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An American Affidavit

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack By Glenn Greenwald from The//Intercept

Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack

By 396
Featured photo - Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack U.S. President Barack Obama (L) greets Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a press conference on March 20, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel. Photo credit: Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images
The U.S. government has long lavished overwhelming aid on Israel, providing cash, weapons and surveillance technology that play a crucial role in Israel’s attacks on its neighbors. But top secret documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shed substantial new light on how the U.S. and its partners directly enable Israel’s military assaults – such as the one on Gaza.
Over the last decade, the NSA has significantly increased the surveillance assistance it provides to its Israeli counterpart, the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU; also known as Unit 8200), including data used to monitor and target Palestinians. In many cases, the NSA and ISNU work cooperatively with the British and Canadian spy agencies, the GCHQ and CSEC.
The relationship has, on at least one occasion, entailed the covert payment of a large amount of cash to Israeli operatives. Beyond their own surveillance programs, the American and British surveillance agencies rely on U.S.-supported Arab regimes, including the Jordanian monarchy and even the Palestinian Authority Security Forces, to provide vital spying services regarding Palestinian targets.
The new documents underscore the indispensable, direct involvement of the U.S. government and its key allies in Israeli aggression against its neighbors. That covert support is squarely at odds with the posture of helpless detachment typically adopted by Obama officials and their supporters.
President Obama, in his press conference on Friday, said ”it is heartbreaking to see what’s happening there,” referring to the weeks of civilian deaths in Gaza – “as if he’s just a bystander, watching it all unfold,” observed Brooklyn College Professor Corey Robin. Robin added: ”Obama talks about Gaza as if it were a natural disaster, an uncontrollable biological event.”
Each time Israel attacks Gaza and massacres its trapped civilian population – at the end of 2008, in the fall of 2012, and now again this past month – the same process repeats itself in both U.S. media and government circles: the U.S. government feeds Israel the weapons it uses and steadfastly defends its aggression both publicly and at the U.N.; the U.S. Congress unanimously enacts one resolution after the next to support and enable Israel; and then American media figures pretend that the Israeli attack has nothing to do with their country, that it’s just some sort of unfortunately intractable, distant conflict between two equally intransigent foreign parties in response to which all decent Americans helplessly throw up their hands as though they bear no responsibility.
“The United States has been trying to broker peace in the Middle East for the past 20 years,” wrote the liberal commentator Kevin Drum in Mother Jones, last Tuesday. The following day, CNN reported that the Obama administration ”agreed to Israel’s request to resupply it with several types of ammunition … Among the items being bought are 120mm mortar rounds and 40mm ammunition for grenade launchers.”

The new Snowden documents illustrate a crucial fact: Israeli aggression would be impossible without the constant, lavish support and protection of the U.S. government, which is anything but a neutral, peace-brokering party in these attacks. And the relationship between the NSA and its partners on the one hand, and the Israeli spying agency on the other, is at the center of that enabling.
Tally of UN Vote on July 22, 2014 to investigate violations of international law in West Bank and Gaza (Credit: Ken Roth, Human Rights Watch)
Tally of UN Vote on July 22, 2014 to investigate violations of international law in West Bank and Gaza (Credit: Ken Roth, Human Rights Watch)
Last September, the Guardian revealed that the NSA “routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens.” The paper published the full top secret Memoranadum of Understanding between the two agencies governing that sharing. But the NSA/ISNU relationship extends far beyond that.
One newly disclosed top secret NSA document, dated April 13, 2013 and published today by the Intercept, recounts that the “NSA maintains a far-reaching technical and analytic relationship with the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU) sharing information on access, intercept, targeting, language, analysis and reporting.”
Specifically, “this SIGINT relationship has increasingly been the catalyst for a broader intelligence relationship between the United States and Israel.” Moreover, “NSA’s cyber partnerships expanded beyond ISNU to include Israeli Defense Intelligence’s [Special Operation Division] SOD and Mossad.”
Under this expanded cooperation, the Americans and Israelis work together to gain access to “geographic targets [that] include the countries of North Africa, the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, South Asia, and the Islamic republics of the former Soviet Union.” It also includes “a dedicated communications line between NSA and ISNU [that] supports the exchange of raw material, as well as daily analytic and technical correspondence.”
The relationship has provided Israel with ample support for both intelligence and surveillance: “The Israeli side enjoys the benefits of expanded geographic access to world-class NSA cryptanalytic and SIGINT engineering expertise, and also gains controlled access to advanced U.S. technology and equipment via accommodation buys and foreign military sales.” Among Israel’s priorities for the cooperation are what the NSA calls “Palestinian terrorism.”
The cooperation between the NSA and ISNU began decades ago. A top secret agreement between the two agencies from July 1999 recounts that the first formal intelligence-sharing agreement was entered into in 1968 between U.S. President Lyndon Johnson and Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, and informally began in the 1950s. But the relationship has grown rapidly in the last decade.
In 2003 and 2004, the Israelis were pressuring the NSA to agree to a massively expanded intelligence-sharing relationship called “Gladiator.” As part of that process, Israel wanted the Americans to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to fund Israeli activities. The specific proposed “Gladiator” agreement appears never to have been consummated, derailed by Israeli demands that the U.S. bear the full cost, but documents in the Snowden archive pertaining to those negotiations contain what appear to be two receipts for one or more payments of $500,000 in cash to Israeli officials for unspecified purposes:
The surveillance-sharing relationship with Israel has expanded to include the NSA’s British and Canadian counterparts, GCHQ and CSEC, both of which actively participate in feeding the Israelis selected communications data they have collected. Several documents from early 2009, at the height of the Israeli attack on Gaza called “Cast Lead” that left more than 1,000 people dead, detail some of this cooperation.
One top secret 2009 GCHQ project named “YESTERNIGHT” involved “Ruffle,” the British agency’s code name for ISNU. According to the document, the project involved a “trilateral (GCHQ, NSA and Third Party RUFFLE) targeting exchange agreement covering respective COMSAT accesses.” One of the “specific intelligence topics” shared between the parties was “Palestinians”, although the GCHQ document states that “due to the sensitivities” of Israeli involvement, that particular program does not include direct targeting of Palestinians and Israelis themselves. Another GCHQ document from February, 2009, describes “a quadrilateral meeting for RUFFLE, NSA, CSEC and GCHQ.”
The British agency noted in early 2009 that it had been spying on emails and telephone numbers specifically requested by ISNU, “and they have thanked us many times over.”
The NSA and GCHQ receive intelligence about the Palestinians from many sources. The agencies have even succeeded in inducing the U.S.-supported Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) to provide them with surveillance and intelligence about other Arab groups in the region. One July 2008 GCHQ document states:
Jordan also feeds surveillance data about the Palestinians to the NSA. One classified NSA document from 2013 describes how “NSA’s partnership with EWD [the Jordanian Electronic Warfare Directorate] is a well established, long-standing and trusted relationship dating back to the early 1980’s.” Specifically, the two agencies “cooperate on high-priority SIGINT targets of mutual interest” that includes the Palestinian Security Forces.
The document continues: “EWD provides high-interest, unique collection on targets of mutual interest, such as the Palestinian Security Forces; EWD is the sole contributor to a large body of NSA’s reporting on this target.”
But even as the NSA and its partners are directed by political branches to feed the Israelis surveillance data and technology, they constantly characterize Israel as a threat – both to their own national security and more generally to regional peace. In stark contrast to the public statements about Israel made by American and British officials, the Snowden archive is replete with discussions of the Israelis as a menace rather than an ally.
NSA documents previously published by the Guardian stated that “one of NSA’s biggest threats is actually from friendly intelligence services, like Israel.” Another notes that the National Intelligence Estimate ranked Israel as “the third most aggressive intelligence service against the U.S.”
British officials have a similar view of the Israelis, describing them as a “very real threat to regional stability.” One top secret GCHQ planning document from 2008 notes that “policy makers remain deeply concerned over the potential threat that Israel poses to a peaceful resolution of the Iran problem, and to some of Israel’s less desirable activities in the region.” Moreover, “Israel’s thinking on the long-term threat offered by Iran to its fundamental foreign policy strategy of armed deterrence may create very real threats to regional stability in 2009.”
The NSA’s 2007 Strategic Mission List, identifying priorities for surveillance targeting, repeatedly identifies Israel as one of the leading threats in a diverse range of areas, including: “Combating the threat of development of weapons of mass destruction” and “delivery methods (particularly ballistic and nuclear-capable cruise missiles).” The “focus area” for that concern is “WMD and missile proliferation activities,” and one of the leading threats is listed as “Israel (cruise missiles).”
The NSA internal discussion from that document regarding “Mastering Cyberspace and Preventing an Attack on U.S. Critical Information Systems” includes a subheading on “FIS [financial/banking system] threats.” The nations identified as the leading FIS threats include India, North Korea, Cuba and Israel. Similarly, Israel appears on the list of countries believed by the NSA to be “Enabling EW (producers/proliferators).”
Another section of the threat assessment document is entitled “Foreign Intelligence, Conterintelligence; Denial & Deception Activities: Countering Foreign Intelligence Threats.” It is defined as “Espionage/intelligence collection operations and manipulation/influence operations conducted by foreign intelligence services directed against U.S. government, military, science & technology and Intelligence Community.” The countries posing the greatest threat: “China, Russia, Cuba, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, France, Venezuela, and South Korea.”
Asked about its cooperative relationship with Israel, an NSA spokesperson told the Intercept: “We are not going to comment on specific intelligence activities and relationships.  The fact that intelligence services sometimes cooperate in a lawful and appropriate manner mutually strengthens the security of both nations.  Whenever NSA shares intelligence information or technology, we comply with all applicable laws and rules.” A GCHQ official refused to comment on the record beyond the agency’s standard boilerplate claiming its activities are legal and subject to “rigorous oversight.”
Legal or not, the NSA’s extensive, multi-level cooperation with Israeli military and intelligence agencies is part of a broader American policy that actively supports and enables Israeli aggression and militarism. Every Israeli action in Gaza has U.S. fingerprints all over it. Many Americans may wish that the Israeli attack on Gaza were a matter of no special relevance or concern to them, but it is their own government that centrally enables this violence.
Andrew Fishman provided additional reporting for this article
396 Discussing
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  1. Speak up John Poppycook!
    The readers’ editor on… averting accusations of antisemitism
    Guardian reporters, writers and editors must be more vigilant about the language they use when writing about Jews or Israel
    Chris Elliott
    The Guardian, Sunday 6 November 2011 19.00 GMT
    The Guardian has always had a strong commitment to reporting on the Middle East. That means a lot of news reporting, as well as comment and analysis, on the Israel-Palestine situation. It is one of the world’s most contested conflicts, in which thousands of people have died or have been displaced. As a newspaper the Guardian has been critical of all sides, but it is seen as being especially critical of the Israeli government and its actions. And that has led to complaints that the Guardian, in print or online, is carrying material that either lapses into language resonant of antisemitism or is, by its nature, antisemitic.
    It also leads to the much more rare allegation of Islamophobia. In this column I intend to address the former rather than the latter, because recently there has been a preponderance of such complaints.
    This is not a fresh concern. It is a particularly sensitive issue for a core of the Guardian’s Jewish readers because CP Scott held strong Zionist sympathies, as did WP Crozier, who came after him as editor. In the Guardian’s archives is a letter of thanks from the first president of Israel, Chaim Weizmann, thanking Scott for his help in securing the Balfour declaration, the 1917 statement by the British government approving the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine.
    A shift in attitudes came after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, as Daphna Baram outlines in her book Disenchantment: The Guardian and Israel, published in 2004. So, it’s not new. But there has been an increase in complaints of antisemitism within the last few months.
    As the web has widened the debate, so it has also enabled more opportunities for articles and comments to be questioned. Individuals and organisations monitoring the Guardian’s coverage examine the language in articles – and the comments posted underneath them online – as closely as the facts.
    For antisemitism can be subtle as well as obvious. Three times in the last nine months I have upheld complaints against language within articles that I agreed could be read as antisemitic. The words were replaced and the articles footnoted to reflect the fact. These included references to Israel/US “global domination” and the term “slavish” to describe the US relationship with Israel; and, in an article on a lost tribe of Mallorcan Jews, what I regarded as a gratuitous reference to “the island’s wealthier families”.
    Two weeks ago a columnist used the term “the chosen” in an item on the release of Gilad Shalit, which brought more than 40 complaints to the Guardian, and an apology from the columnist the following week. “Chosenness”, in Jewish theology, tends to refer to the sense in which Jews are “burdened” by religious responsibilities; it has never meant that the Jews are better than anyone else. Historically it has been antisemites, not Jews, who have read “chosen” as code for Jewish supremacism.
    One reader wrote of the column: “The despicable antisemitic tone of this rant is beyond reason or decency.”
    An important feature of the Guardian online is that the comment threads are post-moderated: a team of moderators check almost half a million comments a month posted on the site for language that breaches the community guidelines across a whole range of issues – not just antisemitism. They are experienced in spotting the kind of language long associated with antisemitic tropes such as Jews having too much power and control, or being clannish and secretive, or the role of Jews in finance and the media.
    Newspapers have to be aware that some examples involve coded references. They need to ask themselves, for example, if the word Zionist is being used as a synonym for Jew.
    I have been careful to say that these examples may be read as antisemitic because I don’t believe their appearance in the Guardian was the result of deliberate acts of antisemitism: they were inadvertent. But that does not lessen the injury to some readers or to our reputation. The Guardian should not be oppressed by criticism – some of the language used by our critics is abusive and intimidatory – or retreat into self-censorship. But reporters, writers and editors must be more vigilant to ensure our voice in the debate is not diminished because our reputation has been tarnished.
      • That’s some pukeacious groveling Eliott has going there. I am so, so glad Glenn no longer posts there, and that I (we) are free from the absurd moderation standards at CiF.
        • Language is important is all. If anti Israeli sentiments are made weather purposefully or not. We must all as opposed to screaming or hurling language try to watch what we say here. Although coming from me that won’t go down to well.
          This was your second post to me.
          Your first said (from memory) we are on the same side worzel.
          To which I didn’t reply.
          So I will now.
          We always were and always will be. Keep up the good work
          • Oh and weather ‘grovelling’ Elliot is cock or not he writes for an established broad sheet. Not all commenters are as well read as you.
            ‘Grovelling’ as word for example I think was too strong.
          • *a cock
            I have Nothing against Mr Cook. Would just be interested what his take is on this ‘story’.
  2. I hope this article will become prima facie evidence in an official war crimes tribunal. Onward…to the Hague. NOW.
  3. Unfortunately, I accidently posted below – somewhere!
    In the last four articles published at the Guardian concerning Israel, only one has mentioned Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization with a racist, antisemitic charter that calls for the destruction of Israel (two times but unrelated to their charter) . It’s the height of poor and cowardly journalism to neglect the role of Hamas in this war. Hamas has stated on numerous occasions, they will never recognize the Jewish state. No one can deny this simple truth and it’s the Achilles heel of supporters of the Palestinians. There simply is no answer to the terrorist organization that seeks a temporary truce, but never peace.
    The murderers who kidnapped the Israeli teens are identified members of Hamas. They sometimes have been referred to as rebels i.e., rogue murderers who work outside of Hamas leadership – allowing a convenient denial by the terrorist organization that never condemned the kidnapping or murder of the teens. In fact, the kidnapping was praised by Hamas leadership. Hamas was certainly in a desperate situation in Gaza isolated without support from the usual allies so a war could serve a purpose for Hamas.
    Hamas diverted a significant amount of precious financial resources to construct an elaborate tunnel complex designed to penetrate the borders of Israel and kidnap or kill IDF soldiers. The money could have been spent to better the lives of civilians that mistakenly elected the terrorist organization to power. If perpetual war is what the Islamic terrorist want, then why not at least construct some bomb shelters so civilians who just have an interest in raising a family and working might not become fodder for Hamas’s political game to end the embargo. The answer is self explanatory.
    It’s the height of irresponsible “journalism” to ignore the role of Hamas in the current war – or even the broken cease fire. Even if Hamas had killed the soldiers a little before the cease fire officially began, they irresponsibly risked the brokered cease fire which was agreed to by all parties for humanitarian reasons. Shortly after the IDF was attacked, the truce faltered leading to more Palestinian deaths (always the Palestinians pay). It’s clear that the primary motive for Hamas is using Palestinian children as collateral for securing the end to the blockade. By ignoring the irresponsible actions of Hamas, the Intercept – the fringe left – willingly advances this narrative in service to Hamas.
    • No. It isn’t evidence of sloppy journalism; it’s a promising sign that the world is done with the bullshit and diversionary tactics that Israel has used for decades to deflect attention from its crimes.
    • You know who else was accused of wasteful expenditure? The African National Congress.
      In all seriousness, it’s exactly like that. Let’s say we’re discussing the Apartheid regime of South Africa, and someone points out that we shouldn’t ignore the role of the African National Congress in all the violence in South Africa. That role exists (indeed, the ANC was a US-designated terrorist organization), but that’s absolutely the wrong way to look at the issue.
      • Let’s say we’re discussing the Apartheid regime of South Africa, and someone points out that we shouldn’t ignore the role of the African National Congress in all the violence in South Africa. That role exists (indeed, the ANC was a US-designated terrorist organization), but that’s absolutely the wrong way to look at the issue.
        Exactly. Some members of the ANC did do truly heinous things. (Necklacing comes to mind.) Some were out-and-out terrorists.
        So gracious yes, let’s retain focus on the sins and insufficiencies of the oppressed people, and ignore that apartheid behind the curtain. And if the Western world labels the oppressed’s resistance as “terrorists,” then that’s EVEN BETTER to divert attention from the Western monstrosity behind that fluttering curtain.
        (And let’s also forget that the State of Israel was born in Jewish Terrorism. That Yitzhak Shamir innovated the letter bomb, killed hundreds, and was rewarded with being elected as one of two terrorist prime ministers — the other being Menachem Begin.)
    • By ignoring the irresponsible actions of Hamas, the Intercept – the fringe left – willingly advances this narrative in service to Hamas.–NoTalentHack
      Don’t you ever hold off and stare at your drivel a moment or two before clicking ‘Post Comment’?
    • “[Hamas] charter that calls for the destruction of Israel” — CS
      Given how Israeli has treated the Palestinians you can hardly blame them. In any case, the charter was written over 25-years ago and Hamas has since modified it’s views:
      Hamas Foreign Minister: We Accept Two-State Solution With ’67 Borders
      “Look, we said, frankly, we accept the state and ’67 borders. This was mentioned many times and we repeated many times,” said Hamad….I think Hamas shows a lot of flexibility. We became more pragmatic, more realistic. Hamas is ready to go more and more for political solutions. Hamas could be a good player in making peace in this region, but don’t use sticks against him, and punishment against Hamas,” Hamad said, referring to the sanctions imposed after Hamas won a decisive majority in the Palestinian Parliament in 2006.
      However, the same cannot be said for the Likud party:
      The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State
      By Jonathan Weiler
      “There have been some updates to the platform more recently, reflecting Israel’s withdrawal of settlements from Gaza in 2005. But the Likud Party has *never* in its statements of principles, accepted a Palestinian State.”
    • In response to that drek, Craig, I post the following from a Gazan woman who lost 9 members of her family, from being bombed by their oppressor and occupier in their open air prison called the Gaza Strip (my emphasis):
      Never ask me about peace again
      Tears flowed until my body ran dry of them when I received a telephone call on Aug. 3, informing me that my family had been targeted by two F-16 missiles in the city of Rafah. Such was the fate of our family in a war that still continues, with every family in the Gaza Strip receiving its share of sorrow and pain.
      My father’s brother, Ismail al-Ghoul, 60, was not a member of Hamas. His wife, Khadra, 62, was not a militant of Hamas. Their sons, Wael, 35, and Mohammed, 32, were not combatants for Hamas. Their daughters, Hanadi, 28, and Asmaa, 22, were not operatives for Hamas, nor were my cousin Wael’s children, Ismail, 11, Malak, 5, and baby Mustafa, only 24 days old, members of Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or Fatah. Yet, they all died in the Israeli shelling that targeted their home at 6:20 a.m. on Sunday morning.
      Their house was located in the Yibna neighborhood of the Rafah refugee camp. It was one story with a roof made of thin asbestos that did not require two F-16 missiles to destroy. Would someone please inform Israel that refugee camp houses can be destroyed, and their occupants killed, with only a small bomb, and that it needn’t spend billions to blow them into oblivion?
      If it is Hamas that you hate, let me tell you that the people you are killing have nothing to do with Hamas. They are women, children, men and senior citizens whose only concern was for the war to end, so they can return to their lives and daily routines. But let me assure you that you have now created thousands — no, millions — of Hamas loyalists, for we all become Hamas if Hamas, to you, is women, children and innocent families. If Hamas, in your eyes, is ordinary civilians and families, then I am Hamas, they are Hamas and we are all Hamas.
      Throughout the war, we thought that the worst had passed, that this was the pivotal moment when matters would improve, that they would stop there. Yet, that real moment of pain, of extreme fear, was always followed by something even worse.
      Now I understood why the photographs of corpses were so important, not only for international public opinion, but for us, the families, in search for an opportunity to bid farewell to our loved ones, so treacherously killed. What were they doing in those last moments? What did they look like after their death?
      I discovered the photos of my dead relatives on social networking sites. The bodies of my cousin’s children were stored in an ice cream freezer. Rafah’s Abu Yousef al-Najjar Hospital was closed after being shelled by Israeli tanks, and the Kuwaiti Hospital that we visited just a day earlier had become an alternate venue, where this freezer was the only option available.
      Al-Najjar’s director, Abdullah Shehadeh, told Al-Monitor, “We decided to move the patients when shells hit the main gate. Some patients, out of fear, ran out, despite the gravity of the security situation. We are now working out of this ill-equipped hospital.”
      The Emirati Red Crescent Maternity Hospital, west of Rafah, has been transformed into a large container for corpses, with fruit and vegetable freezers filled with dozens of bodies.
      I saw corpses on the floor, some with nametags on their chests, while others remained unknown. We held our noses, for the stench was unbearable, as flies filled the air.
      Ibrahim Hamad, 27, removed his five-year-old son’s shroud-wrapped body from a vegetable freezer. Fighting back tears, he told Al-Monitor, “He died as a result of a reconnaissance drone missile attack. His body has been here since yesterday. The dangerous situation prevented me from coming to take him any sooner.”
      I thank God that my relatives were quickly buried, and that my cousins Mustafa, Malak and Ismail did not remain long in a freezer, lest their bodies freeze, and their souls now rest in peace, leaving us with nothing but the silence of death and bodies forever trapped in the postures of their passing.
      On the fifth day of the war, when I went to write my Rafah report about the shelling of the Ghannam family, I stopped by to visit my cousin’s house. I saw my relatives and we took photographs together. During the war, my cousin Wael’s wife had given birth to twins, Mustafa and Ibrahim, who were like two tiny angels, harbingers of hope and joy.
      How could I have known that this would be our last meeting? I wish I had stayed longer and talked to them some more. Hanadi, Asmaa, my uncle and his wife laughed as they joked about the twist of fate that brought us together in the middle of a war, at a time when Israeli occupation forces had not yet begun perpetrating their wanton war crimes against Rafah.
      Endings are so strange, as are living moments that suddenly become relegated to the past. We will never see them again, and the pictures that I took of the twins are now so precious, as one of them, Mustafa, was killed, while the other, Ibrahim, remained alive.
      I wonder how they could differentiate between them, for they looked so much alike. Who identified them when their father died and their mother lay wounded in intensive care? Who was Mustafa, and who was Ibrahim? It was as if they had merged upon one twin’s death.
      In the photos taken after their death, my family looked so peaceful, asleep with their eyes closed. None of them were disfigured or burned, unlike hundreds of dead children and civilians that US-made weapons killed before them. We wondered if they died in pain. What happened when the missile, carrying tons of explosives, impacted their modest house and exploded, creating air pressure so fierce that their internal organs burst? Their suffering was perhaps lessened by the fact that they were sleeping.
      I didn’t see them when I went to Rafah on Aug. 2. I wrote about the death of the Ayad Abu Taha family, which was targeted by warplanes, and saw the corpse of Rizk Abu Taha, one year old, when it arrived at the Kuwaiti Hospital.
      I observed him at length. He looked alive. One could see that he had been playing when he died, dressed in his pink pants. How could he be at such peace? The bodies of war victims look so different from how they appear on television. They are so real, so substantial, suddenly there before you, without any newscast introductions, music or slogans.
      Bodies lay everywhere, and it was if everything in life had been to prepare us for this moment. Suddenly, the dead left their personal lives behind: their cell phones, homes, clothes, perfumes and daily chores. Most importantly, they left the fear of war behind.
      Distances in the small Gaza Strip have grown larger, distances and time expanding as a result of the fear and death that shrank the life expectancy of the populace. We were unable to join the family for the funerals. My uncle, Ahmad al-Ghoul, later told me over the phone, “Because of the inherent danger, our goodbyes to them lasted mere seconds. Malak’s eyes laid open, as if to ask, ‘What wrong did I commit?’”
      I was born in 1982, in that same house in Rafah’s refugee camp, where the family’s large household expanded. I grew up there, and everything else grew with us: the first intifada, the resistance, my nearby school that I walked to every day. There, I saw my first-ever book library. There, I remember seeing my grandfather fall asleep as he listened to the BBC. And there, I laid eyes on the first Israeli soldier in my life, striking my grandfather to force him to erase the national slogans that adorned the walls of our refugee camp home.
      Now, the house and its future memories have been laid to waste, its children taken to early graves. Homes and recollections bombed into oblivion, their inhabitants homeless and lost, just as their camp always had been. Never ask me about peace again.
      • Devastating. The destruction, the countless lives lost, the individual tragedies…repeated so may times over. Netanyahu and Obama are fucking insane. The atrocities will not go unavenged. The injustice and suffering is too great. The world is now starting to understand all the years of suffering the Palestinian people have endured. What other nation in the world exists with 66 years of oppression, besiegement, slaughter? This will not end well for Israel and the US if they insist on pursuing this madness. They’ll be lucky if they make it to court.
    • Hamas has stated on numerous occasions, they will never recognize the Jewish state.
      Where is this “Jewish State?” What are it’s borders?
      Also, since Hamas is not a nation, nor the leaders of a nation, why is it so important to have them “recognize” the “Jewish State?”
      Also, what about Israel reciprocating some recognition? Say, why not make Israel acknowledge the right of return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with international law and that the West Bank and Gaza are occupied territories?
      So, how about these things, Craig?
    • The murderers who kidnapped the Israeli teens are identified members of Hamas.
      No, they weren’t. You aren’t well read. “Israeli police official refutes claim that Hamas kidnapped Israeli teens” http://www.dailydot.com/politics/israel-gaza-kidnap-false-inaccurate/
      On Friday, Chief Inspector Micky Rosenfeld, foreign press spokesman for the Israel Police, reportedly told BBC journalist Jon Donnisonhe that the men responsible for murders were not acting on orders of Hamas leadership. Instead, he said, they are part of a “lone cell.” Further, Inspector Rosenfeld told Donnison that if Hamas’ leadership had ordered the kidnapping, “they’d have known about it in advance.”
  4. Jewish Lobby v Israel Lobby
    Below, many commenters have been discussing whether the pro-Israel-no-matter-what grip on American politicians results from a movement better labeled as the Jewish Lobby, or as the Israel Lobby. I fall on Gator’s side here in opting for the latter, as I will explain, but I can also see why “Jewish Lobby” is not an obviously wrong choice.
    From the Jewish Virtual Library (a very Zionist site), my emphasis:
    [American] Jews have devoted themselves to politics with almost religious fervor. This is reflected by the fact that Jews have the highest percentage voter turnout of any ethnic group. The Jewish vote also matters because the population is concentrated in key states. Though the Jewish population in the United States is only about six million (about 2.3% of the total U.S. population), the 10 states with the highest concentration of Jews are worth 244 of the 270 electoral votes needed to elect the president. If you add the non-Jews shown by opinion polls to be as pro-Israel as Jews, it is clear Israel has the support of one of the largest veto groups in the country.
    The political activism of Jews forces congressmen with presidential ambitions to consider what a mixed voting record on Israel-related issues may mean in the political future. There are no benefits to candidates taking an openly anti-Israel stance and considerable costs in both loss of campaign contributions and votes from Jews and non-Jews alike. Potential candidates therefore have an incentive to be pro-Israel; this reinforces support for Israel in Congress. Actual candidates must be particularly sensitive to the concerns of Jewish voters; it follows that the successful candidate’s foreign policy will be influenced, although not bound, by the promises that had to be made during the campaign.
    Having just read John Judis’ book, Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict,, I have learned that the Jewish voting bloc’s control of U.S. policy on Israel dates back to the 1948 establishment of the Jewish State (on violent terms unfair to indigenous Arabs).
    Truman was greatly resistant to recognizing the State of Israel — and felt doing so could be laying groundwork for WWIII — but, against his better judgment, finally did so. And he did so because he needed to retain the Jewish-American vote for the Democratic Party, especially in New York.
    After all,Truman resignedly noted, there was not (then) an Arab voting bloc in the U.S., so there would be no political penalty for unjustly siding against them.
    With the above reality in mind, I can see some justification for the phrase “Jewish Lobby,” but ultimately reject it. For two reasons: 1. Since 1948, there has arisen in America a bloc of born again, Xtian Zionist voters, and 2. Increasing numbers of American Jews have explicitly disaffiliated and renounced the Israel Lobby.
    So, while I can see why electoral realities might cause some to believe at issue is a “Jewish Lobby,” for the reasons I have stated, I find that Israel Lobby is narrower, and thus more accurate.
    • “Truman was greatly resistant to recognizing the State of Israel — and felt doing so could be laying groundwork for WWIII — but, against his better judgment, finally did so. And he did so because he needed to retain the Jewish-American vote for the Democratic Party, especially in New York.”
      This is pure bullshit as is your conflation of the Israel lobby with American Christian Zionists. American policy makers had been working diligently for more than a decade to establish a “Jewish State” in Palestine. Concordantly, President Truman was firmly committed to the goal of establishing as Jewish state in Palestine as can be evidenced by an October 28, 1946 communique to King Saud of Saudi Arabia wherein President Truman informed the king that he believes “that a national home for the Jewish people should be established in Palestine.”
      The term “Israel Lobby” has always been understood by academics to mean a confederation consisting of Jewish-American secular and religious groups. Political references to “American Christian Zionism” date back to the late seventies when America’s Christian right leadership was courted by Israeli policy makers as potential political allies; chief among these were Billy Graham and Jerry Farwell. This was a deliberate attempt to exploit anti-Muslim sentiment among American conservative Christians that had reached a feverish pitch in the wake of the OPEC embargo of 1973. Initially, Jewish-American leaders were opposed to Israel forming an alliance with America’s Christian-Right as they were understood to be a loose knit collection of reactionary religious elements whose common concern centered around the preservation of social norms and traditional values. It was only when social and economic fears merged that the loose knit reactionary fabric of America’s Christian right coalesced into a tight-knit political front. From that point forward, America’s “Christian-Right” was perceived as a viable political force whose heightened animus could be harnessed by select members of its leadership to the political benefit of Israel. One must remember that, in the aftermath of the six day war of 1967, the leadership of America’s mainline Protestant and Catholic churches were largely sympathetic to the Palestinians. So much so, that religious scholars like Rev. Franklin H. Littell were tasked to formulate an Israeli-First ideology wherein pro Palestinian sentiment was cast as a form of antisemitism.
      • “that a national home for the Jewish people should be established in Palestine.”
        Yes, Judis covers that memo- — and others — in Genesis. But by that, Truman did not mean an exclusively Jewish state in which Arabs were banished. He was trying to find either a partition plan both would accept, or a plan for a single state for both peoples; a homeland for both, with equal rights for all.
        He did not favor the partition plan the Zionists demanded. And he certainly did not favor the ethnic cleansing and land grab of 1948 that led to the State of Israel. But, he eventually recognized that entity for reasons of sheer, craven, political necessity.
        To quote from a review of Genesis in the NYT:
        Over the course of “Genesis,” John B. Judis recounts Truman’s predicament, trapped between his desire to find a fair and equitable outcome for Arabs and Jews in Palestine and the seeming impossibility of doing so. But Judis is interested in telling a larger story, one that lays a good deal of responsibility on the American Zionist lobby for Truman’s — and America’s — failure to construct a just and peaceful solution.

        Truman and the United States, according to Judis, had the power to enforce an agreement, and just might have done so if it were not for America’s pro-Zionist lobby. This is the crux of his argument, and to make it, he gives us the history of the lobby’s rise to influence, from Louis Brandeis, who used his immense prestige and skills to put Zionism on the American political map, through the Zionist Organization of America that he founded, to the formidable Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, who forcefully took control of the pro-Zionist lobby in the 1940s.

        The American pro-Zionist lobby, particularly under Silver, could be a blunt instrument. It was able to wield considerable influence not only because Truman had close Jewish friends but also because he needed their money and support against Thomas E. Dewey in the 1948 campaign. Judis does a fine job of detailing the excruciating twists and turns Truman took to placate the lobby while caught between its aims, those of the British and the goals of his own anti-Zionist State Department.
        Truman did not stand his ground; for reasons of party politics he embraced that which he found inequitable, and even dangerous. And the world — but especially the Palestinians — has been paying the price for his caving to the Lobby ever since.
        Finally, In highly recommend you read Genesis. It could further disabuse you of some of your erroneous notions.
        • “Yes, Judis covers that memo- — and others — in Genesis. But by that, Truman did not mean an exclusively Jewish state in which Arabs were banished. He was trying to find either a partition plan both would accept, or a plan for a single state for both peoples; a homeland for both, with equal rights for all.”
          Truman did not win the presidency in 1944 election, Roosevelt did. Roosevelt was firmly committed to the ongoing effort of establishing a Jewish State in Palestine. So much so that Saudi King Ibn Saud felt the need to repeatedly express his public opposition to Roosevelt’s support for the Balfour declaration beginning in 1943. it was because of the Saudi’s concerns, that Roosevelt felt the need to be duplicitous in his dealings with them. While initially making the case for the establishment of a Jewish state during his face-to-face with Saud in a 1945 trip to Great Bitter Lake in the Suez Canal, he ultimately felt the need to mask his intentions upon seeing the vehemence of the king’s reaction. Shortly after that meeting, Roosevelt is on record as having provided assurances to American Jewish leader Stephen Wise that his administration supported unrestricted immigration to Palestine and a future Jewish state. Upon Roosevelt’s death, Truman was forced to adopt Roosevelt’s strategy of providing duplicitous assurances to “Arabists” while formulating a Doctrine that would be broad enough to allow for the establishment of the Jewish state. Again, on October 28, 1946 an official communique was addressed to King Saud of Saudi Arabia wherein President Truman informed the king that he believes “that a national home for the Jewish people should be established in Palestine.” After Britain passed control of Palestine to the United Nations in 1947, it immediately proposed to partition Palestine into two states, one for an Arab majority and one for the Jewish minority. Even though Truman was advised that his support of the UN partition plan might require American military intervention, he decided to act in accord with Roosevelt’s express commitment to American Jews who were a major constituency in the Democratic Party.
          It is true that, in 1943, Roosevelt was advised by Wallace Murray, head of the US State Department Near East Division, that the Saudi King might look favorably upon a binational state that would effectively deny Jews the exclusively Jewish homeland promised by the Balfour Declaration, he rejected that proposal. Murray’s proposal was fueled by the perception that the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine would alienate much of the Arab world at a time when the Russians were looking to gain a foothold in oil rich regions. This view would be echoed by the acting head of the US State Department Near East Division, Loy Henderson, when Truman became president in 1945. Henderson was convinced that Russian actions in Turkey and Greece did not bode well for Palestine at a time when British control was waning. By 1946, Truman shared Henderson’s concerns as he set to the task of formulating a doctrine that would best facilitate Russian containment while advancing American interests in said oil rich regions.
          It is also true that, after hearing the declaration that the UN intended to partition Palestine, Truman briefly endorsed a plan that would have established the Jewish state as a United Nations trusteeship, rather than as an autonomous entity. However, historians generally hold the view that Truman’s endorsement was an honest mistake that resulted from confusion related to an aberrant policy-making process.
      • Oh, and Wilhelmina, about your peculiar idea that academia has always considered the Israel Lobby to be constituted solely of secular and religious Jews. Perhaps you are aware of two prominent academics named Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer?
        You see, they, well Wilhelmina, they… wrote the fucking book on The Israel Lobby, in a tome titled, oddly enough, The Israel Lobby.
        This is how Publishers Weekly reviews it in part, my emphasis:
        Expanding on their notorious 2006 article in the London Review of Books, the authors increase the megatonnage of their explosive claims about the malign influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the U.S. government. Mearsheimer and Walt, political scientists at the University of Chicago and Harvard, respectively, survey a wide coalition of pro-Israel groups and individuals, including American Jewish organizations and political donors, Christian fundamentalists, neo-con officials in the executive branch, media pundits who smear critics of Israel as anti-Semites and the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, which they characterize as having an almost unchallenged hold on Congress. This lobby, [[that is: all of the foregoing groups- ed by Mona] they contend, has pressured the U.S. government into Middle East policies that are strategically and morally unjustifiable: lavish financial subsidies for Israel despite its occupation of Palestinian territories; needless American confrontations with Israel’s foes Syria and Iran; uncritical support of Israel’s 2006 bombing of Lebanon, which violated the laws of war; and the Iraq war, which almost certainly would not have occurred had [the Israel lobby] been absent. The authors disavow conspiracy mongering, noting that the lobby’s activities constitute legitimate, if misguided, interest-group politics, as American as apple pie.
        Always happy to help.
        • “Oh, and Wilhelmina, about your peculiar idea that academia has always considered the Israel Lobby to be constituted solely of secular and religious Jews. Perhaps you are aware of two prominent academics named Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer?”
          The fact that these two authors are described as “notorious” for attempting to advance “their explosive claims about the malign influence of the pro-Israel lobby on the U.S. government” does not speak well for their reliability as a quoted source. In making such expansive assertions, such individuals routinely blur distinctions and/or conflate terms that will aide them in inflating their claims. Before you further endeavor to blur the distinction between that which is traditionally referred to as the Israel (Jewish) Lobby and the American Christian Zionists, in service to your ideological bias, here is a 2013 study written by Samuel Mohr wherein the distinction between the two groups is clearly delineated in keeping with conventional scholarship.
          Understanding American Christian Zionism: Case Studies of
          Christians United for Israel and Christian Friends of Israeli
          Journal of Politics & International Studies, Vol. 9, Summer 2013 ISSN 2047-7651 287
          By Samuel Mohr
  5. A BBC interviewer, coupled with a clever decipher of Mark Regev’s lying, team up to totally kick sadist Mark Regev around the block and over the cliff . She almost had him actually crying. Not because he is caught lying about the slaughter of babies and other civilians, but because his bull shit is flying right back down his own throat no matter how hard he tries to fling it at her and all who were listening and watching.
  6. According to polling in Israel reported by NBC, Netanyahu’s support in Israel has dropped from 82% to 62% overnight since the withdrawal from Gaza. 73% think the assault on Gaza will not deter Hamas from firing rockets.
    • There’s something that doesn’t seem right about that withdrawal of ground troops. Was it strategic? Did they meet more resistance than anticipated? Is it PR?
      • I think the establishments of both Israel and the US have been surprised that truth in social media has subverted MSM propaganda in even the small way it has. Perhaps this has something to do with it – more resistance than anticipated, as you say.
        This is (as I’m sure you know) why an open internet is so important, and why the corrupted powerful hate it.
  7. For psychological health, the American and Israeli establishments (and probably all their allies) need to fully admit that they are acting out of PRAGMATISM – as they see it – and not PRINCIPLE. And they need to admit that they are encouraging in their respective populations the same precise message that pragmatism TRUMPS principle.
    It is insulting to listeners’ intelligence to claim American/Israeli actions are morally based – as the establishments of both nations claim, at the same time as asserting that it’s basically impractical to act otherwise. An example lately is Obama saying ‘we’ tortured people, which is against our values, he agrees, but ‘we’ should be excused because, well, ‘stress’ or something. Another example is saying what great ‘democracies’ Israel and America are, founded on virtuous values, while simultaneously proving that point absurd by demonstrating they are both functionally and non-democratically subservient to and corrupted by reactionary, military and corporate domination.
    Greed, cruelty, indifference are not taboo in Western culture any more: they are promoted as largely ‘sensible,’ it seems to me, even while there is often an accompanying suggestion that one shouldn’t sound too politically incorrect about it – but notice the overall message is that everything is strategic, hence pragmatism trumps principles*. Having divested of principles even as something to which people should aspire, the establishment then has the temerity to claim its pragmatism is also moral, almost implying everyone decent would be identically atrocious in the same circumstances.
    Which is to say I wish people could be honest, and really look at this ‘honor and integrity’ matter. Then we could discuss whether it actually IS more practical to be entirely strategic while ‘losing our soul’ in the process. Doubtless the realpolitik response would be ‘It is impractical to look at that, for philosophy means nothing in the real world.’ But, at least in my opinion, a lack of character to one’s philosophy is self-evident flirtation with sociopathic mental patterns, and to pretend to be moral merely as a pretense (while behaving unethically) is a serious and detrimental state of denial, further psychologically polluting cultures like the US and Israel.
    *I’m not sure how concerted the messaging is nowadays, it seems almost unconscious.
    • Great comment. I think you dug deep and got to the core. To support Israel in its current manifestation requires a large dose of sociopathy; or at least an extreme form of self-delusion. The degree to which one supports the actions of Israel is the degree to which one has forfeited their principles. It is the antithesis of strength: it is weakness borne of ignorance and opportunistic cruelty.
    • I’d just like to add that Obama gets around the moral quandary of ‘we’ tortured people by saying that we tortured “folks”. The moral dilemma is resolved because after the torture was completed they wrapped the “folks” in cozy blankets and gave them milk and cookies. Obama effectively gave ‘us’ permission to deny moral culpability because ‘we’ gave the torture victims (I mean, folks) warm-fuzzies. That’s worth something, right? Obama is expert in using agitprop devices. I wouldn’t say that Obama is immoral. I think it would more accurate to characterize him as a amoral, unprincipled opportunist without a vestige of anything that could be considered a spine. How DOES Michelle deal? Another quandary…
      • Obama seems remarkably like a blank slate most of the time, although he is a gifted actor (at least in the role of ‘nice guy liberal just trying to do his best’), but he has a submissiveness toward The Powerful that is almost cringeworthy.
        He submits to reactionary, military and corporate domination like Anastasia Steele to Christian Grey, and only when society is outspoken in its insistence for years and years (same-sex marriage, for example) does he pretend to support any basic dissent against the status quo at all.
        He is malleable, if you are powerful enough! Even as he exhibits sociopathic patterns, he cares deeply, narcissistically perhaps, how he is perceived, and the un-ignorable revulsion of many of the American people regarding Israel’s actions is in my opinion what finally made him express what amounts to mere timid doubt about the gruesome assaults he’s enabling. Not unless there is a super-strong wave of dissent from the people will he actually listen to them (remember the public option?), and even then if the establishment can mitigate that dissent through PR he will return to subservience to the corporatist, militarist status quo in an instant.
        Basically I think he submits without integrity to what he PERCEIVES as powerful, and only what is truly dominant or mighty does he accord power to. Unless the public can rally itself comprehensively and unrelentingly for extended periods of time for their needs, he feels free to ignore them since the media always prefers establishment norms to any kind of change and will support him in preserving them.
        Michelle I don’t know about, but she must have seen this tendency of his before now.
          • That does indeed sum it up very well.
            How very pathetic that he appeared such a champion of virtue, and what a savage betrayal. He’s made an absolute mockery of liberals’ good intentions.
      • It would probably take Freud to understand the kind of people we have in high government office today but it occurs to me that the word “folks” is something you use to refer to people who are close to you, related to you, or part of your community. He may be using that word here to imply that the people who were tortured were not really enemies and therefore they were not mistreated out of feelings of enmity on our part but its just something that happened accidently like a misunderstanding at a family gathering.
        • Yes, he is using the word ‘folks’ to (he hopes) indicate how he personally doesn’t consider the torture victims subhuman – this he hopes will distinguish him in a flattering light from the Bush administration which was as obviously and unabashedly prejudiced as Fox News. But it is as ridiculous as saying ‘we droned some folks,’ and ‘I ordered night raids on some folks,’ which he will studiously avoid saying as it interferes with his ‘nice intelligent liberal guy’ persona and reveals him as equally cynical and sociopathic as the reactionaries from whom he pretends to differ.
          It came across very weird because he’s trying to appear both status quo and non-corrupt, which is ultimately impossible.
  8. The only other conflict which was anything like this one was the Northern Ireland and UK conflict. For years and years the British would not negotiate with Sinn Fein or the IRA because they considered them to be terrorist organizations. Atrocities had been committed on both sides but by far the worst were committed by the UK. In the end they had to sit down together at the negotiating table. This is exactly what Israel refuses to do with Hamas. They want to choose the opposing sides negotiators which is ridiculous. Peace will never be achieved that way. Israel has to face its enemy and deal with reality as it is not as they would like it. They are saying all the things the British said about Sinn Fein — they’re barbarians… they’re not even human beings… they’re murderers… we won’t negotiate with terrorists.
    The US played a key role in resolving that conflict when the Clinton administration was willing to recognize Sinn Fein as a legitimate representative of the people of Northern Ireland. This was about the most honorable thing the US government has done in my lifetime that I can recall. After Clinton met Gerry Adams at the White House it was not long before the British agreed to negotiate with him. This is what has to happen in the Middle East.
    • The significant difference between the Irish conflict is that there was no lobby for either side that begins to approach the power of the Israel Lobby, led by but not exclusively AIPAC, and the network of pro-Israel think tanks that control Congress and ALL the conversation and messaging on Capitol Hill relating to the Israel-Palestine conflict as well of the media that covers it.
      • People have to stop being afraid of AIPAC. It is spoken of with quasi-religious reverence as though it were all powerful. All it took was one senator to stand up to Joseph McCarthy and his committee folded. The place to start is with demanding an end to military aid to Israel. The government of Israel lavishes its citizens with all kinds of entitlements like universal health care and subsidized housing while we foot the bill for their military.
    • There are other conflicts like this one, which did not end well, like the conflict between European settlers and the indigenous people of the US and Canada. Those are basically extinct peoples & cultures, and the few descendants that remain live with depression, alcoholism and the possibility of suicide.
  9. Apparently David Gregory, Mr. Aider & Abettor, is looking for a new job.
    I understand that the networks are looking for ratings. Can you imagine what would happen to their goddamn ratings if they gave a primetime show to Glenn Greenwald? That would be a paradigm shift on tv. I don’t think anybody would watch anything else.
    They don’t want ratings. They want to control the news AND have ratings. And that war is lost.
  10. Couldn’t help but notice all of the countries that voted “Yes” are either poor or pre-dominantly Muslim.
  11. The U.S. collusion with Israel, i.e., its sharing of intelligence including intelligence on American citizens, its
    constantly repeated vetoing by the U.S. of any criticism of Israel, using the hard earned money of American taxpayers to pay for Israel’s enormous military while making cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans benefits, psychiatric and other medical care for veterans, U.S. willingness to slash funds for students lunches, and many other needed social programs all point quite clearly to a disturbingly unbalanced relationship with Israel, a supposed client state. The rest of the world, being much better informed than Americans, who get only daily propaganda from U.S. print and electronic media, sees with a certain bewilderment a former great nation gone literally mad. The U.S. congress is too cowardly and too self-serving to accomplish anything, but somehow the U.S. must break out of the hold that Israel has on its policies, morals, and principles.
    • Given that the US is an accomplice, shouldn’t it recuse itself when voting on Israel-related resolutions at the UN? (I know, it would be funny if it weren’t tragic.)
      • Such recusal is for when you are asked to sit in judgment on matters of law in a courtroom, not when voting on policy matters in an international forum like the U.N. We are ironically adopting the role of the former Soviet Union, exercising our veto on behalf of our proxy state as it perpetrates outrages. Every refugee center that is shelled indiscriminately without consequences to Israel is a blow against the legitimacy of the U.N., which has always been shaky at best; what will it take to exhaust the patience of our leaders? And will that patience be exhausted before the rest of the world finally turns against us in revulsion? Will we never divert from this self-destructive course? My god, it’s depressing.
  12. Why are the names blacked out? Name and shame them, Glenn. Name and shame them. Until YOU publish the full truth, we’re not going to get the truth.
    • Well, I do wish they could be named and shamed, but if they were named and shamed, I think they could also easily be targeted by retribution from some Muslim extremist.
    • I’m also disappointed to see the names blacked out. These people are criminals and the public and the world should know their names.
    • Oh Please. Glenn is not in the business of outing people. He is in the business of shining a light on illegal government activities, so that the public can be more aware of what their govt is up to when they vote.
      What do you want with the names anyway? A witch-hunt?
      • Because, AtheistInChief, I want to know who in the US gave Israel the dough that the ‘Finnance Maneger’ of Israel signed for. And I have every damn right to know. I’m an American and it’s my government doing this in my name.
        Furthermore, I want to know who received it. You call that receipt sheet an official document of the Israeli Government? Where’s the government letterhead? What department? How do we know this wasn’t a bribe?
  13. It is time to setup an international organisation (and website-) to counter the nazi jews.
    And I do not mean an ultra right one adoring Hitler and stuff, but an objective news gathering
    and influential organisation. Things have gone way too far now.
    Skip the Holocaustlessons at school, cause they are just being used for “loving jews”
    Jews can get away with anything….others can not.
    But who is willing to take the lead?
    • And I do not mean an ultra right one adoring Hitler and stuff….
      That’s good, because an ultra right never showed up at doorsteps of functions with “Sozialisten” printed on the napkins. Any more than you would show up at one with “Tee-partei” on them. But progressive leftists did show up on that “Sozialisten” welcome mat in droves, including Margaret Sanger–and stayed to clean up.
      We do hear that chastened Obamafreaks are now trying to convince the world that ~O~ really isn’t a leftie in the same way their publically embarrassed antecedents attempted to convince the world the Hitler wasn’t. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  14. I must admit, even after following this story for so long, I’m taken aback by headlines like this:
    -”Israeli official calls for concentration camps…”
    -”Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.
    He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza – which includes shipping its residents across the world – in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”
    My first thought was…isn’t that a bit redundant? isn’t Gaza essentially already one big concentration camp? imprisonment, executions, starvation, now disease, but nevertheless, I know there has been this element in the Israeli government for some time, I’m glad its getting some sunlight now in the English language press.
    • I wonder if concentration camps are what Obama is thinking of when he says He shares values with Israel?
      Obama – “America’s commitment to Israel’s security flows from a deeper place — and that’s the values we share. As two people who struggled to win our freedom against overwhelming odds, we understand that preserving the security for which our forefathers — and foremothers — fought must be the work of every generation. As two vibrant democracies, we recognize that the liberties and freedoms we cherish must be constantly nurtured.”
      Remember that old Gershwin song?
      …” You say Gitmo. I say Gaza concentration camp….let’s call the whole thing off!!!”
      gotta love those shared values.
      • I was looking up this guy, Feiglin. He’s been acused of “representing the Nazis” in the Knesset, after his concentration camp idea, I think I can understand why.
        -”Acting Knesset Speaker Moshe Feiglin ousted, one by one, three Arab Knesset Members from the Knesset on Sunday after they called Israeli soldiers “murderers.” The action was caught on the YouTube below. The audio is in Hebrew, but the visible anger of the Arab MKs and the reaction by MK Feiglin are worth 1,000 words. MK Ibrahim Sarsur started the action by citing Palestinian Authority Arabs who were “murdered” by IDF “heroes.” Feiglin pointed his arm at him and told him to leave the podium after repeating his accusation”
        Ah, guards bustling out the elected representatives of the few Arabs that do get to vote in Israel! More shared values!!
        • No fear that fascist Feiglin will become PM. That’s only for fluent English speakers since keeping Congress in its corner is Israel’s #1 priority.
      • Obama is such a great politician, isn’t he? Silver tongue, like Clinton’s. I’m beginning to think George W. Bush has more moral character than Obama and Clinton combined. At least Bush didn’t realize what his actions would do. Obama is fully aware of the ramifications of his actions and speeches, as was Clinton when he killed 500,000 Iraqis through a goddamn embargo.
        • At least Bush didn’t realize what his actions would do.
          Don’t phrase it like that. Bush had a clear idea of what he expected his actions to do. That expectation was based on lunacy and ignorance, and not a little hubris and arrogance; but wasn’t simply an ignorant mistake. It was a purposeful, considered, and deliberate course of action.
          • C’mon. Bush was an idiot. He had no earthly idea what he was getting into. He thought the Iraqis would put rose petals on the road for him after he got rid of Saddam. He didn’t know what a Sunni or a Shiite was. He probably still doesn’t know what de-baathification means. I’m not sure you can attribute the same sort of mental negligence to Obama. Not only does he know exactly what he’s doing, he knows if it’s right or wrong, and he still does it.
  15. Max Blumenthal is in Israel and he reports via twitter that Jewish nationalists are marching towards occupied Silwan which is an Arab neighborhood on the outskirts Jerusalem. Watch the video below and you’ll get sense of what a ethnocentric fascist “menace” and “threat” looks like.
    Contrary to the lies spewed from Israeli apologists and their shills, Israel is not a democracy. It’s a racist ethnocracy that relies on apartheid to maintain their oppression over the indigenous Palestinian population who were ethnically cleansed from their land.
    Israel is one big lie which the world is now waking up to. Their brutality and racist pedigree is now on open display as manifest by the slaughter of innocent civilians and their right-wing neo-Nazi like chanting mobs. What is arguably more disturbing, however, is the US enabling of this insanity. Brian Eno was correct when he said that giving money to Israel is “Like Sending Money to the Klan”. It’s worse than that though, because the US also provides them with weaponry, intelligence, and a subservient media with which to disseminate their propaganda.
    Inside Israel’s Pro-War Nationalist Camp
  16. Haaretz – “U.S., UN condemn attack on UN school; Rocket sirens sound in greater Tel Aviv area”
    Haaretz does have a difficult job here balancing those two stories in the headlines.
    Yes on the one hand Israel has slaughtered almost two thousand people now and is finally being condemned by America…but on the other hand…
    There ARE very loud sirens going off near Tel Aviv!!!! (or is it a car’s anti-theft alarm????) Hey! hearing loss is no joking matter!!! (Why else do you think Netenyahu and Kerry want “quiet” in the occupied territories??
  17. Some people seem to be under the impression that if Hamas has in fact hidden weapons in a UNRWA school (which has not been demonstrated) this justifies shelling the school. I’m quite sure there are civilized ways to go about making sure UNRWA schools are not being used for that purpose.
    • The MSM implies this and people just repeat what they hear. They don’t have to think. At times like this you realize what a propaganda machine is.
  18. A “stopthewarcoalition” handy guide:
    Israel explains to the media the killing of civilians in Gaza
    We haven’t heard reports of deaths, will check into it.
    The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb.
    Ok we killed them, but they were terrorists.
    Ok they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields.
    Ok there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose.
    Ok we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are.
    Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of anti-Semite?
    Repeat from step 1. Test this against the next interview you hear or watch by Mark Regev or any other spokesperson for Israel.
    • That, and the booby-trapped toasters. Also, don’t you know all cement that enters Gaza has been used to build tunnels?
      • Not only cement, Israel has at least in the past, had to ban pasta:
        - “However, an incident occured last week at a crossing into the Gaza Strip that gave a very different impression to a senior observer. When Senator John Kerry visited the Strip, he learned that many trucks loaded with pasta were not permitted in. When the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee inquired as to the reason for the delay, he was told by United Nations aid officials that “Israel does not define pasta as part of humanitarian aid – only rice shipments.” ”
        But Israel doesn’t intentionally ban things like pasta, whereas Hamas deliberately uses chocolate eclairs against diabetic israeli civilians.
  19. Until the lobbies – munitions, banking, Israeli and others – are utterly crushed there will never be a satisfactory solution to the problem described in this article. The ruling class must be dispossessed unapologetically. It can be no other way if Americans are ever to recover control of their government and experience the chance at authentic democracy. One sees the pernicious effect of corruption particularly well when ownership of our institutions truly belongs to foreign governments and large corporations as it does today. This ownership must be wrested from these filth at all costs.
    • The booby-trapped toasters narrative has to be the sorriest excuse concocted yet. It’s an insult to everyone’s intelligence.
  20. I hate to say it but, having just watched Glenn Greenwald’s formidable interview on all this @ Huff Post, I fear he will by now have become, overnight, a prospective target not just of the CIA/NSA & GCHQ, etc. but also, vindictively, of Mossad — and especially because, unlike some 85% or 95% of Israel’s population who support and advocate the de facto genocide going down right now in Gaza, he is a righteous and honorable jew. In other words, then, just the kind of jew commonly branded a self-hating anti-semitic jew by rabid chauvinist nazionists in Izzis4rael?. —– The problem for the USA and Israel (also, come to that, for the UK and other of the 5 Eyes countries) is that, ever more, by always standing on principle; by virtue of his manifest erudition; and in virtue of his unparalleled rhetorical skills, Greenwald with his high-profile mass-media presence has earned for himself (and continues to do so ever more with all of the even half-intelligent) a credibility and moral authority unrivaled by presidents, prime-ministers, and all their political cronies: Obama, Kerry, Hillary, Netanyahweh, Camoron, Merkel, Hollande, etc.. —- Both America and Israel were born by the gun, and the way things are going both will likely perish by the gun. I hope and trust that, in the meantime, Greenwald will know how to stay well out of harm’s way — and to beware of vindictive, heavily disguised Mossad agents dispatched to Rio and perhaps to any number of foreign locations where he is scheduled to speak. — My sincere apologies for this paranoia, which after all might not be so paranoid.
    • I’m paranoid about his safety too. But I think what will save him is precisely his high profile stature. It would be too blatant and raw a display of the inherent savagery and barbarism of all these governments that publicly portray themselves as civilized.
      • Here’s the link: Greenwald on HuffPost Live
        Glenn is relatively high profile, and of course nakedly outspoken, but there is nothing to be gained by trying to close him down in whatever ways the power structures might dream up. There are many who are now boldly speaking out. Those numbers will grow and so will the secrets be uncovered. Also, as Glenn noted towards the end of that interview, what we are seeing on twitter and other social media about the barbaric acts of Israel is nothing like we’ve been able to see in real time before. That is going to continue and it is going to grow and grow in effect.
    • Your concerns are legitimate but Mr. Greenwald has probably weighed the risks carefully. There is a point at which even the threat of death does not override the cause for justice. It is precisely this cognitive decision on his part which is worthy of respect.
      I wish him safety and best outcomes for his concentrated endeavors.
      • Is a life spent cowering in fear really worth living?
        “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”
        — Helen Keller, The Open Door (1957).
  21. This should be interesting:
    -”Sophie Tal, 23, is a history student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has two brothers and a boyfriend serving in the Israeli army and explains why she thinks hospitals and UN shelters are legitimate targets for Israeli rockets.”
  22. Kol hakavod, USA! One of the best uses our tax dollars have ever been put to, if you ask me. And as to the sharing of intelligence data, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as the collecting of it in the first place. I’d trust Mossad and Shin Bet with it way before I would the NSA or CIA.
  23. Typo?
    > One newly disclosed top secret NSA document, dated April 13, 2013 . . .
    The link immediately following goes to a document dated April 19.
  24. OK, this is funny,
    -”The toll Gaza’s war takes on mental health
    We want Israel to win, but thoughts of wounded Palestinians keep us up at night. We blame Hamas, but know they were Israeli shells. What’s driving us mad and how do we cope? This British psychiatrist explains.”
    The Israeli massacre of civilians in Gaza is taking a toll. on…..Israeli mental health (poor dears)
    It is one of a series of articles including one by Joseph Stalin entitled “I’m the victim here!!”
    • I remember that article by Stalin. What I don’t remember is if he had psychiatrists to help him cope.
  25. You know how I know that Israel doesn’t really care about the welfare of civilians as they claim, beyond the atrocities that are being committed? If they did care, a simple thing they could do is allow some of the people of Gaza to cross into Israel, and take them in as refugees, at least temporarily. If security is a concern, something they could easily do is take in children, their mothers, the elderly and the disabled.
    Reality is that Israel is a country that has about 50,000 asylum seekers (called “infiltrators” in Israel), and only about 200 people have been granted refugee status in the last half century. The Israeli government wants to expel the rest. I can name poor countries that have granted refugee status to tens or hundreds of thousands of foreigners for humanitarian reasons that aren’t nearly as bad as what people are experiencing in Gaza.
    • When Israel allowed Palestinians to freely travel into Israel (mostly for work) thousands of Israelis lost their lives to suicide bombers and other forms of murderous attack, so they stopped allowing palestinians to enter without being rigorously searched and identified, and they certainly didnt allow them to freely immigrate. Seems pretty sensible to me. Now why should it be israel , whom the representative palistinian “governments” have sworn to destroy, who accepts these immigrants ? Eygypt shares a border with gaza. Why have they closed that border and why dont they accept any palestinian immigrants? The fact is that over 60 years NO arab country has accepted ANY palestinian immigrants. Why is that ? Instead palestinians have been killed in large quantities by arab governments. 40,000 by Jordan when Yassar Arafat tried to take over. Israel on the other hand has accepted 800,000 or so refugees from arab lands (jews , almost all of whom have been expelled from almost every arab country).
  26. Again, why the ceaseless blotting out of names of individuals personally involved in and responsible for these crimes? It’s as if GG/Intercept believe that the good “folks” in Maryland or Washington deserve a pass because they’re merely mid- or low-level instead of senior figures.
    Take names, publish them, hold feet to the fire.
  27. Couldn’t agree more with the author(s). Recently screened the film Charlie Wilson’s War for a second time to review another case of Israel getting involved in arms distribution. In that case it was channeling captured Soviet arms to the mujaheddin, including Bin Ladin, with CIA assistance. Gunboat Diplomacy or power projection always seems to come back to haunt the nations that try and get away with it. As John Lennon advised, “Instant Karma’s gonna get you Gonna knock you right in the head…”
  28. Somebody sure knows how to stir up the inflammatory troll syndrome…
    I understand that’s not any goal of this piece, Mr. Glenn, but it also convinces your analysis hit home.
    • @coram nobis:
      In my opinion, this is very important post. These war crimes are Internationally recognized. Unfortunately, many of the people commenting on this thread choose to overlook the simple facts. Israel is committing war crimes and the United States is acting in clear collusion. What more needs to be said?
  29. The Israelis are frustrated now because they fully expected all Palestinians to be gone by this time. After making life unbearable in Gaza they don’t understand
    why the Palestinians don’t just leave. I think this is the reason why they are talking
    about concentration camps and genocide
    in the knesset. The only thing standing in
    their way now is Obama’s broken heart and
    he’ll be gone in two years.
    • - “The Israelis are frustrated”
      Can you blame them!!..listen, It all stems from America with its slavery problem, by all rights if the Blacks in America had wanted their rights, they should have gone to Africa, there were plenty of countries with Blacks already! While there’s only one America!!
      By giving citizenship to Blacks, even ones that had lived for generations in America, America’s example only encourages others to fight for thier freedom
      That is why Palestinians who have lived for generations in what is now Israel, and in Gaza and the West Bank, have gotten it in their heads that they have rights…instead of peacefully relocating somewhere else that is Muslim or Christian and letting Jewish immigrants from London and New York have their land!!!
      Same goes for South Africa. White South Africans didn’t ask Black South Africans to be born in South Africa! Instead of demanding the vote in the country in which they live, why didn’t they go to one of the many countries that were already ruled by blacks!!!
      Instead they listened to this guy:
    • Nearly all Gazans just can’t leave, because Israel and its accomplice, Egypt, won’t let them. So they are trapped. Israel understands PR matters, so I’m not sure what the strategy can possibly be. Certainly not a huge humanitarian crisis. They don’t want a 1-state solution, a 2-state solution or a 3-state solution. That’s why commentators in Israel are openly talking about forced relocation (ethnic cleansing) and even genocide.
      • I understand what you are saying. What the Israelis want is for the international community to step in and begin evacuations.
        • I suppose. Egypt could theoretically start taking in people as refugees, but I don’t believe they want that. If things get really bad, other countries might start to offer asylum to Gazans, and maybe that’s the end game. Venezuela already said it’s willing to take care of Gazan orphans.
          • In 1982 after the the siege of Beirut, thousands of PLO adherents were evacuated to Tunisia. Maybe Israel is hoping this will be the solution again. Hell of a way to go about it, though. And unlikely to be ultimately successful now any more than it was then.
      • This is why you have the deputy speaker of the knesset and other Israeli MP’s talking about genocide. It’s meant to spur the international community into action. As much to say, “Get these people out of here or we ‘re going to commit genocide.” This is the first time the world has been given such notice. It makes Israel the most moral nation in the world.
  30. After reading Greenwald’s article, I realized I had to choose which narrative was more accurate: belief in Santa Clause, belief in vampires, belief in ghosts, or belief that that there may have been a tiny speck of neutrality in his presentation. Since I don’t have a microscope that powerful, that leaves the first three as more likely.
    Try this article for some sanity:
  31. Another thing occured to me…On the BDS movement. In light of Israel’s bombing of a University in Gaza, what if any effect does this have on those that are opposed to BDS. Will we still have to hear Israeli spokespeople talk about how immoral it is for the BDS movement to target schools?
    July 23 (Bloomberg) –- Palestinian BDS Movement Co-Founder Omar Barghouti discusses launching his campaign for the most effective, non-violent ways to support Gaza through boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. He speaks to Mark Barton on Bloomberg Television’s “Countdown.” (Source: Bloomberg)
  32. The issue is not what Israel has done for us, but what they will do for us in the future. Israel is an unsinkable US aircraft carrier in a sea of jihadists. The day is coming when that asset will be of enormous value to us.
  33. The NSA surveillance program initiated by President Reagan, our GE sponsored president, was conducted as in this case with great secrecy. How can voters vote intelligently for political candidates when this type of information is private. How can Edward Snowden be called a traitor for telling the truth. Glen Greenwald’s work is consistent with earlier muckrakers that exposed blatant government corporate abuses as in “The Octopus” and “The Jungle.” This work helps explain why President Obama vetoed UN criticism of the Jewish settlements on land that is part of Palestine. Jon Stewart ‘s talk on our generous gifts of armaments is fueling war as in this case explains a lot. What has been exposed by the truth might need further investigating and exposure. “Truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is good.
  34. The reason the US leans over backwards to assist the Israeli rogue state is that they are being blackmailed. The Israeli’s have been playing with nuclear weapons since the early 1970′s. They sold nucs to PW Botha back then to keep the blacks in check in South Africa. During that period and into the present era they have had virtually no visa restrictions and free passage into the US and other UN allied nations. They used this access to plant remote controlled nuclear bombs in all the major cities of the western nations. The still maintain the remote control of these hidden bombs. No matter what good intentions a western leader might entertain when they gain office and seek to exercise their newly found influence they are immediately informed of the Israeli hidden bombs and the blackmail continues. There can be no other reason why leader after leader all cave-in hen they assume office. This is the real problem that the Israeli Jews seem unstoppable. It is hard to wrap your heads around this but that’s whats going on and there is no stopping the heartless Jews of Israel and their agents in the US congress and the AIPAC-JDL monsters in the dual citizen Jewish enclaves of the Western world. They will win this easily just as they have for the past 60 plus years. They are not human. They never make mistakes and they will stop at nothing to exercise their power. Consider yourselves all blackmailed. Checkmate.
  35. NYT – JERUSALEM — Minutes after Israel began a unilateral and partial cease-fire in Gaza on Monday, the air force struck a house in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, killing a girl, 8, and wounding at least 29 others.
    I think “cease-fire” will have to be added as a new chapter next to “terrorism” in Obama’s/Netenyahu’s co-written upcoming new book: “how to make no sense whatsoever while spinning madly” released by neo-con press!!
    …no , hold on there is precedent for this…I found a article from the NYT in the early days of WWII:
    “Despite the advance of Panzer brigades across Europe, Hitler’s declared unilateral and partial ceasefire, has been confirmed! Not a single German shot has been fired anywhere except where there were, well, Germans shooting!!!”
  36. “But even as the NSA and its partners are directed by political branches to feed the Israelis surveillance data and technology, they constantly characterize Israel as a threat – both to their own national security and more generally to regional peace”
    What is consistently missing to explain this paradox is, the ‘Christian Dominion’ belief in literal Armageddon which rules at the Pentagon, backed by too many politicians and cohorts in DC to possibly begin to explain here, including Hillary Clinton, it’s not only right-wing nut jobs. Ever wonder how it is Hillary never met a conflict she did not like? Try googling ‘hillary clinton, doug coe’ after you’ve watched this video (beginning at minute 10:45)
    ^ “the prevalence in the military of “Dominionism,” the radical Evangelical Christian theology that anticipates the imminent return of Jesus Christ, and why the fight for religious freedom within the military may be all that stands between us and global nuclear destruction” (‘Young Turks’ promo)
    The video explains quite a bit more; Hitler controlled Germany with 8% of his military dedicated NAZIs. The present day USA military is estimated at 28-35% extreme Christian right wing personalities, especially concentrated in the Air Force, and special operations commanders at the Pentagon, essentially people who embrace ‘pre-millennial’ literal Armageddon theology.
    And yeah, they have custody of the world’s most lethal arsenal, and feed the conflict in the middle east with tears of joy at prayer meetings, seeing themselves as ‘God’s new chosen’ while anticipating blowing up the world to see the return of Jesus.
    Think that’s far fetched? Like I heard a Black woman comedian (I don’t recall her name) “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt”
      • Actually, that section of the Christian community is a pillar of practical Zionism, insures funds and military assistance to Israel, and is a point among the spears behind the push for ‘Greater Israel.’ Why? It’s in their theology AND the Israeli’s milk any source of practical support, no matter how depraved or alien to their long term interest
        • @ Ronald Thomas West:
          Glad that you keep trying to expose the Christian Zionists/Nazi’s. I commend your efforts.
        • You mean the shills that have taught Evangelical Christians that Jews are the chosen ones when Christ so clearly calls them murderers of the prophets (matthew 23:27-35) and children of the devil (john 8:44-48) – Evangelical Christians have been Judaized. They are no longer Christians because they do not understand the words of the Savior.
          • @ Heidi
            So, you believe you are a ‘new Jew’ like mental whack-job (and super-zionist) Ann Coulter? I wrote ‘God’s Chosen is a Dumb Idea” to describe criminal mentalities such as that, it’s worth a read ;)
            But perhaps more important for you to know (I’m not holding my breath you’ll be in love with this) is:
            The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1993.
            “For Paul, the Christ was to be understood as a dying/rising lord, symbolized in baptism (buried with him, raised with him), of the type he knew from the hellenistic [Greek] mystery religions. In Paul’s theological scheme, Jesus the man played no essential role.”

            “Eighty-two percent of  the words ascribed to Jesus in the gospels were not actually spoken by him, according to the Jesus Seminar.” Page 5

            “The church appears to smother the historical Jesus by superimposing this heavenly figure on him in the creed: Jesus is displaced by the Christ, as the so-called Apostle’s Creed makes evident.” Page 7

            “The first step is to understand the diminished role the Gospel of John plays in the search for the Jesus of history. The two pictures painted by John and the synoptic [Matthew, Mark, Luke] gospels cannot both be historically accurate.” Page 10

            “The Fellows of the Seminar were unable to find a single saying [in John] they could with certainty trace back to the historical Jesus.” Page 10

            “The words attributed to Jesus in the Fourth Gospel.. ..are the creation of the evangelist for the most part..” Page 10

            “Words borrowed from the fund of common lore or the Greek scriptures are often put on the lips of Jesus.” Page 22

            “The evangelists frequently attribute their own statements to Jesus.” Page 23

            “We know that the evangelists not infrequently ascribed Christian words to Jesus-they made him talk like a Christian, when, in fact, he was only the precursor of the movement that was to take him as its cultic hero.” Page 29

            “Jesus rarely makes pronouncements or speaks about himself in the first person. Jesus makes no claim to be the Anointed, the messiah.” Page 32

            “Jesus taught that the last will be first and the first will be last. He admonished his followers to be servants of everyone. He urged humility as the cardinal virtue by both word and example. Given these terms, it is difficult to imagine Jesus making claims for himself-I am the son of God, I am the expected One, the Anointed-unless, of course, he thought that nothing he said applied to himself.” Page 33
          • “Eighty-two percent of the words ascribed to Jesus in the gospels were not actually spoken by him, according to the Jesus Seminar.”
            “I never said most of the things I said.” -Yogi Berra
          • Just as useful as people of the Jewish religion. Religion itself is a spiritual control mechanism. When you couple it with political and economic control the end result is total control which is the ultimate Zionist/Nazi objective.
        • There is no “Jewish lobby.” – Gator90
          The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
          Pro-Israel Political Action Committees (PACs)
          Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
          The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF)
          The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP)
          Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
          International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (aka Stand for Israel)
          Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
          Simon Wiesenthal Center
          The Israel Project
          Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF)
          Hadassah (Women’s Zionist Organization of America)
          America’s Voices in Israel (AVI)
          The Jewish Agency for Israel
          Stand with Us
          Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI)
          Jewish Community Relations Councils, Jewish Federations,Hillels
          Organizations that target students and youth:
          David Project
          Amcha Initiative
          Young Israel
          Jewish Council for Public Affairs
          Jewish National Federation (JNF)
          Zionist Organiation of America (ZOA)
          American Jewish Committee (AJC)
          World Jewish Congress
          Friends of Aish Hatorah
          Republican Jewish Coalition
          National Jewish Democratic Council
          Foundation for Defense of Democracies
          Saban Center at Brookings
          Center for Security Policy, neo-con brain center
          Foreign Policy Initiative (PNAC 2.0)
          • 1 BlackRock US $3,560 trillion
            2 UBS Switzerland $2,280 trillion
            3 Allianz Germany $2,213 trillion
            4 Vanguard Group US $2,080 trillion
            5 State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) US $1,908
            6 PIMCO (Pacific Investment Management Company) US $1,820 trillion
            7 Fidelity Investments US $1,576 trillion
            8 AXA Group France $1,393 trillion
            9 JPMorgan Asset Management US $1,347 trillion
            10 Credit Suisse Switzerland $1,279 trillion
            11 BNY Mellon Asset Management US $1,299 trillion
            12 HSBC UK $1,230 trillion
            13 Deutsche Bank Germany $1,227 trillion
            These are the controllers.
          • Sure there are all of these lobbies but they do not constitute a ‘Jewish’ lobby. Neither does ‘J Street’ (opposed to these groups agenda) constitute a ‘Jewish’ lobby. ‘Zionist lobby’ might fit your list but Jews do not neatly fit, there is too much diversity. ‘Jewish lobby’ cannot conflate Tikkun Olam and the Hasidics in the West Bank, it just doesn’t work, they are largely mutually exclusive philosophies on a political (lobby) level. And how do the Christian Zionists incorporated into AIPAC meet the ‘Jewish lobby’ criteria? Because they consider themselves ‘New Jews’?
            Btw, the video link posted in the original comment feature a prominent Jew, Mikey Weinstein, who is perhaps radical right Christian Zionism’s (and by extension, AIPAC’s) most dangerous opponent
            ‘Jewish lobby’ is a simplistic, inaccurate term, perhaps best personified by anti-Semitic personalities who hold fantasies of Illuminati.
          • DSP, you have too much time on your hands.
            With that said, of course there are organizations, consisting largely or wholly of Jews, that lobby for US support of Israel. Most Jews, however, are not members of these organizations. The organizations’ members comprise a very small fraction of the American Jewish population. These groups do not represent or speak for all Jews by any stretch of the imagination. To insist on using the term “Jewish lobby” in the face of these fairly obvious facts is, well, weird.
          • Nobody said the “Jewish lobby” represents all Jews. There is no single “environmental lobby,” “Catholic lobby” or for that matter “defense lobby” either. But there is a definite general class of lobbyists that purport to do their lobbying in support of Israel (whatever that means to them), and I see no problem referring to them collectively as “the Jewish lobby.” Maybe you’d prefer “the Israel lobby.” Either terms works for me.
          • @ liberalrob
            Jews and Israel are distinct things. The 70+ percent of American Jews that believe a Palestinian state should be based on the pre-1967 borders (J Street poll) can hardly be defined as part of the ‘Jewish lobby’ as many people would interpret the term in pro-aggressive sense of Israeli policy. It is simplistic and misleading to use the general term “Jewish” in regards to ‘lobby’ & ‘Israel’ because the term “Jewish” is altogether too disparate to jam into one mold and portray a community’s ideas and differences accurately. It is this error or negative communication phenomena lends power to stereotype (my opinion)
          • @liberalrob:
            “Israel lobby” has the virtue of accurately referring to the focus of the lobby’s endeavors. “Jewish lobby” is accurate only in that it identifies the religious affiliation of many (though by no means all) of the individuals comprising the lobby.
            Suppose some Americans started forming organizations to oppose US aid to Israel, and many, but not all, of the people in these groups were Arab-American Muslims. Would you call this the “Islamic lobby”? Would you refer to Christian groups lobbying for abortion restrictions as the “Christian lobby”? Of course you wouldn’t. So how is this different?
  37. This is a perfect companion piece to Chris Hedges’ blog in TruthDig today. Glenn provides the documentation and governmental background while Chris gets to the actual heart of Israel’s actions and the reasons behind them. Please, please read this VERY important piece: http://www.truthdig.com/report/page2/why_israel_lies_20140803
    As Hedges writes: “Israel engages in the kinds of jaw-dropping lies that characterize despotic and totalitarian regimes. It does not deform the truth; it inverts it. It routinely paints a picture for the outside world that is diametrically opposed to reality. And all of us reporters who have covered the occupied territories have run into Israel’s Alice-in-Wonderland narratives, which we dutifully insert into our stories—required under the rules of American journalism—although we know they are untrue.”
    THANK YOU Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges for fearlessly speaking truth to power!!
    • You know, I sometimes wonder if our biggest relative advantage in the Western world thus far has been the particular type of Theory Of Mind that springs from a Christian-dominant mindset. The shadow side to “love your enemy” is “know your enemy”, as it’s impossible to truly understand something that you hate. And while I think Hedges makes some interesting points here, he doesn’t seem to see that he falls right back into the same kind of dualistic thinking he describes. When he thinks people need to see The Truth, he thinks they need to see His Point Of View. This kind of thinking drives me crazy, because it shuts down productive debate. I recently saw Sam Harris refused to debate Scott Atran, because he thinks Atran is dishonest in his views. Nothing I have seen about Atran leads me to believe he is dishonest, nothing I have seen about Harris leads me to believe he lies about other people – so I assume this is a case of “Your views and perspective make so little sense to me, that the only explanation that does make sense is that you must be lying or speaking in bad faith”. Like the old face-vase illusion, or dancer illusion – look, if you don’t see a face here, you must be crazy. I think we do this all the time, because the slice of subjective reality we can ‘see’ is so limited, and we don’t take other people’s word for it that there is more out there. (I don’t think Greenwald particularly does this – he gives the impression of someone who argues one side but usually knows quite well how the other side thinks. Unless he feels particularly uncharitably towards them. I will not look to him for insightful analysis on British Lords anytime soon.)
  38. How can I possibly process the content of this article when it was released at the same time as a NYTimes profile wherein Glenn is being smooched by fuzzy dogs? Was this deliberate manipulation on the part of Greenwald? Perhaps, but if so, it backfired, because the field of squee is so huge that I now want to snuggle everyone referenced in this entire article. C’mere Glenn, Corey Robin, Obama, Netanyahu, Snowden, Ken Roth, Andrew Fishman, Kevin Drum, Lior Mizrahi, President Lyndon Johnson and Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol, in no particular order, there needs to be a group hug right about now.
    I’m confused about the 2007 Strategic Mission List – is this a document that has been released, or no? I think what exactly led to the things discussed in this article (Israel as a leading FIS threat, etc.) are important. I’d need some context on that before I can comment.
    As to the ‘throwing up of the hands’ in regard to Israel Palestine. Well (I feel like I’m at confession or something… slides open wooden door…) I have to say I get it. It is nice to take a moral high ground stance, or, if that’s not possible, at least a ‘tut tut, people in that culturally foreign and very far away place need to learn to get along’ removed stance. But the situation of Israel is like one of those ethical conundrums they give you about throwing people in front of trolleys – no answer will let you go home feeling good about yourself. It’s either “Yes, the Israeli’s have to accept some death and destruction of their people for the sake of living up to a democratic ideal”, or, “Yes, the Palestinians have to accept some oppression and death and destruction for the sake of Israeli safety”. Who wants to point a finger and say “You – I choose death for you. Woo hoo, glad that’s done, now, how about that new Kardashian app, huh? Maybe we should debate whether or not it’s right for them to be famous. Now there’s a good moral conundrum. I mean, what do they do for a living, really, huh, am I right or am I right? But then again, what with the free market… ok, this might be a long talk, so, which side do you…”
  39. Would that I could rip out every tree I bought for Israel in 1949 with my bare hands.
    Israel makes Germany seem like gentlemen. All aid should be stopped. The Kool-aid narratives we are supposed to swallow is insulting and gut- wrenching. I weep for the Palestinians and our choice of friends. As a retired RN,wish I were there to help in Gaza
  40. It’s been a long time since the USG (not US citizens) did anything out of goodness so I
    think it can be taken for granted that Israel
    is needed for strategic reasons. As for the
    general population our relationship with
    Israel is so enmeshed in religious absurdities as to make a rational approach
    to the I/P conflict impossible.
    If you google Max Blumenthal on YouTube
    you can find a video of a conference he attended hosted by the Rev. James Haggie
    having to do with American/Israeli relations. It’s quite an eye opener.
  41. There is nothing special about Israel. Their own ancient history (Exodus 15:14) disputes their claim to Palestine which they invaded during old biblical times when that land was know as Palestina.
    It has been the intent of Zionist before WW I to claim all of that land for “Jews only.”
    Nor would the United States be interested in it all except for Middle East oil; “our oil.”
    Obama is just another complicit president passing through nor will the next president be any different when it comes to the rights of the Palestinians.
    Israel controls the American government and most of our Congress are too stupid to see it.
    • I thought it was Philistia but it doesn’t really matter. The fact is that our major ally in the region with whom we have longstanding ties is engaging in ethnic cleansing and possibly war crimes. Our capacity for moral suasion stands on shaky ground at best thanks to our own ignominious recent history, and in fact seems increasingly ironic and ineffectual. We intervened in Kosovo because of crap like this, when it was the loathed Milosevic-led Yugoslavia doing the cleansing, but we can’t seem to bring ourselves to do it when it’s our ally on the other side.
      I think the Israeli far right is in need of a lesson on just what their situation is. Netanyahu is alleged to have said that we are not to question him again when it comes to dealing with the Palestinians. If true, that’s an amazing thing to say to the nation that has supported and helped guarantee your nation’s existence amidst a sea of enemies who you claim would like nothing better than to extirpate it (and you individually). “Biting the hand that feeds you” is not a recipe for success, I would think.
  42. But the subjects of this reporting will most likely never make it into the mainstream media and so the American public will remain ignorant, ill informed, and manipulated into believing that the US is an innocent bystander in the gruesome deaths of 10′s of 1000′s of civilians including women and children. America has got to be one of the most propagandized populations in the world nowadays.
  43. Two pages! haha and super gay Glen said the Snowden material on Israel wouldn’t be what we thought… Jews and money isn’t what he thought we’d expect? hahaha. Politicians lying? hypocrites? The weapons are made in merica? hahaha this is all crap even for a homo in the jungle I expected better. No wonder the CIA doesn’t bother to send someone down there to cut your dick sucking throat. You’re someones tool or part of some bs.
  44. Ola Glenn, como vai rapaz? Faz tempo, desde os dias de Salon.
    Liked your article – your premise about allies having a part or being complicit in Israel’s aggression against its enemies states the obvious.
    It seems you assume partnering with an ally is improper whether it is sharing intelligence or supplying munitions – not sure why these actions bother you.
    • The issue of Israel’s creation and survival is not important to the United States so much as it is important to the dominant political parties in the United States. Constant references to Israel, the Holocaust, security, and “America’s ally in the Middle East” are ways of keeping a strategic bloc of high median income voters fearful and susceptible to appeals for political support. This configuration was foreshadowed during the Wilson presidency – see Brandeis, Untermeyer, Balfour – but Harry Truman permanently tied America’s destiny to that of Israel in return for the New York electoral college vote and cash in 1948.
    • Israel wears the target that will pass to the US once Israel ceases to exist – so say some.
      Others say supporting Israel puts God on our side – “…he who blesses Israel I will bless…” thus says the Lord (paraphrased).
      Maybe one might speculate Israel provides strategic advantage or excuse to US for intervention to protect our ally and sustain the MIC of Eisenhower’s warning – economic stimulation.
      Pick your poison
    • Israel was a critical regional ally in the Cold War. Its service as a convenient destination for the persecuted Jews of Europe (and the Soviet Union) after WWII was also important. And until the Israeli far-right became as unhinged as our own, it seemed like it was on the way to a more-or-less peaceful resolution of this whole sordid affair. All that’s been scuppered now, though. Heckuva job, Bibi.
      Also, some if not all of this has to be laid at the feet of the Bush Administration. One more idiotic policy decision among the many they made was to refuse to recognize Hamas as the duly-elected government of the Palestinian Territories. That gave Israel license to do the same. Like everything else those idiots did, that’s worked out well.
  45. Hmm, this article, what comes to mind for me is what I understand to be the overriding reason America stockpiles weapons in Israel.. and the reason it is rarely talked about on TV (if ever).
    America considers Israel to be its staging area, in the event of a major military struggle in the Middle East. That is the number one reason why American bombs and bullets are stored there. As powerful as the Israeli lobby is, first and foremost, America looks after itself first.(just like any other country).
    You will find weapons stockpiled in Germany and Japan too. What do they get out of it? reasurance that nearby powers (such as China/Russia) will be detered from a military attack. perhaps like what is happening in Ukraine.
    Specifically, America has strategically valued its freedom of passage through the Suez canal, and access to all the oil in the area.
    I mention all this, merely to point out that any honest discussion about what is happening in Gaza, and to Palestine, and to America’s military support of Israel, both in bullets and intelligence, must factor in America’s longstanding consensus position among the military planners that job one for America is keeping Israel as a reliable staging ground for a US troop buildup in preparation for a war against the potential adversaries such as Russia or Iran
    -”Israel is not, of course, situated in some geographical backwater, but at the junction of paramount American interests. Its prominence on the eastern Mediterranean littoral, at the nexus of North Africa and Southwest Asia, has enabled the United States to minimize its military deployments in the area. In the Persian Gulf, by contrast, the absence of a dependable and sturdy ally like Israel has impelled the United States to commit hundreds of thousands of troops and trillions of dollars. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig’s observation 30 years ago still resonates today: “Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier, and is located in a critical region for American national security.” ”
    In these terms, in the terms of America’s government, in the eyes of successive American presidents, including Obama, all the blown up schools, all the dead Palestinains, all the lip service given to the values of human rights and self determination and justice and peace,…these are merely public relations files that need to be handled so as to not endanger America’s strategic plans for Israel and the Middle East
    • And that goes for the UK as well, that is why after weeks of bombardment in Gaza, thousands of casualties later, we get this laughable story…Britain is going to have a look to see if any of the armaments it gave to Israel have been used:
      -”Campaigners are most worried about £42m of arms export licences granted to 130 British companies, including two supplying components for the Hermes drone and one selling components for Israel’s main battle tank.”
      Don’t worry, Britain!, just before they cross the border into Gaza, all the British parts pop off the Israeli drones and tanks (it’s only momentum that allows them to complete their missions!!!)
    • Israel as a US ammo dump? Where is the proof of this? Are there confirmed sitings of heavy US military shipping drawing from/replenishing this dump during the two Iraq wars?
      What I have observed over the years are efforts to exaggerate how important Israel is to the US. Whenever I hear of something such as this, that is the first thing I think of.
      • War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel
        War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel also known as War Reserve Stockpile Ammunition-Israel or simply WRSA-I was established in the 1990s and is maintained by the United States European Command.[2] It is one of the US’ biggest War Reserves, located within Israel.[3] Initially the WRSA-I stock had $100 million,[4] however prior to Operation Protective Edge had nearly $1 billion dollars worth of reserves,[5] with authorization to increase this up to $1.2 billion.[6] The stock includes ammunition, smart bombs, missiles, military vehicles and a military hospital with 500 beds, all spread around the country in 6 different locations.[7]
        When needed, Israel can request to access the WRSA-I stock, which would then need to be approved by the US congress.[8] One such example is during Operation Protective Edge, the US authorized Israel to access 120mm mortar rounds and 40mm grenade launcher ammunition,[9] which were some of the older items in the stock, which would need to be replaced soon there after anyway.[10]
        It is common knowledge among educated people.
        • It is common knowledge among educated people.
          Well, most common knowledge among people who think they are educated is seriously flawed.
          So is it a real US ammo dump, or is its only purpose to boost Israel’s actual access to munitions well beyond the huge amounts that are common knowledge among educated people? Getting permission from the US Congress to use it is a given. There are only a handful who would ever vote no.
          • It is both.
            Now we can mention the “Gorilla in the room” which is…
            Does the US store nuclear munitions in Israel?
            How much of the Israeli nuclear arsenal was attained from the United States?
            Those are the real questions when a country seems pointed to ethnic cleansing with no seeming recourse.
      • MIke Sulzer – “Israel as a US ammo dump? Where is the proof of this? … efforts to exaggerate how important Israel is to the US.”
        Hi, Mike, well it’s been in the news this past week, Obama giving Netanyahu permission to dip into it, so I didn’t think I needed to put a link to that…try “google”
        on your second point, I guess my point is that what is left unsaid about America’s real motivations explains WHY you may hear about how important Israel is to the US. in other terms, for example, instead you may hear about “Shared values” and all that crap. (Tell the dead Palestinians about those shared values)
        And I find it notable that reporters/commentators on tv are loathe to talk about it in terms that you will find in “Foreign Policy” magazine, as I quoted, but it is nevertheless on those terms that the American government, from WWII onward has operated.
      • I agree. Had Israeli been a mere weapons dump, we would have staged for Desert Storm much more easily than using Saudi space.
        Our relationship is, imo, based more on the need to control US Christians and, as an added attraction as a test bed for development of future weapons.
        In either case, it is an un-holy alliance that portends nothing good for the world. One way or the other, it must stop NOW.
        • -”I agree. Had Israeli been a mere weapons dump, we would have staged for Desert Storm much more easily than using Saudi space. ”
          Things aren’t always easy. In every US military attack in the Middle East, concern is raised about Israel being openly part of offensive operations (for ex. Israeli troops joining the “coalition of the willing” next to the ten guys from Poland or the British troops)
          …and staging the Iraq attacks from Israel? looking at a map there seems to be the problem there of getting troops and planes out of Israel, past countries such as Jordan, to Iraq.
          Jordan quietly granting overfly, base rights to US planes is one thing, but letting troops invade from Israel? That would be asking a lot from the monarchy.
        • Dam good to see you, Bill.
          Yeah, Israel is no ‘mere’ weapons’ dump. … and, lord knows, there are some u.s. ‘Christians’ who believe the one&only road to the Second Coming runs through Israel!
          *don’t mind me, I was just reading, slack-jawed, at the suggestion of some long-ago Foreign Policy-type ‘strategic’ value by killing all those poor people! … if that is so, we desperately need some new strategic planners.
      • And how about this image?
        You’ll notice that the round is fixed, that is, that the projectile and the cartridge are ready-made. Field artillery ammunition tends to separate the fuze, projectile and propellant, so this appears to be a tank round, I’m guessing 105mm. The yellow diamonds are a standard U.S. marking, indicating that it’s a beehive antipersonnel round; the fuze can be rotated so it will burst at a set distance downrange in a spray of flechettes. Your tax dollars in action!
    • Israel is not really very useful as a staging area for wars in the Middle East. It wasn’t used at all in the Iraq war. The US has the fire power to establish a beachhead anywhere it needs to launch an invasion.
      Israel is more useful as a demonstration of the efficacy of US armaments. Oil producing countries in the region, especially Saudi Arabia, sell their oil for dollars and then use them to buy American weapons. However, the US now has taken the initiative of launching its own wars to show off its arsenal and in addition, Israel has been undermining this model by building up its own arms industry, in some cases undercutting the US. So it is a less valuable strategic ally than formerly – hence the references in NSA documents to Israel as a potential adversary. There is an underlying tension developing between the Israeli and US administrations, which is evident if you follow the news – even if they don’t admit it publicly.
      However, it’s a big world, and the strategy which has worked so well in the Middle East appears to have great promise in Africa, another resource rich region. It may even be possible to translate the model to the former Soviet Republics. So I think there will be plenty of business for everybody, and there is no need for close allies to squabble in such an unseemly fashion, especially since Israel is too small to make a big dint in global US arms sales.
      • Benito – “Israel has been undermining this model by building up its own arms industry, in some cases undercutting the US”
        Good point Benito, but doesn’t all you’ve learned make you wish you had another crack at the Ehepia campaign??
      • It wasn’t used at all in the Iraq war.
        It wasn’t needed for that, as we already had adequate staging facilities much closer to hand in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
        There is an underlying tension developing between the Israeli and US administrations, which is evident if you follow the news – even if they don’t admit it publicly.
        “I don’t like violence, Tom. I’m a businessman. Blood is bad for business.” -The Godfather
  46. Legal or not, the NSA’s extensive, multi-level cooperation with Israeli military and intelligence agencies is part of a broader American policy that actively supports and enables Israeli aggression and militarism. Every Israeli action in Gaza has U.S. fingerprints all over it. Many Americans may wish that the Israeli attack on Gaza were a matter of no special relevance or concern to them, but it is their own government that centrally enables this violence.
    Strategic international relationships tend to remain stable (immovable) because national interests remain similar even when (or especially when) various parties change political leadership.
    When a “rogue” regime (or indigenous political movement) threatens this stability, it must be eliminated — with an invasion as in Iraq, with a coup as in Egypt while Morsi was in power, and with active opposition when political opposition looks viable (wahabis in SA, ISUS in Syria/Iraq.)
    Stifling political dissent in foreign regimes helps maintain an appearance of stability while actually fueling nationalist (and religious) opposition. People without a voice in their own destiny target and attack their (perceived) oppressors. Thus a smoldering war against the oppressed — otherwise known as the “war on terror” — develops, targeting indigenous political opposition.
    From this perspective, from the perspective of an imperial power devoted to the maintenance of the status quo — cooperation among “friendly” regimes (especially among their State police services) makes good sense. Identify and isolate dissident movements in key States, marginalize and assassinate dissident leadership, and empower and arm compliant regimes. (with the added bonus of kickbacks of US taxpayers’ money to US defense industries supplying weapons and support in material and training.)
    But what happens to countries where there’s no viable political opposition? (See Central American death squads and drug gangs.)
    When States disallow or subvert viable and realistic political opposition, various foreseeable consequences follow.
    Dissident politicval groups like Al-qaeda, religious nationalists (Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Ruhollah Khomeini in Iraq), ISUS, Hamas, the Taliban (in Pakistan) and desperate refugees fleeing the tyranny of war inevitably follow. This dynamic strengthens the police agencies in these compliant states — which generates more resistance which generates more overt repression which further strengthens police agencies … etc.
    Chaos becomes the enemy and political orthodoxy becomes the demand. Stability at any cost!
    Worse, the police agencies in our sponsoring “democracies” (like Britain, the US and Israel) increase their own domestic power and inevitably turn that power against their own citizens which opportunistic politicians parlay into greater power for themselves.
    What happens next should be obvious.
    • Yes, but what of state sponsored terror? Each one of the groups you named has, at some point in time, received funding and/or training from western powers. For the sake of plausible deniability, the US routinely funnels aid through third-party intelligence agencies such as the Mossad, ISI, Mukhabarat, and Savak (to name a few), front companies, and/or NGOs.
  47. Thsi is one of the most outstanding take-downs of the myriad Israeli spokespeople on tv news:
    -”What a refreshing change from that tired old thinking that always blames murder on the murderer. Mister Drome, once a spokesman for the Israeli government, said the Israelis were “lured into a trap, now Hamas sheds crocodile tears about the dead”.
    If only more of us understood bombed schools in this way. We always rush to judge some poor kid in an American town who mows down his classmates, without even pausing to consider the dead kids probably tricked him into it, and now to make it worse their parents are all pretending to cry.”
  48. The misspelling of “Finnancial Maneger” is interesting. The internet says you’re most likely to find it happening in Indian subcontinent, especially Pakistan. I’d also note that a critical laptop associated with Iran’s nuclear program was stolen from Iran in mid-2004 and quickly came to American hands.
    Rampant speculation–
  49. Nothing very surprising here. I would be surprised if the NSA, Israel, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, etc. did not share intelligence and surveillance in many areas. Also not a surprise, is that Israel does not behave as an American puppet. They make their own decisions and thus frustrate their supporters.
    • Israel will be the US’s puppet when it’s needed. Don’t doubt it. It was identified as a strategic asset long ago and the arrangements in place are in accordance with that position. Of course corporatocracy states work together, a la Operation Condor. It’s just a fact. There’s nothing to be ‘not surprised’ about.
      • The US gov’t is Israel’s puppet. Have you not seen the ENTIRE congress rise and give Netanyahu a standing ovation? Do you not know how many Jews and Crypto’s/Marrano’s/Conversos are in the gov’t, business, banking, and media?
        How else would they BRAINWASH the ENTIRE US populations?
  50. Great work from Mr. Greenwald and of course, Mr. Snowden. Thank you for calling ‘em out when no one else will.
  51. Without dwelling long on this or that “ism”
    When viewed through a historical prism,
    It seems fair to relate
    That the Israeli State
    Will be seen as an Oasis of Freedom in a Desert of Despotism.
    As an Island of Hope in a Sea of Despair.
    As an Oasis of Democracy in a Desert of Tyranny.
    As an Island of Modernity in a Medieval Sea.
    As an Island of Enlightenment in a Sea of Ignorance.
    As an Island of Reason in a Sea of Irrationality.
    As an Island of Prosperity in a Sea of Envy.
    As an Oasis of Mental Health in a Desert of Psychoses.
    As an Oasis of Success in a Desert of Failure.
    And any current attitudes to the contrary will reside, as ‘t were, in the dust bin of history.
  52. The children & grandchildren of the Jews who underwent the Holocaust reread history & are now carrying out the same atrocities to those Arabs deemed inferior the way the Nazis carried them out against the Jews deemed inferior. Before long Israel will surpass nazi Germany, if it has not already done so.
    • It’s the exact conclusion half of the media leads you to believe; the calculated anti-thesis in anticipation of a predetermined synthesis.
      In reality both historical instances were/are intentionally caused 100% by r1b’s and their stolen intel apparatus.
      It is not going down in history as a crime committed by Jews accompanied by the statement “see everybody does it” (actually nobody does it but r1b’s), rather it’s going down in history as another crime being 100% orchestrated and committed by r1b all by themselves as usual and trying to blame it on someone else…. as usual.
    • The Founding Fathers of Israel were Bolshevik-Communists.
      They Bolshevik-Communists murdered over 60 Million Christians in Russia and surrounding European countries.
      The National Socialists of Germany were fighting against these people. Don’t believe the Jewish media and entertainment industry – they’ve been lying for years.
      Just look at slavery – they put out the movie ‘Roots’ claiming it was based on a true story – however, the author of the book was sued for taking whole pieces of story from another book that was a work of fiction.
      They lie.
      Titus 1:14 “Not giving heed to Jewish Fables and commandments of men that turn from the TRUTH”
    • How can they become like the “Nazis” when the Founding Fathers of Israel were Bolshevik-Communists.
      The Bolshevik-Communists murdered over 60 MILLION Christians in Russia and other European countries.
      Call them what they are, Communists.
  53. At this point, I think Israel’s intentions with respect to Gaza, specifically, and the “Two State Solution,” generally, are well defined and well understood. I don’t know how anyone could argue honestly, or in good faith, otherwise. That this agenda is so very clear is gut-grinding enough, but to grasp the extent to which the U.S. is up to its eyeballs in supporting and facilitating Israel’s aspirations makes me seethe. The best analysis I’ve read on this cozy US-Israel relationship was provided by @billmon1. I appreciate that he put it in storify form:
    The Strange Case of “Amerisrael”
    The imperial politics of the “special relationship” make it especially hard to tell where one country ends and another begin
    by @billmon1
    Given this, I’m not precisely sure where my leverage is as an American citizen. In isolation, doubtless, not much. But, it does clarify for me that I might have to engage in some less-than-desirable-under-normal-conditions alliances to amplify the little leverage I have. That does speak to me in terms of where my limited campaign donations are going to go, and where my energy will be placed in a voting booth. An otherwise strong set of preferences for US domestic policy has just been pushed to the bottom of my priority list.
    Not. In. My. Name.
  54. Oh! Dear, Dear! How must I apologize on behalf of my ungovernable democratically elected government?!
    What is with the commenters who cannot take a breath without excusing themselves, entering extreme denial of their own culpability and duplicity in these international war crimes of their own nation-state. and otherwise babble on and on about how the US is not responsible for what Israel does?
    What does it take to awaken a victim of a self-inflicted coma?
  55. This is nothing new. The Jewish lobby’s influence goes back decades. As the Jewish intellectual Irving Kristol wrote in 1973,
    Senator McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel… Jews don’t like big military budgets. But it is now an interest of the Jews to have a large and powerful military establishment in the United States…American Jews who care about the survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we can defend Israel.

    Irving Kristol is Bill Kristol’s father. The Jewish lobby’s evangelical, conservative, Democrat and Republican cronies are a problem too in the American political scene but ultimately a side show.
    • I forgot to close a tag in my comment. The above post should read like this:
      This is nothing new. The Jewish lobby’s influence goes back decades. As the Jewish intellectual Irving Kristol wrote in 1973,
      Senator McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel… Jews don’t like big military budgets. But it is now an interest of the Jews to have a large and powerful military establishment in the United States…American Jews who care about the survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don’t want to cut the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we can defend Israel.
      Irving Kristol is Bill Kristol’s father. The Jewish lobby’s evangelical, conservative, Democrat and Republican cronies are a problem too in the American political scene but ultimately a side show.
      • There is no “Jewish lobby.” There is a group of Americans, many but certainly not all of whom are Jewish, who lobby the US government to assist Israel in various ways. Their agenda is not concerned with Jews in general, but rather with a very specific set of foreign policy issues. Most American Jews are not members of the “lobby” and contribute nothing to it. And it certainly does not speak for all American Jews, let alone all Jews worldwide. I’m a Jew and it ain’t my lobby.
  56. Great publication! I look forward everyday to what is next and am constantly checking the page for new stories. I will say that until a few months ago I believe Israel was as a country, militarily responsible and decent….little did I know. What they have been doing this month and the innocent people they have killed is genocide. It is awful that they can do this to people with impunity and call it preemptive action. Its pure and simple evil and the US, our country, my country is enabling them to do this. What kills me is when the cameras are on our government officials will sound the horns and condemn Israel’s actions and blah blah blah, its all lip service because we are providing the intelligence and weapons. How two faced the Obama administration is, its so frustrating.
    • Although I am sympathetic to your comment, some care is warranted when using the word “genocide” to describe the current situation. Overuse of the word debases it’s value.
        • Genocide has a very specific meaning – the intent and action to destroy an entire ethnic or religious group. It seems that Israel has done a poor job if that was their goal.
          • So when its policy is to maintain the economy of Gaza in the brink of collapse, what do you call that?
            Maybe the Nazis did not intend to commit genocide, since they did feed the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto.
  57. Just because we (the United States) supply weapons and intelligence to Israel doesn’t mean that we are causing them to do what they are doing. The US is trying to broker a peace deal where Hamas in Gaza stops firing rockets at Israel and building tunnels into Israel and in return Israel withdraws its forces.
    The mistake that Israel is making is that it is allowing too many civilian causalities. But it is within its rights to defend itself against Hamas. We have struggled with that ourselves in our battles with Al Qaeda. When they hide in areas with lots of civilians it is difficult to get them without hurting civilians.
    • But it is within its rights to defend itself against Hamas.
      I do not recognize that right, and no decent person should, and I’ll tell you why. If Israel stops oppressing people, and then it gets attacked for no reason, that’s when they have the right of self-defense in the sense you mean it. Meanwhile, Gazans have a right of self-defense as any oppressed people would, and I see no way to refute this.
      • @Jose – For many decades, Israel did exactly what you recommend. They only responded to direct, large scale attacks, 1948, 1967, 1973,… this approach did not lead to peace. I am not saying that the current approach is any better.
        • That is saying “for many years I was ignorant of Israeli genocidal policies against the Palestinians and still am therefore it didn’t happen.”
        • It’s been non-stop colonialism since 1947. That’s the reality. There’s something called the “1948 Palestinian Exodus.” The right term for it is ethnic cleansing. The 1967 war was what’s now called a “pre-emptive” attack by Israel, and its purpose what clearly expansionism.
    • Israel is ALLOWING too many civilian causalities?!! what a joke…
      israel is KILLING civilians and don’t worry’ your israeli friends admit it and say: “we know children are getting killed, but hey, our kids can’t go to kindergarten, it’s totally fair, an eye for an eye…”
      sorry but FUC… You ALL ZIONIST murdering PIGS…
    • You sound like u are are falling for the Zionist propaganda. Let’s look at the facts: zionists are told “shoot to kill”. That’s their motto. The USA gives ammunition to support this motto.
      • The hope is for the world to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a state from the sea to the river. But that would only happen if the Palestinians fall in line with Egypt and Jordan who are being threatened and bribed by the US and UK to remain quiet in spite of Israel brutality’s toward the Palestinians . Poor Israel! They know that their democratic country was established by the people who abused them. And those people did not have the courage to offer them land in Germany, France or England, Poland, Hungary, Russia, etc. and give them arms to kill the very people who killed them. The Israelis are still fighting for authenticity in a foreign land so that’s why they have to biannually “mow the Palestinian grass”.
    • Israel has created the “Hamas problem” itself by keeping the Palestinians in a ghetto & stopping them from developing into a full-fledged nation. Israel’s obsession with Hamas is in no proportion of damage & brutal killing it is inflicting on innocent people, including children. No country, not even that “holier-than-thou” country Israel, has the right to bomb UN safe havens & hospitals.
      Israel is quickly becoming a clone of Hitler’s Germany, if it has not already surpassed it.
    • I find it extraordinary that the Palestinians have no rights to defend themselves against: land-grabbing, illegal occupation, random and constant use of drones, missiles, filling in of fresh-water wells, denied the importation of medical supplies. Israel has used white phosphorous, cluster bombs, indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, schools and UN buildings. You can see what they are doing if you search the internet – those dismembered children were conceived and born and loved in the same way that most of us were, yet the Israelis consider them to be sub-human, not worth the shedding of tears at their suffering. Consider how very few Israelis have died against the almost 2,000 Palestinians dead in this one-sided war – the third such onslaught by Israel in the past seven years. They are vandals and barbarians. Totally uncivilised, and their plans are to wipe out Gaza and whatever number are left are to be moved to a concentration camp. This according to their deputy speaker of the Knesset.
    • Person wrote:
      “Just because we (the United States) supply weapons and intelligence to Israel doesn’t mean that we are causing them to do what they are doing. The US is trying to broker a peace deal where Hamas in Gaza stops firing rockets at Israel and building tunnels into Israel and in return Israel withdraws its forces.”
      Let me help you with your wordage…. I think you meant: [and in return Israel stops the wanton killing, war crimes, and the savagery of its attacks on a trapped and helpless civilian population]
      Person continues the propaganda: “The mistake that Israel is making is that it is allowing too many civilian causalities. But it is within its rights to defend itself against Hamas. ..snip”
      I think you meant: [The mistake that Israel is making is that it is PURPOSELY CAUSING too many civilian causalities, and that Hamas has a right to defend itself]
      Person goes on:
      “We have struggled with that ourselves in our battles with Al Qaeda. When they hide in areas with lots of civilians it is difficult to get them without hurting civilians.”
      I think you meant: It’s a really tough job killing people we don’t know by remote control. We struggle with it like the bully struggles to keep from beating up on the weak… that is to say, not at all.
      You are welcome.
      • It is interesting how much Jew hatred exceeds fear of Islam in the mindset of so many in the West
        It is obvious that those who are defending the so called Palestinians have very conveniently ignored the following:
        1. A two states solution was on the table by the UN in 1947 which was utterly refused by ALL the Arabs whose publicly declared intention was to EXTERMINATE the Jews
        2. Israel had to fight to survive Arab aggression and terror in 1948; 1956; 1967; 1973; 1982 etc
        3 Israel returned every square inch of Sinai to Egypt (territory THREE times bigger than Israel) over a piece of paper that Morsi was going to overturn
        5 Hamas Charter is to EXTERMINATE all Jews
        6 The very so called Palestinians many of you are so heart broken over were the ones who were so happy at the HOLOCAUST of 3000 Americans on 911 they celebrated throwing sweets at each other
        7 The hatred of many comments of Israel & Jews also ignore the FACT that the IDF uses missiles to shield its people from Hamas indiscriminate rocket attacks while Hamas uses its people to shield their missiles
        8 Last but not least NEVER in the history of warfare has any nation attempted to reduce civilian collateral damage as Israel while Hamas does its utmost to put its civilians in harm’s way to solicit the sympathy of Jew haters such as many of you
        IQ al Rassooli
        Kafir & Proud!
        • I do not hate Jews, nor fear Islam. Sorry to destroy your narrative.
          It is amazing how incompetent Israel is at their attempts to: “reduce civilian collateral damage” as you put it. By which I’m guessing you are referring to the mass slaughter of men women and children. Let me help you, you ignorant and biased fool. Israel is a country that is committing war crimes. I don’t give a flying fuck what the predominant religion or race of that country is. Now do you get it? No, of course not.
          Keep trotting out that same shit and pretending it is not redolent of the ugly bias in that brainbox full of steamed cheese atop your shoulders.
    • Actually,other than the beginning of our incursion,there have been no attacks on AlciaDA by US in Afghanistan,our main enemy being the Taliban,and Iraq had absolutely no AlCIAda before our attack,and look at it now,baby,we’ve come a long way,and Israel has also,as they created Hamas,as a divide and conquer apparatus against the secular PLO,and look at those fruits .And to call the instigators of all this stupid idiotic nonsense intellectuals is certainly a reach too far.
  58. Israel good, Arabs bad. And the big book of Folktales tells me the end is nigh! Oh really?
    What is it that blind, hegemonic, supporters of this “fake state” don’t understand?
    Israel is ruthless, rascist and will not stop until they ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their land, which Israel thieved from them.
    Do note, Christian Zionists, particularly, that Israel have no place for you, either. Unless you are in their exclusive club, you are deemed inhuman and treated accordingly.
    A rogue state which should NOT be receiving ANY support and dismantlement of their WMD cache before they wreck humanity.
    • Another plateful of bigotry unchallenged at the latest far left wing hate site – or is that far right? Where are you DocH? Or are you just too fearful to alienate political allies?
  59. Mr. Greenwald
    “…….. The NSA and GCHQ receive intelligence about the Palestinians from many sources. The agencies have even succeeded in inducing the U.S.-supported Palestinian Authority Security Forces (PASF) to provide them with surveillance and intelligence about other Arab groups in the region……..Jordan also feeds surveillance data about the Palestinians to the NSA. One classified NSA document from 2013 describes how “NSA’s partnership with EWD [the Jordanian Electronic Warfare Directorate] is a well established, long-standing and trusted relationship dating back to the early 1980’s.” Specifically, the two agencies “cooperate on high-priority SIGINT targets of mutual interest” that includes the Palestinian Security Forces……“EWD provides high-interest, unique collection on targets of mutual interest, such as the Palestinian Security Forces; EWD is the sole contributor to a large body of NSA’s reporting on this target.”
    A politically-motivated article timed to coincide with the current conflict in Gaza. The overall message is that the US is complicit in the war in Gaza because we supply weapons and munitions to the Israeli government. In addition, the article seeks to undermine US support for Israel and politically embarrass (or worse) the Palestinian Authority and Jordan governments for cooperating with the US. This release of this information could empower Hamas – as will any settlement in this conflict that ends the embargo (except one which coincides with the disarming of Hamas).
    US-Israel intelligence cooperation is a real shocker, Mr. Greenwald. A recent publication verified a joint venture by Israel and US intelligence agencies which temporarily disabled the Iranian nuclear program using a computer virus called “Stuxnet”. The US and Israel are suspected in the murder of Iranian nuclear scientists working on the Iranian nuclear program (speculative, but who would be surprised?). There is nothing earth shattering about US-Israel intelligence and military cooperation. The US has been arming Israel essentially since the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The US brokered peace between Israel and Egypt in 1979 and has been arming both countries since that time.
    The timing of this publication is exquisite and (probably) rushed to coincide with the ongoing war in Gaza – a war in which the international community has witnessed Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza and on the Hamas terror network. Hamas has used a large amount of capital to construct an elaborate tunnel system into Israel, ostensibly to bypass the crowded Israeli streets to markets on weekends. Some of the finances could have been spent on Palestinians living in Gaza – possibly even for a bomb shelter. Hamas has vowed to continue fighting until the blockade is lifted – or the last Palestinian in Gaza is killed (whichever comes first).
    The US has nothing to gain politically by the war in Gaza. The Obama administration yesterday condemned the shelling of the UN school which left 10 people dead:
    The State Department issued a statement Sunday condemning Israel’s “disgraceful” shelling of a United Nations school sheltering civilians in Gaza…….”The United States is appalled by today’s disgraceful shelling outside an UNRWA school in Rafah sheltering some 3,000 displaced persons, in which ten more Palestinian civilians were tragically killed,”……..Psaki continues: “UN facilities, especially those sheltering civilians, must be protected, and must not be used as bases from which to launch attacks. The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians.”………”
    Finally, it’s laughable that you publish information by US intelligence which calls Israel one of the greatest threats to “…… “Espionage/intelligence collection operations and manipulation/influence operations conducted by foreign intelligence services directed against U.S. government, military, science & technology and Intelligence Community.”…..”
    Indeed, didn’t the Intercept publish how the US spies on friends like Germany? That is just one of many jobs of intelligence agencies. Remember Jonathon Pollard? Notice how France is also on the list.
    • Gee, Craig,
      Since when are real reporters in the biz of sparing people and governments the embarrassment of their lies and deceit? Greenwald doesn’t work for the inept mainstream press or the lame Washington press corp — where reporters get up every morning and think how best to kiss the government’s ass. And this article is no surprise at all. If our government will spy on its own senators, it will surely help an ally spy on its enemies in a far off land where life is cheap. I expected nothing less was going on between the US and Israel — so no shocker there.
      • Besides providing services to friends in that part of the world, we also get things in return. Has everyone forgotten that the US farmed out extraordinary rendition (torture) to Egypt before and after 9/11? That’s right folks, in the 90s Bill Clinton approved the transfer of terror suspects to be tortured Egypt, a government we later condemned in the uprising in 2011. All proof that we don’t stand for anything anymore and we’ve lost the sense of decency that was the hallmark of the Greatest Generation. The game is over for us, we just don’t know it yet. In another ten years we will be even more morally, educationally and financially bankrupt — taking orders from the Asia Pacific rim.
        • Spare us the prophecies; we can see US deterioration anytime we open a newspaper (official propaganda sheet) or flick on the idiot box (official televised propaganda).
          Tell us the details about how the ignorantly named “greatest generation” (that would be our founding generation for you ignoramouses) that gave us the US national insecurity cults that now rule US foreign policy on behalf of Wall Street psychopaths/sociopaths – tell us about how this generation was so brilliantly benevolent and innocent and had nothing to do with the stupidest historical blunder ever committed – the Cold War – how was all this wonderful angelic generation so manifest and where do you find all the evidence – as opposed to your Tom Brokaw TV-ignorance inspired assertions?
          • Insecurity;How is it the most overaggressive and military strong nations in the world are now the most insecure?
            I also read the news today;Half minute to decipher everything(wapo,nyts) they had to say,which was nada.Oh,they had a story on GG at the NYTs how he’s not really internet connected in the jungle or some rot or another.Behind their paywall I would imagine,as they go belly up in self destruction for Eretz Israel.
          • Walter,
            No prophecies here, pretty obvious that the loan shark owns you when you need quick cash for your rent because you blew all your wad at the blackjack table. And we already are bowing to an Asian dictator.
            And yes, the Greatest Generation wasn’t perfect, but they didn’t lie and deceive us AS MUCH as our leaders do now. You could count on them to tell the truth at least SOME of the time, and PROFIT wasn’t the ONLY thing we cared about.
            During the Depression we TRIED to get people back to work, now we just blame the jobless. The Greatest Generation at least prosecuted securities fraud SOME of the time and TRIED to regulate the banks from doing stupid things. Our current generations says “let em’ eat cake.”
            IKE ay least TRIED to slow down the war machine and FDR was working on universal healthcare in the “Second Bill of Rights.” Now we have a president who can only write health care law for the benefit of the medical industrial complex.
            There was a time when how well your workers were paid was a good reflection on business and captains of industry, now American business hates the worker. Now it seems that how much money you hide off shore and how much loss you can hide off-the-books is a reflection of of success. Pretty fucking sad!
          • And I don’t even own a TV, I threw it away after the Reagan funeral, seriously!
      • In the last four articles published at the Guardian concerning Israel, only one has mentioned Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization with a racist, antisemitic charter that calls for the destruction of Israel (two times but unrelated to their charter) . It’s the height of poor and cowardly journalism to neglect the role of Hamas in this war. Hamas has stated on numerous occasions, they will never recognize the Jewish state. No one can deny this simple truth and it’s the Achilles heel of supporters of the Palestinians. There simply is no answer to the terrorist organization that seeks a temporary truce, but never peace.
        The murderers who kidnapped the Israeli teens are identified members of Hamas. They sometimes have been referred to as rebels i.e., rogue murderers who work outside of Hamas leadership – allowing a convenient denial by the terrorist organization that never condemned the kidnapping or murder of the teens. In fact, the kidnapping was praised by Hamas leadership. Hamas was certainly in a desperate situation in Gaza isolated without support from the usual allies so a war could serve a purpose for Hamas.
        Hamas diverted a significant amount of precious financial resources to construct an elaborate tunnel complex designed to penetrate the borders of Israel and kidnap or kill IDF soldiers. The money could have been spent to better the lives of civilians that mistakenly elected the terrorist organization to power. If perpetual war is what the Islamic terrorist want, then why not at least construct some bomb shelters so civilians who just have an interest in raising a family and working might not become fodder for Hamas’s political game to end the embargo. The answer is self explanatory.
        It’s the height of irresponsible “journalism” to ignore the role of Hamas in the current war – or even the broken cease fire. Even if Hamas had killed the soldiers a little before the cease fire officially began, they irresponsibly risked the brokered cease fire which was agreed to by all parties for humanitarian reasons. Shortly after the IDF was attacked, the truce faltered leading to more Palestinian deaths (always the Palestinians pay). It’s clear that the primary motive for Hamas is using Palestinian children as collateral for securing the end to the blockade. By ignoring the irresponsible actions of Hamas, the Intercept – the fringe left – willingly advances this narrative in service to Hamas.
  60. Who are the chief U.S. players, non governmental, instrumental in shaping U.S.-Israel policy in general and intelligence cooperation specifically. American politicians fear a backlash – via a phone call from an American with close ties with Israel – if they offend Israel in any way. The fact the U.S. provides raw (unfiltered) intelligence with an understanding that Israel will self-regulate when the data includes intelligence on Americans and politicians exemplifies the theory there are secret controllers involved here and that the U.S. is willing to be subservient to Israel. Another example is American media has spun Israel in a positive light during the slaughtering of innocent civilians. And at the same time that children are dying and UN facilities are being bombed, the U.S. Congress approves $250 million for Israel’s Iron Dome system.
    Who are the secret American controllers of the Beltway marionettes operating in secrecy, soiling our credibility and using our tax dollars. Who does Netanyahu call when he is unhappy with the President or the Secretary of State and wants then to follow his lead? A strong dose of daylight followed by more daylight is needed here.
    • Lloyd Blankfein, Koch Brothers, Jamie Dimon, Bill Gares, Waren Buffett – here’s another short list: http://13bankers.com/title/
      The evidence is all over the internet. All we have to do is a little reading and searching. It is no secret except to tv addicts and others who refuse to do a little civic homework.
  61. Chris Hedges:
    “The lesson of the Holocaust is not that Jews are special. It is not that Jews are unique. It is not that Jews are eternal victims. The lesson of the Holocaust is that when you have the capacity to halt genocide, and you do not, no matter who carries out that genocide or who it is directed against, you are culpable. And we are very culpable …”
  62. Ah yes, as usual Israel is the whipping boy. No mention is made of Hamas’ using 600,000 tons of cement for its tunnels into Israel while it was complaining that Israel would not let it import cement; wonder what it would have built if allowed to bring cement in. When Israel left in 2007, it gave to Hamas green houses worth many millions and school,etc; Hamas said we don’t want things from the Jews and destroyed them. By the way, why not mention the charter of Hamas which states it must destroy IsraelThe interesting question is why is the left so vicious against Israel. Is it because Israel is modern, democratic and western oriented and does not kvetch and claim to be a victim, like its neighbors. yes, the Us helps Israel;you do that with friends and allies. It is unfortunate that civilians are killed; but it does happen in a war and please be honest to ask Hamas about its practices of using civilians. What would Gaza be like if Hamas had worked to develop the country, and say it wanted peace with Israel, as Israel has since 1948, instead of building tunnels and obtaining rockets. The people of Gaza suffer because of the policies and practices of Hamas. By the way, your language ‘israeli aggression”, etc, makes obvious your left wing bias against Israel. Hummus yes, Hamas no
    • By the way, why not mention the charter of Hamas which states it must destroy Israel–Jay M Caplan
      Your entire comment is boilerplate so I’m keeping this reply to just one point. Your reference to the charter about “destroying Israel” has not been in the charter since 2006. I wonder how many times you’ve been told about that, or even have read it yourself but have continued to propagate the lie anyway.
    • The Likud Charter states that there will never be a Palestinian state, so they are just as bad as Hamas. As for the greenhouses, they were not all destroyed, there was some damage, but the Palestinians used them and then when it came time to export their harvest, Israel closed the Karni crossing. The people of Gaza suffer because of the policies and practices of the state of Israel – no more no less.
    • No mention is made of Hamas’ using 600,000 tons of cement for its tunnels
      Really? Where do these figures come from? Let’s say you need a ton of cement for every foot of tunnel (I think I’m being conservative.) That would mean they’ve constructed 114 miles of tunnels, or about 6 times the entire length of Gaza.
      Where’s the evidence that multiple such tunnels exist? Where’s the evidence that these tunnels have been used to kill civilians? Surely, if you’re going to construct hundreds of these tunnels, each one must have some purpose.
      These are just unsubstantiated talking points, aren’t they?
      • oh crap, gonna go pedantic on you here…
        (as an aside: LOVE the jews, done GREAT progressive resistance work for HUNDREDS of years in the us of a; zionists ? fuck’em with a backwards pineapple, WORSE than nazis, as they have NO EXCUSES for their immorality, having suffered as they are making others suffer now…)
        firstly, WHAT other options do the palestinians have but to tunnel ? drones ? yeah, right…
        secondly, i guess the tunnels prob come in all sizes, but let’s say a typical one is 6′wide by 6′ tall and uses 4″ thick concrete (prob thicker on the ceiling, but let’s keep it simple)… that would be about 8CF of CONCRETE (NOT ‘cement’, which is only ONE constituent of concrete) per linear foot of tunnel… concrete weighs about 150 lbs per CF, and cement makes up approx 10-15% of that weight, so say 10-12 lbs per cf, so if there is approx 8 CF of concrete per lineal foot, that would be approx 8 X 10 or 12 = 80 to 96 lbs of cement per lineal foot of tunnel…
        at 600 000 tons X 2000 = 1 200 000 000 lbs of cement divided by 100 (rounding up the 96 to account for waste/etc) = 1 200 000 lineal feet of tunnels = 227 miles of tunnels potentially…
        hell, wouldn’t it just be cheaper to treat them as human beings ? ? ?
        • oops , guess i should have used a calculator instead of my fingers and toes…
          10-15% of 150 lbs is not ’10-12′, but ’15-22′, so you can break out the calculator from there, the point remains…
    • “Left wing”? Thanks for clearing that up. Trolls have been assuring me for the past year that Mr. Greenwald is a secret right wing libertarian who takes his marching orders from the Cato Institute.
  63. I see you finally covered the signatures that gave the identity of the receiver of half a million. Someone probably screen grabbed it.
  64. “Over the last decade, the NSA has significantly increased the surveillance assistance it provides to its Israeli counterpart, the Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU; also known as Unit 8200), including data used to monitor and target Palestinians. ”
    Israel has greatly benefited from the 9/11 attacks and it’s time the truth comes out. Look up dancing Israelis on 9/11, it all makes sense now. Great work Glenn.
  65. Israeli aggression? Excuse me, but what are those Hamas rocket attacks and Hamas built elaborate tunnels about? Israel has been defending itself. Whatever help the United States (which the radical Islamists call “Big Satan”) has provided to Israel (which the radical Islamists call “Little Satan”) has been in service of the GOOD.
    • The right of self-defense of the oppressor is not what you think it is. It’s equivalent to the right of self-defense of the Apartheid government of South Africa, or the right of self-defense of the Nazis against the Warsaw Ghetto. Basically, the right way to exercise self-defense in such instances is to stop oppressing people. If that doesn’t work, then you come up with alternatives.
    • Yes, those Palestinian children whose bodies are piling up in front of your hateful face are so dangerous.. as are the hospitals, U.N. workers, Doctors, and sleeping families murdered by your friends in Israel.. defending itself? You live in an alternative universe. The facts refute your ugly propaganda. How do you live with the hypocrisy of your position? Do you have a conscience? Are you just another sociopathic knee-jerk Israel-firster? Don’t bother to answer, the truth about you is obvious.
    • quote”Whatever help the United States (which the radical Islamists call “Big Satan”) has provided to Israel (which the radical Islamists call “Little Satan”) has been in service of the GOOD.”quote
      Bahahahahahahahahahahah …hohohohohohoh…hahhahahaha!
      Israeli definition of GOOD=http://www.google.com/search?q=gaza+jpg+dead+children&nord=1&tbm=isch&imgil=KhQGdRmeXpZqaM%253A%253B3S2qT6rLuw5npM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%25252Fnews%25252Farticle-2698150%25252FExodus-40-000-civilians-forced-leave-homes-300-dead-Israel-vows-significantly-widen-ground-offensive-Gaza.html&source=iu&usg=__VXr-McHoCb0FN_lM5OGInHC9uBg%3D&sa=X&ei=arXfU6fMNIeeyASBn4CIDg&ved=0CCUQ9QEwAw&biw=1120&bih=582#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=KhQGdRmeXpZqaM%253A%3B3S2qT6rLuw5npM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi.dailymail.co.uk%252Fi%252Fpix%252F2014%252F07%252F19%252Farticle-2698150-1FCBFB5700000578-566_964x672.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%252Fnews%252Farticle-2698150%252FExodus-40-000-civilians-forced-leave-homes-300-dead-Israel-vows-significantly-widen-ground-offensive-Gaza.html%3B964%3B672
      Spare me you scumbag.
  66. Tujays -
    the NDTV video is shocking. this is unconscionable behaviour. if UN Security Council cannot act, we must find another forum to hold Israel and its accomplices accountable for these war crimes.
    enough is enough.
  67. the covert payment of a large amount of cash to Israeli operatives
    Congress is going to be upset about this; how are they supposed to earn points with AIPAC if they don’t get to publicly vote for the funding?
    Looking at the larger picture, Congress seems to have outlived its usefulness. Laws can more effectively be implemented as Executive Orders and covert payments provide much more flexibility than publicly voted budgets. It could be argued that Congressional committees provide an oversight function in accordance with the Constitution. However, the past year has revealed that officials simply lie to those committees, without consequence, and then spy on them – so the oversight only exists in theory.
    So Congress is a bit like the Roman Senate after the end of the Republic – continuing to exist long after it had lost any political relevance. So they may be upset, but they won’t get too upset. That might jeopardize their ongoing ceremonial role as the representatives of the people and comfortable sinecures.
    Perhaps that’s a bit harsh, since it’s possible that private funding of congressional political campaigns provides a useful feedback mechanism for the government when it sets its policy priorities. After all, a government that loses the support of its moneyed elite soon loses its legitimacy.
    • hmmm, maybe my previous assessment of you was perhaps a little premature, as it appears here you just might be a master of satirical assassination vs a scumbag murderer idolizing prick. On the other hand.., I must have had a current lapse in judgement. Never mind. Fuck you.
  68. I thought that I posted this before, but it didn’t show up.
    Alison Weir, NOT the British historian with the same name, has been an important supporter of Palestine since 2000. She went there alone and spent time with the people. She has done an extensive job of documenting the Israel destruction of the place and the people and how it is covered up by the US media.
    She runs an org and a web site
    If Americans Knew: What Every American Should Know about I/P
    the link
    it looks like the data, for example, killed children, has not been updated after the slaughter this month
    here is an excellent presentation she made – she started going there in about 2000 and spent time with the Palestinians and saw the destruction of their land and murder of their people
    and she wrote a book
    “AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel”
  69. Absolutely the US and sells arms, intelligence, and technology to Israel (just as Israel sells arms, technology, and intelligence to the US) and both Israel and the US uses what they get to defend themselves from attacks from extremist Muslims (such as Hamas, Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc). Why is the author apparently outraged by this? Also, why doens’t the author bring up the fact that the US also provides Palestinians directly )and indirectly though funding other aid organizations such as the United Nations) with millions, if not billions of dollars in aid, which Hamas particularly has diverted towards building tunnels into Israel and buying rockets that are specifically meant for shelling, abducting, and otherwise terrorising Israelis who have the audacity to live within a couple dozen kilometers of Gaza.
    • The U.S. also has ongoing intelligence arrangements with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Arab governments. And from what I saw when I was still in the government, the U.S. probably receives more intelligence from Israel and some of the friendly Arab governments than it gives in turn. Oh, yes, we also have close ties with Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, France and many other countries. As someone else wrote, this article is politically motivated. I also would add that it is out of context and smacks of the kind of hyperventilating and editorialization that mars so much of the British press, especially the Guardian, which has a long history of antipathy toward Israel.
  70. Thanks Glenn.
    After hearing your interview on emoprog, and your description there of warnings about writing about Israel, I can only say, please stay safe.
  71. GG writes “but it is their own government that centrally enables this violence.” Of course, the violence has nothing to do with the genocidal maniacs, a.k.a. Arabs, firing thousands of rockets.
    Why can’t those darn Jews behave the way they used to?. Lining up properly to go into the “showers”. Such uppity people…
    • That is not the question people are asking. The question people are asking is “Why do the Israelis want the Palestinians to walk into the showers? Have they learned nothing?”
    • The question of course was always how many showers does one take?
      “Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews….”
      _”BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA”_
      _”PERSECUTED JEWS SEEN ON INCREASE; Dr. Kahn Returns With Report of Rise in Europe of Those Deprived of Rights 6,000,000 VICTIMS NOTED 25,000 Refugees Said to Be in Need–Rumania Menaces 800,000 With Anti-Semitism”_
      “Of these 6,000,000 Jews almost a third have already been….”
      Elsewhere, others report 236 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement. What’s the fixation, before the Nuremberg trials, with 6,000,000?
      • But Palestine has nothing to do with persecuting the Jews in Europe.
        Nothing in your list of persecution of Jews can explain or justify, why Israel is doing the same against the Palestinians. Is this Israel’s entitlement for ‘Revenge’?
        If it was revenge, why choose the the Palestinians to massacre and steal their land? Wouldn’t make more sense to declare war on Germany? Or this is not possible because Germany now is a cash cow for the Israelis?
        • La plaza is not posting to express concern about the persecution of Jews in Europe. He is a troll who has been banned here multiple times and is now returned under a different moniker.
          His quotes are all found at Holocaust denial sites and places such as the neo-Nazi Stormfront. His purpose is to promote a conspiracy theory about the # 6,000,000; as if “they” had been plotting before WWII to perpetuate hoaxes using this same figure.
          If his posting volume gets as excessive as it always has done before, he’ll be banned again.
          In the meantime: Please don’t feed the trolls!
          He is a loony tunes conspiracy freak, and no doubt beleives he;s citig the same number if Jewish victims
          • Mona, you’ve never been known here to be adept at quantitative analysis. You were quoting SPLC before I directed your attention to a series of Harpers articles that questioned the propirety of respecting that organization; you never referenced SPLC again. You thought Luke Rudkowski’s We Are Change was an organization that had nothing to do with trutherism before it was illustrated to you that was the raison d’être of its founding.
            In short you are a personal growth-stunted, wilfully ignorant, rabid groupie (who even once claimed to have a black velvet painting with Glenn’s image affixed over Christ’s).
          • If his posting volume gets as excessive as it always has done before, he’ll be banned again.
            You had a little trouble, we recall, getting on this site for over a month after the excessive posting you did–foremost in your mind for some reason. Your Tor excuse doesn’t cut it–why would you use Tor to access The Intercept everyone and their grandmother knows you post at, when you could have simply logged on using an ordinary protocol?
            deborah’s posts lasted all of three before effectively criticizing the founding editor you worship.
      • Serial liars lie serially,I wish people would wake up to that reality,and question every thing they spew,no matter if its written in stone,and worshipped like the golden calf.The suffering of Jews in Europe has everything to do with Palestinians suffering in Palestine,btw.The Palestinians had nothing to do with that persecution,yes.
    • The genocidal maniacs you refer to have so far killed 3 people with their rockets. One of them died from a heart attack while running away, not from being hit. There are drive-by shootings that are more genocidal than this.
  72. Great Journalism – I just wanted to take this opportunity to share some things I have read and heard over the years. If you look at the Israeli controlled network of roads, checkpoints, settlements and military installations in the west bank you can see it is being actively broken up into Gaza sized enclaves. Scholars in the field and activist academics like Chomsky cite documents showing an Israeli plan to break up the west bank into enclaves of cheap labour and a permanent buffer against aggression from the east. The military strategic thinking is that the 67 border leaves Israel too vulnerable and this school of thought appears to have become dominant in the military. The military also has such status in Israel that it appears to have gone rogue. I think the last incursion into Lebanon was probably not authorised by the political class before it happened and I think this may apply to many actions in Gaza. The military has a kind of independence through various rules of engagement. Also with approval ratings in the 80% range atrocity is fuel for zionist politics that it needs, a vicious cycle likely to undermine even zionist objectives. If there is to be a two state peace it requires intimate and ongoing international engagement, once US politics has been turned or perhaps without it.
  73. Guess, the Egyptian ,Syrian,Jordanian( oh you forgot ,Jordan was an occupier of the West Bank from 1948-1967)) should of pushed Israel into the sea , in1948,1956, 1967,and 1973 seems to be what the left wanted. Wake up!! Israel is here to stay, Egypt,Saudi Arabia,and the gulf states have. Mr Greenwald should look at why the Obama/ Clinton admin got behind Nazi ,sympathizers Muslim Brotherhood, allies of Adolph Hitler,and threw out Gaddafi ,after he became an an ally of the west. What your seeing in the Arab religious world is similar to the USA in the 60′s, ISiS is the weather underground etc. Mr Greenwald adopts this narrative.
  74. Just found out about Alison Weir. This is NOT the British historian with the same name.
    She wrote “AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT: The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israel”
    She has been working full time since 2000 to bring to light what Israel has done to the Palestinians
    here is an excellent presentation which begins with what happened in 2000 – 2001 time frame and how the Israel military action has continued
    here is her web page
  75. Does this explain the transformation of Obama’s initial rhetoric about Israel colonization policy into servile acceptance of that policy?
  76. What? Israel does not have the inalienable right, just like every other nation, to take whatever measures are necessary to protect the security of its people and territory? What, specifically, is it that makes Israel subject to scrutiny and treatment different from any other nation? Could it possibly be that it is the U.N. sanctioned and recognized nation-state of – dare I say it? – the Jewish People?
    • Nobody has the right to take “whatever measure” if those measures include creating an open air “concentration camp,” as some Knesset members have called for in Gaza, or if it includes building settlements in occupied territories and then building walls around it and building Jews only roads crisscrossing the landscape and dividing up village on purpose.
      Exactly. You don’t have that right. You can do it. You have the might. You sure as hell don’t have the fucking right.
    • And stop taking cover under your “Jewish People” bullshit. You Israelis are giving Jews everywhere a bad name.
    • the inalienable right, just like every other nation, to take whatever measures are necessary to protect the security of its people and territory
      No sir, Israel’s actions are not how other ‘normal’ nations behave. This is how cancer establishes itself and continue to spread, often stealthily. Viewing Israel as a threat by the largest intelligence services (except Ruffle, naturally) is one more proof of the malignant nature of this entity called Israel.
    • Does a murdering thief have the right to defend himself?
      For example, if after having robbed a series of banks, the owner of the banks located the thief and started to fire a bb-gun at the him, the bank robber is within his right to defend himself from those bb’s to ensure that he’s not injured. However, the thief is not allowed to use undo force with which to protect himself, especially in light of the crimes he committed.
      The above is an unrealistic scenario because under ordinary circumstances the bank robber would’ve been arrested and have gone to a criminal court; which is where Israel belongs: the ICC.
      In addition, given that Obama and the US congress supplied lethal weaponry and provided other means (intelligence) with which to carry out those crimes, they are accessories in the commission of those crimes and well aiders and abetters. As such, the US government is complicit and should be charged so that they can be brought to justice.
  77. Thanks Glenn.
    By infiltrating the White House and the Pentagon, Israel knew exactly how to use their energy and build strategic partners in belligerence and deceit.
  78. Today French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says that Israel’s right to defend itself does not justify the “slaughter of civilians”. He argued also that a political sollution must be ‘imposed’ on Israel and the Palestinians, AFP reports.
  79. Who is Unit 8200 (Israeli SIGINT National Unit)
    1. In 2013, Unit 8200 purportedly intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons which the Obama administration attempted to use as justification for an armed response against Assad.
    2.In 2010, Unit 8200 developed and deployed the stuxnet and flame virus against Iran in an attempt to disrupt its nuclear development program.
    3. Two Israeli companies, Verint and Narus, were founded by veterans of the IDF’s cyber-warfare Unit 8200. Verint and Narus created programs which offered the NSA backdoors to all the major U.S. telecommunications and technology companies including Facebook, Microsoft, Google. In 2006, Kobi Alexander, the founder and former chairman of Verint, was named as a fugitive by the FBI on nearly three dozen charges of fraud, theft, lying, bribery, money laundering and other crimes. And two of his top associates at Comverse, Chief Financial Officer David Kreinberg and former General Counsel William F. Sorin, were also indicted in the scheme and later pleaded guilty.
    4. In 1986, An Israeli wiretap company, NICE Systems, was formed by seven veterans of Unit 8200. In 2001, Employees of NICE Systems were caught posing as Art Students while engaging in espionage against various US targets including the Drug Enforcement Agency.
    5. In 2004, Unit 8200 purportedly broke a sophisticated Iranian code which allowed them to secretly monitor communications between Iran and Pakistan about Iran’s nuclear-weapons program. This intelligence was passed on to the Bush administration with the intention of fomenting war against Iran.
    6. In 1996, Unit 8200 was instrumental in constructing a network of special intercept antennas that were located in hilltop settlements throughout the West Bank. The network was used to intercept all cell phone calls coming from Palestinian controlled territory. The cell phone calls placed by security officers of the Palestinian Authority were monitored 24/7. Cell Phone tracking capabilities allowed Israeli Defense Forces to proactively target key individuals during periods of Palestinian unrest.
    7. In 1967, the Israeli SIGINT National Unit was responsible for intercepting the communications from the USS liberty as it monitored the aftermath of Israeli preemptive attacks on Egypt from its position in international waters. Upon be discovered, the USS Liberty was targeted and sunk by Israeli Defense forces. To this day, Israel claims that the ship was misidentified as that of Egyptian registry in spite of its clear markings.
  80. Benjamin Netanyahu Assad.
    I don’t think I have seen a massacre this bad except for the Syrian Army indiscriminately bombing and killing civilians. It is so horrific and cruel one cannot fully fathom the reality of it.
    It sickens me that my tax dollars are paying for the weapons that killed these children, women and men who are innocent victims of Israeli armed forces stupefying brutality and immorality.
    • Where on the tube do you see Syria killing its citizens indiscriminately?Israeli TV?
      Syria is fighting a US and Israeli backed insurgency,as are the Shia in Iraq.It’s all more divide and conquer which has destroyed the ME,and if you think Israelis are immune to their own depredations,you aint seen nothing yet.Samson option is coming!Seppeku by atheist monsters using religion as cover.What a bad joke on our world as OT wackos destroy the Enlightenment..
  81. Come on Glenn, due to the US’s huge investment in buying Israel our latest military weaponry, Israel has a acquired the ability to mercilessly fight off school children hiding in UN Shelters using mortars, artillery and missiles from our latest fighter jets. I wish you or someone at New Look would do an investigation of the genesis and evolution of our unnatural affinity to support Israel, no matter what. I know a lot of it is due to the Israel lobby but it would be interesting to have it dissected as some malignant tumor that has taken over the host, which is how I view it. I would have no problem with Israel except for their inability to let go of the Palestinians and leave them be. Even then though I regard the billions given to Israel to be a subtle form of extortion and needs to stop. It may have at one time been ok due to the treaty that generated it, but it is obsolete and simply amounts to a tax rebate of $500 a year to every Israeli citizen. Foolish and stupid.
    Oh and I don’t agree with their warmongering about Iran either, which you may recall AIPAC recently was engaged in.
    It may be a naive dream to expect our politicians to stop kissing Israel’s ass but one can hope.
  82. Very interesting read Glenn, though I can’t quite grasp why Israel is so important to the US? How do they contribute to US interests, do they give the US greater access to the arab world? To protect oil interests? The legacy from WW2? Are they key to how the world perceive the US? Or what?
    • ” I can’t quite grasp why Israel is so important to the US? ”
      That’s the essence of the con. It isn’t. See mythology created by AIPAC, political contributions etc.
  83. Obama and the US government are directly responsible for this. Israel would not be able to commit these war crimes without US backing:
    NDTV reports from Rafah in South Gaza
    Published on Aug 3, 2014
    “The war in Gaza has taken on a new intensity, and as NDTV reaches Rafah, where the conflict is most intense, we see ghost towns and a long empty road which had seen heavy bombardment from the east. Israel had attacked Rafah, breaking the ceasefire, claiming that Hamas had kidnapped one of its soldiers. But yesterday Israel said the solider might be dead. Yet, as we found, Rafah continues to be under heavy attack, and the targets are young children, women, entire families, even a UN shelter.”
    • Ordinarily I wouldn’t give a trigger warning with the above video because I think it’s immensely important that people witness what bombs do to a person’s body. People need to be so shocked and appalled that it rattles the core of their humanity in a way that forces them to wake up and demand that this slaughter be stopped.
      However, it occurred to me that some of you may not watch the video unless I say it contains disturbing images. So, be warned, it’s hideous. Everybody, please contact the WH and your representatives and demand that they put a stop to Israel’s aggression so that what you see in the video doesn’t continue. And it will if we don’t speak out. Thank you.
    • Gahh, you’d have to have a heart of stone to watch that video without crying. The mobs in Israel chanting, “No more school in Gaza – all the children are dead,” and “Gaza is a cemetery,” should be forced to watch it. Except they will never see these images because it’s considered too “controversial” to even air the NAMES of dead Palestinian children on TV, let alone images of their corpses. A nice whitewash. So wrong. So horrible.
      I never paid attention to the last two wars in Gaza – I was too busy buying stuff on eBay. Besides, the MSM never really conveys a visceral sense of the reality of what these wars mean for the people and children of Gaza. Not like this video. But I’m looking now, and I’m reading, a lot, and I can’t help thinking, this has happened twice before in the last few years, and I never even noticed.
      • Yeah, a lot of people haven’t noticed. I didn’t start paying attention until relatively recently myself. A big part of the reason why this is so is because of the pro-Israeli bias in the mainstream media. Almost never would you see a Palestinian on television giving their side of the conflict. Whereas, the Israeli government was represented almost exclusively. However, that’s starting to change now thanks to social media and work by journalists like Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Ali Abunimah, Rania Khalek, Rula Jebreal, and Ayman Mohyeldin. There’s still a ways to go, though. Although, I’m optimistic that majority of people will ultimately understand the injustice perpetrated on the Palestinian people by Israel and the US. Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later.
  84. John Stewart did a piece recently on the US
    arming every country in the ME with high
    tech weaponry. Many of these countries have ties to the Taliban and ISIS. This is how the US works for peace in the ME.
    The only country the US is not arming is
    Iran. The less democratic a country is the
    more weapons they get.
  85. They hate each other so deeply, those two. I was told, it is never the person but only the action you can judge. I fail again and again as it is much easier to condemn a person than to condemn my own action.
  86. The US government proclaims unanimity with Israel and its illegal occupation/siege and feeds it ammo/intelligence to kill 1,700 Palestinians and wounding 9,000 more. Simultaneously, the US rightly regards Israel to be a “menace” and a “threat”. That makes Israel incredibly evil and ingenious and the US incredibly evil and corrupt. Both are self-destructive.
  87. It has not yet happened that an Establishment news magazine has examined the existence and machinations of the American Israel Lobby. But in the UK, they have covered the lobby in Britain: the Dispatches news magazine aired an episode titled Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby 2009.
    It is simply an amazing, and most, most enlightening piece of investigative journalism. (The Guardian’s editor Alan Rusbridger is interviewed about the lobby’s attempts to shape how the paper covers Israel and the Palestinians. Also reported is how the BBC was bullied by the lobby into canceling plans to air a charity appeal for Palestinian children.)
    Until we have a U.S. version of this program, here is the fine one from the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lby-BP5xVRI
    • Thanks, Mona. Also, a related and insightful article to read if you haven’t already:
      AIPAC Is the Only Explanation for America’s Morally Bankrupt Israel Policy
      “This Orwellian situation is eloquent testimony to the continued political clout of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and the other hardline elements of the Israel lobby. There is no other plausible explanation for the supine behavior of the U.S. Congress–including some of its most “progressive” members–or the shallow hypocrisy of the Obama administration, especially those officials known for their purported commitment to human rights.”
        • Always AIPAC isn’t it? Is it because its members are Jews? Because there are organizations such as Christians United for Israel which are no less powerful or influential.
          And why is it another article I ought to read? It’s just regurgitated material from Walt’s book. If he were a physicist he would’ve been labeled a crank. Unfortunately political science does not require empirical evidence.
          • Always AIPAC isn’t it?
            No, but certainly very often, considering they are consistently ranked as one of the most powerful lobby groups in the U.S.
            Is it because its members are Jews?
            No. It is is because they are, far and away, one of the most powerful U.S. lobby groups, and unquestionably the largest constituent group of the Israel Lobby.
            Because there are organizations such as Christians United for Israel which are no less powerful or influential.
            Had you placed a period after “Israel” I’d agree, for that sentence would be true. But you continued with the absurd claim that the Xtian Zionist organization is equally powerful and influential.
        • Oh an one more question, lobbies are often at odds with each other (e.g. tech vs hollywood, or tech vs cable industry). What’s stopping you from creating an anti Israel lobby? I’m sure there won’t be a shortage of oil billionaires willing to bankroll it. If the Israeli lobby is so terrible and corrosive, start your own instead of whining.
          • What’s stopping you from creating an anti Israel lobby?
            We’re on it! It has started to grow online, in venues like this, and elsewhere. Organizations such as CAIR grow stronger every day, ad the BDS movement is taking college campuses by storm all over the U.S.
            But getting to the point where we’d be large enough to pay off politicians as effectively as AIPAC et al., well, that’s gonna take a lot of work.
          • Still no numbers comparing the Israel lobby and others Mona? BSD is a failure. Taking campuses by storm my ass it is. It was established 9 years ago and did exactly nothing to improve Palestinian lives.
            Moreover, while BDS’s methods are non violent, one of its goals is the de-facto destruction of Israel which is violent, therefore I seriously doubt it will gain any mainstream acceptance.
            I don’t mind a boycott or divestments, it’s all good, but only if the goal is a two state solution. BDS’s fantasy land – Yugoslavia in the Middle East – vision is absurd and violent and this I cannot get behind.
          • As for your prattle about BDS, it is simply wrong.
            Which part of it is wrong? That they changed jack shit in 9 years, or that objective number 3 of their charter is an indirect call to the destruction of Israel?
            Also, I have to point out that you are rude, condescending and logically challenged. “Virtually everybody” is not a number, I hope that they at least teach that in law school.
          • Which part of it is wrong? That they changed jack shit in 9 years
            By many accounts — sources pro and anti — BDS hit a tipping point in 2014. It is causing global businesses and academics to boycott and divest from Israel, and the BDS movement sweeping over U.S. campuses has Zionists deeply concerned that the pro-Palestinian view has become so normal at university, that future leaders will be receptive to it.
            Here’s just one link: http://972mag.com/israel-crosses-the-tipping-point-becomes-an-economic-liability/87298/
            There is much, much more reading on this topic available online.
          • By many accounts — sources pro and anti — BDS hit a tipping point in 2014. It is causing global businesses and academics to boycott and divest from Israel, and the BDS movement sweeping over U.S.
            There’s a name for this sort of thing. It’s called myopia. It only had a tipping point if you live in a leftist echo chamber. That BDS will never gain true mainstream acceptance – and thus will never achieve its goals – is a bet I’m willing to take, and I don’t even gamble.
            From the horse’s mouth:
            3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.
            In practical terms this means the destruction of Israel and thus the movement will never gain acceptance beyond a small cabal of fringe lunatics. This is in fact unfortunate because without this part it could actually make a difference (I’d join for example).
    • Even Left-Wing Politicians Can’t Quit Israel
      “And as Ellison’s frank comments suggest, lawmakers have to worry about alienating Jewish constituents before November’s midterm elections. For example, a recently leaked memo from Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn’s campaign was explicit in tying a pro-Israel message to support from Jewish voters and fundraisers.”
      “[Activists] look at Congress as hopeless. Moving Congress or moving the administration is hopeless,” said Kevin Martin, executive director of Peace Action, an anti-war group. “That’s why there’s a shift to [the BDS movement] rather than…trying to influence congressional or administrative policy on Israel.”
      • Hmmm…. from 2007? An interesting read anyway. I liked John Edwards because he did focus on poverty. that may have been just for show, but still, not many politicians would even come close to making that a priority.
        The article does give a bit of “color background” as the influence of AIPAC is discussed.
  88. In behind the scenes , the U.S, and British intelligence agencies designate Israel a menace and threat to regional peace?
    I don’t think the newyork times and the washingtonpost would report this even if the NSA wanted to make it public.
  89. The whole middle east is a tragedy.The global warming issue will take care of it.When fighting for our own survival becomes a reality , the middle east will learn how to get along. John Bertotto
  90. For those of us who know how Israel uses deception and false flag operations to engage ”friends” and enemies this is welcome documentation. I’m very pleased that Glenn made note of the distrust NSA, CGHQ, CSEC and EWD have towards Israel. This is not common knowledge among the people and is very important. Israel has manipulated the hell out of the American, British and Canadian people and some of the political class over decades of false flag and propagandistic operations.
    Thank you for this Glenn
  91. The ammunition you mention — does that include the pallet-loads of pukey-green white phosphorus rounds we see in those pictures of Israeli 155mm artillery batteries firing? The flechettes they’re picking out of walls in Gaza, the ones that come in olive-drab-green rounds with yellow diamonds, the Beehive rounds?
    Oh, and 40mm rounds for grenade launchers. That’s a very low-velocity, low-range round used for close-in missions, for whatever that’s worth. Interesting.
    • Oh, and another mystery. The US is sharing this stuff with Israeli intelligence, so why this controversy about their monitoring the Secretary of State’s communications?
      Maybe Kerry’s out of the loop? This doesn’t question this story, which is an eye-watering bit of news, but it does add a layer of bizarre to it, don’t it?
      Congrats on a new and enormous scoop — and more questions they need to answer.
    • Oh, and this 1968 intelligence-sharing agreement hyperlinked above. This followed by one year, more or less, the Israeli naval and air attack on the US intelligence ship USS Liberty. This is truly bizarre.
  92. The thing that never ceases to AMAZE me about the insane idiocy on which ALLLL this killing and strife rests — is that you got some group of people saying that “God gave them the land”. Oh really? What complete utter horsecrap. God did NOT come down and give anyone any land, ever!! Now maybe you got some seriously deluded groups of people saying that.. maybe you got that same group passing down WORD OF MAN in some ancient text and believing they’re the chosen ones — based on centuries of some group mass delusion. But I repeat –God did NOT come down and give anyone any land, ever!! Anyone that believes he / she / ‘it’ (God) did is just as deluded. PS — for all you flamers that gonna start — emails are set to auto delete. LOL So. FLAME ON!
    • Well, me as a Muslim I attest to God giving the land of Israel to the “Children of Israel” more then 3000 years ago. Not directly off course because a Creator can not fit in its creation that would be absurd (Like Steve Jobs going inside an IPhone) . It was done through Moses. Now after arriving in the land they started causing corruption (just like today). Even on their way to the Land they started worshiping Idols. They started killing prophets and forgot their promise they made to God. As a last resort God sent the Massiah (Jesus) that he promise to the Jews but they were so much lost in this world that they did not accept him and tried to kill him but God raised him to himself. Jews thought they were promised a kingdom in this earth but God was talking about a kingdom in the next world. Temple was destroyed there after and all the Jews were kicked out of Israel. After 2000 years they have went back and started doing the same thing that cause them to be kick out at the first place. Yes they will get their Kingdom on this earth but before that they will kill 90% of the world population and Temple will be rebuild. Anti Christ will be born in Israel and Jesus will come back and there will a fight against Him and Anti Christ and his army (70,000 Jews) all will be killed. That is the story if anybody wanted to know.
      • This is NOT the story James. Please take the religious bullshit some other place. Here we want to talk about the real world, not about what God intended, wanted, or whether he could insert himself into Israel or an iPhone or what his PLAN for Moses was. Nobody wants to hear about whether God promised something on earth or in the next world. Seems to me his promises are total bullshit. The only people who can keep promises it seems, are people with better weapons. If God or praying to god could solve this crisis, what on earth are all the Muslims doing but praying?
        I don’t want to pick on the religious, but what you wrote above is patently absurd, and quite offensive. Don’t come back and tell me that it’s part of God’s fucking plan for which all these Palestinian children had to die. Don’t tell me that. I don’t care who’s coming back, Christ or the anti-Christ. Let him come some other fucking place. There is no reason for a single Palestinian child to die, because of your God’s ridiculous, morally repugnant, and unholy fucking plan.
        • Dear AthiestinChief -
          I generally value your comments, but I really found this reply to James just a bit outside the line. You seem to dismiss any talk of religion as “not about the real world.” I happen to be a Christian and I have found that my faith is what helps me get through in the real world. Not only that, but trying to understand different points of view, religiously or otherwise helps us understand motivations and contexts of today’s problems.
          You bring up the problem o suffering. I’m not sure I have a good answer for that. It’s something that even as a Christian I struggle with. I often wonder why people suffer and why aren’t prayers answered. I wish I had an answer, but I do still believe in God, or a Supreme Being, or a Great Spirit, or Allah, or “something bigger, ” Supreme Cosmic Force – I firmly believe in something “MORE.”
          Personally, I have seen prayers answered and have experienced some, as a buddy of mine calls them, “happy coincidences.”
          All that said, I conclude that I don’t fully understand why these bad things happen or are allowed to happen. Maybe indeed someday, I/we won’t be seeing through a glass darkly anymore. Until then, my strategy is to pray and to muddle through as best I can.
          • This world is a test for human being. You can call night a suffering if you compare it to the day. but we would be dead without the night. If there was no pain we would never know if we are hurt. If we did not how to cry (as a child) we would not get milk and die of hunger. There would be no world if there were no earthquakes. How can we live without the fire? yet it burns. Perfect example of how human support to act are Palestine. They suffer, they cry and beat their chest and then they bury the dead and move on hoping life will be better tomorrow. Our Prophet (PBUH) said “when you see the end of world coming and if you are planting a tree, finish planting it.”.Love, Happiness, hate and all the other good and bad of this life are part of this life without any of them life would not be possible or practical. Common confusion is about free will and God Plan. We are 100% free to make choice about which path we choose but does not mean we can choose to be anybody we want. A person is assigned to earn $100 in his life time he can choose to make that money either by stealing or working hard for it. Both are not the same. God’s plan is to give him a $100 and it is up to him how he collect it. Thanks for defending even though my comments were little out of place and out of context. Peace.
        • I did not say it being a Plan. People have a choice and free will to what they do or don’t. If you can see the the future does not mean you are one planing the future. Obama could easily choose to end all this today, Natanyahu could do the same. Fox News has to choice to report the truth and they have this choice every second of the day 24/7. No a single child has to die not just Palestine but any where in the world because of such injustice. What God can or cant do it none of your or my business this would is our test not his. Only thing i tried to point out is that those nukes Israel is holding are not just for Muslims Nations but for everybody. One day public opinion will change and world will turn against Israel but they are not the one to sit ideally by. The way they are treating Palestine they can do to anybody. It needs to stop and only people can do it, because all the governments have already sold themselves to the highest bidder.
      • As a Muslim, I totally disagree. The Quran is God’s revelation. If you look at God’s revelation there is no land given to the Children of Israel. God also strongly condemns those who cause mass destruction such as with all of the modern weapons in the military e.g. There is [a kind of] man whose views on the life of this world may please you [Prophet], he even calls on God to witness what is in his heart, yet he is the bitterest of opponents.
        2:205 When he leaves, he sets out to spread corruption in the land, destroying crops and live-stock- God does not like corruption.
        2:206 When he is told, ‘Beware of God,’ his arrogance leads him to sin. Hell is enough for him: a dreadful resting place.
        2:207 But there is also a kind of man who gives his life away to please God, and God is most compassionate to His servants.
        Study the Quran and what you are saying is not in there. If you are in any way referring to the Hadith – the Hadith are not God’s revelation, God said obey the Messenger and the Messengers duty was to deliver the Message, not write down so called Hadith which are more like hearsay. The anti-christ as I recall is not mentioned in the Quran but in Hadith. God swt said He would preserve the Quran which is firstly a recitation in Quranic Arabic, with an incredibly intricate structure that would be very difficult to maintain etc. God never said write down the Hadith. The Hadith include punishments like stoning. The Quran does not. The Quran includes other punishments and these Hadith go against the Quran.
        I am not getting into a religious debate. I want to put this down since you seem to want to “attest” to God giving something. God swt will judge between us our differences on the Last Day.
        In general, considering some of the other comments on here: This whole conflict is also not about religion. If most Jews became atheists, the atrocities would still go on. This is about Zionism – it’s so popular and trendy to blame religion for everything. This means people do not deal with the real issues and rabid nationalism is not dealt with.
        • I thought,by their actions,that they already were atheists of the Adolf or Uncle Joe variety,as no God would countenance their actions ,other than a bogus one.
        • ” “We [Allah] gave the persecuted people [the Jews] dominion over the eastern and western lands which We had blessed [the east and west banks of the Jordan River]. Thus your Lord’s gracious word was fulfilled for the Israelites,” – Quran 28:5-6. My thought are bases on this Aya and rest are my personal options. What you said still stands its ground.
      • Just for clarification, the Children of Israel were allowed to settle in a land but there is no mention that they would create a nation state that would be called “Israel” with specific borders etc.
    • “The new Snowden documents illustrate a crucial fact: Israeli aggression would be impossible without the constant, lavish support and protection of the U.S. government(.)”
      How much longer must we listen to the b/s spewed by israel and its enablers about israel’s alleged superior science and vaaaaast contributions to world economy? Israel’s own economy is a disaster, its genocidal army depends on the US tax payers’ largesse, its best educated/smartest people are a steady stream of humanity emigrating; most to Germany….
      According to archeologists Finkelstein/Silberman’s “Bible Unearthed” biblical Israel (of David, Solomon, Moses, et al) never existed as anything more than an underpopulated land of illiterate pagan goatherders. The reason the religion is called Judaism, not Israelism, is b/c it was invented around 700BC in Judea, first as a pagan, polytheistic cult, that gradually around 100 BC evolved into a monotheistic religion that has survived into the present b/c of massive proselytising (Shlomo Sand “The Invention of the Jewish people”), i.e., conversion of pagans living around the Mediterranean basin and beyond. In effect, there is nothing unique about Judaism: it is just another religion invented by the rich and powerful to exert their power over useful idiots, such as the present day muslim, christian and jewish unsophisticated naifs and fanatics to do their masters’ bidding.
      Present day Israel is a fraud. Israel of the Antiquities never existed, Judea was never an independent, self-governing entity, but rather a colony trampled by just about every power in the region: Egyptians, Sumerians, Persians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans. Judea is where the cult/religion was invented and practiced as one of many in the region.
      Not until the world Jewry learns to separate its personal religious choice from the physical reality of their citizenship, nothing will change, beyond the escalating self-tarnishing of their faith that gradually is being equated with the cult of Naziism. Unfair, yes. But that’s what happens when a religion is equated with a secular presence: just like in Iran, S.Arabia or any other fanatical religious state.
      Time for the US to withdraw its props and let the ME warmonger learn to stand like the rest of humanity, or fall under the weight of its own barbaric stupidity.
      • Please separate yourself from your current location and return your property ASAP to its rightful owner.
        • Interesting, if an overly intolerant idea. What the world has given to the rabid zionists in an effort to make up for the horror of Jewish lives lost during WW2, the world may have to take away until/unless the israelis learn how to live in peace with the rest of humanity, and like their forefathers, learn how to make their own living, rather than depend on handout$, theft, and genocide to expand their notion of israeli property. Perhaps now’s the time to re-establish an international mandate, while the israelis learn the principles of democratic self-determination and peaceful coexistence. And, no, spraying “Arabs to the gas chambers” graffitti on the wall that surrounds ghetto-israel, is not the way to go. Whatever next for the Palestinians in their own land: green armbands with the Crescent Moon and Star? Time is running out for israel to learn to live and let live and worship without defacing its own sacred beliefs and traditions. Or the fate of the Nazi contagion that has defaced Germany will spread to israel. Zionists as the ultimate antisemites?
  93. One of the reason the Snowden leaks are important, is the potential for governments to abuse what should be private information. Now the tables are turned and Glenn Greenwald is abusing Snowden documents by selectively releasing tidbits at politically sensitive moments and towards causes which seem personal.
  94. This part is critical:
    But even as the NSA and its partners are directed by political branches to feed the Israelis surveillance data and technology, they constantly characterize Israel as a threat – both to their own national security and more generally to regional peace. In stark contrast to the public statements about Israel made by American and British officials, the Snowden archive is replete with discussions of the Israelis as a menace rather than an ally.
    The American public needs to be made aware of this; that their government officials are lying to them about how glorious and wonderful “the only democracy” is.
    In private, they know what we all do, to wit: that Israel is a an aggressor and a menace to both the Palestinians and to regional peace.
    So why then, one must wonder, do our elected officials — knowing the menace that Israel is — lavish it with money and diplomatic cover?
    Answer: $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$
    Because of this pernicious cancer in our body politics, the U.S. supports Israel in matters against our own interest, that are murderous to Palestinians, and which militate against regional peace.
    It goes all the way back to 1948, when Harry Truman was very distressed by pressure from Zionists at home and abroad, who eventually extorted him onto recognizing the State of Israel against his better judgement.
    Truman feared that by doing so he and the world were laying the groundwork for WWIII — but he had to keep the Zionist vote. There was no significant Arab voting block in the U.S. at the time, as he wryly noted.
    And so it has usually gone with the U.S. government ever since: placating the Israel Lobby no matter what. (But privately snarling at the Zionists, as Truman most certainly did.) It wold be magnificent if Snowden documents can bring this ugly reality to the light of the American public.
    For more on Zionism, Israel and Harry Truman, I highly recommend John Judis’ book here: http://www.amazon.com/Genesis-American-Origins-Israeli-Conflict/dp/0374161097
    • $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$
      I find it interesting that you decided to embellish the words “The Israel lobby” with dollar signs and all caps. If it weren’t a play on that old “Jews controls all the banks” chestnut it’d be just plain childish. As it is, it’s offensive.
      • ” If it weren’t a play on that old “Jews controls all the banks” chestnut it’d be just plain childish.”
        It isn’t. It specifically states “lobby,” as in paying for votes.
        “As it is, it’s offensive.”
        No, it’s unequevically accurate. Thinking otherwise is offensive.
        ” The corporations don’t have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government.”
        Jim Hightower
        • It isn’t. It specifically states “lobby,” as in paying for votes.
          So first you add a comment of your own, then mix in mine and call it inaccurate. I think there’s a name for this kind of rhetorical device… Strawman
          • In your tedious insistence on finding antisemitism everywhere, you do indeed ignore that I, and Silly Putty, are talking about a lobby.
            Indeed, Business Pundit ranks the Israel Lobby among the 10 Most Powerful in the U.S., right up their with Big Oil.:
            The Pro-Israel Lobby, headed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been called the NRA of foreign policy lobbies, “a hard-edged, pugnacious bunch that took names and kept score”. The almost-unilateral popular support of Israel in America, not to mention the nearly $3 billion in aid the country receives every year, did not come about by accident. It’s the result of over 50 years of hard lobbying. Politicians and pundits alike are quick to support the Jewish state, and reluctant to criticize it. Pro-Israel groups such as AIPAC spent close $4 million last year, ensuring that US-Israel ties will remain strong. The Pro-Israel lobby remains one of the strongest and most influential foreign-policy lobbies in the US.
            And again, this lobby and its $$ explains why U.S. officials trip all over themselves to say nice and supportive things about Israel in public, while in private they admit it is a terrible menace.
            We have a lobby in the U.S. that is so powerful it extorts our officials into adopting policies in favor of a foreign country, even if doing so is unjust and/or runs counter to U.S. interests.
          • Oh Mona, you must be a terrible lawyer, being unfamiliar with basic logic…
            In your tedious insistence on finding antisemitism everywhere, you do indeed ignore that I, and Silly Putty, are talking about a lobby.
            I was referring specifically to your $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$ line. It is the offensive part because it is an obvious (if not particularly clever – that’s why it’s obvious) play on an old antisemitic conspiracy theory.
            I suggest that you take a look at this website and educate yourself.
          • I was referring specifically to your $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$ line. It is the offensive part because it is an obvious (if not particularly clever – that’s why it’s obvious) play on an old antisemitic conspiracy theory.
            No, for this is not a conspiracy of any sort. It is an unfortunate fact, wide open and documented, for all to see.
          • No, for this is not a conspiracy of any sort. It is an unfortunate fact, wide open and documented, for all to see.
            Once again you’re attempting to worm your way out of being held responsible for your own arguments. The conspiracy theory being that Jews control all the world’s banking and finance interests (even ignoring for a second that “Jews” are not a single monolithic entity), not that there exists a pro Israel lobby.
          • GC flies off the rails with:
            The conspiracy theory being that Jews control all the world’s banking and finance interests (even ignoring for a second that “Jews” are not a single monolithic entity), not that there exists a pro Israel lobby.
            I’ve said not a word about silly conspiracy theories in which Jews control the world through banks & etc.
            That’s the strawman you’ve interjected here. Has nothing to do with me or my arguments.
            I am discussing the widely known phenomenon of the American Israel Lobby. The same lobby Glenn writes about in this other article — of the many in which he has addressed the topic. This one is about the lobby going after Obama hammer and tongs: http://www.salon.com/2011/05/22/israel_48/
          • Mona at least have the spine to stand behind your statements. If they are false or offensive admit it and move on.
            Once again, the phrase $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$ with the dollar signs and all caps is an obvious nod to THAT conspiracy theory. It’s no strawman.
            The fact that you keep trying to paint it as some innocent and pure comment relating to the Israeli lobby merely underscores that you know exactly what you meant and really don’t like being called out on it.
            Frankly it’s a little bit disgusting, if not unexpected.
          • GC becomes overwrought:
            Once again, the phrase $$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$ with the dollar signs and all caps is an obvious nod to THAT conspiracy theory. It’s no strawman.
            This is your brain on Zionism, GC. It isn’t uncommon for the Zionist-deluded to imagine people saying things other than what they clearly said. Or to deny a manifest fact.
            It’s a Lobby. The Israel Lobby. And it’s $$$ buys American politicians. See Tujay’s comment here: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/08/04/cash-weapons-surveillance/#comment-63930 -and the one of his below it in that thread.
          • Keep digging Mona. Now you’ve added one more ad hominem to the growing list. Shameful. You should be disbarred for incompetence.
          • GC, you are a fool, and Mona just kicked your ass. I thought I would let you know what any fool should be able to see, but apparently you are a special kind of fool. Go lick you wounds and come back after contemplating your navel for at least 24 hours.
        • @GC – Apparently my mis-italicizing has confused what are very simple points.
          Hoping to clarify:
          Where you say “If it weren’t a play on that old “Jews controls all the banks” chestnut it’d be just plain childish,”I respond with:
          “It isn’t [a play on anything] It specifically states “lobby,” as in paying for votes.”
          You then go on to say “As it is, it’s offensive,”to which I respond with:
          “No, it’s unequevically accurate. Thinking otherwise is offensive.”
          So it is you, GC, that is constructing straw-men where non exist, as well as conflating a country, Israel, with a culture, Jewish, in order to try to discredit an easily verifiable argument.
          ““Now that I have you thoroughly confused, let me pause to hear your own dismayed cry.”
          Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing
          • I understand your intent and I can still read, there’s no need for a play-by-play, the tool John Kelly’s remarks notwithstanding. The way Mona’s argument was presented however – the capital letters and the dollar signs – is clearly a play on that conspiracy theory.
            Furthermore when Mona mentions the Israeli lobby, it’s always AIPAC, the Jewish organization that’s part of that lobby that she speaks of, not any of the others, so I’m not the one conflating Jews and Israel.
          • Furthermore when Mona mentions the Israeli lobby, it’s always AIPAC, the Jewish organization that’s part of that lobby that she speaks of, not any of the others, so I’m not the one conflating Jews and Israel.
            This would be because Mona knows what she is talking about, that is, how the powerful force known as AIPAC works. It is the umbrella organization that represents dozens of Zioist Jewish organization:
            American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF) is a supporting organisation for AIPAC, which sponsors trips for many members of Congress. Visits by prominent names, such as Sen. John McCain have been sponsored by AIPAC through AIEF, culling favours for which the rewards were not long in coming, since the Senator duly endorsed the separation wall, which has been declared illegal by the International Court of Justice. [30]

            Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO) is a coordinating body composed of leaders of 55 different organizations and is responsible for formulating and articulating the “Jewish position” on most foreign policy matters. All the members of CPMAJO sit on AIPAC’s executive committee, [32] but the actual lobbying is always done by AIPAC and its constituent PACs. While the focus of CPMAJO is on the executive branch of the U.S. government, AIPAC concentrates on the Congress.
            You are welcome.
      • No, this story’s implications are far more profound than that. It suggests that a) Israeli and US intelligence at some level, maybe SIGINT, maybe more, have fused into a single entity and b) either other US agencies/policymakers still think Israel is in an intelligence threat, or else that’s the cover story. The only question remaining is whether this, er, matrix governs both countries’ security establishments or represent a joint-powers power that’s still growing.
        Yesterday this Day’s Madness did prepare
        Tomorrow’s Silence, Triumph or Despair.
        Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why,
        Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.
        – Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
      • I find it interesting that you decided to embellish the words “The Israel lobby” with dollar signs and all caps.
        You seem unaware of the stranglehold this lobby and its dollars has on our political discussions and politicians. I suggest you read Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s book, The Israel Lobby, which Glenn Greenwald discusses here: http://www.salon.com/2011/09/18/friedman_14/
        Just as reality has a well-known liberal bias, I guess it is also is biased toward what hardcore Zionists would deem to be “antisemitic.”
        • Oh my, Mona, you are full of logical fallacies today. This comment is an example of the best known and most widely used fallacy on the political left, it’s called (drum roll please) ad hominem.
          • GC: the facts I recite may be deeply unpleasant to you. But they are the facts nevertheless. Hand-waving, vacuous misdirection about fallacies doesn’t change those facts.
            Do read both the book, and Greenwald’s article about it and the authors, the latter which I linked to above.
          • … I guess it is also is biased toward what hardcore Zionists would deem to be “antisemitic.”
            This isn’t vacuous or misdirection. You used ad hominem to attack me. Simple as that. No amount of wiggling will get scot free here.
            I am familiar with the book and I disagree with it. It’s predicated on the premise that Israel wanted and pushed for the war in Iraq, which is false. If it has no foundation to stand on, the entire argument collapses.
            The profitable and mutually beneficial relationship between the countries’ arms industries explain the support Israel receives much better than a lobby.
          • If it has no foundation to stand on, the entire argument collapses.
            Well, no. As the Amazon description of the book states:
            Now in a work of major importance, Mearsheimer and Walt deepen and expand their argument and confront recent developments in Lebanon and Iran. They describe the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the United States provides to Israel and argues that this support cannot be fully explained on either strategic or moral grounds. This exceptional relationship is due largely to the political influence of a loose coalition of individuals and organizations that actively work to shape U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction. Mearsheimer and Walt provocatively contend that the lobby has a far-reaching impact on America’s posture throughout the Middle East–in Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict–and the policies it has encouraged are in neither America’s national interest nor Israel’s long-term interest. The lobby’s influence also affects America’s relationship with important allies and increases dangers that all states face from global jihadist terror.
            Writing in The New York Review of Books, Michael Massing declared, “Not since Foreign Affairs magazine published Samuel Huntington’s ‘The Clash of Civilizations?’ in 1993 has an academic essay detonated with such force.” The publication of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is certain to widen the debate and to be one of the most talked-about books of the year.
            And as Glenn’s above revelations show, in private U.S. officials will state the truth: that Israel is a menace. They won’t say these things publicly, or act on them, because of the Israel Lobby’s influence and $$$ in U.S. politics.
            The book has been widely discussed, now in mainstream, Establishment circles. Whatever else is true, the books influence and arguments have not collapsed.
          • They also stated more than once that France is a menace too. Why won’t they say these things publicly? Is this the nefarious meddling and the monied interests of the French lobby?
            Seriously the bar for social science arguments is so low. No proof or calculations needed to promote one’s conjectures. All that’s needed is to write a book. Bam! Now we have a theory.
          • GC makes my point for me:
            Why won’t they say these things publicly? Is this the nefarious meddling and the monied interests of the French lobby?
            There is no French Lobby. And I, for one, would be delighted if we treated France as we do Israel, in terms of public support for its foreign policy positions (including at the UN) and foreign military aid. As it is, we often reject and distance ourselves from France.
            But, zut alors, there is no French Lobby, while in contrast, the U.S. Israel Lobby rivals Big Oil and Big Finance for control of our body politic. So, the U.S. kisses Israel’s ass.
          • You argument was that even though in private U.S. officials claim Israel is a menace they are prevented from saying that publicly because of the Israeli lobby, correct?
            France is also referred to as a menace, privately, by U.S. officials. If there is no French lobby, why won’t those officials say that publicly?
            I don’t see how that observation makes your point for you.
            Also you forgot a bunch of lobbies in your list, like big Pharma, health insurance, Hollywood, various agri business lobbies (why is pizza considered a vegetable? why are American supermarkets full of corn byproducts?), Monsanto and friends, and many many others.
          • There was no ad hominem attack. Mona calls you a Zionist; if you find that offensive, then maybe you should read what you are writing.
            Also, I’m not sure where you get that writing “$$$THE ISRAEL LOBBY$$$” like so is anti-Semitic. You might have a leg to stand on if she had written it as “$$$THE JEWISH LOBBY$$$” – but most of us here understand that not all Jews are Israel-Firsters and Zionists as well.
        • France is also referred to as a menace, privately, by U.S. officials. If there is no French lobby, why won’t those officials say that publicly?
          I’d be delighted if the U.S. directed the contempt at Israel that some officials have directed at France. If we were quite willing to reject Israel’s foreign policy positions as we often do with France.
          But, we have no French Lobby, much less one in the Top Ten, up there with Big Pharma, Tech, Big Finance and Big Oil. Yup, Israel Lobby is right up and snug with those guys in power and influence, on behalf of a foreign country.
          • And also the cable lobby (dying net neutrality, Comact buying TWC, etc) and the Cuban lobby and many others.
            How about numbers? Give us the numbers that prove the Israel lobby is so powerful. Show me the money Mona.
          • Mona, I just did a search on Google for; “Israeli Lobby” and then “AIPAC” and in both cases – No results found. Man, everyone is talking about it all over the internet but Google doesn’t return any results.
          • Paul: You searched incorrectly, then. When I use the search term “Israel Lobby,” Google returns 30,900,000 hits.
            AIPAC yields 886,000 results.
          • Sanofi-Aventis, BNP Paribas, Total…France has lobbies, but they don’t blip well on the tech radar. A relation made a film about that French whore ripping off Burzynski with the FDA’s help, or however he spells it.
          • Oh,and GC? The problem with your WaPo article is that it reports on money spent by foreign countries to lobby in the U.S.
            Do you not understand what the AIPAC acronym stands for? American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
            It is a domestic lobbying group, albeit lobbying on behalf of a foreign country.
  95. The “helpless bystander” meme is unshakable with hardcore Team Blue partisans. Many of them still ludicrously frame Obama’s Libyan adventure as a NATO treaty obligation that he was helpless to avoid. You can’t even have a coherent conversation with people like that. I don’t even try to discuss Gaza with those people.
  96. As if the above isn’t frightening enough, it is more frightening that it will most likely stay right here and be read and circulated by a few. And those few of us who disseminate it will be called, Jew haters, anti-semite’s, bigots, liars, wussies, f*gs, and those other words they turn to when they don’t know how to reply to truth.
    And the most recent disgusting item I have learned. MEDIA MATTERS of America who I have given tons of air time to on my various radio/tv outlets (now retired) over the years are now in bed with the Bibi’s making sweet snuggles with the child killers. I mean people really buy into this “chosen” crap. What incredible marketing. Like Cedric, The Great Entertainer. I am Jack Jett, The Great Chosen Anti-Semitic F*g Wussie!
  97. The ridiculousness is nauseating seeing our government fund and supply blood shed it could stop. They used the 72 hour cease fire to reload on US ammunition. Jon Stewart said it best “We cannot be Israel’s rehab sponsor and its drug dealer!” http://t.co/zWWf4RWgfu
  98. Treason Revealed. Treason Revealed. Treason Revealed. Treason Revealed. Treason Revealed.
    Justice is Demanded by Humanity. Justice is Demanded by Humanity. Justice is Demanded by Humanity.
    Governmental Fraud Revealed. Governmental Fraud Revealed. Governmental Fraud Revealed.
    The Dark Mask has been removed. The Dark Mask has been removed.
    Each Individual must take responsibility to hold these criminals to account for their actions.
    Each Individual must take responsibility to hold these criminals to account for their actions.
    The fiction, the illusion, the deception, the lies are now revealed to Humanity.
    Humanity has renounced all deceptive contracts with these corporate governments because they are a Fiction and a Fraud.
    The Inhumanity must STOP.
    Action begins NOW.
    • I have not left this cave for days now, it has become my last refuge in my total despair. I have only the music of the waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live under the control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go. My last hope is that with my death I may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last.</em<
      The sleep is still in my eyes
      The dream is still in my head
      I heave a sigh and sadly smile
      And lie a while in bed
      I wish that it might come to pass
      Not fade like all my dreams

      Just think of what my life might be
      In a world like I have seen
      I don’t think I can carry on
      Carry on this cold and empty life
      Oh no!
      My spirits are low in the depths of despair
      My lifeblood spills over…

    • “And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased: and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” {Matthew 23:12}
      “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” {Jas. 4:6}
      “The destinies of men are subject to immutable laws that must fulfill themselves. But man has it in his power to shape his fate, according as his behavior exposes him to the influence of benevolent or of destructive forces.” # 15 Image, I-Ching
      “Only through having the courage to marshal one’s armies against oneself, will something forceful really be achieved.” # 15 Line 6, I-Ching
    • Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
      Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
      Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
      We have assumed control
      We have assumed control
      We have assumed control

  99. I wonder what intelligence the NSA enabled Israel to get about those hundreds of Gazan children, now dead.
    That is to say, with all of this spying and with all of Israel’s claims about precision targeting, the killings have been wildly indiscriminate. Not to mention the fact that Israel is just now discovering the Terror Tunnels.
  100. The US could put an end to the Israeli Gaza offensive just as quickly as Russia could put an end to the Ukraine uprising. Foreign posturing is so thick with hypocrisy it’s nauseating.
    • Does it require a Snowden-type disclosure to blow apart the reality distortion field built up around Ukraine also? As anyone can see by sizing up the UN voting results inserted above, the rest of the world “got” what comes as a thunder strike in the minds of so many upon reading Glenn’s article. What we have here is a nation of citizens who have abdicated their political obligation to humanity to act responsibly by delivering their treasure and monstrous weapons of violence into the hands of fiends acting with impunity.
    • Shhh;The USA started the whole mess by supporting the overthrow of an elected government,but don’t let facts sway your storytelling.Russia has shown admirable restraint to NATO provocations.
      Flight 17;It’s obvious by now that our boys did the deed,hence the silence from the US and it’s serial liars.
      • You mean the Joooish government of Ukraine did it. Look at the US’s government, all branches, look at the banking and business, along with the media – they are heavily Joooish, especially when the jooooos only make up 2% of the US’s population. They want the US to take the blame so the rest of the world will do to us what happened to Germany, Britain and the rest of Europe at the end of WWI and WWII. They are the destroyers – and wherever they go they bring destruction. Does no one remember how many joooos came into the USA after WWI and WWII?

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