Joachim Hagopian, Countdown to Armageddon

Joachim Hagopian

Over this last weekend, Hamas escalated its rocket attacks on Israel. On Sunday October 29th,  Sputnik reported that three divisions of Israeli Defense Forces along with several US brigades amounting to 5,000 American boots on the ground jointly invaded Gaza on Saturday October 28th as a developing joint ground war invasion into Gaza. This comes after the US has repeatedly lied, denying that it would send troops to Israel. Yet back in August 2023, it’s just been unveiled that the US all the while was covertly building a US military base inside Israel just 20 miles from Gaza in preparation for this war in October. In other words, this entire Israel-Hamas conflict was engineered jointly by US and Israel, clearly planned long in advance and the fact that the US has soldiers on the ground in Gaza fighting with Israel against Palestinians is a huge provocation that will not be tolerated by the unified Islamic nations within the Middle East.

Just as US/NATO waged an illegal coup in 2014 and deceptively built up the Ukraine army as a sworn enemy of Russia, forcibly provoking Putin in self-defense to defend his fellow ethnic Russians in Donbass, the same pattern is being repeated in the not-so-hidden hand of the US and Israel engineering the October 7th staged Hamas “invasion” to justify the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs from their ancient homeland. The same deceitful, bloodthirsty tactics are used over and over again by the US, Israel and the West, who are definitely on the wrong side of history, both morally and strategically. Directed by the Satanic dictates of the City of London controllers that decided long ago to throw the too affluent West under the bus, puppet regimes in the West simply follow their orders even if it means treasonously imposing suicide on their countries.

The Israeli press was quick to tout success for last weekend’s ground invasion in Gaza against Hamas, though the alt-news military outlet South Front reported that Israeli forces encountered stiff opposition from entrenched Hamas resistance. According to IDF, the Israeli army also intensified its missile strikes in Gaza, targeting 450 Hamas command centers, observation posts, missile launch positions while engaging active gunfire by the Hamas enemy.

As of October 29th, the Gaza Health Ministry claimed the Palestinian death toll to be 8,306, with 3, 324 deceased children. It’s now over 9,000 dead with upwards of 4,000 children wiped out. In fact, more children have been killed in Gaza since October 7th than all children killed in conflicts around the world since 2019. This is a disgraceful crime against humanity that the US is aiding and abetting, and with troops on the ground now, the US is directly involved in this war. Both countries need to be tried for their egregious war crimes. Meanwhile, all 1,400 Israeli lives were lost on the very first day during the false flag Hamas “surprise attack” on October 7th. But Israeli eyewitness accounts claim that IDF forces actually fired on and murdered their own Israeli civilians during that preplanned attack, directly contributing to that 1,400 Israeli death count while an estimated 230 abducted Israelis still remain in Gaza as Hamas hostages.

Based on the now three weeks of fighting, IDF Home Front Commander Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo made the ominous statement:

This war will be long, weeks or months.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said on Saturday October 28th that the second phase of the war has commenced, the long-anticipated ground invasion of Gaza. A complete blackout of all internet and cellphones in Gaza effectively cuts off the besieged Palestinians from contact with the outside world, undoubtedly ensuring total suppression of Israel’s ugly atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian civilians. British religious scholar Hamza Andreas Tzortzis wrote on Monday October 30th on X:

If it was not obvious from the carpet bombing, use of white phosphorus, and indiscriminate killing that the Zionist government of Israel [has] clear genocidal intentions, then the… reference to Palestinians as Amalek in Netanyahu’s speech describing his plans for Gaza should be enough to convince you. The biblical reference to Amalek is genocidal. The Bible commands to wipe out Amalek, including women, babies, children, and animals. Why are Western politicians silent? Stop the genocide now!

Meanwhile, with US having sent two naval carrier groups to the region in “defense of Israel,” flip side to help slaughter Palestinian “woman, babies, children and animals,” thousands of additional US troops are now fighting in Gaza and Middle East, committing its full unwavering military death machine support with US boots on the ground jointly carrying out genocide with Israel against Palestinians. Hamas was created and funded by both Israel and US to divide and prevent Palestinian unity and nationhood autonomy. A couple days prior to the October 7th “Hamas invasion,” Biden even gave $75 million to Hamas knowing about the upcoming invasion, as if to reward Hamas to be the catalyst to start WWIII.

Recent US airstrikes against Iran-backed militant groups in Iraq and Syria came in retaliation for alleged Islamic resistance rocket fire against the uninvited US illegal occupiers refusing to leave Syria and Iraq after many years of killing. In fact, the US is cutting off supplies entering Syria in another siege and again, attempting to assassinate Syrian President Assad. These aggressive US provocations are once again confirmation that the US is gearing up for the wider Middle East war against not just Hamas but Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and entire nation of Islam as well. Satanists rule over US-Israel-Western governments.

In a Saturday October 28th Al Jazeera interview, Raisi responded to US/Israeli aggression:

Iran considers it its duty to support the resistance groups, but … the resistance groups are independent in their opinion, decision, and action. The United States knows very well our current capabilities and knows that they are impossible to overcome.

Also on Saturday October 28th, Iran President Ebrahim Raisi put out this cryptic message via X (formerly Twitter):

Zionist regime’s crimes have crossed the red lines, which may force everyone [Islamic bloc] to take action. Washington asks us to not do anything, but they keep giving widespread support to Israel. The US sent messages to the Axis of Resistance but received a clear response on the battlefield.

The next day on Sunday October 29th, Iran’s Tasmin New Agency divulged yet another Raisi comment:

Americans who claim human rights, who equip and support this fake and anti-human regime with military equipment for crimes in Gaza, what answer do they have to their nation and the nations of the world for these actions?

From a Friday October 27th Sputnik article:

Instead of ramping up tensions, as predicted by Washington neocons, Iran has instead joined Russia, China, Brazil, Turkiye and other powers in calling for an immediate halt to the fighting, with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian telling United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in a meeting Friday that Iran is prepared to back ‘any political solution aimed at halting’ Israeli ‘crimes against humanity.’

So the only criminal activity being waged in the Middle East now is Israel and the US, backing themselves up into a corner that will not end well for either nation. It’s also come to light that a leaked Israeli Ministry of Intelligence document issued October 13th exposes the latest conniving Zionist Greater Israel Project agenda to eliminate the Palestinian population by genocide and forced migration south to Egypt’s Sinai Desert. Egypt refuses to accept displaced Palestinians viewing Israel’s inhumane aggression as a war crime. The bottom-line is Israel has malific design to steal Gaza’s maritime offshore oil reserves in the east Mediterranean Sea.

Israel’s evacuation order for Gaza residents in the north to move south was presented as a humanitarian heads-up for Palestinians to move to safety. But it too was more deception as refugee convoys in compliance with the order were repeatedly bombed by Israeli airstrikes killing more Gazan families. Jewish State war crimes against the Palestinians have grown more diabolically evil over time because for longer than it’s been a nation, Israel’s been allowed to get away with them for over three-quarters of a century with total impunity, fully protected and supported by United States hegemony.

But those days are over now. The US is no longer the unipolar superpower bully it once was as “the American century” expired and the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire always on the wrong side of history is now also about to expire. It’s currently going down in flames. The Zio empire’s divide and rule effectively pitting Sunni against Shiite Moslems is no longer working. The stronger, more unified than ever Islamic world in the Middle East will not tolerate continued extermination of the Palestinian people much longer. Led by Iran, backed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and oil-rich Gulf States, even nuke-powered Pakistan, the US-Israel genocidal aggression is being strongly challenged in word now but very soon I’m afraid on the battlefield as well. Before it’s all said and done, the entire Islamic world and their multipolar leaders as strategic allies Russia and China will all be stepping in against the bad guy puppets in the West following City of London orders. So, it’s more than obvious to the world nation majority that US, Israel and collective West’s overt, belligerent provocations deliberately attempting to plunge the planet perilously into an imminent World War III Armageddon showdown will either make the West, with the most to lose, pay for its sins, or if it quickly gets out of hand to strategically nuclear exchange,  then every earthling becomes a loser with plausibly, the end of the Homo sapiens species… stakes cannot be any higher.

Joining Henry Kissinger’s prophetic 2012 statement that “in 10 years, there will be no more Israel,” Ali Akbar Velayati, senior adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, stated on Monday October 16th:

[Israel] will be gone soon and the Palestinian nation will be victorious in the final battle.

Even the propaganda factory – The New York Times – came down on Israel’s bloodbath on October 30th, reporting that the Biden regime is becoming uneasy over the amount of Palestinian civilian casualties Israel is racking up:

Have you thought through how public opinion will turn if civilian casualties mount, or whether the crisis in Gaza might draw in Hezbollah or other militias? … It became evident to US officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign … If anything, countries around the world, especially developing nations, are moving the other way as the Palestinian death toll grows. Even European allies of the United States are divided on Israel’s war.

Not that the warmongering psychopaths in Washington actually care about Palestinian loss of life, but they are growing concerned about the worldwide blowback against US support of the Israeli genocide.

The entire planet is increasingly worried that the evil controllers of this world are plunging humanity off Armageddon cliff. We all have good reason for concern. There is a dangerously foreboding planetary configuration coming up in the next week and a half on November 13th that indicates something very big and explosive will most likely suddenly break out involving war planet Mars moving through its own intense, explosive, even vengeful sign Scorpio, lined up exactly in the same degree as the New Moon-Sun conjunction, and all three planets are exactly opposite Uranus. I predict a very ominous, horrific event may go down at that time, in my opinion a false flag attack on US Navy ships as part of the carrier groups in the Middle East in order to blame Iran/Hezbollah to ignite World War III that Illuminati Freemason Albert Pike predicted 152 years ago with his Islam vs. Judeo-Christian WWIII Armageddon scenario. Satanists are the ones in control on earth for a very long time making all the big moves on their geopolitical chessboard, and they’ve been lusting for their wet dream of massive depopulation for well over a century to usher in their one world government technocratic dystopian tyranny. They may make their biggest move yet to make it happen a few days away on Monday November 13th.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global and currently and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).