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Friday, November 3, 2023

End of the World Prophecies and the War in Israel


End of the World Prophecies and the War in Israel

Are “the prophets” promoting the war to fulfill “Bible prophecy”? Did “the prophets” help stage the war?

Let’s call this a dream. Keep in mind, though, that every fact I point to in the dream is real. Quite real.

Real in the sense that religionists believe the facts and use them to form a hardened position about time, the future, the end of the world as we know it—and these people have actual physical objects which have electric meaning for them. The objects stand in Israel, or they’re said to be buried below the surface of the ground in Israel. And to the people who care about them, they’re as important as food or water or light or life or death. Or what happens after death.

My dream starts simply—I see mobs and mobs and armies of people assaulting and killing each other in Jerusalem.


They’re killing each other in a particular area of Jerusalem at a VERY holy shrine called The Dome of the Rock. Which is, if you ask millions of Muslims, THE ROCK from which the Great Prophet Muhammad, departing Earth, stepped off into Heaven.

Over decades, several dedicated Jewish groups have tried to attack and destroy the Rock. Or seemed to. Or seemed about to. They were stopped.

If they’d succeeded, it’s quite possible many, many millions of Muslims would have journeyed to Jerusalem and started a Holy War. MILLIONS.

In my dream, the mobs are battling and killing each other to prevent or succeed in the mission of destroying the Rock.

In the mid-1980s, I wrote an article about the Rock and associated issues, for LA Weekly. In the piece, I mentioned a conversation I had with a Christian Texas preacher. He’d given money for the legal defense, in Israel, of a group of Israelis who had been arrested while trying to attack the Rock. He was an End Times Preacher. I asked him whether the notion of a major war in Israel bothered him. He told me he slept well at night. He knew God would handle the situation. If God wanted a major war, He’d have one. If not, He wouldn’t.

To be clear, we’re talking about Armageddon. THE war. The final one. In the so-called End Times. When the world is visited by horrendous destruction—and then through God and Jesus—it’s changed forever. Into something much better. But the True Believers believe the war must and will happen first.

In researching the article for LA Weekly, I got the distinct impression there were Christian End Times groups in the US who were rooting for Armageddon, and through money, influence, and nudging, were trying to promote it into existence.

For them, the most simple and direct way was: attack the Rock.


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