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Monday, November 6, 2023

The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming


The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming

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William Makis, MD, is a brave Canadian physician, an expert in oncology and radiology, and an amazing communicator. Our interview with him is among the most important and gripping we have done.

As a cancer specialist, when they announced the mRNA vaccine, Dr. Makis already knew it was a dangerous, failed cancer treatment. He hoped they had miraculously conquered its drawbacks but was quickly disillusioned. At the “risk of losing everything”—a risk that quickly materialized—he decided he must tell the truth.

And the truth is heartbreaking. During the interview, Ginger Breggin commented that the entire technology of mRNA/DNA platforms and technologies must be suspended and banned. We called for a total ban in October 2022 as this entire technology is just out of control.

Dr. Makis responded:

“I’m obviously of the same opinion. I naively believed, at least when I first encountered this idea, that they were going to roll out, you know, the lipid nanoparticles and the mRNA…. I naively believed that they had somehow figured out all the problems with these platforms and that I was simply not aware of the latest developments…

“To my horror,” he continued, “I’ve come to realize over time that they had not figured out any of the problems with these platforms. The problems are still there. The simple fact is that the lipid nanoparticles….end up delivering their payload to the bone marrow, to the liver, the kidneys, to the heart, to the brain, to the ovaries, to the testes, so that really this ends up systemically…. It’s delivering a sequence that codes for a foreign protein that should not be delivered to healthy tissues. It should not end up systemically because you’re going to have the same problems, whether it’s the spike protein, or whether it’s an influenza protein, whether it’s an RSV protein, whether it’s an HIV protein, whatever the protein is that that will be coded. I believe the problems will be similar in terms of the injuries and deaths that we’ve seen with the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Dr. Makis also addresses the turbo cancer epidemic that is now ramping up as people continue to receive COVID vaccines and boosters. Turbo cancers are showing up, he says:

“almost always at stage four…. they’re showing up in young people and age groups where you wouldn’t expect certain types of cancers to show up. Colon cancers and breast cancers are showing up in very young people in their 20s and 30s. And they’re presenting at stage four. That is where they’re being picked up initially. The tumors seem to grow very rapidly; they grow to large sizes, and then they spread very rapidly as well….Another feature of these cancers is that they seem very resistant to chemotherapy and radiation therapy….They deploy a standard chemotherapy regimen, and it doesn’t respond to treatment.”

We were almost overwhelmed by the dreadful effects of the so-called COVID vaccines described by Dr. Makis—from the sudden deaths, including the deaths of over 70 Canadian physicians, as well as the discussion of the increasing numbers and types of cancer and resulting deaths occurring after the vaccine.

Dr. William Makis is a hero and one of the clearest clarion voices in the health freedom movement. He gave us one of our most informative, heartfelt, and inspiring shows. The interview is transforming! Listen and share it for the sake of your friends and humanity.

Join us on our Substack for conversation and comments here.

First aired Oct. 14, 2023 on AmericaOutLoud.news

Follow Dr. William Makis, MD, on Twitter/X at @MakisMD

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COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, authored by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, now in bookstores everywhere. Bulk quantities of books available at special discount--contact us at bregginbooks@hotmail.com.

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COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by the Breggins

*in Health Care Delivery

Peter R Breggin MD www.Breggin.com
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