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An American Affidavit

Friday, November 3, 2023




10/7 — Much More Dangerous &
Diabolical Than Anyone Knows

SOTN Editor’s Note:  After 22 years of exposing the US-government sponsored 9/11 false flag terror attacks, who doesn’t know it was an inside job perpetrated by the Zio-Anglo-American AXIS OF EVIL in order to inaugurate a ‘War on Terror’ on behalf of the Zionist State of Israel?!

Well, then, isn’t the transparent 10/7 false flag operation and inside job just a “continuation of the 9/11 plot” as well explained in the exposĂ© posted below?

Even some of the best truth-telling Alt Media sites are still validating the patently false narrative that a Palestinian-controlled Hamas carried out the 10/7 terrorist attacks.  They didn’t.  Hamas does not even posses a modicum of capability to execute such a complex and highly coordinated military operation.

Remember, Hamas was created by the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD to act as a countervailing force to the Palestinian Liberation Army.  Hamas has never launched a single missile into Israel unless ordered to by their Western masters.  Got it!

Just like there was no Osama bin Laden directing his Taliban terrorists from a cave in Afghanistan to take down the Twin Towers (and blast a hole in the Pentagon), the entire 10/7 black op and global psyop was fastidiously designed by the very same Khazarian co-conspirators to justify their subsequent Palestinian Holocaust and Gaza land grab.

What, pray tell, is difficult to comprehend about this utterly fake invasion of the most monitored friggin’ country on Earth with their Iron Dome and Talpiot spying and surveillance apparatus?!

What another bad Zionist joke this latest Khazarian clusterf*uck has turned out to be … as it was calculated to become.

Oh, really, 1400 Israelis were killed by Hamas?!  Show us the bodies.  Show us the death certificates.  No, they can’t, because those deaths never occurred, except those various hoaxes acted out by the Israeli crisis actors on TikTok and Instagram.  Of course, any murders of real Jews that really did occur were perpetrated by the IDF and their mind-controlled Hamas proxies and which were specifically staged to have maximum dramatic effect on world opinion.  Just like the perps did regarding the 19 Muslim terrorists who miraculously pulled off 9/11 with box-cutters in hand.  Wow!  Just WOW!!!

Isn’t the 10/7 absurd hoax and naked false flag op exactly like ‘The Holocaust’ that never took place the way it has been carefully narrated by the Zionist-controlled mainstream media.  As if Nazi Germany would have ever mass murdered 6,000,000 million Jews when the Wehrmacht desperately needed their slave labor in those work camps to keep their war machine operating.  Even the most authoritative historians have proven that not even 60,000 Jews died in the Holohoax … and that those who did die passed away in the very same way along with everyone else in those mislabeled concentration camps—from starvation and malnutrition, typhus and typhoid fever, diphtheria and suicide, etc.

So, are we to be believe anything whatsoever coming out of the ever-warmongering and ever-propagandizing Netanyahu government??!?!

Really, you’re gonna believe Bibi Netanyahu—the Father of Lies.

Spare us the nauseating Zionist offal—PLEASE!

State of the Nation
November 1, 2023

The Israeli-Hamas Conflict Is A Continuation of the 9/11 Plot

Paul Craig Roberts

This is not a conspiracy theory.  It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time.

The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel.  Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on terror” the wars that the American neoconservatives had called for in their publications and that General Wesley Clark told us about against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.  The purpose of Washington’s “war on terror” was to destroy Hezbollah’s suppliers–Iraq, Syria and Iran.  Israel and the neoconservatives want these three countries destroyed because they supply Hezbollah with money and weapons that permits Hezbollah to successfully repeal Israel’s attempts to occupy southern Lebanon.  Israel needs the water resources in southern Lebanon.  With the Iraq, Syrian, and Iranian regimes destroyed, avenues are opened to Greater Israel.

In other words, there was never a “war on terror.”  There was a war devised by US neocons against Israel’s opponents.  And that is precisely what the war on Hamas is about. 

It is impossible to breach the Israeli security barrier without setting off alarms.  The plot called for the barrier to be stood down.  What most likely happened is this:  Israeli agents who have infiltrated Hamas were instructed to sell Hamas on the attack by promising the ability to disable the barrier and surprise the Israelis.  Netanyahu and the neocons sacrificed Israeli lives for the outrage about Israeli deaths, rapes, and Israeli babies with cut off heads.  This would gain Israel support for destroying the remnants of Palestine and incorporating all of Palestine into Israel, thus ending any prospect of a two-stare solution and simultaneously settling Netanyahu’s legal and political problems by making him a hero who consolidated Palestine under Israel.

But the plot has wider aims, which were revealed by the almost instant appearance on the scene of US aircraft carrier task forces, the 101st Airborne Division followed by US Marines and Special Forces.  Israel, of course, does not need these American forces in order to destroy Gaza.  Pundits, reflecting either a lack of imagination or serving a disinformation function, have rationalized the presence of the US forces as a warning and protective buffer between Israel and Hezbollah/Iran.

Think about this rationale.  If Netanyahu understood that the plot might bring Iran/Hezbollah and even Syria and Iraqi volunteers down on Israel’s head, would he have sponsored a plot that initiated war with Hamas?  The answer is not unless he and the US neoconservatives want to bring Iran/Hezbollah down on Israel’s head.  And they do, which is why the US forces are in the area.  A Hezbollah attack on Israel gives the neocons, who control the US State and Defense Departments and National Security Council the excuse they need to finish the real purpose of the “war on terror”– to destroy Syria and Iran.  Iraq was taken out, but Syria and Iran remain in Israel’s way.  

Will this plot succeed?

The plot is premised on drawing Hezbollah and Iran into the war.  If they are not drawn in–and Putin is doing his best to prevent them from being drawn in–the US neoconservatives don’t have an excuse to widen the war.  The neoconservatives would be tempted to go for a false flag attack that would provide an excuse, but it would be risky and not compare to Hezbollah troops pouring into Israel and missiles raining down on Israel from Iran.  If the neocons use a false flag attack, the result of Putin’s efforts will be to take the initiative, the element of surprise, from Iran/Hezbollah and to give the initiative to the neoconservatives.  Thus Putin’s efforts to contain the conflict would turn out to be counterproductive.

The Israeli-Hamas conflict is running into trouble with the US Democrats.  Their “diversity-multicultural-open border” policy has brought Muslims into the US and into the Democrat Party and members of Congress.  Someone is getting through the neocon barrier around Biden as we can see from Biden’s efforts to dampen down the conflict, delay Israel’s invasion of Gaza, and warn Israel away from repeating Hamas’ atrocities.  If Biden succeeds in restraining Netanyahu and Putin succeeds in restraining Iran/Hezbollah, the plot will have to settle for second best.

What would second best be.  It would be  bombing the Gazans out of Gaza into the Sinai Dessert into tent cities.  Israelis are already talking about this.  In other words, the Gazans who survive would become refugees outside of Gaza.  That would only leave a few isolated Palestinian villages in the West Bank, from which the remaining Palestinians would be driven out by the Israeli settlers.

So it is possible for Israel to destroy Gaza without invading, which, as matters stand, is the trigger for Iran/Hezbollah’s entry into the conflict. What we don’t know is whether Putin can keep Iran/Hezbollah restrained if the consequence is the demise of Gaza and all hope for Palestinians.

We also don’t know if Biden and the Democrats can prevent the Republicans, who are now aligned with the neoconservatives in behalf of Israel, from egging on the war.  

Many  Republicans, such as House Speaker Mike Johnson,  are evangelicals who worship Israel more than God.  Netanyahu and American Evangelicals are invoking Biblical prophecies to stir Israelis and Americans into eschatological insanity.  Biden is discredited, and polls show that his public support is too low to permit his reelection.  Trump was recently described by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz as “the most pro-Israel President in history.”  This leaves us with the question:  Will Putin/Biden’s attempts to contain the conflict prevail or will the Republican/evangelical/neoconservative/Netanyahu efforts to widen the conflict prevail?  Time will tell.


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