monitor your urine pH closely, checking at first every half hour to get a sense of the dose you can tolerate. Start with the more subtle alkaline pancreatic enzymes, alkaline minerals, etc. (e.g., potassium citrate, magnesium citrate or carbonate) before resorting to the stronger bicarbonates.
Extra calcium is usually needed for protein types (I take 1500mg/day), while lower amounts of calcium (e.g., 500mg) along with extra magnesium and potassium is usually needed for carb types. Note that I still take Magesium and use potassium chloride (Morton Lite) salt, only less than a carb type, and I use the appropriate forms of them ("carriers"). The type or carrier (e.g., calcium lactate or chloride is good for an alkaline Parasympathetic or Slow Oxidizer type, calcium citrate or carbonate is good for an acidic Sympathetic or Fast Oxidizer type, and calcium gluconate or orotate are good for either acidic or alkaline types) is important. Note that you choose the carrier based upon whether you're an oxidative dominant (e.g., Fast Oxidizer) or an ANS dominant metabolic type (e.g., Parasympathetic dominant). I use the acidic forms of minerals because I'm a Parasympathetic type, which is too alkaline. Note that this means my blood is normally a little to the alkaline side of 7.46 (e.g., 7.48 or so), NOT that my urine is alkaline or acidic. Your metabolic type is reflective of your blood pH, and you try to balance that by following the diet for your particular metabolic type. Your urine pH is different, and is reflective of the reserves of acid and alkaline minerals that your body has to draw upon to balance your blood; if it is too far out of balance for too long, your body can run out of reserves and be much more likely to become weakened or sick.
You will notice that there is a "Comfort Range" of urine pH (and perhaps a particular type of day that usually corresponds to it) at which you feel best, since we are all individuals and there is some variation. Especially notice when you feel increased pain, fatigue or discomfort of any kind.
The first urination of the day consists of a normal elimination acid wastes of cellular debris and toxins. Urine pH can change from acid to alkaline in 15-30 minutes if there is a deeper alkalinity, so it's better to test it a short time after the first urination.
After you are in the right "ballpark", you can fine-tune your diet using the questionnaire at: http://www.mercola.com/forms/mtt_table.htm
One thing that you would want to remember is that, with the proper diet and supplements, some people change types and become more balanced, requiring an adjustment in their diet and supplements, so you would want to re-test periodically (every 6 months or so). Some people never change, but at least they will feel good and be in good health if they are eating right for their metabolic type.
There is too much contradiction and confusion out there. The most important thing for people to determine is if they're in Group I (fast oxidizers/parasympathetic dominant/overly alkaline), Group II (slow oxidizers/sympathetic dominant/overly acidic), or Group III (balanced); the subgroups (such as those mentioned on http://www.royalrife.com/hbal.html and used by Guy Schenker, Wolcott and Kristal) are less influential.
The more technically-inclined people can even determine some of these subgroups themselves (mentioned on http://www.royalrife.com/hbal.html) by taking their reclining and standing respiration, pulse and blood pressure, dermographic lines, gag reflex, noticing pupil size, and length of time they can hold their breath, even if they don't order some pH and urine specific gravity test paper off the internet. (Note: I don't recommend the one-size-fits-all "Zone Diet" that is mentioned on the hbal web page.) I find the acid/alkaline imbalances particularly helpful, and they are easy for the average person to perform: they show if the body is close to (or past) exhausting its reserves in dealing with excess acidity or alkalinity.
Regarding the commonly-heard claim that all cancer patients are too acidic, the following is from "Diabetes, Cancer and Weight: A Metabolic Typing Survey" by Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S. with James M. Haig, N.C (below, on this webpage or http://www.bloodph.com/articles/DiabetesCancerWeight.asp):
"My estimate of our cancer patients was almost completely accurate, with 78% falling into the Group I (carb type) category. What did surprise me was that more of these were Sympathetics (43%) than were Slow Oxidizers (35%). There is a widespread assumption in the alternative health community that cancer is associated with excess “acidity”, though rarely are the parameters of this supposed acidity defined. At the tissue level, cancer cells do indeed typically produce excess lactic acid, which might be expected to result in a compensatory alkalinity in the pH of the blood. The 35% of cancer cases in our survey who are Slow Oxidizers do indeed have alkaline blood, but the larger number of Sympathetics (43%) has acid blood. (Note that, for our purposes, we are using the terms acid and alkaline relative to the perceived ideal venous blood pH of 7.46; all blood is mildly alkaline in the absolute sense). Whether acid or alkaline, both of the Group I Metabolic Types require a diet lower in protein and fat and higher in complex carbohydrates. This diet helps to acidify the overly alkaline Slow Oxidizers, but alkalize the overly acidic Sympathetics (this is because, as we have already seen, foods affect members of the Oxidative and Autonomic systems in opposite ways). This dietary approach is generally in sync with the prevailing nutritional consensus for cancer patients."
Also note that certain metabolic types seem predisposed to certain kinds of cancer (search this page on "solid tumor" for more information).

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