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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Best Natural DHT Blocker In The World from Hairlossrevolution.com

The Best Natural DHT Blocker In The World

Vegetable cells with alkaline pH help block DHT in the scalp
In this article you’ll learn about an unusual, never-before-talked-about method that is the most effective and powerful way to block DHT naturally.
This won’t involve any drugs, or any expensive supplements that you need to take everyday. It involves a systematic biochemical change in your body – that powerfully balances your DHT levels over time – helping you stop any further hair loss.

Introducing The Acid/Alkaline Balance

There’s a high probability that your body is ‘eating’ your own hair!
What the heck do I mean by that? Let me explain!
This is a long article, and countless hours of research beating my own hair loss has gone it to it, so please read it until the end.
Okay, onwards…
The foods we consume, after our bodies have taken all the useful stuff out, leave a sort of ‘ash’ known as metabolic waste. It’s the bit that’s left over.
Depending on the type of food that we eat the metabolic ‘ash’ will either have a net acidic or net alkaline effect on our bodies. That means every food we eat will make our bodies more acidic or more alkaline. (In every cell and tissue throughout the entire body)
Having the correct pH (pH is a measure of acidity and alkalinity like Celsius and Fahrenheit are a measure of temperature) in our bodies is crucial to strong health because our cells, hormones, mitochondria and just about everything in our bodies work much more efficiently in the right conditions (which is slightly alkaline 7.36, which is incidentally the exact pH of seawater).
Useful enzymes and hormones must have precise alkaline conditions to be effective, whilst destructive enzymes, hormones and diseases thrive under acidic conditions.

Take a look at your own diet using the acid/base values for 100 gram portions for some typical foods that are shown in the table at the end of this section.
diet-changes-for-hairIt quickly becomes apparent that the typical Western diet consists largely of foods that have a net acidic value.
That’s not to say that alkaline foods aren’t included in this diet, it’s just the bulk of the foods are acidic.
The so called ‘balanced’ diet that is known to be the pinnacle of health to the majority of the population is heavily weighted on the acidic side.
How does this affect hair loss, you might be asking? In terms of pH balance this affects our hairlines both directly and indirectly.
First let’s discuss the indirect effects of acidosis (too much acidity in the blood, cells and tissues). As our bodies become more acidic due to our food choices, diseases such as microbes and bacteria thrive.
This means resources are taken away from hair building and set towards defence from germs.
Some people have argued that human head hair serves the purpose of conspicuous consumption much like the peacocks tail.
The peacock’s tail doesn’t serve any survival purposes; in fact it does the opposite. It burdens the peacock because of the expenditure of resources needed to create the tail in the first place and physical burden of carrying round a large colourful tail that makes it easy to spot and difficult to hide from predators.
It’s basically a sign of robust health, that less healthy peacocks can’t create and therefore attract females with.
the-peacocks-tailThe peacock is saying “I’m so healthy I can afford to build this huge tail and have a handicap with predators, I’m just that good that surviving is easy.”
When our bodies are coping with illnesses caused by the acidosis, our bodies don’t have the energy and resources to grow hair for the purpose of conspicuous consumption so new hair growth slowly ceases.
We can turn this around and use it to our favour, by alkalizing our bodies so much that diseases and bacteria simply can’t survive in these conditions.
The resources are now freed up for maximum potential hair growth.
Now let’s look at how acidosis directly affects the strength, thickness, coverage and colour of our hair. As the body tries to maintain its ideal pH balance (pH 7.36) under the onslaught of net acidic foods it must take back (leach) parts of our body to buffer (cancel out) the acidity.
Remember from chemistry class that acid and alkaline cancel each other out (neutralise each other)
Crucially for us the body buffers the acidity (i.e. it neutralises it with net alkaline parts) by leaching (stealing) nutrients from less important parts of our body.
The best way to buffer the acidity in an attempt to preserve our health is to leach nitrogen and calcium.
One of the best sources of nitrogen is protein, such as the specific protein found in head hair called keratin. This amino acid forms about 90% of the hair molecule.
The result in most people is a gradual slowing down of the rate that their hair grows, a reduction in colour and saturation, strength and thickness, and then recession of our hair line.
Our bodies don’t want to devote precious alkaline resources to our hair, when there are other places they’re needed more importantly, like keeping disease away.
People are genetically predisposed to buffer acidity in different ways. Some people store fat, some try to excrete acidic toxins through their skin causing acne, whilst others buffer acidity using proteins from our hair follicles, bones and teeth (leading to critical calcium deficiency) etc.
Your body is literally eating your own hair to stay healthy and fend off disease. However the acidosis manifests itself, these short term symptoms should be warning signs that more severe diseases are on the way. Luckily the answer is simple.
Restore the natural growth of your hair by returning your body to its natural pH. 
I’ve seen myself and been told by other people I’ve worked with, how there was noticeably less hair in the shower plug after a few weeks on an alkalizing diet.
After a few weeks, as the body approaches its optimum pH, hair loss can often stop completely, and in the coming months begins to rebuild for as long as the natural pH is maintained. Detox is the best way to alkalise the body because I literally flushes acidic waste as fast as possible from the body.
Unfortunately, or maybe it is fortunate because it’s a warning sign, whenever we revert back to an acidic diet their hair soon starts to suffer as the pH drops to acidic and the body must once again buffer the acidity using keratin from hair follicles in an attempt to prevent disease overgrowth.

Alkalize: Prevent your body from eating its own hair

Eat foods that make the body more alkaline, that way your body won’t need to ‘eat’ its own hair to stay healthy. The most effective and easy way to start immediately alkalizing the body is to consume vegetable juice. Buy a juicer and make carrot, celery, broccoli, cucumber, spinach…..etc., juice daily.
Juicing is an unbelievably good way to get amazing quantities of enzymes nutrients and minerals into the body without expending large amounts of time and energy digesting the fibre and it will quickly restore your natural pH, as long as you keep the acidic foods on the low down.
With the right pH the body can block DHT naturally, so make sure you blood pH is balanced
With the right pH the body can retain hair, so make sure you blood pH is balanced
An interesting point to remember is that as your body becomes more and more alkaline, vegetables and particularly vegetable juices become more pleasing to the palate. Literally the more alkaline you become the more you enjoy alkaline foods.
The takeaway point here is that you must maximise your intake of net alkaline producing food and minimise acid producing food.

The Ulitmate Alkalizer for Hair Growth

This cheeky concoction seems to do the trick for getting alkalized fast and providing exactly those essential nutrients, minerals and enzymes to super charge hair growth and minimise the bodies need to leach keratin from our hair. We’ve had some great results with this one alone.
almonds-contain-nutirients-that-help-hairStart by soaking organic almonds in water 10 hours before you juice. Remove the almonds from the water and put them through your juicer being sure to collect all the pulp that comes out.
From the pulp you can make almond milk by adding filtered water and vanilla essence and straining through a cheese cloth.
You won’t get much almond ‘juice’ out of the front, but what you get will be a potent sort of cream.
Don’t wash the juicer yet, but continue to juice organic carrots, celery, spring greens, broccoli and spinach that has been mixed in with the almond cream. Add some supplements such as wheatgrass powder and turmeric for extra kick.
Not only will the drink alkalize your body and provide the nutrients and minerals for hair growth, but you’ll get an amazing glow to your skin, and not to mention feel amazing.
If this mixture makes your stomach rumble and makes you need the toilet then it means you’re probably quite acidic and the juice is working its magic.
As you become more alkaline this stops happening. As with all healthy food, consume it on an empty stomach, or half an hour after drinking water. Another great way to alkalize is to drink alkaline water, which is discussed further in the water section, or add wheatgrass powder to the water you drink.

The latest research on male pattern baldness

Ok, so let me tell you briefly about a little critter called 5-alpha-reductase (5αR). In case you didn’t already know 5αR is an enzyme that changes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.
Without 5αR no DHT can be made in the body. DHT is believed to be the chemical that is responsible for ‘male pattern baldness’ and so without DHT travelling round the body, male pattern baldness doesn’t occur.
Testosterone is converted to DHT which is the main hormone responsible for hair loss.
Testosterone is converted to DHT which is the main hormone responsible for hair loss.
Some interesting research has been carried out recently which found that the enzyme type 2 5αR localized in the vertex and frontal scalp (the bits of the head most affected by hair loss), however it wasn’t present in the occipital region (the lower back of the head where most bald men still have some hair).
This basically shows that type 2 5αR is primarily responsible for the pattern in male pattern baldness. Where type 2 5αR is found, so DHT will be produced here and loss of hair will be the result.
What a different group of researchers discovered was that specifically type 2 5αR works best in a very specific optimum pH range.
Outside of this pH range this particular enzyme simply can’t function and do its job of binding to testosterone to make DHT. The optimum pH range for type 2 5-alpha-reductase is pH 5-5.5.
OK, enough science for today, what the hell does that mean?
It means that if our bodies are more acidic, pH 7 or below, then the enzyme type 2, 5-alpha-reductase functions much more efficiently, creates more DHT, and consequently we lose more hair.
On the other hand, when we alkalize our bodies, the pH in our scalp becomes greater than 7. The enzyme can’t do its work of converting T to DHT, DHT isn’t produced and we don’t lose our hair as a result.
Our bodies evolved so that the foods we ate most often (fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts legumes, fish, meat….) created the best conditions for our bodies and specifically our enzymes to function in.
When we eat foods that we didn’t evolve eating (processed and pasteurized foods like grains and dairy, which you’ll notice are all highly acidic) then our bodies are pushed of balance and the enzymes start doing weird things like attacking our own bodies resulting in hair loss.
Let me quickly emphasise this point because it is very important for actually getting results and re-growing your hair. The precise enzyme which scientific studies have found to be responsible for hair loss cannot function in an alkaline cellular environment.
To create the alkaline environment and therefore stop hair loss foods with alkaline values must be consumed more than foods with acidic values.
The very best way to do this is through vegetable juicing and avoiding processed foods.
Alkalising can have a similar effect to taking propecia, but instead of having the negative side-effects of the drug, you get the positive natural side effects of being ultra-healthy.

Important! Why You Must Know About DHT Sensitivity

You’ve now learnt about the most powerful (and safe) natural DHT blocker in the world, but this is only a small part of the story, because high DHT levels are not the sole cause of hair loss.
In fact, there is something that is much more important than blocking DHT, and that’s DHT sensitivity. Or to be more precise, hair follicle DHT sensitivity.
Because when you reduce the sensitivity of your hair follicles to DHT you protect yourself against hair lose permanently. Men with pattern baldness don’t have particularly high levels of DHT, however they are more sensitive to it.
There are a few natural and powerful ways to reduce your DHT sensitivity. And to get the full instructions on these methods you’ll need to download the Hair Equilibrium Program, however, I will do a quick overview of them now.

The Balance Of Good And Bad Bacteria

In every body there is a balance between good and bad bacteria. In fact, there are more bacterial cells making up the human body than human cells, which is why it is so important that these bacteria are beneficial to your health.
These billions of bacteria cells that make up part of us are called the ‘microbiome’
However, modern life has waged a war on bacteria in the form of antibiotics, preservatives (designed to kill bacteria) chlorides and fluorides in water, processed foods lacking fibre, antibacterial hygiene products and packaged food and drinks that have been processed, microwaved, pasteurised or in one form or another killed all the bacteria.
You may be able to see with all these how our microbiome has been damaged and can easily get out of balance.
One of the side-effects of this damaged microbiome is that autoimmune problems start arising, with the body beginning to attack itself in strange and unusual ways. Think about it, have you ever wondered why your own hormone (DHT) would start attacking your own hair follicles?
This is an autoimmune problem that leads to DHT sensitivity.
Luckily, there is a lot you can do to optimise your microbiome to reduce DHT sensitivity, including adding specific strains of probiotic bacteria to your diet, as well as specially made drinks that reduce bad bacteria. This is something I cover in step-by-step detail inside the Hair Equilibrium Program and the difference it will make to your hair health can be astonishing.

Delayed Allergic Reactions To Food

Most of us are aware that some people are allergic to some specific foods, such as seafood or peanuts for example, but fewer people know that allergic reactions can also be delayed and therefore less obvious.
Because they are less obvious its harder to catch delayed allergic reactions and therefore we may be in a constant state inflammation and with autoimmune problems from these reactions.
nightshades-delayed-allergic-reactionsFor example some people are sensitive to gluten, others are sensitive to the nightshade family including tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant. It’s hard to tell what your body might not be responding well to if you aren’t aware of this. You may just feel bloated, fatigued and under slept and not understand why.
One of the problems with delayed allergic reactions is that they can cause autoimmune problems, which, in a same way as autoimmune problems from the microbiome, can also cause DHT sensitivity, leading to hair follicle miniaturisation when the DHT attacks the hair follicle.
Inside my Hair Equilibrium Program you’ll learn about a foolproof way to test which foods you may be having allergic reactions to so that you can remove them from your diet and reduce your DHT sensitivity.
If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to leave them in the comment box below which I’ll answer as soon as poss

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