Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Some county and state lawmakers are starting to get better informed and more concerned.


Some county and state lawmakers are starting to get better informed and more concerned.

Tools to help them understand what's happening and respond appropriately.

Orientation for new readers.

Reconstitution starter pack.


I think it's important to have a credible chain of transmission for legitimate governing authority across time. If and when the current US federal government collapses due to loss of constitutional legitimacy and public trust, governing authority can revert to lower levels: state and county lawmakers, judges, prosecutors and executives.

To the extent those state and county leaders understand what's happening, retain public trust by demonstrating strong, trustworthy leadership, and position themselves to stabilize their own political jurisdictions during the collapse, they will also be prepared to 1) eventually reconstitute a legitimate federal government that conforms to the US Constitution, natural law and divine law and 2) organize public criminal trials for the traitors who have orchestrated the covert, public-health-predicated, treason and sedition campaign known as "Covid-19" since January 2020.

Many individuals and organizations have been working throughout the Covid-19 constitutional crisis¹ to educate county and state legislators, law enforcement officers, judges and governors about their constitutional authority to step in and protect life, liberty and property when federal government officials (Congress, President, federal judges, cabinet secretaries) are demonstrably unable or unwilling to do so.

WeThePeople50 is one of those organizations.

WeThePeople50 works with citizens and with county and state lawmakers across the United States to help people understand the intrinsic toxicity of the biochemical weapons presented to the public as "Covid-19 vaccines" and "mRNA platform technologies," and to help county and state lawmakers recognize their constitutional duty and use their constitutional authority to protect and defend the people who live within their political jurisdictions.

In May 2023, WeThePeople50 organizer Laura Demaray requested and obtained time on the Washington County (Idaho) Board of Commissioners' agenda.

Demaray arranged for testimony by Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. James Thorp, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Sasha Latypova.

May 22, 2023 - Washington County Commissioners Meeting, minutes (excerpts); BitChute video; Sasha Latypova Substack reporting and link to evidence package.


Laura Demaray met with the Board. Demaray presented copies of the resolution to the Board for review. Demaray stated her words are her own opinion and that she supports a Resolution to Halt and Recall the MRNA Technology Platforms and Injections. Demaray provided the number of persons who have suffered damages due to injections. Demaray stated that there are plans to administer shots to children. Demaray discussed damage to livestock as well.

Dr. Lindsay addressed the Board. Lindsay stated both MRNA and Pfizer DNA are contaminated. Lindsay stated that the injections are cancer causing. Anyone injected may become resistant. Lindsay stated that the matter has been brought forward to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), but no response has been received. Lindsay requested immediate recall of the vaccines.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Texas, discussed his background. McCullough stated that in his opinion, all the Covid 19 vaccines are not safe. McCullough discussed symptoms from the vaccines. McCullough further stated that the vaccines are not medically necessary and did not stop Covid 19. McCullough informed the Board that the vaccines do not prevent the spreading of the disease. McCullough further stated that there are no benefit vaccines and that they have caused extraordinary harm and should be removed from markets.

Dr. James Thorp, Florida, addressed the Board. Thorp stated he has been practicing for 44 years. Thorp informed the Board that he has seen increased complications in pregnancies. Thorp stated that this is the most lethal drug ever rolled out.

Dr. Ryan Cole, Boise, stated that his opinions expressed today are his own. Cole provided a brief background to the Board. Cole stated that there has been an increase in cancer after the roll out of the injections. Cole informed the Board there are no long-term safety studies available on any of the products. Cole stated that the injections have altered the ability of immune systems.

Dr. Sasha Latypova provided a review of her background to the Board. Latypova stated that consumer protection laws were suspended for these injections. Latypova informed the Board that she believes that it is urgent that a vote of no confidence be issued regarding the vaccines. Latypova further stated that the animal testing that was conducted was fraudulent, and that contamination cannot be traced. Latypova stated that the vaccines need to be fully investigated and tested.

Demaray reviewed materials provided to the Board. Demaray stated that she came to the Board because if the authorities above the Commissioners do not protect citizens it falls to the Board and the Sheriff.

Demaray, Lindsay, Latypova and others have since testified before several other county and state boards, commissions and committees. [At Dr. Lindsay’s invitation, I participated in a panel providing information to the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Committee last week: slide deck.]

Building on their experiences with several county and state legislative bodies, WeThePeople50 has put together a how-to guide, a template letter requesting a meeting, and two versions of a draft resolution.

Word and PDF formats:

How to approach county commissioners and county clerks, also known as "lesser magistrates." - Word; PDF

A book that conveys the value, authority and duty of lesser magistrates is “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” by Matthew Trewhella (2013).

1. Look up on the internet who your county commissioners are and their county clerk. On their website you can see the usual meeting times, agendas and contact numbers.

2. Call the county clerk and ask "How does someone get on the agenda at the board of commissioners meeting?" Ask if zoom is available for others that you would like to join you to speak at the board of commissioners meeting.

3. The clerk will explain the procedure for getting on the agenda, and they will often offer 3-15 minutes for you on the agenda.  You can take that time to speak or if you need more time, such as for a presentation from a science and medical team, or any other subject matter expert, you can let them know for your subject matter you really need about 30 minutes or more and ask how would it be possible for a very important issue. 

4. The clerk will ask you what the subject of your presentation. You can share that it’s regarding the multiple adverse effects of the genetic covid shot to your community or friends and family, and that it is on the childhood schedule currently.  You can share that would like to have some subject matter experts present to your commissioners in an appeal to your lesser magistrates regarding the danger of contaminated genetic shots and their county-level authority to address the danger and protect county residents. Sometimes that will be enough and sometimes the clerk will ask you to reach out to the commissioner chair for permission to be on the agenda.

5. You may simply share that you would like them to watch a video of the presentation, or you may want the group of subject matter experts to present on zoom. Let us know and we will help as much as we can to get you presenters no matter how rural or urban your county may be. WethePeople50 can provide some of your subject matter experts. Please notify us a few weeks before your scheduled meeting, so we can put your meeting on our schedule and line up testimony.

6. Prepare a brief speech. It should be less than 4 minutes long. You should time it and practice it before the meeting, so you can stand strong in front of the county commissioners, county staff, and possible audience of your fellow citizens.

7. Prepare a county commission resolution or action item letter to present at your meeting for their team to consider, to sign and send to your state Attorney General or Governor.

8. This may take two visits to your board: the first to educate, the second visit to present our resolution or action letter as an action item.

9. You can also approach your local state legislators, your Attorney General, Governor, your county sheriff, your health district boards, your school boards, and even your US legislators (Congress members and Senators) with a similar approach of simply calling and asking how to do it. 

10. If you are given time with a legislative aide at the US legislators' office, realize that legislative aides are the workers, researchers, and opinion drivers for your US Representative or Senator. It is worth your time to connect and share your valuable information with them.

Remember to be sincere, polite, and have no fear. 

The territory that you approach is often opposition or at best neutral territory.  

Prayer, having a friend go with you to be in the room as moral support, and putting on the whole armor of God will be helpful.

Template: Letter to County Commissioners, County Clerk, County Staff - Word; PDF

Dear [County] Commissioners, Clerk and Staff [or state/federal legislators, governor, prosecutors];

I am reaching out to request 30-45 minutes of your time in [__weeks/next month] to present information about a topic that most [state or commonwealth] residents have heard about — genetic 'vaccine' platform technologies — but may not know the details and adverse effects to adults, children, and even livestock.

The presentation would include a brave team of scientists, toxicologists, genomicists, and doctors that I will invite to attend via zoom from around the nation. These men and women have already participated in many similar informational meetings for county and state officials across the country in recent months.

We will present the evidence of data, materials, and peer-reviewed studies that I can leave with you for your review.  This little group of brave people risk their lives, jobs, licenses, certifications, and privacy to be a resource at these informational meetings and to share their hard-earned expertise.

I and my colleagues can make the scientifically irrefutable case that this technology is contaminated, adulterated, and misbranded causing death and disability to the people of [state or commonwealth]. These deleterious injections and gene therapy technologies cause irreversible damage to children, fetuses, and adults and animals. This technology is now on the routine child immunization schedule and will be in more products than just Covid shots, including other childhood vaccines and flu shots. This contaminated and harmful technology is going to be in our once trustworthy livestock vaccines soon as well.  

I am a resident in [county] but will have residents from [other counties] with me there for the presentation.

Even if this is a subject that is frightening or offensive, or even if one believes media messages that the injections are “safe and effective,” perhaps our presentation will be the first opportunity to hear the rest of the story.

It could be the best dialogue with some of the bravest and informed subject matter experts that you may ever have regarding this historical, and egregious DNA and life altering technology. 

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

St. John of Capistrano. Historisches Museum, Bamberg.


Bailiwick reporting and analysis on Covid-19 as constitutional crisis camouflaged as ‘public health emergency’:

All content is free to all readers.

All support — reading, sharing and financial — is deeply appreciated.


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