RETHINK 911 Canada Tour: Richard Gage, March 13-April 1
Richard Gage from Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth will be speaking in 17 Canadian cities
Richard Gage, Urges Canadians to ReThink 9/11
Internationally acclaimed San Francisco speaker and architect Richard Gage, AIA, will tour 17 cities throughout Canada this March 13 to 31 to present the forensic, eyewitness and photographic evidence that three World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed by explosives on September 11, 2001.
Many people are not aware that WTC 7, a massive skyscraper adjacent to the Twin Towers, collapsed suddenly and symmetrically at free-fall acceleration late that afternoon. The official explanation is that “normal office fires” brought this building down, but thousands of architects and engineers disagree, as do 51% of Canadians.
During Gage’s tour, from Vancouver to Halifax, hosted by ReThink911 Canada, the 42% of Canadians who question the overall U.S. Government story of 9/11 will have a rare opportunity to understand first-hand the facts about the three sudden straight-down skyscraper collapses.
Richard Gage is an architect of 26 years and founder of the 18,000-member Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth which includes 2,100 A/E’s calling for new WTC investigation.
Tour Coincides With US Congressional Resolution To Release Classified Evidence of Saudi Government Involvement in the Attacks.
Local 9/11 activists and promoters are welcome to join in the tour.
Contact us for details.
Mar 14, 2014 – Vancouver, Delta Burnaby – View Location
Mar 15, 2014 – Victoria, BC – View Location
Mar 16, 2014 – Edmonton, Alberta – View Location
Mar 17, 2014 – Calgary, Alberta
Mar 18, 2014 – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Mar 19, 2014 – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mar 20, 2014 – Toronto, Ontario
Mar 23, 2014 – London, Ontario
Mar 24, 2014 – Ottawa Public Library – View Location
Mar 26, 2014 – Montreal, QC, McGill University -View Location
Mar 28, 2014 – Fredericton, NB, Wu Center -View Location
Mar 29, 2014 – Saint John, New Brunswick
Mar 30, 2014 – Moncton, New Brunswick
Mar 31, 2014 – Halifax, Nova Scotia
Apr 01, 2014 – St. John’s, Newfoundland
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THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks
Without an “outside enemy”, there could be no “war on terrorism”. The entire national security agenda would collapse “like a deck of cards” -Michel ChossudovskyRelated content:
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AE911Truth vs Dr. Judy Wood
ReplyDeleteThis download is the Foreword and book review of "WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?" by Eric Larsen, Professor Emeritus at John Jay College of Criminal Justice 1971 - 2006 (35 years), plus the Author's Preface.
Those of us who have read Dr. Wood's book can give at least 10 reasons that rule out the theory by "AE911trutherd" that welding material destroyed the WTC. How many can you list ? Hint: the bottom of page 45, the top of page 171, the diagrams on page 81 and 84, the diagram at the bottom of page 11, and of course pages 122 to 127. The list is endless, actually.
By reading WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?, you know from the EVIDENCE that the Twin Towers turned to dust in mid-air never hitting the ground.
Richard Gage is NOT a qualified forensic scientist. Dr. Judy Wood IS a qualified forensic scientist. AE911Truth is calling for a new investigation. This implies an admission that they are NOT qualified to conduct such an investigation of what happened. Otherwise, why are they calling for a new investigation instead of conducting one themselves -- unless the intention is to knowingly distract its members and others away from the new investigation that has already been conducted? AE911Truth wants a new investigation? They already have one. It's contained in a book called "WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?" Why is AE911Truth suppressing it? AE911Truth cannot lobby Congress. They are a 501( c )3 and are prohibited from lobbying Congress. Why didn't AE911Truth submit their so-called "thermite evidence" to NIST? - Oh, that's right. It's a federal crime to defraud the government. Why hasn't AE911Truth filed a Federal qui tam case? Because they haven't blown the whistle on anything and they have no evidence and it is past the statute of limitation. So, why didn't they support Dr. Wood's Federal qui tam case that was filed instead of banning members who mentioned it? * -- I guess they really didn't want such a case to go forward.
*Chapter 31. AE911 "Truth" and Other Sites Again Censor The Evidence 04 Apr 2010
AE911 - Silently Deletes A Petition Signer (pages 297 to 300) of 9/11Finding the Truth - A Compilation of Articles by Andrew Johnson Focused around the research and evidence compiled by Dr. Judy Wood