Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Sunday, February 9, 2020

2288-2291: An End to Paul Ehrlich -- The Battle of Memes from Lincoln County Watch

2288-2291: An End to Paul Ehrlich -- The Battle of Memes from Lincoln County Watch

By Anna Von Reitz

What is a meme?  It is a popular idea or belief expressed as a phrase or very simple idea, passed around from hand to hand and mouth to mouth like the Common Cold.

Some advertising slogans become memes, like the immortal "Where's the beef?" ad the escaped the realm of fast food burger joint competitions and made the Big Leagues in national politics.  

More commonly, memes take on the form of popular Old Wives' Tales, Urban Myths, and Superstitions --- some of which can be, and are, used for political and propaganda purposes.  
Who is Paul Ehrlich?  Answer: a Stanford University Professor with bad math skills. 

What is Paul Ehrlich famous for?  Writing a book called, "The Population Bomb" back in the late 1960's, in which he used flawed mathematical models to prove -- ahem! --- that we were headed for an inescapable planetary crisis due to overpopulation of the planet, and predicting that if we didn't reduce ourselves to voluntary celibacy, hair shirts, and eating wheat grass and dirt, all would be lost by the 1980's.  

Let me check my watch.... 2020....still here.  

Nonetheless, these pernicious ideas and false claims remain and have not only attained the status of an Urban Myth, but have offered the planetary elites a ploy that they wish to parley into a brand new and ever-more oppressive regulatory and taxation system: The New Green Deal, complete with "Carbon Taxes", and presumably a little Personal Smart Meter designed to tax you for every breath you take and every fart you dare pass.   

So whether you are simply math-challenged and unobservant, or whether you are nasty and cynical and looking for a new scam to milk, the overpopulation hysteria continues long after it should have been pronounced dead and buried, together with collateral theories of the same ilk that continue to cause problems.  

This recent round of "semi-plausible scientific bunk" all began with Paul Ehrlich and his thoroughly discredited "population bomb" hysteria back in the 1970's.  

This parallels another thoroughly discredited theory --- I speak of the now (suddenly) "accepted" Green House Gas Theory, which appeared on the scene 196 years ago, was discredited even back then as nonsense flying in the face of The Second Law of Thermodynamics--- and should have remained in the scrap heap of scientific speculations that didn't pan out ---- EXCEPT that certain parties revived it for political, not scientific, reasons. 

I speak here of the Democratic Party, which made funding of "scientific" research subject to political pandering and objectives, and made University budgets the playground of "allied interests" ---- defense contractors, Big Pharma, the AMA, and so on.  

Does everyone reading this realize that carbon dioxide makes up exactly 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere?  

Can you repeat that fact after me, ad nauseum, so that even a pre-schooler can recite the Opposing Meme ---? 

Carbon dioxide accounts for 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere.  

It can't possibly cause "global warming" and human-caused increases in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide can't do anything, either.  

So all this hysteria and all these proposed "carbon taxes" are just more Shinola that is being manipulated by certain elitists who are hoping to set up yet another long run for themselves as Masters of the Masses and Lords of the Manor, and all based on "popular" Bunk. 

Population bomb  -- bunk.  
Greenhouse Gas Theory --- bunk since 1824, no less. 
Carbon Taxes -- grossly self-interested bunk. 

Fact: Enzymes and poisons are the only things that are effective Change Agents at concentrations of one three-hundredth of one percent per volume of anything.  

So unless carbon dioxide is an enzyme...... 

Which brings me to my final point.  Poisonous ideas and beliefs often cause more damage and misery far in excess of anything actual and factual in this world.   

Fear, prejudice, falsehoods, greed, self-interest, and outright lies "pre-cause" the damage that is played out in real time, and false beliefs lead to wrong actions nearly a hundred percent of the time. 

Faced with the enormity of the biologic and environmental catastrophe that the Vatican's policy of supporting Chemtrail spraying programs has wrought in California, Alaska, and Australia, stumbling Apologists have told me, "We had no idea!  We were told by reputable scientists....." 

"Reputable scientists" who were working for manufacturing industries anxious to get rid of their wastes at a premium price, "reputable scientists" who were covertly working for violent political factions, "reputable scientists" who were threatened with loss of tenure or funding, or sopped with promises of same.  

The days when we could regard science as a Second Religion and scientists as trustworthy priests, are long since gone.  The Democratic Party and the Military-Industrial Complex have done their work of corruption both inside and outside the realm of the Vatican Expense Accounts.  

It's high time we all woke up and elbowed our less educated neighbors in the ribs and clued them in --- hey, this is just a con job.  

This overpopulation hysteria and human-caused climate change bunk isn't true.

It's being used as an excuse to tax you for the "crime" of being alive and making a living.  It's another form of "income tax" designed to tax your life, your time on earth, and your labor.  Carbon taxes are just another bid to enslave you and an excuse to rule the world, being offered by the same old charlatans who are responsible for the present Mess.  


It's time to shove it all back down the throats of the Democratic Party Hacks, the Archbishops and Cardinals, the Committee of Rome, Michael Bloomberg, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, various ill-informed Scandinavian teenagers, the United Nations, Paul Ehrlich, Prince Philip, the Holy See, the Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, and all the Closet Nazis worldwide. 

I want to see them weeping green goo and staring at each other in horror and saying things like, "My Lucifer, I don't believe it.... the horses are talking and the sheep are waking up! Demons preserve us!"   I want to notice their conspicuous absence from public forums and podiums and news cycles.  I want them caught-out, shamed, recognized as the self-interested liars that they are.  I want to see them all scattering like cockroaches before a very bright light ---- and off the academic gravy train, too.   

Can you picture all the thick-carpet people in the world wide-eyed, deflated, and in a huff?  All the outrageous lies that have driven the Mainstream Media for years now, nailed to the barn door with only six words?  

You, too, can do your part in the Battle of Memes. Spread the actual scientific truth and let it fly and land upon darkened, fearful minds, like so many embers and sparks of an engrossing fire: 

"One three-hundredth of one percent."


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Today's Update -- Why We Don't Already Have a Universal Cure

By Anna Von Reitz

Earlier this week I disclosed the reason why -- despite often having Super Majority control of all the political apparatus in Washington, DC -- the Democratic Party has never delivered actual relief to the poor and working class constituents that keep them in power.  

They can't deliver the relief they promise for fear of losing their constituent base. 

They have to "keep the people hungry" --- and dumbed down --- to stay in power.  So that's what they do. 

They talk, talk, talk and they: (1) throw money at problems in a way that amounts to wasting public money on their political cronies, or (2) sideline real appropriations via backdoor money laundering back to themselves (like the Clinton Foundation Scandal) or (3) find a way to tax or regulate the potential benefit away, so that no substantial gains are ever realized by the folks at street level. 

I call this last-mentioned ploy "giving with one hand and taking away with the other".   

The Typical Democrat in DC thinks:  "Oh, sure, I'll increase the Minimum Wage, but then, I'll also increase inflation to devalue the currency....so the poor slob is even worse off, but I will appear to have done them a favor....."   

Things like that.  Thinking like that.  And this, no joke, is how our country has been run by these felons for the last 160 years.  

Yesterday, I was catching --- in passing --- an interview taking place on one of the Conservative Radio Talk Shows ---- Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin.  The host was interviewing a Pastor from an inner city African American Church somewhere in this country --- I didn't catch where. 

The Pastor was (rightly) observing that all the improvement in minority employment statistics has yet to hit home in the most severely impacted neighborhoods --- but he clearly didn't know why, and he was still stubbornly defending his Democratic champions and blaming Donald Trump for the circumstance.  


Successive generations of Democratic Party Plunkers have eaten away the industrial base of this nation, curtailed transportation and infrastructure improvements, and used the Federal Department of Education since 1976 to make sure that more and more Americans --- especially at the low end of the totem pole --- are unskilled, barely literate, bored out of their minds, and reduced to living on welfare.  

On purpose.  

This keeps their base as hungry as they need their base to be.  

They can "tune their base" up by handing out goodies while they are in power, but never enough to really solve poverty or anything else ---- and "tune their base down" when the Republicans are in office, by a constant stream of propaganda and blaming and pre-election sequesters of funding for social programs. 

Am I the only one in America who has noticed that every four years, like clockwork, social programs get cut right before elections?  And the very worst impacts are always targeted to hit places like Detroit and Chicago and New Orleans?  Always? 

The Labor Unions can restrict influx of new journeymen to their ranks to keep their wages and demand parameters high---- and do so, at inestimable cost to the public and the destruction of the American Labor Force in general.  The AMA  and ABA do the same with doctors and lawyers.  No doubt the same applies to "Federal" Indian Chiefs. 

The entire Democratic agenda is actually to, quote unquote, "keep the Niggers down" ---- and it always has been ever since the Civil War, if you bother to look at their voting records and the legislation they have penned.  

Over the decades, they have simply expanded their definition of "Niggers" to include all the rest of us, so long as we are poor, ignorant, down-trodden, helpless--- and unable to see through their chicanery and hypocrisy -- the more "slaves" the better. 

Top Democrats are among the most lily-white, most elitist, most self-aggrandizing, most crooked, most hypocritical people on this planet, and increasingly, Republicans have joined their ranks.  

Let's face it, the Dems have had a good thing going from their perspective, lots of back door money flowing, all sorts of perks to hand out, an easy scam to operate --- just say one thing and do another, and chisel, chisel, chisel. 

So with this kind of "bassackwards" self-interested Shinola being the order of the day for the undeservedly popular Democratic Party, is it any wonder that all our institutions are adversely impacted?  

Our Universities are dependent on money from these Hacks.  Our schools, especially in poor neighborhoods, are dependent on "Federal" kickbacks, because there is no property base left to speak of.  Our space program, our National Health Institutes, our research laboratories,  even our public parks and sanitation programs have been drawn into the Federal Kickback Dependency Scam, where racketeers take all the money from the local and State levels and dole out "whatever" as kickbacks.  

And at least some of us have been dumb enough to let them do it. 

So, now, with that background, here's the answer to why we living, breathing people don't already have a viable systemic cure for viral infections of all kinds worldwide: read it and weep----- 


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Ben Fulford, George III and "the" Republic

By Anna Von Reitz

Ben Fulford recently lobbed this factoid at America: 

"To get from here to there in concrete terms is the task that now lies ahead.  A senior member of the secret space program has in his possession the original secret treaty between King George III and the Republic of the United States of America.  He says a condition for unveiling the secret space program and the 5,000 patents hidden for “national security reasons” is the restoration of sovereignty to the American Republic and its people.  Another condition is the replacing of admiralty law with Common Law for the People, he says." 

Please note that King George III ruled from 1760 to 1820 --- a period of 60 years that included the aftermath of The French and Indian War and all the way through the American Revolution, the Treaties of Versailles, Paris, and Westminster, the adoption of the Constitutions, the War of 1812, the Treaties of Ghent..... George III is one of the longest reigning British Monarchs in history and he was in power throughout the entire saga that founded our nation and cemented Britain's role in our affairs--- all of it, beginning to end, bears his impress. 

So when someone says there is a "secret treaty between King George III and the Republic of the United States of America" one must ask----  exactly when was this "secret treaty" penned and who or what was acting opposite of King George at the time?  

And from there, either prove or deduce what was actually going on and with what authority it was transpiring? 

Then, as now, when we have various organizations of differing kinds and differing constituents pretending to be "the" American States, there was a great deal of confusion, some of it deliberate--- and it requires more than a passing glance to discern who is acting in what capacity,  where we are in terms of jurisdiction, and even who is involved in the conversation at any given time. 

As we have seen, there is a tremendous difference between The United States of America --- the Unincorporated Government of this country --- and "the" United States of America --- the British Territorial United States Government, and again, between "the United States of America" and "The United States of America, Inc." --- a Scottish Commercial Corporation set up after the so-called Civil War..... and  the "United States of America, Inc." --- a Roman Catholic Church non-profit corporation set up in 1925 in Delaware...... 

You get the point.  There is a Federation of American States occupying the land and soil jurisdiction of this country.  There is an unincorporated government of the British Territorial United States doing business as the United States of America.  There are, at this point, multiple commercial corporations and mercantile companies claiming to be some variety of USA..... and it was the same way back then.  

Take no wooden nickels, accept no foreign offices of person-hood. 

It's not only that the same or very similar names are used for all sorts of disparate entities over time, but the names in use change over time and come to apply to different entities entirely. 

Thus, something called the "Republic of the United States of America" in 1778 is a very different entity and functioning on a different level and with different authority than something called the "Republic of the United States of America" in 1795, after the formation of the Federal Republic.  

Before we can respond to Fullford's information or evaluate what such a document portends, we have to be able to examine it and know the dates and the signatories that acted upon it.  

At one point, there were not only numerous immediate post-Colonial organizations formed among the "estates" on the American side of the issues, but numerous Tory organizations vying to represent American interests, too. 

Some of the Tory organizations sounded remarkably similar in demanding concessions from the King and the Parliament --- only stopped short of  formal separation from England.   

The Papists were also in full hue and cry, and talk of "Republics" and naming things "Republics" was very much more in their line of thinking.  For them, the Roman Republic was a much more present and viable template for the building of a new nation, and Classicists like Jefferson and Adams readily adapted this vocabulary, too. 

The code name for George Washington was "Cincinnatus" --- after the Father of the Roman Republic. 

Washington did indeed repeat the performance of Cincinnatus in refusing to rule as a dictator once the war was over, and upon his return to Mt. Vernon after serving as President, was similarly wreathed in immortal glory despite being King George's Cousin.

The Pope's men had been busy, too, in the years preceding the Revolution and had already selected a site for the new capitol on the border between Virginia and Maryland on the Potomac River and called it "Rome" many years before it was re-named "Washington, DC"-----so you can see that none of this was happening in a vacuum or without prior consideration and planning.  

So exactly what  or which "Republic of the United States of America" is Fulford talking about?  

A British Tory organization of the time, approaching the British King with a "performance dependent" settlement offer?   A  Papist delegation of the same kind seeking a separate resolution to the hostilities?  Or something that concerned the early British Territorial Government calling itself a Republic?  Or does it hail from a later time period, after the formation and adoption of the Federal Republic?  Or is it actually an agreement validated by the Federation of States?  

There's no way to say without having the document in front of us, and so, no way to know if: (1) the document is a fake or part of some sidebar action taking place contemporaneously;  (2) the document concerns the actual Federation of States; (3) the document concerns the Federal Republic in operation from 1787 to 1860; (4) the document concerns some unofficial Successor organization.

Perhaps the Senior member of the Secret Space Program -- which isn't secret and never really has been in some circles -- will come forward and produce the document for public examination, and we can then determine whether or not it raises new and legitimate points of discussion ---- or is just more British Wind. 

You must all forgive me for -- apparently by turns -- expressing an idealism that is foreign to your assumptions ("She really believes we can stop a pandemic with our thoughts and some weird water?") and skepticism of an almost cynical kind.  

This is the result of being party and witness to many things that you would readily agree are "miracles" and also being witness to many scams along the way.  

It is entirely possible that King George III signed a secret treaty with agents of the actual Federation of States.  Or with agents of the Federal Republic.  And either one could be valid and recognizable as "the" Republic of "the" United States of America at any given time.  Could be.  

The time period and the names of the Signatories will tell the tale, and will also tell us: (1) the authority with which they acted; (2) the jurisdiction in which they were acting; (3) the impact -- if any -- on us, today. 


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Missing Pieces

By Anna Von Reitz

The most disturbing thing about Christians -- to me -- is that they don't listen to Jesus.  They don't actually believe him.  

They pretend to.  Some of them actually read the Bible.  But like his Disciples who constantly needed correction, they don't take in the message.  

He told you --- "My kingdom is not of this Age."  Not the Age of Pisces. 

He told you --- "God is within you."    "Within"----not "with". 

He told you -- "You shall tell the mountain to get up and remove itself...."  

Yet you think you cannot remove a virus?  

When I tell you  to actually act upon and exercise your faith and your authority as Sons and Daughters of the Living God, you shrink back and cower and attack me for reminding you of who you are and what you are called to do.  

If you don't believe it and act upon it, what's the point?  Why do you bother to call yourselves "Christians"? 

Imagine what it is like for me, as I stand here and take in the view.  So many miracles have been worked for all of you, just in your daily lives.  Stop and think. Remember. 

This is not about doctrines and hair-splitting.  The True God is here, within you.  You are not alone.  You are not weak.  You are not clueless.  The Master of the Universe is as close as your own breath, and with Him all things are possible.

So start living as if you really understood this and knew it to be true, because it is true.  Literally. 

The vermin have unleashed a biological agent capable of killing 500 million innocent people, and 400 million are already under quarantine. 

The paper records and arrests thus far implicate rogue elements in the US and Britain that were working with a research institution in Wuhan.  Two Chinese nationals and Dr. Charles Lieber, the Chairman of Harvard's Chemistry Department, have been arrested.  

Lieber, as in Lieber Code. 

Yet, miracles are occurring, too.  The Tibetans who have for generations suffered catastrophe at the hands of the Chinese Government have unleashed a bio-acoustical weapon of major magnitude to save their Chinese neighbors. 

Yes, you read that right ---- to save their Chinese neighbors, despite all that they have suffered themselves. 

This sound eradicates virus of all kinds and the Tibetans know how to create this unique frequency that causes viruses to self-destruct.  

The Keshe Foundation has also come forward and selflessly taught people how to create Copper-Zinc GANS using materials most people have around the house.  GANS alters the nature and structure of water and turns it into a virus-killing miracle.  

One cup of this water can save one life. Simple as that. It already has a terrific record against Swine Flu and SARS and can kill this bug, too. 

Better still, all the Chinese Government has to do, is set up industrial-scale GANS production and use this modified water in city water systems to make it available everyone.  

The process is simple enough to do this, and the delivery system is already in place. 

Since I suggested to my Readers that we "command" the viruses to self-mutate into harmless forms, there is also evidence that a "significant" proportion of the virus is doing exactly that --- spontaneously retrofitting and bypassing the HIV connector sequences for "no known reason".  

Where we come from, we call "no known reason"  by the name "God".  

Feel the power running through you?  Feel your ability to reach through time and space?  Feel the joy?  The pure joy of having the Lord of Heaven working through you and with you?   You are the Sons and Daughters of the Living God. 

You can do this.  

And for your second job, you can settle the locusts rampaging across Africa and India just as planting season comes.  

Project your viewpoint in your imagination high above the Earth into subspace, high enough so you can see the swirling clouds, like dust clouds, of locusts above Africa and the Indian Subcontinent.  You will notice that they swarm in swirls like paisley shapes....so now, calm them down. 

Like casting a net over them, bring them down, flattening the swirling tornado-like towers of locusts, and gently move the swarms far out over the sea and release them.  They will be confused and the great all-devouring swarms will break down.  

Many will not make it back to land and will give the fish a good feeding. Those small groups that remain will not be able to destroy the crops. 

The Vermin have showed us what they can do. 
Let's show THEM what we can do.  


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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