Fluoride Information

Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. When in doubt, get it out.

An American Affidavit

Friday, November 17, 2023

For those working at the state and county level in the United States.


For those working at the state and county level in the United States.

Orientation for new readers.

Bailiwick readers interested in pushing for Tenth Amendment remedies may find it useful to focus on two tasks:

1. Helping current state and county lawmakers identify the public health emergency laws already on state books as of June 2012, and any additional, related laws passed since 2012 that should be repealed by the current legislature; and

2. Helping current state and county lawmakers understand that the events presented as “deadly global pandemics” to justify the initial adoption of those state- and county-level laws and the current expansion push, were not deadly global pandemics at all, which are not biologically possible, but were only facsimiles of deadly global pandemics combined with extensive state and county indoctrination programs (federally-funded and directed) to ensure that health care workers and law enforcement officers would respond to linguistic-legal cues (federal claims about the existence of a  'public health emergency') with programmed authoritarian behaviors (lockdown, testing, distancing and masking orders, programs and enforcement), so that people would submit to biochemical weapons labeled as treatments and vaccines (maximum lethality with maximum deniability) as the compliance conditions under which lockdown, testing, distancing and masking programs would be reduced.

Legislative acts to repeal the 'public health emergency' management laws at the state level — and thus break key links in the chain of authority enabling the killing programs — will include a 'findings' section, laying out the web of lies as spun by federal public health officials led by HHS Secretaries Alex Azar (2020-2021) and Xavier Becerra (2021-present):

The 'findings' sections will include summaries of

  • Federal government subordination to UN-WHO International Health Regulations on 'public health emergencies;' American implementing statutes, regulations and programs; and prohibitions on legislative and judicial oversight (1944-present)

  • Federal government execution of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act lobbying campaign at the state level (2001-present), driving the 'public health emergency' fraud into state law in all 50 states and District of Columbia

  • State and county LEO and public health emergency indoctrination programs (federally-funded and directed)

  • Falsified case-fatality-rate data

  • Falsified diagnostic data program (PCR tests and “dashboards”)

  • Falsified safety and efficacy data for off-label use of existing medications

  • Federally-incentivized/directed hospital ICD-10 medical coding fraud

  • Federally-incentivized/directed hospital homicide/Remdesivir protocols

  • Federally-incentivized/directed cause-of-death and all-cause-mortality data fraud

  • Falsified clinical drug/device/biologics development/clinical trial procedures and records

  • Falsified FDA regulatory authorization/approval compliance procedures and records

  • Falsified FDA manufacturing compliance/contamination control procedures and records

  • Falsified CDC safety monitoring procedures and records (VAERS, V-safe)

The process of helping lawmakers understand that the entire story told by Azar, Becerra and other federal government officials has been a lie, will be difficult and time-consuming.

People do not find it pleasant to realize they’ve been thoroughly deceived, especially when they and their loved ones have been poisoned because of the lies, and when their loved ones have died or will die prematurely because of the lies.

And there is a lot of political pressure being brought to bear from the other side, as the killers work to use the momentum and fear generated by the Covid-19 story, to add more layers of legal cover for the crimes they are committing now and intend to commit in the future.

They frame the story as “the world got surprised by a deadly global pandemic, and the legal tools weren’t strong enough, so they must be strengthened so the world can be better prepared for the next one.”

However, events in peoples' lives — observable illness and death corresponding with vaccination-status, and memory of the actual experience most people have had throughout their lives recovering from ordinary colds and flus, including since 2020 — help to make the case, and will make the case stronger as time passes. 

Distrust and suspicion of federal government motives and programs are growing, and that has to happen for the state and county political remedies to become more politically feasible.

Related Bailiwick reporting and analysis:

St. Albert preaching to St. Thomas and St. Bonaventure. Painting by Luigi Alvise Donati

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