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An American Affidavit

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Say true things. Don't participate in lies by repeating them.


Say true things. Don't participate in lies by repeating them.

New videos and a new slide deck.

Orientation for new readers. Reconstitution starter pack.

New videos:

I enjoyed the conversation with Mike Dakkak very much. We covered some new and different ground, including papal encyclicals by Pope Leo XIII and many other things.

Excellent essay by Robert Morrison, addressing many of the same themes with which I’m preoccupied:

  • April 25, 2023 - Now That We See the Fruits of Rejecting Catholic Truth, How Do We Recover? (Remnant Newspaper) - “Then, as now, a key to success for the enemies of the Church has been to go slowly enough to avoid awakening too many faithful Catholics to the dangers…by accepting the lethal lie that immutable Catholic truth can evolve to become something contrary to what it has always been, the Council Fathers put the Conciliar Church at the disposal of the enemies of Christ. Now we all suffer the consequences. The Catholic Church is the guardian of truth, so once its apparent hierarchy becomes infected with the idea that truth can change over time everything will eventually collapse…”

I also appreciated the opportunity to pre-record a presentation as part of the StopVaxPassports panel held on April 24.

But I want to make clear that I do not believe the globalist enslavement project is primarily driven by the Chinese Communist Party; I had no input into the panel composition; and I disagree with almost everything the third speaker (Stephen Hatfill) said.

Most of Hatfill's statements are demonstrably false and serve only to reinforce the lies told by the globalist totalitarians through their propaganda channels.

In his segment, Hatfill argued that the so-called pandemic events of the last several decades were pandemics; they they were poorly-managed due to slow and ineffectual surveillance programs; that there are currently massive threats of new communicable diseases brewing around the world due to population growth, wet markets, and other factors; that faster, more comprehensive, more militarized data mining, surveillance and population control are a good response; and that the CDC and WHO were originally designed and currently work to identify and control disease outbreaks.

I disagree with all of those claims.

I think the events of the last century described by globalists as "pandemics," back to the Spanish flu in 1918 or earlier, were orchestrated attacks on human societies, religious and governing institutions, human bodies and human immune systems. They were not naturally-occurring or naturally-circulating diseases or benevolent disease mitigation programs.

I think that globalist totalitarians want increased surveillance and population control, and therefore orchestrate false-flag pandemics — through psychological manipulation, propaganda and other forms of lying and fear-mongering — and also orchestrate biochemical attacks (weapons falsely labeled as 'vaccines' and treatments), to create pretexts for installing more intensive surveillance and control systems to control and kill more people.

I think that the CDC and WHO, and all other so-called public health organizations, are military units whose purpose and function has been, for their entire institutional existence, and still is, to devise and install globalist surveillance, control and killing programs.

I do not believe that naturally-occurring, naturally-circulating communicable diseases, or even lab-manipulated, communicable disease strains, pose any new or severe danger to humanity or human health.

I think rulers who coerce, surveil, control, sicken, injure, sterilize and kill people are illegitimate, and willfully engaged in evil acts.

I think illegitimate, evil systems that diabolically corrupt rulers have already put in place must be dismantled, not strengthened.

I think the primary threat to humanity is the secular, materialist, criminal, globalist totalitarian project itself.

Pray the Rosary.

St. Mark the Evangelist. Painting by Emmanuel Tzanes.

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