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An American Affidavit

Saturday, June 9, 2018

1070-1075 Rat Legacy By Anna Von Reitz from Lincoln County Watch

Friday, June 8, 2018

1070-1075 Rat Legacy

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats set up a system for themselves that they patented via misuse of the US Patent and Trademark Office. 

Administration and oversight of the US Patent and Trademark Office is one of the duties that we delegated to the Federal United States.  

When the Federal United States was moth-balled after the Civil War, the Territorial United States began operating the US Patent and Trademark Office, with the result that foreign interests began manipulating our patent processes. 

They also took over the US Copyright Office and abused those delegated powers, too. 

Gradually, over time, the vermin incorporated virtually every government on Earth and established two levels of incorporated government --- territorial and municipal. 

Thus we have the territorial government of Japan, Inc., and the municipal government of JAPAN, INC., and both have been chartered as franchises of the USA, Inc., and the UNITED STATES, INC., respectively.  

All around the world, wherever you go, you find China and CHINA,  Egypt and EGYPT,  Germany and GERMANY..... 

Not only have all these usurping governmental services corporations been chartered and franchised and controlled through the US Patent and Trademark Office and the US Copyright Office, but all these territorial and municipal franchise "governments" have gone on and chartered hundreds of thousands of other franchised corporations---- S Corps, C Corps, LLC's, Cooperatives, Public Transmitting Utilities, Trusts, Foundations---- and on and on. 

Imagine a vast, interconnected spider's web, with all these properties and assets being gathered together with the power over them being gradually consolidated into fewer and fewer hands. 

The rats planned it this way.  It was all going to be in the control of a few oligarchs, who were going to use the United Nations as their storefront.  

The plan required bankrupting the two main Holding Corporations --- the USA, Inc., and the UNITED STATES, INC. both, so that all the thousands of franchises and all their assets would be "subsumed" into the bankruptcy of the parent corporations, and thereby become available as chattel that the banks behind all this could seize upon and claim as abandoned, uncollected property.  

When the dust settled, only a handful of people would own and control everything. The rest of us would be paupers and slaves, disposable as cattle. 

If there is any question about this, I have the patents these vermin wrote which explain their criminal intentions and the entire structure they set up to harvest the value of our labor and create such evils as "Life Force Value Annuities" and to take false title to our land and our homes and everything else.

We have it in their own words, black and white, with the names of the attorneys responsible and the business agents who signed off on all this rot.  We know how they split up the roles and the profits, how Deutsch Bank got saddled with the so-called "Derivatives" and how Bank of America got the land assets and how Merrill-Lynch did the title swaps to unlawfully convert ownership of our assets, how the Bank of New York Mellon was used as a clearinghouse for trading in slaves, how the Bank of Canada was used to pay kick-backs to the Territorial State of State Governors. 

It was all documented in their own words, patented as a "System" ---- a totally criminal and immoral system--- on public display at the US Patent and Trademark Office. 

So, that's what the rats did to feather their own ratty nests at everyone else's expense, and they were brazen about it and about their abuse of our Patent Office.  All this criminality was done "in our names" without our knowledge or permission, for the gross benefit of Third Parties --- international banks and foreign governments, while we ourselves were primary targets and victims of the scheme. 

But something happened in the midst of all this backdoor trading and scheming.  

Against all odds, the Americans who had been slumbering for 150 years, woke up! 

Like Rip Van Winkle we came staggering out from under our rocks and demanded to know what was going on? 

The rest, as they say, is history.  The vermin went forward with their bogus bankruptcy plan.  We placed our claims against them. They vacated their own constitutional contracts.  The delegated powers reverted back to us.  We declined their assumption of contract.  

And now, instead of them being the owners of everything they schemed to steal--- we are the Priority Creditors and Lawful Entitlement Holders and only sovereign government still standing and having rightful claim to all these corporations.  Every single one.  

The advantage for everyone is that we aren't crooks and we don't aim at world dominance or profit from war.  We are just the old Mom and Pop American Government cleaning house and taking out the trash.  So, it's best for all concerned to get behind the effort and push.  

If you are American, come home to the land and soil of your birth, get your political status records straight, and boot up your county jural assembly.  

It doesn't matter if you are in Okinawa or Fredericksburg.  If you want peace, if you want your stuff back, if you want to breathe free ---- well, here's your chance. Support the peaceful, lawful process we have initiated and help in any way you can. 

We are in need of donations to keep The Living Law Firm in the field.  We've had several medical issues and one death to deal with on top of unusual travel expenses and all the rest of day to day costs. This is a totally volunteer effort.  Nobody gets a salary, but we try to help the team with emergencies (the water heater explodes, the kid breaks their ankle) and with actual expenses that otherwise have to come out of their pockets--- paper and ink, filing fees, travel expenses, and so on.  

If you have the good fortune to have some extra to spare, I am still Paymaster for the whole operation.  Send to my Paypal at:  avannavon@gmail.com or via Snail Mail ---- Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Gross Ignorance

By Anna Von Reitz

Pause and observe the ongoing debate of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Bill and wonder----just how ignorant the Territorial United States Congress really is?

They have finally awakened enough to realize that they haven't got any war-making powers, but they don't know why.  

They know that they have no statutory authority to declare war on Iran.  That's a blessing. 

They still think that it is POSSIBLE to have "statutory" war-making powers --- and they are serious about all their discussions concerning this concept, too. That's a real problem.

In truth and in fact, the only war-making powers they have ever had for the past 150 years is in the euphemistic sense of corporations going to "war" against other corporations.  

The Civil War....The Spanish-American War....World War I.....World War II....Korea.....Vietnam.....Iraq I.....Iraq II.....Libya.....Afghanistan....and all the many, many, many lesser conflicts, incursions, and "police actions" ---- have all been illegal commercial mercenary "conflicts". 

Why?  Because the Territorial United States Congress has no lawful ability to declare actual war, and statutory authority to declare war doesn't exist by definition. 

This is why the Nixon Administration kept on calling it "the Vietnam Conflict" instead of "the Vietnam War".   Tricky Dick was a lawyer and a sharp one.  He knew what he was mired in over in Southeast Asia.  He knew that calling it a "war" would obligate him to follow rules he didn't want to follow.   

Same thing with changing McNamara's title from "Secretary of War" to "Secretary of Defense".   More weasel games.  More twisting.  More lawyer BS. 

All the protocols and conventions, all the diplomatic efforts, all the pomp and circumstance ---- the Lieber Code, the Geneva Conventions, the Hague Conventions --- all for naught, because none of these "conflicts" have actually been wars.  

Anyone who knew the truth about this was free to thumb their nose and skate, because there are no rules of war, no treaties, no civil conventions that apply to "private commercial security actions"----and that is all we have been engaged in for longer than any of us can remember. 

Our honorable men, our soldiers-in-fact, have been used as gun fodder and as very ill-paid mercenaries in wars for profit for fifteen decades.  

Iraq doesn't want to sell us their oil anymore?  We bomb them to smithereens and pollute their entire landscape with nuclear waste that we used to keep in salt mines in Nevada.  

Libya wants to lift the yoke off the necks of the people in Africa by using a gold-backed currency?  We invade this much smaller, virtually helpless country, and pound our chests and kill their leaders and pretend that it was something glorious.  

Well, no, it wasn't.  It was thuggery of the very worst sort, being directed from Mayfair and Black Port, routed through Washington, DC.  

How dare those upstart Africans aspire to have their own money and live their own lives?  At some point, they might even aspire to use and have the benefit of their own natural resources, and that really would be inconvenient for certain European interests.  

The "American" Civil War was over bad British investments in Egyptian Cotton. The First World War was a squabble between Cousins over who could build the bigger navy.  The Second World War was another squabble between half-brothers, deliberately set up to fleece and then destroy the Jewish population in Continental Europe.  Things just got a little out of hand.  Korea?  Opium.  Vietnam?  Rubber plantations.   Iraq?  Oil.   Libya?  Gold currency.  Afghanistan?  More drugs. 

It's not pretty.  It's not patriotic.  It's true.  

It's also true that nobody in their right mind would volunteer to go risk their lives to promote robbery and self-interest and political thuggery in other countries, so there always has to be a cover-story, some reason however vaporous, that justifies all this senseless aggression and puts a nice, moral face on Commercial Feudalism. 

Just listen to the Musical Chairs propaganda as the vermin test the water, trying to find some excuse to go to war with somebody, because face it, we've been used as the source of mercenaries for the past 150 years. That's how Washington, DC, makes its money --- by selling our children into slavery at home and into mercenary service abroad. 

We replaced Landgrave Wilhelm von Hesse-Kassel as the supplier of mercenaries worldwide and as a result, we've been kept at constant war for 150 years, selling our young men just  like the Hessians all bought and paid for by George III to come over here and fight with the Colonists for eight Pounds Sterling. 

It's like Spinning the Wheel of Fortune.  Where is the arrow going to land next?  Iraq?  Iran?  Afghanistan?  Turkey?  Spain?   How about Mali?   Lord knows that they tried to get some kind of civil war ginned up right here in the United States, working every angle of racial and economic divisiveness to do it.  

And meanwhile, painfully, blinking like moles come out into the sun, the members of the Territorial United States Congress begin to wake up and smell the java: we don't have statutory authority to declare war.....uh....well, wait....is there such a thing as statutory authority to declare war?   Ever?  At all? 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Mark Robinson Takes On Gun Rights

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is an absolutely wonderful rant on a subject that deserves a rant: gun rights owed to the law-abiding people everywhere.  Watch and learn if you have any questions about reality and the Second Amendment: 

And let me add my solution to the mix ---- everyone who wants to disarm themselves after listening to this is certainly welcome to step right up and do so.  Neither Mark Robinson nor I will prevent anyone from voluntarily turning in their guns to the nearest police station.  

That said, the proven increase in crime that follows disarmament of a population has to be dealt with by --- as Mark Robinson points out --- police forces, and this increased reliance on police enforcement means more taxes.  So there is a direct correlation between increased taxes and the refusal to do one's duty to keep and bear arms and uphold enforcement of the Public Law. 

As that is unarguably so, it is also only reasonable that those who abdicate the responsibility to defend themselves and others from criminals need to bear the burden of their choices by paying an Individual Disarmament Tax (IDT) to be assessed each year as a tax on a privilege --- to not keep and bear arms. 

What do you say to an extra $3,000 per year---each? 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

British--- Not Russian--- Meddling

By Anna Von Reitz

As most of your know, in my opinion and experience, every dog pile on Earth rests solidly on a British-built Foundation:

South Africa?   British.
Middle East?  British.
Drug Trade?  British.
Wars, Wars, Wars?  All British.
Commodity Hoards?  British.
Dishonest Banks?  British.
Moth-balled Federal United States?  British.
IRS?  British.
Bar Associations?  British. 
Racial Caste Systems?  British. 
Human and Child Trafficking?  British.
Sexual Perversions?  British. 
"American" Civil War?  British made to look American.
Derivatives "Bubble"?  British made to look German.
Territorial United States?  British made to look American.
ISIS?  British made to look Muslim. 

You simply cannot underestimate the sheer criminality and destructive power of the British Raj.  You can't comprehend the audacity, mendacity, diabolical guile, and ferocious appetite of the British Crown Complex.  And when it comes to meddling, nobody does it better.  

That is not to say that they haven't needed and had a great many collaborators all around the world, helping them out to help themselves to everyone else's everything.  They have been loyally assisted by friend and foe alike. 

The lure of unlimited gain and perversion without fear of punishment is a powerful inducement for deluded, soulless people everywhere, so you find them in Bangkok and you find them in Baton Rouge, and you find them in Cairo, all ticking along like a well-oiled clock, smirking and nodding in a self-satisfied and superior way, flicking their little hand signals and grappling around looking for a secret handshake. 

I take no pleasure in pointing the accusatory Flying Finger of Fate at the Brits. I understand how severe their own suffering has been at the hands of their government.  

Fleet Street and Westminster and Parliament are Equal Opportunity Abusers. They will cheat and enslave their own people as fast or faster than anyone else, and you have to admit that where it comes to stealing land and private property, the value of labor, and the freedom to enjoy life, they have ruthlessly drained their Home Islands with the same vacuous lust that is their hallmark elsewhere. 

So in this entire Circus surrounding the ridiculous, groundless, politically motivated "investigation" into President Trump and a purported Russian connection and Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election----which has cost the American people enough to run the whole government --- I didn't have to think about it more than a nanosecond to know that, yes, the Brits were not only at the bottom of the investigation, but also most likely the ones meddling in our elections.  

The Pot always calls The Kettle black in their world.  Always.  Predictably.  

And here, drumroll.....a few miles outside of the Mainstream Media, but stalwartly reported just the same----- proof that it was the Brits, not the Russians, meddling in our elections: 


How about it, Mr. Trump?  Shall we have an investigation into British Meddling --- for the past 150 years?  

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Insurance Against Stupid People?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, yes, I am being attacked.  I am being called everything but what I am.  I am being identified as one of the "Evil Catholics" and "Evil Papists" and even as ---God forbid --- one of the child molesting fiends from Hell that I simply lump together as "vermin".  

Unfortunately, there is not now and never has been a cure for irresponsible, ignorant and just plain stupid people, and so far as I know, there is no insurance to be bought against their mistakes and gossip and misconceptions.  

In every single case, these people haven't bothered to read a single word I have written.  They are parroting whatever they've heard through the grapevine, regardless of where the grapevine leads or where it came from.  Here's a case in point: 

If these folks know as much about this "intel" as they "know" about me, I wouldn't waste the time to listen.

There are two major groups that hate my guts --- the British Tories who have gotten fat as slugs by secretively bleeding America dry and the misnamed Illuminati whose Empire is falling apart----they blame me.  I guess I am complimented.  There is also a Dirty Faction in the US Military that doesn't like me much.  The feeling is mutual. 

So far, nine would-be assassins have been turned to pillars of salt.  The long-term criminal activities and Breach of Trust inflicted on the Americans by the British and French Governments and the filth at the Vatican continues to be exposed. The actual Evil Empire continues to fall apart.  The Dirty Faction in the US Military has a lot more to worry about right now than an old lady in Alaska.  

I am content.  I'll own my enemies as well as my friends.

My friends can assist by countering their BS and complaining to YouTube and Facebook and wherever else you see this crappola, but there really isn't anything I can do about it except "consider the source"----or lack thereof.  

Anyone who believes "Agents Around the World" probably needs Remedial Brain Fart Lessons and a brand new Shinola Sensor anyway. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

RB, Mountain Mission, and The Marines

By Anna Von Reitz

RB, Mountain Mission, and The Marines
I had a friend in High School who was a real cut-up.  He signed me up for the Marine Corps and I signed him up for the Miss America Pageant.
Imagine the confusion and consternation of the Marine MP’s who showed up on our doorstep looking for an AWOL recruit named Ambrose Martin Riezinger?  
Imagine my Father’s consternation dealing with these two, who were convinced that there had to be a strapping six foot two recruit hiding somewhere behind my diminutive façade.  After all, Ambrose showed up for the physical and intake interviews and he had excellent scores….
I sat hunched up in a chair like a molting bird through the whole fiasco.  That was my introduction to the Marine Corps.  I remember watching those two Marines unconsciously falling into marching cadence as they swung down our long driveway to their car and saying to my Father, “Those guys are real boneheads.”
“Yes,” he replied, also watching their departure, but there was something wistful in his eyes. “They are real boneheads. That’s part of what makes them who they are.”
I didn’t know then that I would fall in love with a Marine and that I would lose him in Vietnam.  I could not imagine that the Marines would win a special place in my heart and there would always be a bond of sympathy between the Boneheads and me.  Takes one to tell one, I guess.
Many of my Marine brothers have passed on.  The whole cadre I knew from Vietnam is gone, except for one lonely Winnebago, who lives so far out in the woods that God can’t find him for most of the week. 
And now, another Brother has passed on: RB Young, a Marine, a preacher, a teacher, a friend, a researcher, a patriot, a dog-lover, a world-class diver, surfer, and snow boarder….the list could go on and on, but it could never explain all that “RB” was or how he touched so many lives, including yours.
The work he did as an independent researcher will change your life and the lives of millions of Americans for many years to come--- and except for this brief remembrance, you would never have cause to know that he ever existed, that he ever swooped like an eagle down the near-vertical face of a mountain, that he ever breathed the air of Big Sur and the Big Sky of Montana.
He’s gone, like the wind and a ripple.
Peacefully, in his sleep, with his dogs at his feet. 
He lived a good life, a full life, but he was always ready to go at a moment’s notice.  When God called him home, you can bet his affairs were all tidy and his kit bag was packed tight.  His Testament was written on the fly-leaf of his well-thumbed Bible and it was less than a paragraph, telling us what to do now.  
RB never had kids of his own, but he adopted all the lost and lonely, all the troubled and confused cast-offs of all kinds and colors and ages that he found along the way.  They became his children, quietly, the way grass grows, the way a Good Man finds his way into your heart.  They are mourning today for what they had and what they lost, but they are also thanking God. 
I know that I am feeling the same way.  I woke up this morning with tears on my face.  I was crying in my sleep over losing RB, but ironically enough, I know he is happy.  I know he was ready.  I know he is laughing at us and saying, “No, Dude, this is great…..just put the coffee urn over there on that table….”
We will all miss him, those lucky enough to have known him, and we will all feel lessened by grief, because a bit of our own heart that was grateful and lucky and brave has gone on down the road with RB, crossed over the bridge where all his dogs are waiting for him, and where there’s always a deep-powder ski slope ready to ride and a gentle blue ocean to dive in.
I had hoped to get him up to Alaska this summer for a little vacation time.  He worked so hard all last winter, ferreting out the information that The Living Law Firm needed, getting his part all ready to go. In vain, I told him to get some rest.  In vain, I told him to slow down. 
He had a mission and he knew what it was better than I did.  I was a bit taken back when, over Memorial Day Weekend, he announced that it was done.  Completed.  He’d found what he was looking for and he’d shared it with the world.  His part, as he said, was finished. He could finally kick back – and he did. Just not quite in the way the rest of us were hoping for and expecting.
Good-bye, RB.  Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.  May the Good Lord be your companion and His Love sustain you.  May the ties that bind us, bind us still.  Thank you, dear brother and friend.  

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

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